Healthy lifestyle - concept, components. Eat more vegetables

Questions health and healthy lifestyle Now everyone is starting to wonder more people, since any stage of our life can cause the development of diseases and deterioration of health.

It is necessary to understand that healthy lifestyle- this is not only morning exercises, but also a list of other important elements, which even include good relationships with loved ones, friends, colleagues and even strangers.

Basics of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Health, healthy lifestyle - body care.

Personal hygiene should be an inviolable covenant of any person who wishes to be healthy. The rules of personal hygiene include those basic things that we are taught from childhood in the family, kindergartens, junior school- you can eat only washed and clean products, you should not abuse meat and junk food, also, you need to go to the doctors on time. Besides, we all need to know the basics first medical care . You should not self-medicate, but contact specialists in time.

Health, healthy lifestyle - active lifestyle.

For maintaining health you need to move more - do exercises in the morning, go to the gym, but everything should be in moderation. The body should receive physical exercise depending on age and physiological characteristics. For reference healthy lifestyle (HLS) very important: swimming pool, sports sections, sporting events, relay races. Parents should instill sports in their children from childhood.

Schoolchildren and students must attend physical education classes, since without physical activity the body will not be able to fully develop and function. Physical exercise helps eliminate pain and fatigue in muscles after a working day, receive a charge of positive energy and increase muscle tone in the morning. Constantly and systematically performing simple physical exercises in the morning will allow you to forever forget about joint pain and fatigue during the day.

Health, healthy lifestyle - giving up bad habits.

Habits such as alcohol, smoking, and drugs are absolutely not suitable for a healthy lifestyle. From childhood it is necessary to maintain a negative attitude towards bad habits.

Modern youth justify smoking weed by the fact that it does not pose any harm to health and that smoking hemp is legal in most developed countries. However, to date, medical scientists have only proven the harmful effects of weed on human health.

Consequences bad habits are health disorders: impotence, memory loss and other problems associated with the functioning of the brain. And do not forget that constant consumption of even small amounts of beer has a bad effect on the health of the kidneys and digestive system.

Health, healthy lifestyle - smoking.

Smoking is very bad for health, is in no way combined with a healthy lifestyle and very often contributes to the development of lung cancer. Besides, smoking man harms not only your health, but also the health of others, making them passive smokers.

Health, healthy lifestyle - healthy eating.

Healthy eating should be moderate, you should try not to overeat, eat on the go. A proper diet must be carefully planned and must take into account all physiological needs body. In proper nutrition, spoiled and completely lost foods should be excluded. A person gets almost everything he needs from food nutrients, necessary for life.

In a healthy lifestyle, the quantity and quality of water you drink deserves special attention - the water should not be “from the tap”; you should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Health, healthy lifestyle - hardening.

Hardening allows you to maintain human health at the proper level. Hardening should be understood not only water procedures, but also rubbing, playing sports on fresh air. Hardening is training the body to be more resistant to temperature influences. A seasoned person is less likely to suffer from colds and other diseases, has more strong immunity. Good influence Bath and massage procedures are applied to the human body.

Health, healthy lifestyle - psycho-emotional state.

IN healthy lifestyle the important factor is good psycho-emotional state- you need to avoid frequent stress and be able to get out of it. Gym classes, yoga, and psychological trainings are good for this. A person’s emotional well-being should be normal, a person in calm state must be balanced and able to cope with his emotions.

The most important criterion for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also a person’s ability to harmoniously build relationships in society. Healthy man will have fewer conflicts with the people around him, and receive positive energy from communication.

Healthy image life is a complex concept that includes many components. This includes all areas of human existence - from nutrition to emotional mood. This is a way of life aimed at completely changing previous habits regarding food, physical activity and rest.

In this article we will try to consider in detail all the components of a healthy lifestyle, as well as study the factors that prevent a person from achieving health and psycho-emotional balance.

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is due to the increase and change in the nature of stress on human body due to the increase in technogenic and environmental risks, the complication of social structure. In the current situation, concern for the health and well-being of the individual is associated with the survival and preservation of humans as a species.

