Dill water for nursing mothers recipes. Dill water to enhance lactation

Today, any pharmacy offers a wide range of medicines, which help improve lactation in young mothers. Most are effective, but they tend to be quite expensive. But there is a more economical option, which was known to our grandmothers - this is taking dill water. This article will be dedicated to her. Let's consider it beneficial features, methods of production and application.

Useful properties of dill

Many people are familiar with dill as a seasoning with a pleasant aroma. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that this is also very useful plant, which has a positive effect on the health of a nursing mother and her baby.

Dill is a source of vitamins C and B, folic acid, niacin and iron. Most women who breastfeed their baby are forced to deny themselves many foods. This means that in the body of the mother and her infant there may be a shortage useful microelements and vitamins. In this case, dill will help replenish the missing substances beneficial to the body.

Dill helps improve lactation, which is very important for a baby. It is during this period that the formation begins child's body, and with breast milk the baby receives all the nutrients necessary for his health.

Dill also has a positive effect on gastrointestinal function. intestinal tract helping to combat constipation and intestinal colic. It helps the baby with bloating and cramps.

Of course, dill can be eaten in the form of greens or seeds as part of various salads and other dishes. However, dill water for a child breastfeeding– this is the most effective method compensate for the lack of useful microelements.

Is it permissible for a nursing mother to eat dill?

Now, knowing about the benefits of dill, many young mothers may have a question: can a nursing mother take dill water? Of course yes! In addition, dill greens, both fresh and processed, are very useful. Fresh dill greens can be eaten during breastfeeding within 10 days after the baby is born.

For a nursing mother to continue breastfeeding, an important condition is to maintain lactation. Dill water copes with this task perfectly. You just need to know how to cook it correctly.

The use of dill water against intestinal colic

When a child is born, the digestive system is not yet fully formed, which is not yet capable of producing a sufficient amount of enzymes involved in the digestion of food. This often causes the accumulation of gases in the intestines of a newborn baby and becomes a problem not only for the baby himself, but also for the mother. Intestinal colic in a baby can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • The baby is in severe pain;
  • His suffering is accompanied by loud crying;
  • The baby pulls his legs, trying to bring them as close to his tummy as possible.

In most cases, colic may subside three months after birth. But mothers can help their child earlier. Often, for colic that torments infants, pediatricians prescribe a number of medicines having side effects.

First, you should try folk remedies, among which dill water treatment is the most popular. It is given to the baby to drink either directly into the mouth, or as part of the milk formula in the case of mixed or artificial feeding. The following dosage must be observed: teaspoon healing agent 3 times a day. Dill water helps to relax the intestinal muscles, which facilitates easier passage of gases.

However, remember that you should not overuse dill infusion. It has long been observed that children who drink a lot of liquid begin to drink less mother's milk. This negatively affects lactation.

How much dill decoction can be given to a child should be decided by the pediatrician monitoring him. It is necessary to strictly follow all his recommendations so as not to harm the health of the baby.

Dill water to improve lactation and prolong youth

Today, more and more often, young mothers have problems with the formation of breast milk. It is either produced in negligible quantities or disappears completely. Many find a way out by switching to artificial nutrition milk formulas, but it cannot provide the newborn with the composition of substances necessary for the baby that is in mother’s milk.

Drinking dill water for a nursing mother will be most the best way maintaining lactation. Drink it every day 30 minutes before each feeding of the baby. A single dose should be approximately half a glass of medicinal decoction.

This folk remedy It was widely used by our great-grandmothers. At that time there were no such drugs available to improve lactation. modern women. Therefore, our great-grandmothers drank brewed dill seeds or greens to preserve and improve lactation.

Even today, asking many older women what method of improving lactation they consider the most effective, they will answer without hesitation that it is dill. After all, dill water for a nursing woman has long been a life-saving remedy for lactation disorders.

Dill decoction also has something like this wonderful property as skin rejuvenation. Our grandmothers not only knew about this, but also actively applied it to themselves. Lotions with water were applied to the skin around the eyes. To give your skin radiance and make it smoother, you need to regularly wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in dill solution.

This way you can get double the benefits from using the miracle cure.

