Frequent bowel movements. Principles of constipation treatment

From a physiological point of view, the act of defecation is a complex process that involves the release of feces accumulated in the intestines from the body during external environment through the anus. The number of bowel movements per day directly depends on a person’s constitution and the amount of food he eats. However, it is considered normal to have 1-2 bowel movements per day. Frequent bowel movements or, on the contrary, long delays indicate the development of disorders, the presence of which often requires medical assistance.


Cleansing lower sections intestines occurs during the act of defecation. Shortly before the process of emptying, a corresponding urge is formed in the body. It, in turn, has an irritating effect on the receptors of the intestine at the moment when it is filled with feces and the pressure in it is increased to 50 mm of water column.

The actual act of defecation occurs due to the performance of motor functions by the internal and external sphincters. Outside the process of emptying, they are reduced, so that feces do not fall out of the rectum. In addition, the regulation of the act of defecation is carried out by a special center. It includes the intramural nervous system, as well as the somatic and parasympathetic sections of the sacral segments spinal cord.

Let us separately dwell on the mechanism of the act of defecation. Afferent impulses arrive from the receptors of the intestinal mucosa to the spinal center. This happens through the pelvic and shameful nerve fibers. In the spinal center, the process of forming impulses is started, which are then transmitted to internal sphincter rectum and its smooth muscles. As for the anal ring, located outside, at the beginning of the reflex its tone is increased. As soon as the above-threshold level of irritation of the rectal receptors is reached, the external sphincter relaxes, so that feces can freely exit the body.

Participating in the commission of a voluntary act of defecation are:

  • Medulla.
  • Hypothalamus.
  • Cerebral cortex.

Conscious control of the emptying process is formed already in the first 12 months after the birth of the child.

A natural act is not only of a volitional nature. It is partly involuntary. Indeed, with severe irritation of the intestine, the process of its contraction starts, due to which the sphincters also relax.

Impact on the functioning of internal organs and systems

During the act of defecation, some changes occur in the tissues. For example, the systolic blood pressure significantly increases, on average, by 60 mmHg. Diastolic also changes in big side. As a rule, it increases by 20 mmHg. This is explained by the fact that during bowel movements, contraction occurs. large area muscle tissue. In addition, when you strain, you hold your breath.


Normally, the average person should defecate up to 2 times a day. However, it should not be accompanied by painful or other discomfort. In addition, a person should not make any significant effort when straining.

The interval between acts of defecation is a purely individual indicator. For the average person, bowel movements occur in morning hours. At the same time, the possibility of purification in evening time.

Normally, up to 0.5 kg of feces should leave the body per day. Feces should be released easily, sink immediately and not leave marks on the plumbing. The color of stool is normally brown (except on days when a person has eaten a coloring food, such as beets). The consistency of the feces should be soft but formed stool.

Why you shouldn't suppress the urge to defecate

Ignoring the body's signals (consciously holding back feces in it) leads to excessive stretching of the rectal ampulla. In addition, feces is not only the end product of food digestion. It contains a huge number of bacteria and toxic compounds. The latter begin to be absorbed into the blood in the absence of emptying for a long time. As a result, the person experiences headache, weakness and other manifestations of the intoxication process.

Types of violations

Situations when bowel movements occur too often or, on the contrary, very rarely, occur all the time. Such conditions can develop under the influence of a large number of provoking factors.

Types of violations of the act of defecation:

  1. Frequent stools. In other words, diarrhea. This is a pathological condition in which bowel movements occur 3 or more times a day. The stool is unformed and has a liquid consistency. Daily amount feces exceeds the norm of 0.5 kg. Liquid feces do not sink and leave marks on plumbing fixtures. To identify the pathology that caused the development of diarrhea, doctors initially pay attention to the color of the feces. It can range from light yellow to brown.
  2. Rare chair. Constipation is difficulty in defecation. Bowel movements usually occur once every 3 days. The stool is very hard. During the act, a person has to strain very hard. In this case, severe pain may occur.

Neither diarrhea nor constipation are independent diseases. They are always considered as a consequence of the impact on the body of any negative factors.

Causes of violations of the act of defecation

Both frequent and infrequent bowel movements are conditions that often require medical intervention. However, the reasons for their occurrence may be relatively harmless.

Constipation is a consequence of:

The main causes of diarrhea:

  • Intestinal infections. It could be like a banal poisoning poor quality product, and salmonellosis.
  • Presence of autoimmune organ pathologies gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the body's defense system regards its own cells as foreign and regularly attacks them. Examples of illnesses: ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease.
  • The presence of neoplasms in the colon.
  • Production of insufficient amounts of digestive enzymes.
  • Violation of the process of regulation of intestinal function nervous system.
  • Taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormonal and antitumor drugs).

If you experience frequent episodes of diarrhea or constipation, you should consult a physician. The doctor will issue a referral for a comprehensive study, based on the results of which he will draw up a treatment regimen or refer you for consultation to other specialists, for example, a gastroenterologist, surgeon, proctologist or endocrinologist.


To get rid of constipation or diarrhea, you need to eliminate the root cause of the development of the data pathological conditions. To do this, the patient needs to undergo comprehensive examination, based on the results of which the doctor will be able to identify the underlying disease.

As practice shows, in many cases it is enough just to adjust the diet and diet, as well as stop taking certain medications. However, the possibility of serious pathology cannot be excluded.