It is impossible to explain what a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is in a few words. According to the official definition, it is a lifestyle aimed at promoting health and preventing disease. Supporters of healthy lifestyle as a philosophical and sociological direction consider this concept How global problem And component public life. There are other aspects of the concept of healthy lifestyle - psychological, pedagogical, medical and biological, but there is no sharp distinction between them, since they all solve one problem - strengthening the health of the individual.

Medical experts believe that 50% of health depends on lifestyle, the remaining influencing factors are distributed as follows: environment - 20%, genetic base - 20%, level of healthcare - 10%.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite and necessary condition For:

  • Full development of the most different sides human life;
  • Achieving active longevity by a person;
  • Active participation of a person of any age in social, labor, family activities.

Interest in this topic arose relatively recently (in the 70s of the 20th century) and was associated with a change in the lifestyle of modern man, an increase in life expectancy, a global change in the human environment, and an increase in the influence of environmental factors on human health.

Modern people began to lead a less active lifestyle, use large quantity food and have more free time. At the same time, the speed of life has increased significantly, which has increased the number of stress factors. Doctors note that the number hereditary diseases is increasing every year. In this regard, the question of how to stay healthy (spiritually and physically) and at the same time live long and actively becomes very relevant.

The benefits of a daily routine

How to lead a healthy lifestyle? First, you should review your daily routine. No healthy life schedule can include going to bed after midnight and waking up at 2 pm on weekends. If you don’t have enough time to do things during the day, you need to either reduce the number of tasks or do them faster. This requires a systematic approach to time management.

A rational regime of work and rest involves a reasonable alternation of periods of physical and mental stress with periods of complete relaxation. In other words, sleep should be complete (7-8 hours for an adult) and rest on weekends should be just as complete.

The need for a balanced diet

Healthy eating is a very broad concept (voluminous books have been written about this scientific works), however, the basic principles of a rational approach to food are as follows:

Food must be exclusively natural and contain all the necessary macro- and microelements and vitamins. It is advisable that an individual diet be drawn up by a nutritionist.

Active lifestyle

Reasonable promotion of a healthy lifestyle necessarily includes items related to physical activity. Advances in science and technology have made human life much easier, but at the same time have significantly reduced his physical activity. People are walking less and less: now you can order and receive goods and groceries without leaving your home.

However, to maintain the functional status of the body, movement is simply necessary. Beginners to practice a healthy lifestyle should pay attention physical exercise at least 30 minutes a day: physical activity is one of the main factors influencing human health. What type of physical activity to engage in is up to everyone to decide for themselves, in accordance with their age, temperament and capabilities.

It can be:
  • Exercises in the gym;
  • Race walking or running;
  • Classes in the pool;
  • Bicycle rides;
  • Home gymnastics classes;
  • Yoga and qigong gymnastics.

The possibilities for realizing motor potential are unlimited - you can start with hiking(it’s better to walk in forested areas), and then gradually increase the load. Particular attention should be paid to the health of the spine: the functional state (flexibility and mobility) of this department musculoskeletal system- the main indicator of the youth of the body. Remember that movement is life!

Quitting bad habits

Smoking, alcoholic drinks, unhealthy food habits (salty foods, chips, sweets, soda) - all these are factors that destroy health. A healthy and conscious life involves a categorical rejection of the above “pleasures” in favor of healthier options. Giving up bad habits is a key point for all adherents of a healthy lifestyle - this is where the practice should begin.

Strengthening the body and preventing diseases

The list of factors that promote health promotion necessarily includes procedures to strengthen the body and harden it. Promotion immune status– a complex event that requires phased and patient implementation. You can strengthen your body with pharmaceutical drugs, increasing protective forces(Eleutherococcus, ginseng tincture), homemade herbal remedies, and also through hardening.

Hardening – not necessarily swimming in an ice hole and dousing yourself cold water. To begin with, a regular contrast shower is suitable: in this case, the temperature difference is initial stage may be minimal. Hardening the body increases the immune status, strengthens vascular system, stimulates autonomic nervous system and raises the overall tone of the body.

It is imperative to monitor the state of the psyche and nervous system. Excitement, stress, tension, irritability are the direct causes early aging. Besides, nervous state negatively affects physiological processes and promotes pathological changes in tissue and cellular structures body. And one more thing - if you are angry and nervous, do it openly, don’t save up negative emotions in itself.