Preparation of a healing decoction

Preparing dill water will not take much time and will not cause any difficulties, because the recipes for brewing it are quite simple. We will tell you how to prepare dill water in three ways.

  1. You will need one tablespoon of seeds and a glass of boiling water. To obtain a healing decoction, the seeds are brewed with boiling water, allowed to brew for 15 minutes, and then filtered. Healing water ready!
  2. You can use fresh dill for brewing, after finely cutting it. One tablespoon of greens should be brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for an hour. After this period, the infusion must be filtered.
  3. The third option for preparing dill water is more suitable for production in the prescription and production department of a pharmacy, where everything is done under conditions of maximum sterility. If you were able to purchase dill essential oil at a pharmacy, it can serve as a basis for healing dill broth. To do this, drop essential oil (1 ml) into 1 liter of water.

Prepare the amount of infusion that is needed for one day. It is advisable to prepare a fresh infusion daily, despite the fact that dill water retains its quality characteristics for a month. The broth should be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

There are many products on pharmacy shelves that can improve lactation. All kinds of vitamin supplements, herbal teas and the drugs really do their job successfully. However, you can try to save money and experience the effects of the products that our great-grandmothers used, for example, dill water. This is exactly what we will discuss in this article: how to prepare it, in what dosage to drink and give to the child, and for how long.

Healing properties of dill

Dill is not only a fragrant seasoning, but also one of the healthiest plants. After all, dill contains many vitamins and microelements: nicotinic acid, folic acid, vitamins C and B, as well as iron. Well, if you consider that the diet of nursing mothers is often quite limited, it becomes obvious that thanks to dill you can get many necessary and useful substances.

Dill improves digestion, helps relieve bloating and constipation, and is an excellent and safe remedy for cramps and colic.

Of course, greens or dill seeds can be consumed by adding to salads or hot dishes. But the effect will be even more noticeable if dill is used to make a special healing infusion.

What is dill water?

Interestingly, dill water is a decoction of two plants at once: dill and fennel. Fennel tastes practically no different from the usual garden dill. However, it contains a much higher concentration of substances beneficial to the body.

If a young mother drinks dill water every day, this will help save the baby from many problems with digestive system, in particular, from bloating and colic. Of course, only a small amount ends up in milk useful substances, however, this is quite enough to achieve positive result. However, there is dill water Another unique and very useful property for a nursing mother: it allows you to improve lactation, that is, increase the amount of milk produced, as well as increase its quality by an order of magnitude.

Preparation method

Making dill water is very simple: just make a strong decoction of ordinary dill seeds by pouring one full tablespoon (heaped) of seeds with one glass of boiling water. Infuse healing decoction should take about 15 minutes. You can make water from fresh dill. To do this, you will need one tablespoon of finely chopped greens, which you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Making fennel water is even easier. Pharmacies sell ready-made fennel oil. To get a healing tincture, adding one or two drops of this oil per liter of water is enough. You shouldn’t overdo it: oil contains beneficial substances in fairly high concentrations, and their excess can be just as harmful as a deficiency.

You don’t have to prepare the water, but instead eat fresh dill. It is recommended to do this from the tenth day of the baby’s life.

Store prepared dill water in a cool, dark place in a tightly closed glass container. Water retains its properties for approximately 30 days

Dill water and colic

A baby is born with an immature digestive system, which is not only very delicate and vulnerable in structure, but also does not produce all the enzymes for complete digestion of food. Therefore, quite often infants Gases accumulate in the intestines, which cause a lot of grief not only for the child, but also for his mother.

The baby is in pain, crying, trying to pull his legs as close to his tummy as possible. All these are symptoms of so-called colic. Of course, as a rule, colic goes away by the age of three months, but this does not mean that you should not try to alleviate the baby’s condition at an earlier age.

By the way, water can also be mixed with breast milk, strained into a bottle

Pediatricians often prescribe for the treatment of colic various drugs, which can have a number of unpleasant side effects. Therefore, you should first try to use traditional methods, the most popular of which is dill water. The method of using the product is quite simple. Water should be given to the baby one teaspoon at a time (single dosage, up to 3-4 times a day), or directly into the mouth, or added to the milk formula during artificial or artificial feeding. Thanks to regular use Dill water relaxes the intestinal muscles, making it easier to pass gas.