Prevention of violations

It is possible to significantly reduce the risk of bowel disorders, but for this you need to follow the principles healthy eating. The daily menu must include foods rich in plant fiber. It is advisable to exclude fatty, fried, smoked and spicy foods from the diet.

It is also important to promptly treat all identified diseases. If any alarming symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


The term “act of defecation” refers to the process during which fecal matter leaves the body. Normally, there should be up to 2 bowel movements per day. Too rare or, on the contrary, very frequent stools indicate violations. To identify the underlying disease, you need to see a doctor.

Often people face such a problem as a false urge to defecate. If similar phenomenon rare, the problem is associated with poor nutrition and water balance in organism. However, if false urge to go to the toilet occurs constantly, you should consider undergoing a thorough diagnosis from a specialist. However, not everyone is in a hurry to discuss such troubles with other people, even with a doctor. As a result, the person receives correct diagnosis already at the stage when the disease reaches serious proportions and it takes a long time to treat it.

Therefore, you should not ignore any disturbances in the functioning of the body. This is especially true for the systematic repetition of unpleasant symptoms. It is possible that they will move into more meaningful form, and the disease will become chronic.

1 Etiology of the problem

This phenomenon is due to the fact that the intestinal muscles begin to contract convulsively, and the reasons may be different. All this is accompanied by very unpleasant sensations in the abdomen and it may seem that the intestines must empty. However, nothing happens when I go to the toilet. The absence of feces during the urge to defecate is a suspicious symptom that requires careful study and identification of the cause.

Often this problem is caused by poor nutrition or food poisoning. For example, if food is poorly processed, this causes some discomfort in the intestines, which leads to the urge to go to the toilet. The same thing happens when consuming expired and toxic products. They provoke digestive disorders, which leads to various troubles. False urges will be only the most harmless of them.

Most often, the problem goes away after taking absorbents and complete cleansing intestines from toxins. If the urge occurs too often and this phenomenon does not stop for long period, gastrointestinal pathology may be suspected. A similar symptom is characterized by gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and many other diseases that can occur in a chronic form.

A false urge to defecate during treatment with antibiotics is considered a common occurrence. If taken medications incorrectly, a side effect such as intestinal dysbiosis may occur. This problem often leads to abdominal pain, urge to go to the toilet, and heartburn.

If the symptom does not go away for a long time and the process of defecation itself becomes difficult, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is possible that in this case we're talking about about serious gastrointestinal pathologies, including oncology. It is imperative to get rid of trouble. This is necessary not only because of constant discomfort, but also because possible complications. For example, false urges are often accompanied by constipation, and this is a sure way to hemorrhoids. In this case, the patient will experience not only discomfort when visiting the toilet, but also the discharge of blood along with feces. Treatment of hemorrhoids is a complex and lengthy matter, so you need to try to prevent the development of such a pathology.

There is no need to overload your body. For example, false urges to have a bowel movement are more common in people who actively engage in sports, especially cycling. In rare cases with such a nuisance encounter people who, during a bowel movement, have passed a large number of feces But in such a situation the problem goes away quickly.

2 Associated symptoms

False urges to have a bowel movement, known medically as tenesmus, are often accompanied by many other symptoms that can help determine what kind of disease we are talking about. The most important sign of a problem is pain. It always accompanies, and the symptom itself can drag on for a long time.

Most often, with false urges, feces do not come out of the rectum. However, even if a small amount of stool does appear, it will most likely be accompanied by blood. This occurs due to strong tension in the anus, where cracks appear.

In addition, with a false urge to defecate, troubles such as nausea, vomiting, and even fever can occur. Such symptoms are characteristic of poisoning and intoxication, so effective measures must be taken urgently.

Frequent additional symptoms that accompany tenesmus are constipation and diarrhea. This is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, so you need to see a doctor and get diagnosed in order to receive the most correct and high-quality treatment.

3 How to get rid of false urges?

If a person has such a nuisance as a constant urge to go to the toilet, during which bowel movements do not occur, it is necessary to understand the reasons for what is happening. To do this, you need to visit a doctor and tell the specialist about everything that worries you. If the problem is left unattended, it can result in complications such as hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Treatment of false urge to defecate is divided into 2 types. In the first case, the main work is done on eliminating the symptom itself, and in the second, the causes of the problem are treated. Only a doctor, after a thorough examination, can determine which medicine will be more successful in a given situation. You should not self-medicate, since even prolonged intoxication can actually turn out to be a very serious illness, for example a tumor.

To get rid of false urges to defecate, experts always recommend special diet. It should be formulated in such a way as to eliminate either constipation or diarrhea. It is imperative to avoid foods that are harmful to the stomach and intestines and irritate the gastrointestinal tract. It is best to include in your daily menu dishes that are easily absorbed by the body. The diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits. We must not forget about drinking regime. The stool very often depends on it.

If problems arise with bowel movements, it is necessary to strictly limit physical activity. It is especially not recommended to spend a lot of time riding a bicycle, riding horses or driving a car for long periods of time. Swimming and walking have a positive effect on the body. In addition, you can perform simple morning exercises, which will be enough to maintain the body normally.

Concerning drug treatment, then antispasmodics such as No-Shpa and Papaverine are most often prescribed here. But they can only be used with the approval of a doctor, since such medications have contraindications and side effects.

To treat diarrhea and intoxication, absorbents such as white and Activated carbon, Polysorb.

There are also many useful traditional methods, which help get rid of false urges to defecate. For example, a decoction of watermelon rinds works well. It is also worth including bran milk in your diet. Goat's milk is best for treating bowel problems.