Add to list preventive measures strengthening and stabilizing health necessarily includes body weight control. Excess weight is always an additional risk of cardiac, vascular, endocrine and many other pathologies.

People over 45 years of age are recommended to regularly undergo a full clinical examination: With age, the risk of diseases such as hypertension increases significantly, diabetes, ischemic disease hearts. Identifying these and other ailments at an early stage is the basis for successful therapy.

Under the concept " healthy lifestyle“implies a whole complex of aspects of human life, ranging from certain norms in nutrition to emotional and psychological mood. Living a healthy lifestyle is a complete overhaul existing habits in food, physical activity and rest.

To change your usual lifestyle to a healthy one, you need to have a clear understanding not only of the aspects included in the concept of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), but also of the factors that influence Negative influence on psychological and emotional state, as well as health.

Technological progress, complication of social structure, deterioration environmental situation led to the fact that modern man constantly exposed increased loads, which, first of all, negatively affect his overall emotional, psychological and physical health. Avoid it harmful influence allows awareness of the importance of oneself as an individual, close attention to one’s own well-being and health.

What is included in the concept of healthy lifestyle?

The interpretation of the concept is quite extensive and is characterized differently from different points of view. In the official definition, a healthy lifestyle is meant as a way of life aimed at generally promoting health and preventing the development of the risk of various kinds of diseases, and in the philosophical and sociological direction - as a problem of global scale, which is an integral part of the life of society.

There are both medical-biological and psychological-pedagogical definitions. They all sound different, but they carry the same meaning, which boils down to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is, first of all, aimed at strengthening the body and general health individual in society. According to medical experts, 50% of a person’s health depends on lifestyle, and other factors have a much smaller impact. Thus, the influence of the level of the healthcare system is 10%, the genetic base and environment- 20% respectively.

Prerequisites and conditions

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves:

  1. comprehensive and full development of all aspects of human life;
  2. increasing the duration of active longevity;
  3. participation of a person, regardless of his age, in labor, social, and family activities.

The topic of a healthy lifestyle became relevant in the seventies of the last century. This interest is due to changes that have occurred in surrounding a person habitat, increasing life expectancy, the influence of the environmental situation on the body and health.

Modern people overwhelmingly lead little active image life, have more free time, do not limit themselves in nutrition. However, there is no need to relax emotionally and psychologically. The sharp increase in the speed of life has led to the emergence of numerous stress factors.

All this negatively affects a person. Every year, as doctors note, the number of hereditary diseases is only increasing. All this led to a natural search for a solution to how in reality modern world stay physically and spiritually healthy, live not only long, but also remain active.

Maintaining a daily routine

An important step towards leading a healthy lifestyle is a balance between rest and activity. Many people go to bed after midnight, trying to compensate for the lack of sleep during the weekend by getting up well after noon. This kind of routine is not the norm.

To normalize your schedule, you need to review the things you need to do during the day. Non-urgent tasks can be rescheduled for another time or completed faster without being distracted by others. The approach to time planning should be extremely systematic.

Rational distribution of rest and work means correctly alternating periods of mental and physical stress with complete relaxation, that is, sleep. For an adult daily norm Sleep ranges from 7 to 8 hours. This also applies to weekends.

Balanced diet

Leading a healthy lifestyle is impossible without following certain dietary standards. involves a fairly extensive list of recommendations and advice, but there are also general principles, guided by which you can change your eating habits:

  • exclude strong tea, coffee, alcohol from the menu;
  • give up regular use fast carbohydrates, which include carbonated drinks, baked goods, chips, fast food and similar products;
  • do not have late dinners or snacks;
  • limit consumption of animal fats;
  • significantly reduce protein animal foods and include dietary rabbit and poultry meat in the menu;
  • include as many plant-based products in the menu as possible;
  • switch to fractional meals;
  • eat exclusively fresh foods;
  • drink enough fluids;
  • correlate the amount of food with the energy expended.

Products and prepared dishes must be natural, have a high nutritional value- contain everything essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements. If possible, it is better to consult a nutritionist who will select and create a menu taking into account all the individual needs of the body.

Active lifestyle

It is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. With the advent of technologies and devices that facilitate human work and other aspects of life, the need for physical activity has decreased significantly. Outside the home and place of work, a person travels by transport. There is no longer any need to even go shopping. Food and other goods can be ordered for home delivery.