Advice for nursing mothers: you should not get carried away with this drug too much, because if you constantly give your baby dill water and other liquids, he may begin to drink less breast milk, which will negatively affect lactation.

You should carefully follow the recommended dosage and abandon the idea: the more dill water the child drinks, the more pronounced and rapid the effect will be. If the baby is not yet two weeks old, you can drop 15 drops of dill water on his tongue, this is the maximum dosage for a single dose; you can give water up to three times a day.

Dill water for lactation

Unfortunately, many young mothers are faced with such a problem as lactation disorders; By various reasons(stress, poor nutrition, illness, taking medications) milk becomes less, it loses its fat content or disappears completely. Of course, in this case you can switch to mixtures, but it is known that it is in breast milk contains everything necessary for normal development baby substance. Dill water will help you cope with this problem when breastfeeding. It should be taken daily, half a glass half an hour before each feeding of the child.

Drinking dill water while breastfeeding will increase milk production and at the same time improve its quality

The healers give some pretty interesting advice: do not drink dill water, but hang a linen bag with dill seeds in the place where you breastfeed your baby. It is believed that even the smell of dill can stimulate lactation. You can add a little anise or ginger to the seeds. Whether to believe this advice or not is up to the nursing mother to decide.

We must not forget about other factors that can negatively affect lactation. Often milk production decreases due to insufficient nutrition: you should not sit on strict diet immediately after childbirth, trying to regain a beautiful figure.

It's better to put off diets and physical exercise until the end of breastfeeding. In addition, milk production may be poorer due to severe stress, therefore, the young mother’s relatives need to protect her from psychological discomfort in every possible way.

You should not think that dill water is a panacea; the fight against insufficient lactation should be comprehensive.

Does dill water have any contraindications?

Even this mild remedy, like dill, has contraindications. Dill water is absolutely not recommended for women who suffer from hypotension. Dill contains a substance called anetine, which has the property of dilating blood vessels. As a result, the pressure drops even more, which can lead to loss of strength, dizziness and even fainting. However, do not despair: a young mother whose blood pressure is constantly low will be helped by dill analogues that do not contain anetine: cumin, anise and fennel. A decoction of these plants is no less effective for preventing colic and improving lactation than dill water.

Dill water for a nursing mother is a real storehouse of vitamins, microelements and nutrients

Dill should be used with caution by a nursing mother who suffers from food allergies or has a history of cholelithiasis: dill water stimulates the production of bile. In other cases, you can safely drink dill water to stimulate lactation and to relieve your baby from colic.

Dill water has proven its effectiveness; it is recommended by many pediatricians as a natural and safe means, which allows you to increase lactation and relieve the baby from unpleasant colic. Do not forget about contraindications and carefully monitor your health and psychological comfort!

During the breastfeeding stage, it is especially important to follow the principles balanced nutrition, if possible, reduce the use of any medications, limit allergens. Greens have long been actively used as seasonings and belong to the category healthy products. Dill is unique in that, thanks to its rich composition of valuable substances, taste and aroma, it adds piquancy to dishes, and is also widely used in scientific and folk medicine, in perfumery, cosmetology. Let's figure out why dill and dill water are useful and harmful for nursing mothers. When and how can you introduce this herb into your diet?

What beneficial substances does dill contain?

Dill is unique plant. All elements contain valuable substances: stems, leaves, seeds. The specific smell is given to dill by essential oils, which are especially abundant in the seeds. The plant contains a whole range of vitamins C, B, A, E, PP, minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium. Dill fruits contain fixed oils and protein.

The abundance of fiber helps the functioning of the digestive system. The antispasmodic drug Anetin is made from the fruit, which is used in the treatment of heart diseases, neuroses, pain syndromes abdominal organs.

Various extracts from herbs and dill seeds are widely used for the preparation of perfumery and cosmetic compositions. Fatty and essential oils from dill seeds, alcohol, oil and carbon dioxide extracts are added to creams, colognes, toothpaste. In cosmetics, it is recommended to use an infusion of dill leaves in the form of a lotion on inflamed and reddened eyes from fatigue.