But rely completely on traditional medicine not worth it. If you experience a problem such as a false urge to have a bowel movement, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Almost every person sooner or later encounters this problem, which signals a violation of intestinal function and requires the adoption of therapeutic and preventive measures.

More often, residents of large cities suffer from incomplete bowel movement syndrome, which is associated with low physical activity and lack of best quality food. But the inhabitants rural areas Those who eat fresh, high-quality foods and exercise a lot rarely suffer not only from this syndrome, but also from other gastrointestinal diseases.

What are the causes of incomplete bowel movement?

  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Colon polyps;
  • Malignant intestinal tumors.

This article is not a guide to action. With its help, we want to draw patients’ attention to the importance of any unpleasant symptom, and emphasize that prevention and timely treatment diseases will help maintain health long years.

Irritable bowel syndrome is the main cause of the feeling of incomplete bowel movement

The feeling of incomplete bowel movement is most often a component of irritable bowel syndrome. This is a condition in which there are no organic changes in the intestines, but under the influence of constant emotional stress and stress, the correct innervation of the intestines is disrupted, which is manifested by incomplete emptying syndrome and diarrhea, followed by constipation.

In addition to stress, pathology can be caused by the following factors:

  • Frequent overeating. Overfilling and distension of the intestine increases the sensitivity of nerve receptors.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Women with this pathology note an increase or appearance of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in the first days of menstruation.
  • Poor nutrition. Consumption of fatty and smoked foods, as well as carbonated drinks, provokes intestinal upset in people with a predisposition to the development of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Dysbacteriosis and intestinal infection can serve as a trigger for the feeling of incomplete bowel movement.
  • Hereditary predisposition in the development of intestinal pathologies also plays an important role.

With this disease, the feeling of incomplete bowel movement is accompanied by abdominal pain and bloating, which precedes the urge to go to the toilet. The symptom of incomplete emptying intensifies and the urge becomes more frequent, often under stress.

Treatment of incomplete bowel movement in irritable bowel syndrome

How to eliminate the feeling of incomplete bowel movement if objective reasons is there no development? You should change your lifestyle. It is recommended to rest more, go for walks fresh air, in severe cases, doctors may advise changing jobs to remove the source of stress.

Advice: Distraction from problems will remove the main pathogenetic mechanism of incomplete bowel emptying - violation nervous regulation. It is also recommended to take sedatives based on plant extracts (valerian extract, glycine).

And the second, important part of the treatment of incomplete bowel movement is to change the nature of the diet. You need to eat often and in small portions, give preference to soups, steamed or baked foods, increase the consumption of lean varieties of fish and meat, vegetables and fruits typical for the region at this time of year.


Hemorrhoids are progressive varicose veins in the anus. The main cause of the disease is chronic blood stagnation in the pelvis. This is often facilitated by the patient's sedentary lifestyle. The development of the disease is accompanied by ulceration, bleeding, compaction and thrombosis of the affected veins of the rectum.

Incomplete emptying intestines with hemorrhoids is combined with pain during bowel movements. And bleeding of hemorrhoids leads to the appearance of red blood on the surface of the stool. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a proctologist based on examination, colonoscopy, radiology and ultrasound.

Important: Today, treating hemorrhoids is not difficult, and with early diagnosis, doctors even use minimally invasive surgical methods.

In general, treatment of incomplete bowel movement due to hemorrhoids comes down to the following measures:

  • Normalization of digestion and treatment of constipation;
  • Drug therapy for hemorrhoids (stimulants, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • Gentle surgical intervention: ligation with latex rings, sclerotherapy, electrocoagulation, laser treatment, radio wave coagulation;
  • Classic radical surgery with excision of the rectal mucosa and hemorrhoids (used in advanced stages).

After treatment, the patient should be periodically observed by a surgeon, who can promptly detect a relapse.

Colon polyps

Colon polyps are benign formations mucous membranes, which cause intestinal dysfunction. Single and small polyps can exist asymptomatically for many years, and the patient will not be aware of their presence. In this case, the polyps are not subject to surgical removal: the patient is recommended to undergo regular monitoring and, if necessary, surgical removal.

However, if polyps disrupt the function of the gastrointestinal tract and the intestines do not empty completely, they should be surgically removed. The operation is performed without opening abdominal cavity through the anus. After the polyps are removed, bowel function is restored and the feeling of incomplete bowel movement goes away. It is impossible to get rid of this symptom caused by polyps by other methods.

Malignant intestinal tumors

A feeling of incomplete bowel movement may also accompany extreme dangerous diseases, such as colon cancer. Therefore, we once again emphasize the importance of timely contacting specialists. Malignant tumors can be successfully treated in the early stages, therefore early diagnosis- the key to complete recovery.

In addition to the feeling of impaired bowel movement, colon cancer is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea followed by constipation;
  • Blood in the stool;
  • Weakness, decreased performance;
  • Unreasonable increase in temperature;
  • Night sweats.

This diagnosis is confirmed only by histological examination - during a colonoscopy, a small area of ​​the identified tumor is removed. The removed tissue is examined under a microscope for the presence of malignant cells. Treatment depends on the stage of the tumor and includes surgery together with radiation treatment or chemotherapy.

Advice: As you can see, the feeling of incomplete bowel movement is not always a harmless symptom, so consult a doctor as soon as possible. Due to the widespread prevalence of oncology, preventive examination will not harm anyone.