Compensate for the deficiency motor activity Can different ways. You should choose them solely at your own discretion. The main thing is to remember that without movement it is simply impossible to keep the body in good shape. The loads are increased gradually. For those who are just starting to practice a healthy lifestyle, it is enough to devote half an hour a day to physical exercise.

You can do:

  • or running;
  • ride a bike;
  • yoga;
  • qigong gymnastics;

You can perform training of various exercises both at home and in gym. There are many opportunities for physical activity. You can start exercising with walking and gradually move on to higher loads. If possible, it is better to walk and run in forested areas. Increased attention should be paid to the mobility and flexibility of the spine - the main indicators of youth and body tone.

Bad habits are the enemy of a healthy lifestyle

This applies not only to drinking alcohol and smoking, but also to addiction to unhealthy foods, which include salty foods, soda, various sweets, and chips. Without abandoning them it is impossible to conduct a full-fledged healthy life. This point is the first on the path to practicing a healthy lifestyle.

Health promotion and disease prevention

Without hardening and strengthening the body, human immunity is reduced. This negatively affects both vitality and leads to increased risk morbidity. Medicines such as tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus, which are sold in pharmacies, homemade herbal remedies, and hardening will help strengthen the body.

To harden the body, you do not need to immediately resort to dousing and bathing in cold water. You can start with contrast shower. The water temperature difference should be small. Hardening helps both improve immune status and strengthen the vascular system, raise general tone and stimulate the nervous autonomic system.

It is necessary to pay increased attention nervous system and psychological state. Irritability, nervous tension, strong excitement, constant stress- main reasons premature aging. Nervousness negatively affects not only physiological processes, but also provokes pathological changes both in cellular and tissue structures. Everyone gets nervous and angry from time to time. The main thing is not to accumulate and keep it to yourself. negative emotions, but to “throw out” them.

Body weight plays an important role in strengthening and maintaining health. Weight should always be controlled. Its excess becomes an additional factor contributing to the risk of developing various pathologies, including endocrine, vascular, cardiac.

A full clinical examination for people over 45 years of age is a mandatory procedure. She allows for early stages identify cardiac ischemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and other diseases, ensuring successful completion of therapy.

I present to your attention the basics of a healthy lifestyle or good habits. When we hear the expression “healthy lifestyle,” we mentally imagine completely different, but I’m sure, correct things. Our whole life, our existence and happiness depend mainly on health. The transition from a habitual rhythm to a healthy one may seem difficult and unattainable, but it is not at all so. The most important thing is to want it and make every effort. After all, how much should a person be his own enemy in order not to strive for health?

Subconsciously, everyone wants to be healthy and beautiful. But beauty and health can only be preserved by those who consciously and wisely approach their lifestyle. While we are young, our body is able to withstand many harmful external factors. Taking advantage of this, many people take their health lightly, preferring to hold a cigarette in their hands and abuse alcoholic beverages.

But the years go by quickly. The older a person gets, the more his body’s defenses weaken. Over time, all the once excessively drunk alcohol and cigarettes will come out sideways with a bunch of diseases. Only maintaining a healthy lifestyle from a young age can protect against such cases.

1. Giving up bad habits.

This point should be the first. Try changing your perspective. Think that a bad habit is not only an addiction, but also a poison that takes over you. You poison not only yourself, but also people, children living next to you, or ordinary people you meet on the street. According to statistics, smoking kills about 5 million people every year! These are crazy numbers.

2. Proper, balanced, organized nutrition.

Remember the phrase - “You are what you eat.” Be interested in the principles of proper nutrition, consult with specialists. Pay attention to the Food Pyramid, developed by nutritionists. Its scheme is very simple - use everything that is at the base as often as possible, and use what converges towards the top less often or carefully. With food we get strength, energy, vitamins to maintain vital functions. But its excess is also fraught with bad consequences.

3. Active sports.

This does not mean that you need to spend your time exhausted in the gym from dusk to dawn. You just have to choose activities that you like and bring a lot of emotions and pleasure. Then visits will only be a joy. Since I took up fitness, my daily mood at any moment can be rated 5 plus! Neglect of sports leads to muscle atrophy, disruption of organ function, and decreased immunity.