Video: beneficial properties of the plant

The effect of the product on the body of a nursing mother and child: benefits and harms

Due to the rich content of vitamins and minerals, dill in any form has a beneficial effect on the body of a nursing mother and child. Official instructions By pharmacological group classifies the herb as an antispasmodic plant origin. In addition to this effect, dill has the following effects:

  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hypotensive;
  • choleretic;
  • carminative;
  • lactogenic.

The plant has a complex effect on the body of a nursing mother and child. Thanks to high content fiber, essential oils, vitamins, minerals, dill improves work digestive tract, removes toxins, normalizes energy metabolism, increases appetite. Women who breastfeed often suffer from intestinal problems: pain, flatulence, constipation. Using fresh herbs or a decoction of seeds in the composition complex therapy, can be greatly simplified unpleasant symptoms.

B vitamins and other minerals in dill have a positive effect on heart function and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. The plant will be especially useful for women with high blood pressure. Hypotonic patients need to be careful when taking both fresh herbs and seed decoctions so as not to cause dizziness and fainting.

Infusions can be used as expectorants for inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, facilitating the separation and release of sputum. Vitamin C helps maintain immunity at the proper level. In folk medicine, decoctions of seeds are used for the prevention of hemorrhoids and externally as a wound healing and antiseptic. Dill is also known to have a calming effect in emotionally unstable conditions, which often worries nursing mothers.

The B vitamins contained in dill will help a nursing mother normalize sleep, relieve depression and insomnia, and cope with severe fatigue

Effect on breast milk

Official instructions classify dill as a herb that promotes milk production in nursing mothers. But in the section for use during breastfeeding it is stipulated that use is possible if the benefit to the mother is higher than the harm to the child. This information means that there have been no studies on the effects of dill on increasing milk supply in lactating women. Moreover, none of the herbs that are included in the known lactogenic preparations have an evidence-based scientific basis for any effect on lactation.

Lactation consultants believe that all herbs, teas, and pills to enhance lactation work according to the placebo effect. Woman buys advertised wonderful remedy, firmly believing that it will help. He drinks and relaxes. And the mother’s peace of mind contributes to sufficient production of breast milk and its unhindered supply. In cases where a child does not have enough food, herbs are turned to last or used as an aid in comprehensive fight for a long time natural feeding child.

Of course, dill, like other herbs, has long been used to enhance lactation, but reviews from nursing women are so contradictory that even long-term practice of using decoctions over many generations does not prove its effectiveness. Today we can say with confidence that dill has no effect on breast milk.

Is dill a highly allergenic product?

In an age of widespread allergic reactions In a large number of adults and children, breastfeeding women have to use new foods and medications with caution. Many herbs included in preparations for increasing lactation can cause negative manifestations in both mother and baby. For example, cumin, anise, fennel, etc. Dill in this list will confidently take the last position, since in rare cases it causes side effects. If a nursing woman likes the tart taste of a fresh plant or decoction, he brings her positive emotions, then you can use it after agreeing on the dosage and duration of use with your pediatrician.

The big advantage of dill compared to its closest relative, fennel, is its low allergenicity, which is very important for a nursing mother and baby.

When can dill be introduced into the diet while breastfeeding and how to do it correctly

Since neither fresh dill nor fruit decoctions are highly allergenic products, there are no restrictions on intake in the diet of a nursing mother, except for reasonable measures. If a woman is one of those rare people Those who have an individual intolerance to the plant should, of course, be excluded from the diet.

It happens that before pregnancy a woman safely consumed some product, but during breastfeeding it may cause problems. negative reaction. The reason for this hormonal changes. At the lactation stage, the introduction of new products and medications is carried out according to a single scheme:

  • do not consume on the same day in the first half of the day a large number of test product;
  • evaluate the result within 1–2 days;
  • next time the dose is increased if there is no reaction.

You need to carefully monitor the child’s reaction, taking into account not only obvious traces allergic manifestations, but also digestive problems, changes in the child’s behavior. An important rule is the alternate introduction of products, that is, it is not allowed to try more than one new dish in one day.