Other causes of incomplete emptying

Other reasons for the feeling of incomplete bowel movement include a sedentary lifestyle, overweight, unhealthy diet, premenstrual syndrome, diabetes. However, having prescribed a standard set of examinations (stool analysis, radiography of the abdominal organs, endoscopy) and not finding any visible pathology, the doctor will still make a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome.

Important: The International Classification of Diseases does not identify such a disease as incomplete bowel movement. The diagnosis will sound like irritable bowel syndrome.

In this case, treatment for incomplete bowel movement will consist of changing lifestyle and diet, as well as drug therapy stress, impaired intestinal motility and dysbiosis.

Prevention of development

In order to prevent incomplete bowel movement and the diseases that cause it, you should follow the following nutritional rules:

  • Frequent, fractional meals(small portions 4-5 times a day);
  • Avoid snacking on the run;
  • Refusal of fast foods and carbonated drinks: cookies with kefir will better satisfy your hunger;
  • Adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables;
  • Increasing the diet of liquid foods, as well as steamed or oven-cooked foods.

Recommendation: Move every day. A half-hour walk will tone your body, refresh your head and improve your mood. Take a break from everyday activities so that everyday problems do not disturb your emotional state. This is an excellent preventative measure not only for the feeling of incomplete bowel movement, but also for other nervous and somatic pathologies.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause?

Frequent bowel movements (bowel movements, bowel movements) without diarrhea

When a person needs to cleanse his intestines, he has the urge to defecate. Sometimes cases arise when such urges are false. This happens because the intestines contract, causing painful sensations. Frequent bowel movements without diarrhea occur with infectious diseases.

In medicine frequent urge to defecation is usually called tenesmus. They can be either false or real. With tenesmus, the patient feels exhausted, and the skin appears cracked and eroded. At strong influence infection, frequent bowel movements without diarrhea appear. Besides infectious disease Frequent bowel movements, but not diarrhea, can cause irritable bowel syndrome.

Reasons for frequent bowel movements

There are several reasons why a person experiences frequent bowel movements, but not diarrhea. You should know these reasons:

  • Inflammation of the rectum. At first, the patient experiences severe pain and the urge to urinate. Most often, stool is not diarrhea. A little later, the person cannot control his intestines, and stool comes out involuntarily. In most cases, feces contain blood and pus. Inflammation can be caused by various injuries;
  • Frequent trips to the toilet may be caused by excessive consumption laxatives or one-time use of a strong laxative. If there are no other diseases, the stool is not diarrhea;
  • Dysentery. Most often in our country, mild forms of this disease occur, so people do not experience diarrhea. You can get sick by communicating with sick people or contact with bacteria carriers;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome. With this disease, the character of the stool constantly changes its state from constipation to a more liquid state. Diarrhea occurs extremely rarely, only when neglected form. After emptying, the person feels relief and the pain stops.

Treatment of frequent bowel movements without diarrhea

First of all, you need to understand why stool is frequent, but not diarrhea. To do this, it is better to go to a specialist who will conduct a diagnosis and determine the cause. Only after this can you begin treatment.

Treatment should begin taking into account the characteristics Everyday life patient. Changes in stool may directly depend on stressful situations. The patient must understand the essence of his disease. You should also convince the person seeking help that visiting the toilet twice a day is normal. Treatment will be more effective if lifestyle changes are made.

First of all, you should take care of yourself daily nutrition, which can fully influence the frequency of stool. It is better to avoid products that contribute to this:

  • Fructose;
  • Milk. It all depends on the amount of product consumed and its fat content;
  • Artificial sugar substitutes. This product may be found in a variety of beverages and some prepared foods. To avoid consuming artificial sugar, it is recommended to read the ingredients of products.

The best thing dietary food draw up together with your attending physician, who will take into account the prescribed treatment and the characteristics of the patient’s body. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, you can get rid of increased bowel movements without diarrhea in a few days. The exception is serious illness, which requires long-term treatment and hospitalization.

For IBS, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • Probiotics;
  • Antibiotics. These include Rifaximin;
  • Pancreatic enzymes. The main drug is Pancreatin.

A disease characterized by the appearance of pouch-like protrusions in the walls of the colon is called diverticulosis.

Diverticula of the sigmoid colon are the most common gastrointestinal pathology in elderly patients.

For the treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea caused by intestinal gram-positive bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci.

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Frequent bowel movements may indicate various diseases body - poor nutrition, constant stress, helminthic infestations, bowel dysfunction or poisoning. If such situations arise, it is imperative to monitor the frequency and nature of stool, as well as other possible manifestations pathologies. Since frequent watery stools, especially together with profuse vomiting, can lead to serious consequences such as complete dehydration of the body.

Urge to defecate

False urges may also appear; the reason for this is a contraction of the muscle base of the intestines; usually in this case, pain in the abdominal area, discomfort, a feeling of incomplete emptying are observed; bowel movements may be absent altogether or present in a small volume.

Also, with a frequent urge to defecate, diarrhea may be observed; in this case, this may be a sign of either a serious disease of the digestive system or a manifestation of nervous strain or stressful situation. If these symptoms are accompanied by others clear signs pathologies last more than three days, or the stool contains pus or blood, you should immediately be examined in a specialized clinic.