4. Maintenance normal weight bodies.

Nothing complicated for those who follow steps 1, 2, 3. Much has already been said about excess weight, about severe consequences which it entails, about the disruption of body functions. But there is still psychological sideexcess weight irritates a person, depresses the mood, leads to isolation, complexes, and limitations. It is especially sad if obesity started in childhood.

A very important point in the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Only correct and good rest will help you relax and gain strength. Organize your day, but don’t forget to set aside the required 8 hours for sleep. He who works well rests well. A person who does not get enough sleep has poor performance, decreased brain activity. This all affects the quality of the day, as well as life in general.

Learn to cope not only with your habits, but also to use them rationally. external factors(sun, air, water) to maintain the health of body and soul.

7. Psychological balance.

Turmoil, stress, disappointment - all this undermines our psychological health. As a result, we sleep poorly, eat poorly, and don’t exercise. Day after day, we still cannot escape our problems. It is important to learn to take care of yourself and your health. Remember how often any trouble later seems like a mere trifle to you? Support yourself with the thought that you are a strong modern person. And if necessary, turn to your loved ones for help. Anyway .

8. Personal hygiene.

Since childhood, we have been accustomed to this: wake up, wash your face, brush your teeth; before eating, after playing - wash your hands; Before going to bed, take a bath and brush your teeth. These simple rules should never be neglected. Throughout the day, we touch a lot of objects that can be infested with germs: money, handrails, elevator buttons, door handles, telephones. With dirty hands we take food, touch our face...

  • Add variety to your everyday day. Find a hobby that gives you a lot positive emotions. This way, you will fill your day with work and be able to find yourself in a new business.
  • Identify an authority for yourself and try to keep up with it as you move forward.
  • Start studying useful literature. You can start from the excellent book by Stephen Covey, coordinate your actions with qualified people.
  • Constantly motivate yourself to achieve your goal as well.
  • Communicate more with people and think about beautiful things.

Quitting smoking, eating right, playing sports, keeping a routine and keeping fit - all this is accessible and understandable. It would be worthwhile to include ecology in the foundations of our healthy lifestyle. But today we cannot correct the environmental situation, but it is entirely within our power not to aggravate it. The improvement that we created is within the power of everyone.

One person once told me this phrase: “All our problems are because of our heads.” Therefore, do not litter it with grievances, problems, and troubles. Better choose yours the right way- the path to a healthy lifestyle and emotional balance.

Sincerely, Anna Statsenko

The definition of what a healthy lifestyle is is quite broad. It includes a lot of interconnected moments that together help a person feel active, strong and happy.

Definition of the concepts of “health”, “healthy lifestyle”

Health is the state of the body, everything functional systems which fully perform their functions. This phenomenon can also be described as the absence of disease and physical defects.

It is also worth paying attention to the definition of what a healthy lifestyle is. This is human behavior aimed at strengthening the immune system, preventing diseases and creating satisfactory well-being.

If we consider this concept from a philosophical point of view, it is not just a way of life specific person. This is a problem of society. If you look from the perspective of psychology, then a healthy lifestyle is considered as a motivation, and with medical point vision is a way to improve health.

Prerequisites for the development of the healthy lifestyle concept

Among other things, it is necessary to find out exactly what prerequisites helped define the named phenomenon. A healthy lifestyle began to be of particular interest to society in the 70s of the last century. This was due to the fact that the development of scientific and technological progress radically changed human life, due to which the issue of strengthening the immune system and increasing life expectancy became acute.

As for modern times, doctors have sounded the alarm. Considering the improvement in working conditions (compared to previous centuries), the expansion of opportunities for obtaining quality food and the availability sufficient quantity free time, life expectancy is nevertheless constantly decreasing. This is due to the fact that people have become more passive and susceptible harmful influences. The number of diseases is growing rapidly.

Based on the above, a healthy lifestyle is important not only for a specific person, but also for society as a whole. Only those who feel well can be active and do their work efficiently. Following helps a person become a valuable member of society.

and its components

A healthy lifestyle is a systemic phenomenon that consists of many components. These include several components:

  1. Training and with early childhood(in the family and educational institutions).
  2. Creating a safe environment that promotes comprehensive development body and does not harm health.
  3. Refusal of bad habits and the formation of a negative attitude towards them.
  4. Developing a nutritional culture that involves eating healthy foods in moderation.
  5. The need for regular physical activity, the intensity of which is appropriate for age and general condition body.
  6. Knowledge and adherence to hygiene rules (both personal and public).