In what quantities should it be consumed?

Any products during the breastfeeding stage should be consumed in reasonable quantities. A nursing woman can add a little fresh dill to prepared dishes or, according to doctor's indications, take decoctions from the seeds. The amount should be limited only if the pressure is too low and individual intolerance.

Why is dill water used for a nursing mother, how to prepare it and use it correctly

There is an established opinion among people that dill water saves a child from colic. This issue is controversial and controversial. Some pediatricians continue to recommend to young mothers various medications And healing infusions for newborns against intestinal colic. GW consultants have a different opinion. Based on the instructions of the World Health Organization, which does not recommend that infants under 6 months of age who are breastfed be supplemented with food or supplemented with anything.

The gastrointestinal tract of a newborn baby is far from perfect. For at least the first six months, the baby needs only mother’s milk, which is produced especially for him and helps him fully adapt to new living conditions. The introduction of water, juices, medicines, mixtures, etc. during this period can cause serious harm to a fragile body. Intestinal colic torments all children, but not all react violently to unpleasant symptoms. To alleviate the condition of infants, there is a whole range of measures that do not require the use of drugs.

The final decision always remains with the parents, who bear full responsibility for the health and life of their baby.

Of course, dill water can be used in the treatment of colic in children, but you should not place too much hope on it. You can prepare it yourself or buy special tea at the pharmacy. Factory-made dill water is made from fennel oil, a plant from the Apiaceae family, like dill. Externally, the herbs are very similar, but the concentration of nutrients in the first is much higher.
Dill water is brewed as regular tea and is given to the baby between feedings half or a teaspoon 3-4 times a day

Dill water can be drunk by both the mother herself and given to the child. Start typing healing drink You need to gradually add half a teaspoon to your baby’s diet and monitor the reaction.

To prepare your own infusion, take 1 tablespoon of dill seeds, chop thoroughly, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take a third of a glass for mom 3-4 times a day. You can also use fennel seeds in preparing dill water, but keep in mind that the concentration is high. active substances may cause adverse reactions.
The anti-colic drug Plantex for children is also produced based on fennel fruits.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about a remedy for infantile colic

Dill is valued for its taste and aroma, rich, varied composition. The plant is unique in its versatility. It is used in cooking, medicine, perfumery, and cosmetology. Dill has no serious restrictions on its use in the diet of nursing mothers, except for hypotension and individual sensitivity. The main problem is that if there is a clear lack of breast milk, the woman should adjust her feeding technique. Lactogenic preparations, herbs, teas should become auxiliary, and not the main one, in the struggle for long-term natural feeding.

Allspice dill is not only a common seasoning, but also an indispensable component of a woman’s diet when breastfeeding. How can you not pay attention to him? After all, it is a real storehouse of useful substances, essential vitamins and microelements. It has unique medicinal properties and is widely used in the form of teas and cocktails to increase lactation. It is useful not only for mom. Dill water effectively fights intestinal colic in babies. That's why it is incredibly popular among nursing mothers.

The word “dill” comes from the Latinized Greek “anethum”, which translates as “fragrant”, “having a strong odor”.

Dill and breastfeeding

Fragrant dill is the most popular and delicious seasoning, which can give ready-made dishes a special taste and pleasant aroma. It is indispensable when preparing soups and salads, meat and side dishes. It can be added to various vegetable juices and they will become healthier and more flavorful.

Therapists and pediatricians recommend the use of dill during breastfeeding for a reason. Very often the problems of a young mother become headache, heaviness in the stomach, sleep disturbances, exacerbation of cystitis. Dill successfully copes with these ailments. Its remarkable ability to increase lactation and increase the amount of breast milk is widely known.

It helps the baby too. Fennel (pharmaceutical dill) is used to prepare dill water, which is effective in reducing cramps in babies.

Experts advise including dill in the diet of a nursing mother on the 10th day after birth. It is consumed fresh as an excellent seasoning for vitamin-rich salads, first courses and side dishes. Healing infusions are prepared from its seeds to improve lactation. You can simply fill mini sachets with dill seeds and hang them in the room where you usually feed your baby. It is believed that the smell emanating from canvas bags can affect the flow of breast milk.