Some reasons for increased frequency of bowel movements

One of possible reasons increased frequency of bowel movements - proctitis, or inflammation of the rectum. This disease is characterized by following signs: severe pain, diarrhea, frequent urges accompanied by pain, the presence of blood, mucus and pus in the stool, spontaneous, uncontrolled bowel movements are also observed. Proctitis can be caused by injuries to the mucous membrane, for example, as a result of carelessness when using an enema. In addition, this disease can develop as a result of permanent use strong laxatives, or be a consequence of internal hemorrhoids.

Frequent bowel movements are one of the symptoms of dysentery. Most often, a mild form of this disease occurs. Infection occurs as a result of contact with sick people or those people in whose bodies the causative agent of the disease is present. With this pathology, frequent painful stools and false urges occur, which do not lead to defecation and do not subside after it. Diarrhea can recur very often up to forty times a day with severe forms diseases. A mild form of dysentery is similar in its symptoms to an intestinal infection.

Persistent, frequent urges are observed with tumors of the large intestine. In this case, there may be blood or mucus in the stool and false urges. With cancerous tumors, periods of severe diarrhea often alternate with constipation; benign tumors, as a rule, are not accompanied by deterioration general condition body and other ailments.

Other causes of increased bowel movements

In people with a sensitive nature, frequent bowel movements may occur due to a stressful situation or strong feelings.

As a result of improper use medical supplies having laxative effect, frequent urges, diarrhea and colic may occur. In addition, bowel movements become more frequent when ulcerative colitis, thyrotoxicosis and other diseases.

I read on the website of your research center that you can do an ultrasound of the rectum, does this replace sigmoidoscopy? Me in Lately I'm worried about a polyp in the rectum. I think the pain occurs due to frequent bowel movements in small portions and the accumulation of feces in sigmoid colon. I think there is dysbiosis too. I would like to make an appointment at your center, but, unfortunately, there are no prices or appointment times on the website. I would be grateful to receive information on how to get to you.

In young children, timely bowel movements of normal consistency and color are considered one of the signs of a healthy condition. In principle, in adults, some diseases or even pathological conditions can also be determined by stool, especially if an adult has frequent bowel movements, which may not bring any inconvenience to the person at all. Every person tries to watch their bowel movements, but how often is it permissible to go to the toilet in large quantities and when should you start worrying?

Features of the digestive tract of some people

Young parents are happy when the baby poops after every meal, but for adults, such frequent bowel movements do not indicate a normal condition and are most likely a sign of some pathological human conditions.

The norm is one bowel movement per day, two bowel movements are allowed at a certain body weight or when a person eats a lot of foods that have a laxative effect or contain a large amount of fiber. This is not about diarrhea.

Sometimes, with insufficient enzyme production, an adult may also have bowel movements several times a day, most often several hours after eating. This indicates the inability of the intestines to fully break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates. With a good metabolism, the frequency of stool can also be more than 1-2 times, but the feces should not change the normal state of consistency, color, smell, etc. In any case, you need to contact a gastroenterologist and undergo certain tests for the same enzymes and other indicators.

Pathological conditions that cause frequent bowel movements

But going to the toilet 5 or more times a day is no longer normal, and with such complaints you should definitely see a specialist. Frequent bowel movements in an adult may be a symptom the following diseases or states:

  • Crohn's disease of the colon;
  • colitis of different origins;
  • salmonellosis;
  • dysentery;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • dysentery;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the liver and/or biliary tract;
  • colon or rectal cancer.

All these conditions and diseases are accompanied not only by frequent bowel movements, but also by changes in their color, smell, appearance, consistency, etc.

It goes without saying that frequent loose stool is diarrhea, which can occur as a result of a number of other diseases, including due to intestinal dysbiosis, which must be treated immediately.

If the human body does not produce enough bile acids, the frequency of stool also increases throughout the day. In this case, the stool also changes its color to pale, and its consistency becomes greasy and shiny. If similar condition accompanied for a long time, vision may be impaired in the evening, increased bone fragility, and anal bleeding may occur. All this is confirmation of the pathology of the duodenum, diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

In case of any deviations from the norm in bowel movements and deterioration of the normal state of health, you should consult a doctor and in no case is it recommended to self-medicate.

Hello, I'm 20 years old. For 2 years I did not follow a diet. There was bloating in the evening. Now there is constant constipation, bloating, and loss of hair. hemorrhoidal node. Swallowed the probe. The examination results are good. There's nothing wrong with my stomach. The proctologist recommended not to eat peppered and smoked foods, however, other foods also lead to the above problems. Please tell me how should I eat and what should I do?

Do general blood tests, urine tests, coprogram, ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Resolve issues with the surgeon regarding the treatment of hemorrhoids. The diet should contain at least 500 g of vegetables per day, 400 g of fruit, 500 g of kefir per day if it is well tolerated, or replace it with cottage cheese. Limit consumption of fresh cabbage, turnips, legumes, freshly baked bread and whole milk. Eat small meals at least 4-5 times a day.

Consultation is provided for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor.

Frequent bowel movements - reasons

What is the urge to defecate?

A false urge to defecate occurs as a result of convulsive contraction of the intestinal muscles, accompanied by abdominal pain and a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. In this case, a person has a small one-time volume of stool or no stool at all. Frequent urge to defecate may occur with diarrhea.

This unpleasant symptom may be a sign that it is not very serious intestinal infection, and many serious diseases. However, false urges to defecate are usually not the only symptom of the disease. If you have a frequent urge to defecate, lasting more than 2-3 days, and you find blood or pus in your stool, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of frequent bowel movements

Inflammation of the rectum (proctitis). The onset of rectal inflammation is characterized by severe pain, frequent urge to defecate, diarrhea. An indispensable symptom of the disease is involuntary bowel movement (stool mixed with mucus, blood and pus). The causes of proctitis are varied. Inflammation can be caused by damage to the rectal mucosa (eg, during an enema). As a rule, the damage heals without any complications. Other causes of proctitis - regular use laxatives or one-time use of a strong laxative medication; the presence of internal hemorrhoids.