Key Aspects

It is worth noting that healthy lifestyle has a fairly diverse definition. What a healthy lifestyle is can be confidently formulated, taking into account the combination of several aspects:

  1. Physical means maintaining wellness and strengthening defense mechanisms body.
  2. Emotional - the ability to control emotions and respond adequately to problems.
  3. Intelligent - ability to search necessary information and its rational use.
  4. Spiritual - the ability to set life guidelines and follow them.

How is a healthy lifestyle formed?

The definition of "healthy" is not limited to physical condition and satisfactory health. This is a multifaceted phenomenon, the formation of which occurs at several levels.

Thus, on the social, propaganda is carried out, which is carried out educational institutions, media and public organizations. The infrastructure level implies changes in living conditions, material and physical capabilities, implementation of preventive measures, as well as control of the environmental situation. And personal - a person’s own motives, his life values ​​and the organization of everyday life.

A person's desire for self-improvement physically has a specific definition. What is a healthy lifestyle can be answered by listing the whole complex targeted actions, which are aimed at improving the functional state of the body. If you want to follow this philosophy, start following these guidelines:

  • Start every morning with exercise. Exercise stress allows you to activate your work lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body.
  • Plan your meals to consume as much as possible useful substances. In winter and spring, when there are no seasonal fruits and vegetables, take a vitamin complex.
  • Practice hardening, which will protect you from colds and strengthen the nervous system. Start by washing your face cool water, gradually moving on to rubbing and dousing.
  • Be sure to eat protein, which is found in meat, fish, dairy and grain products. It is this substance that is responsible for the formation of the immune system.
  • Nutritionists recommend drinking 5 cups of high-quality black tea daily. It saturates the body with theanine, which strengthens the body's protective barriers.
  • Keep track of your emotional state. Protect yourself from negativity and stress. Listen to calm music, watch funny movies, admire nature.
  • Take time to meditate. Even if you are not familiar with this practice, just relax for a few minutes, immerse yourself and try not to think about anything.
  • Give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol destroy immune system. However, a moderate amount of high-quality alcohol, for example on a holiday, will not harm you.
  • Every day, 7-8 hours should be devoted to sleep in order to fully restore the body’s strength for further fruitful work. But you shouldn’t sleep too long either.
  • Don't forget about hygiene. Hand washing before each meal and after visiting public places- it is necessary.

Maintaining a daily routine

As you can already judge, a healthy lifestyle consists of many elements. Its basic concepts and definitions represent numerous components that make up the complex structure of a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps, vital role plays correct mode day. If there is a clear schedule, the body begins to work automatically. Thus, fewer resources are spent on certain tasks. Stress exposure is also significantly reduced.

The human body is complex mechanism, the operation of which may begin to malfunction if treated carelessly. The first thing you should pay attention to is good sleep. You should go to bed and wake up at the same time. In addition, sleep and wakefulness should coincide, respectively, with dark and light times of the day.

On labor activity should be allocated no more than 8 hours a day. In this case, active work should be accompanied by short but regular periods of complete relaxation. This applies not only to professional duties, but also to home activities.


Nutrition plays a decisive role in such a task as creating a healthy lifestyle. Definition proper diet helps saturate the body with everything necessary substances which will ensure its uninterrupted operation. Healthy eating means the following:

  • reducing the amount of animal fats;
  • refusal fatty varieties meat (preference should be given to poultry);
  • refusal of fast carbohydrates (sweets, fast food, baked goods);
  • fractional meals (frequent, but in small portions);
  • refusal of late dinner;
  • intensive fluid consumption;
  • eating fresh foods that have undergone minimal processing heat treatment(or without it at all);
  • matching the amount of energy consumed and consumed.


To ensure the smooth functioning of all body systems, as well as good health, it is necessary to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. To take this path will require serious efforts of will. However, after some time this will become a habit, and the rules of a healthy lifestyle will be carried out at an automatic level. You'll be productive and look younger.