Why is dill so useful?

It is valued as a storehouse of useful substances that promote health. It is rich in vitamins C, group B, which are vital for the body of a nursing mother, folic acid, E, rutin, nicotinic acid, which ensure optimal metabolism, regulate cholesterol levels in the blood, are necessary for good vision and the body's resistance to infections. It contains a strong antioxidant - carotene (provitamin A).

Dill is an excellent source of valuable microelements such as iron, phosphorus, calcium salts, potassium, and zinc. It contains a large amount of fiber, which helps intestinal function, which is especially important during the postpartum period. Unique property dill is the presence in its composition of anetine - an excellent antispasmodic substance that has the ability to dilate blood vessels and capillaries, which is especially valuable in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of dill are as follows:

  • Thanks to his useful composition, dill and its seeds are indispensable in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the heart, blood and gastrointestinal tract;
  • It helps normalize arterial pressure those who suffer from hypertension;
  • Dill improves digestion and metabolism;
  • The fiber contained in it effectively cleanses the intestines and eliminates bloating;
  • Its use activates the secretion gastric juice and this helps improve appetite;
  • Dill is famous for its excellent diuretic properties. It is used in the treatment of cystitis;
  • It has expectorant properties. Recipes based on its essential oils cleanse Airways and remove mucus from the body. Dill decoctions give excellent results in the treatment of cough, bronchitis and tracheitis;
  • Known and bactericidal properties. Oils and infusions of seeds help eliminate allergic itching skin, relieve inflammation and promote rapid wound healing.

All these medicinal properties combined with its remarkable ability to enhance lactation, dill is extremely useful for women who are breastfeeding.

Precautionary measures

Experienced doctors do not advise mothers suffering from eating greens and dill seeds. low blood pressure. Anetin, which is part of it, dilates blood vessels, can provoke sharp drop pressure. If you have hypotension, it can cause nausea, weakness, dizziness, temporary loss of vision, and even fainting.

You should use dill with extreme caution if your mother is prone to allergies or if you are individually intolerant to this seasoning.

If there are large stones in a woman’s bile ducts, it is also recommended to treat them with caution. His active ingredients promote the formation of bile and its excretion and can cause an attack.

Does allspice dill really help increase lactation?

In ancient times, doctors and healers considered dill an amazing remedy, a decoction of which could increase the amount of breast milk in a nurse. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers actively used folk recipes based on dill and its seeds.

Today, mothers also solve common problems with lactation with its help. In terms of the power of its effect, it may be weaker than expensive pharmaceutical lactogenic drugs. But, acting slowly and gently, it is capable of giving noticeable effective result subject to daily use without long breaks.

Dill recipes to increase lactation

If you are exclusively breastfeeding and need to increase your breast milk supply, you can try dill tea.

It's easy to do:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • In a large tea cup, place a tablespoon of fragrant dill seeds, previously crushed in a coffee grinder or blender;
  • Pour boiling water (250 ml) over them;
  • Cover the cup and let the tea steep;
  • Strain the resulting drink and drink in small sips before feeding your baby throughout the day.

Why grind the seeds before steaming? This will make the tea as beneficial as possible. This tea will not only increase milk production, but also have a light hypnotic effect and will help relieve nervous tension.

A wonderful dill cocktail also helps to enhance lactation. To prepare it:

  • Using a coffee grinder or blender, grind anise, dill, fennel and fenugreek seeds, taken in equal proportions;
  • 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture is steamed with boiling water (250 ml) and left for half an hour;
  • Then filter and drink 2 times a day half an hour before breastfeeding.

How to restore lactation - 10 main recommendations -

How does dill help the baby?

Many mothers face this unpleasant phenomena, such as colic, increased gas production or bloating in the baby. He cries a lot, bends over, and it is simply impossible to rock or calm him down. The cause of colic is air bubbles that irritate the baby's intestines and cause pain.

For decades, mothers have been saving their children with dill water, which can alleviate the child’s suffering and eliminate tummy bloating. It can be purchased at finished form in pharmacies, but remember that the shelf life of such water does not exceed ten days if stored in the refrigerator.