In our country, only mild forms of bacillary dysentery are usually found. Infection most often occurs through contact with sick people or bacteria carriers who release pathogens (Shigella bacteria) into the external environment with feces. In more severe forms of dysentery, severe and often painful diarrhea occurs.

However, the frequent urge to defecate does not go away even after a bowel movement (the stool contains an admixture of blood and mucus, sometimes pus). Diarrhea repeats once a day. This painful urge to defecate is called tenesmus. Light shape dysentery is difficult to distinguish from intestinal infections (found in our area), however, in the latter case, frequent and painful urges to defecation are rare.

Bowel tumor

A persistent urge to defecate may also occur with a tumor of the colon or rectum. In this case, the stool may be mixed with blood or mucus. With a tumor of the colon, the urge to defecate is most often false. At benign tumors colon or rectum (polyps), usually no ailments are observed, but with malignant tumors severe diarrhea alternates with prolonged constipation. In addition, an important sign of malignant tumors is stool mixed with blood.


U sensitive people the urge to defecate can be caused by severe mental tension or stress.

Use of laxatives

Under the influence of strong laxatives, bowel movements resemble an explosion. Painful colic continues for quite a long time even after defecation.

Incomplete bowel movement

Every person, at least once in his life, experiences indigestion. Impaired bowel movement is the most common disorder. It immediately affects your well-being and disrupts your usual way of life. If similar problem causes discomfort for a long period, it is necessary to contact a specialist and correct the situation.

What is the normal frequency of bowel movements?

The number of bowel movements for each adult is individual, but normally regularity is required. The intestines should be emptied 1-2 times a day (usually in the morning after breakfast), but not less than once every two days. There are people who normally have a bowel movement once every 7 days and feel great. Therefore, the International Association of Gastroenterologists has identified special signs (“Rome criteria”) that determine incomplete bowel movement.

Causes of bowel movement disorders

For some, difficulties with excreting feces appear occasionally, while for others, an overcrowded intestine occurs constantly. Why is this happening? Most often, the feeling of incomplete bowel movement occurs in people prone to constipation or functional disease intestines. The causes of the disorder are different, even psychological, but the most common among them are the following:

  • poor diet (processed foods and not eating enough fiber);
  • absence physical activity leads to stagnation in the pelvic organs;
  • stressful situations and nervous shocks;
  • use of large quantities of medications, including laxatives (tablets, suppositories, syrups);
  • injuries and general diseases internal organs.

Doctors identify a tendency to constipation as a separate cause, causing sensation intestinal overflow. Insufficient bowel movement - no independent disease, and its symptom. The most common causes of constipation are:

  • congenital or acquired abnormalities of the intestinal structure;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the organ: benign or malignant;
  • disorder of intestinal motor-evacuation function.

Individual determination of the cause of incomplete emptying syndrome includes all disturbing signs and a mandatory examination.


Regular bowel movements - necessary condition normal functioning of the body. Failure to comply with this condition puts not only the organs of the digestive system at risk. The body immediately warns of a complication that has arisen, and the feeling of a full intestine is not the only symptom. There are signs not related to the digestive organ.

Bowel symptoms

  • Violation of the process of defecation. One has constipation, in which the intestines are emptied with great delay, the other has diarrhea and rapid removal of contents. There is no urge to defecate, or the urge is false.
  • Pain - mandatory feature, caused by stimulation of nerve processes and dilation of the intestine. It can be different: dull, raw, cramping, sharp. Pain in the lower abdomen, on the left side, is a characteristic feature of constipation. When upset, it spreads throughout the abdomen.
  • Painful swelling.
  • Heaviness in the stomach. The process of emptying is carried out with tension and is painful. There remains a feeling of incomplete bowel movement after defecation.

Other symptoms

It happens that in addition to the above-described signs:


The main task of specialists is to differentiate the problem of bowel movement from other diseases with similar symptoms. Diagnostics are carried out using specialized testing and a set of laboratory techniques. The list of methods is as follows:

  • General analysis of urine and blood. Allows you to determine the condition of the body, eliminate inflammation and infection.
  • Research of chemical and physical characteristics feces
  • If there is a suspicion that there is an infection in the intestine, bacteriological culture is performed.
  • A biochemical blood test to evaluate the functioning of the pancreas and liver, which are directly involved in digestion.
  • Examination of stool for the composition of microorganisms.

Instrumental diagnostic methods will help confirm the results obtained and make an accurate diagnosis:

  • An endoscopic method that allows you to check the intestinal mucosa and determine the presence of damage and neoplasms. The duration of the procedure is about 10-15 minutes. The study is carried out using special equipment called an endoscope.
  • Examination of the colon using X-rays using contrast. You can examine the structure and pathological abnormalities (irrigoscopy).
  • Study of anorectal muscle tone and contraction small intestine.

Performance instrumental diagnostics will require special patient preparation.

How to treat the syndrome?

It is necessary to treat the syndrome not only with suppositories, tablets, great importance is given to psychological and emotional state patient. Serious psychological problems require the intervention of a specialist who conducts psychotherapy sessions. In parallel with the settlement of the psycho-emotional state, treatment is carried out. There are several methods of therapy: traditional (medicinal) and folk.

Drug therapy

Treatment medicines aimed at alleviating the condition and relieving disturbing signs. The doctor prescribes:

  • probiotics that enrich the body with necessary enzymes and support the intestinal microflora, for example, Espumisan, Hilak Forte;
  • strengthening drugs for diarrhea - “Loperamide”;
  • prokinetics for constipation - Duphalac, Motilium, Bisacodyl, suppositories with glycerin, gas-forming suppositories;
  • painkillers - No-Shpa, "Papaverine", in "Spasmomen" suppositories.

Folk remedies

To enhance the effect use following recipes traditional medicine:

  • Millet (porridge) or a mixture of blueberry leaves, bird cherry fruits, and burnet root help well against diarrhea. Mix the components in equal proportions and pour in 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for about 5-6 hours in a thermos so that the water does not cool down. Strain the resulting product and take 3 times a day.
  • Blueberries, onion juice and aloe are great against constipation.
  • Take off unpleasant pain Mint infusion and chamomile will help. For hemorrhoidal cones, the pain is relieved with ice suppositories.

Diet food

The right approach to nutrition is important in the treatment of the syndrome and as a prevention. A healthy, fractional diet is recommended for the patient; meals should be divided into 5-6 times and eaten in small portions. Products that increase flatulence (cabbage), alcohol, salty and smoked foods are completely excluded from the diet. The main part of the meal should be vegetables, fruits, dairy products, steamed meat and fish. It is imperative to monitor the amount of liquid you drink. In one day, a person should drink at least 2 liters and be sure to drink a glass of clean water in the morning, before meals.

Possible consequences

Irregular emptying and the use of suppositories and syrups to improve the situation leads to addiction and general malaise and to more serious complications. If defecation does not occur completely or is delayed, the feces become dense and, passing through the intestines, leave cracks and ulcers, as a result - inflammatory process. Long-term disruption leads to the development of hemorrhoids, partial or complete obstruction.

Incomplete emptying syndrome is dangerous for people with heart failure, since straining during bowel movements can cause increased pressure.

Preventive measures

Healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, physical activity, proper daily routine, good mood- main components preventive measure. It is important, in order to avoid pathology and to increase the effectiveness of treatment, to learn how to properly empty the intestines in the morning, without using suppositories and other drugs. Learn to sit on the toilet for no more than 1 minute, and there will be no situations that provoke the development of pathology.

Every person, at least once in his life, experiences indigestion. Impaired bowel movement is the most common disorder. It immediately affects your well-being and disrupts your usual way of life. If such a problem causes discomfort for a long period, you need to contact a specialist and correct the situation.

What is the normal frequency of bowel movements?

The number of bowel movements for each adult is individual, but normally regularity is required. The intestines should be emptied 1-2 times a day (usually in the morning after breakfast), but not less than once every two days. There are people who normally have a bowel movement once every 7 days and feel great. Therefore, the International Association of Gastroenterologists has identified special signs (“Rome criteria”) that determine incomplete bowel movement.

Causes of bowel movement disorders

Eating irregularities can cause constipation.

For some, difficulties with excreting feces appear occasionally, while for others, an overcrowded intestine occurs constantly. Why is this happening? Most often, the feeling of incomplete bowel movement occurs in people prone to constipation or with functional bowel disease. The causes of the disorder are different, even psychological, but the most common among them are the following:

  • poor diet (processed foods and not eating enough fiber);
  • lack of physical activity leads to stagnation in the pelvic organs;
  • stressful situations and nervous shocks;
  • use of large quantities of medications, including laxatives (tablets, suppositories, syrups);
  • injuries and general diseases of internal organs.

Doctors identify a tendency to constipation as a separate cause that causes a feeling of fullness in the intestines. Insufficient bowel movements are not an independent disease, but a symptom of it. The most common causes of constipation are:

  • congenital or acquired abnormalities of the intestinal structure;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the organ: benign or malignant;
  • disorder of intestinal motor-evacuation function.

Individual determination of the cause of incomplete emptying syndrome includes all disturbing signs and a mandatory examination.


Constipation is the body's signal about a problem with the gastrointestinal tract.

Regular bowel movements are a necessary condition for the normal functioning of the body. Failure to comply with this condition puts not only the organs of the digestive system at risk. The body immediately warns of a complication that has arisen, and the feeling of a full intestine is not the only symptom. There are signs not related to the digestive organ.

Bowel symptoms

  • Violation of the process of defecation. One has constipation, in which the intestines are emptied with great delay, the other has diarrhea and rapid removal of contents. There is no urge to defecate, or the urge is false.
  • Pain is a mandatory symptom caused by stimulation of nerve processes and dilation of the intestine. It can be different: dull, raw, cramping, sharp. Pain in the lower abdomen, on the left side, is a characteristic feature of constipation. When upset, it spreads throughout the abdomen.
  • Painful swelling.
  • Heaviness in the stomach. The process of emptying is carried out with tension and is painful. There remains a feeling of incomplete bowel movement after defecation.

Other symptoms

It happens that in addition to the above-described signs:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • general weakness.


A general blood and urine test will show whether there is an infection in the body.