At the pharmacy you can buy a ready-made preparation based on fennel seeds “Plantex”, packaged in sachets. He's getting a divorce boiled water room temperature and is given to the baby from two weeks of age. Before using it, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

How to prepare dill water at home?

Fennel seeds are used to prepare it. It looks similar to regular fragrant dill, but has a more pronounced taste and aroma.

Dill water recipe for baby:

  • Grind a tablespoon of fennel seeds in a blender or coffee grinder and pour a glass of boiling water;
  • Leave for an hour and strain.

For babies up to a month old, it is recommended to drip 15 drops of dill water onto the tongue at one time. For older people, you can increase the dose to 25 drops. It is better to discuss the number of doses per day with your pediatrician. Usually, babies up to a month old are given dill water 2-3 times a day between feedings, and older children – 4-5 times. Dill water can be diluted in expressed breast milk or in prepared formula.

Regular consumption of dill water does not cause addiction in a child and can have a positive effect on the overall well-being of the baby. It can also be given to prevent colic. The baby will become calmer, cry less and you will be able to truly enjoy the joy of motherhood.

READ MORE DETAILS: Dill water for newborns: recipe for dill water, benefits and how much to give to baby -

Video: Useful properties of dill

Interesting facts about dill: The ancient Egyptians used dill infusion for headaches. Hence, by the way, the healing “morning” properties of cucumber pickle, which are relevant for some of our fellow citizens, because dill with its very useful essential oilrequired component when pickling cucumbers.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Eating greens is a vital necessity for every person. If you want to be healthy, there should always be dill, parsley, lettuce, cilantro and other greens on your table. These food products contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements, due to which they are not only preventive, but also medicinal products. Eating greens while breastfeeding is especially important. One of the most accessible and valuable herbs is dill.

The value of greenery

Fragrant dill sprigs have a powerful healing power. This seasoning contains vitamins C, B, folic and nicotinic acid, carotene, potassium, iron and phosphorus, which are so important for a nursing mother. Dill also contains a large amount of fiber, which explains its positive influence on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, this spicy seasoning strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular system and helps cope with high blood pressure.

Parsley also has similar properties. Eating these herbs will significantly improve the well-being of a nursing mother, because after childbirth a woman’s body is exhausted and weakened, and healthy diet will help strengthen the immune system and restore vitality.

Eating greens is especially important during breastfeeding. To prevent the baby from developing vitamin K deficiency, a nursing mother needs to eat parsley and any green vegetables. Vitamin K in an adult sufficient quantity is produced by the body itself, but the child’s intestines cannot yet independently synthesize this substance.

This vitamin is involved in hematopoiesis and bone formation.

The vitamin is prescribed to people prone to internal bleeding. A nursing mother should eat greens fresh. At heat treatment it loses its valuable properties.

Greens during lactation

Dill during breastfeeding is extremely beneficial for both mother and baby. It is useful for a nursing mother to eat an infusion of dill seeds. This remedy has long been known for its properties to reduce flatulence and increase the mother’s milk supply.

In the first months of life, the baby often suffers from intestinal colic. Flatulence can occur in a child even when the mother carefully monitors her diet and does not allow food to be eaten dangerous products. Infantile colic occurs due to immature intestinal flora The child has. In order to alleviate the condition of the baby, nursing mothers resort to many means, but dill water remains the best of them for many years. It is prepared from fennel seeds (dill).

Today, you can buy many medications for infant colic at the pharmacy. Drugs such as Espumisan, Hilak Forte and Linex are often prescribed to infants for increased gas formation. But many doctors still advise against using chemical medications at such a young age unless absolutely necessary.

Dill water can be given to a child and drunk by the mother herself while breastfeeding.

It is absolutely safe and cannot cause side effects.

Making dill tea is very simple. You need to take fennel seeds, chop them and pour one tablespoon into 200 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with the infusion with a lid. Leave to cool at room temperature. You need to drink the infusion in small portions throughout the day. The child can be given 15 drops of tea before and after feeding.

However, simple dill can help get rid of digestive problems in a child. To do this, a breastfeeding mother should eat this herb fresh every day. You can sprinkle dill on any prepared dishes. You can also use dill in combination with parsley in salads.

How to grow healthy grass

Dill, like parsley, is not at all fussy to grow.

They can be grown on any piece of land or simply in a flowerpot on a windowsill.

Of course, many will say, why grow it if you can buy it at any time of the year at the nearest supermarket. However, it is better for nursing mothers to grow greens at home. In the summer, of course, you can buy a bunch of dill grown by a caring summer resident on her plot, but in the winter there are only greenhouse plants on sale, the quality of which, unfortunately, is not possible to check.

Perhaps you have noticed how different dill in a store is from herbs from a private garden? Of course, the store-bought bun is bright, juicy and tight. Especially in cold weather, it attracts with its aroma and attractive appearance. What does dill look like from the dacha? The stems are thin, the color is not so bright, and the leaves are small. But it is this dill that is the most valuable.

All greenhouse plants are grown with the addition of pesticides, which speed up the growing process and allow you to harvest a much larger harvest. The pursuit of profit often overshadows consumer health concerns. As a result, you can purchase not just a useless, but even a dangerous product.

For growing useful dill and parsley you will need:

  • 2 rectangular pots
  • Soil from a vegetable garden or garden plot
  • Herb seeds
  • Sunny window sill

Before planting, the seeds should be placed in damp cotton wool in a saucer on the windowsill. After a few days, when the seeds have swelled, they can be planted in the ground. Water the greens as needed. Additional care plants do not require.

Healthy recipes

The moment has come when your plantings have already sprouted and you can cut the first harvest. How to use grown greens with maximum benefit? Of course, you need to eat fresh grass every day, but for cosmetic procedures When breastfeeding, you can prepare the following remedies:

  • Mask from age spots. You need to take one teaspoon of chopped parsley and grind it into a paste in a wooden or ceramic mortar. Mix with two tablespoons of sour cream and apply to problem areas. When breastfeeding, the mask perfectly whitens the skin and gives it softness and elasticity.
  • Dill compress. Pour a tablespoon of dill into a glass of water. After cooling, moisten the sponge in this infusion and apply to the eyes. The lotions tone the skin well, give freshness and elasticity, relieve fatigue and get rid of circles under the eyes.
  • Dill ice. Grind the dill into a paste. Pour into an ice tray and add a little water. The resulting ice is perfect for wiping your face and will give freshness and health to your skin.


The only contraindication to the use of dill is chronic hypotension. People with low blood pressure after eating dill, they may feel weak, lack of strength and tired. This is due to dill's ability to dilate blood vessels, and with low blood pressure this can worsen hypotension.

Harvesting greens for the winter

In order not to deny yourself such valuable products like dill and parsley, they can be prepared in the autumn. This will allow you to enjoy the beneficial properties and fresh aroma all winter long.

The best way to prepare greens is to freeze them.

You can freeze chopped greens in cubes with ice. Cubes are good for adding to soups winter period. To prepare, you need to chop the greens, pour them into ice molds and fill them with water; the finished ice can be put into a bag and stored in the freezer. Place an ice cube in a bowl of soup and stir the dish. You will immediately feel the unique aroma of summer, and the dish will acquire a piquant taste. Place the cubes into the prepared dish. Boiling kills all the beneficial properties of herbs, and this is undesirable when breastfeeding.

For salads, it is better to freeze greens in bags. To do this, the greens need to be washed and dried. Next, cut it as usual and put it in a plastic food bag. Form a briquette. If necessary, you can easily break off a piece of frozen greens required amount and add to salad. After defrosting, dill and parsley retain their taste and aroma, as well as beneficial properties that are necessary for breastfeeding. Greens can be harvested either individually or as a green mixture.

Today in many homes you can see such a picture: on the kitchen table there is a glass with a bouquet of various greens, which is actively plucked by the whole family during lunch or dinner. This is very correct, because eating greens at every meal helps improve digestion, enriches our body with vitamins and minerals, and gives a boost of energy and vigor. Every nursing mother should have such a beautiful bouquet in her kitchen. In this case, you and your baby will never encounter vitamin deficiency and digestive problems.