The main task of specialists is to differentiate the problem of bowel movement from other diseases with similar symptoms. Diagnostics are carried out using specialized testing and a set of laboratory techniques. The list of methods is as follows:

  • General analysis of urine and blood. Allows you to determine the condition of the body, eliminate inflammation and infection.
  • Study of the chemical and physical characteristics of feces.
  • If there is a suspicion that there is an infection in the intestine, bacteriological culture is performed.
  • A biochemical blood test to evaluate the functioning of the pancreas and liver, which are directly involved in digestion.
  • Examination of stool for the composition of microorganisms.

Instrumental diagnostic methods will help confirm the results obtained and make an accurate diagnosis:

  • An endoscopic method that allows you to check the intestinal mucosa and determine the presence of damage and neoplasms. The duration of the procedure is about 10-15 minutes. The study is carried out using special equipment called an endoscope.
  • Examination of the colon using X-rays using contrast. You can examine the structure and pathological abnormalities (irrigoscopy).
  • Study of anorectal muscle tone and contraction of the small intestine.

Performing instrumental diagnostics will require special preparation of the patient.

How to treat the syndrome?

It is possible to achieve complete recovery by adhering to a comprehensive treatment method.

It is necessary to treat the syndrome not only with suppositories and tablets; great importance is given to the psychological and emotional state of the patient. Serious psychological problems require the intervention of a specialist who conducts psychotherapy sessions. In parallel with the settlement of the psycho-emotional state, treatment is carried out. There are several methods of therapy: traditional (medicinal) and folk.

Drug therapy

Treatment with medications is aimed at alleviating the condition and relieving bothersome symptoms. The doctor prescribes:

  • probiotics that enrich the body with necessary enzymes and support the intestinal microflora, for example, Espumisan, Hilak Forte;
  • strengthening drugs for diarrhea - “Loperamide”;
  • prokinetics for constipation - Duphalac, Motilium, Bisacodyl, suppositories with glycerin, gas-forming suppositories;
  • painkillers - No-Shpa, "Papaverine", in "Spasmomen" suppositories.

The main functions of the large intestine are concentrated in the plane of final filtration of feces and freeing them from excess moisture. This is where the fecal bolus is formed. At its core, the large intestine is a storehouse of waste that must be removed from digestive tract. Often, with pathologies of the colon, a violation of the act of defecation occurs. This should not be allowed, since the accumulation of waste in this part of the intestine is fraught with the development of cancer.

The function of the colon is varied. This is by no means only the accumulation and promotion of food digested in the small intestine, but also its additional processing, and primarily in the cecum, where intestinal juice. Here water is absorbed and the small intestinal chyme is converted into feces (“fermentation pot”). Now you know what the function of the colon is, let's look into it further.

Continuous movement of feces through colon is carried out relatively slowly, but when the next portion of chyme enters the vacated part of the cecum from the small intestine, then at the opposite end of the colon, peristalsis is forced, and feces are pushed into the rectum. This occurs 3-4 times a day, during or immediately after eating, and is often felt as rumbling in the stomach. Normally, colonic transit and accumulation of feces in the rectum takes an average of 24 hours, and the longer this time, the more residual water is absorbed from the feces. As a result, the feces become denser, causing stool retention and difficulty defecating.

Features of the colon

The act of defecation- a complex central-local process. It is initiated by distension of the rectum with feces and gases moving from the sigmoid. These features of the colon stimulate receptors in the walls of the rectum and the levator ani muscles, which transmit a signal along the splanchnic nerves of the pelvis to the spinal cord segments S1 and S3 or through the hypogastric nerves. nerve plexuses into ganglion cells L1 and L2 (this data is constantly revised and refined). If the conditions for defecation are favorable, the muscles contract abdominal wall and the pelvic diaphragm descends, which increases intra-abdominal pressure, and at the same time muscle activity is inhibited pelvic floor and external anal sphincter (rectoanal inhibitory reflex). The continuity mechanism is “unlocked,” namely, the sharp anorectal angle, which was provided by the loop of the puborectal muscle (m. puborectalis), is smoothed out. Upon completion of defecation, the activity of the external sphincter and pelvic floor muscles is quickly excited (closing reflex) and the continence mechanism is restored.

Defecation disorders

Disturbances in the act of defecation are clinically most severely expressed in anal incontinence. Known idiopathic, no visible organic reasons, gas and fecal incontinence and, on the other hand, anal incontinence with pathology of the brain and spinal cord (for example, with multiple sclerosis). The syndrome of prolapse of the perineum is also known, which is expressed in women by prolapse of the posterior wall of the vagina and the anterior wall of the rectum (rectocele). The syndrome is associated with severe long-term physical activity(repeated difficult childbirth, etc.) and with damage to the pudendal nerve during gynecological operations.

Disorders of the structures of the obturator apparatus of the rectum

Main, most common pathology - anatomical, congenital or acquired disorders of the structures of the obturator apparatus of the rectum. Congenital include anomalies and malformations of the rectum, and acquired include iatrogenic surgical injuries. Dosed dissection of the anal sphincter (only the internal sphincter) is necessary, for example, for a permanent cure anal fissure, does not lead to incontinence and sphincter function is quickly restored. And other proctological operations, expertly performed on the perineum for acute or chronic paraproctitis (rectal fistulas), do not disrupt the obturator function, do not damage the pelvic floor muscles responsible for anal continence, primarily m. puborectalis. On the other hand, for low malignant tumors of the rectum that grow into the sphincter muscles, it is necessary to perform an extirpation of the intestine, removing the entire obturator apparatus, but for tumors located at least 4-5 cm from the outer edge of the anus, with modern laparoscopic combined techniques, preserve the obturator press is often successful.