What can you eat with type 2 diabetes. What is the insidiousness of systemic metabolic disease? What is diabetes mellitus disease

Diabetes is a very serious and dangerous disease, requiring permanent treatment. Together with the use drug therapy patients should lead a healthy lifestyle, give up addictions, play sports. It is equally important to know what you can eat with diabetes, and what products should be completely abandoned.

If there is a significant deterioration in well-being, malaise, constant and moreover, unquenchable thirst, xerostomia, frequent urination, itching skin, especially in the area of ​​​​the feet and groin, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist and undergo an examination. These symptoms signal the development of diabetes.

The disease is certainly dangerous and severe, but it is not a sentence. Many people live with illness. In order to normalize well-being, maintain normal blood sugar levels and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you should observe special diet and know what to eat with diabetes.

Pathology can develop both in an adult and in a child. Often the disease is diagnosed in pregnant women. At proper treatment and a healthy diet can keep the disease under control.

What can you drink with diabetes

Most patients try to control their diet. They don't use junk food and try to make the food as healthy and balanced as possible. But not everyone keeps track of what drinks they drink. Diabetics should not drink alcoholic drinks, shop juices, strong tea, kvass, sweet soda.

If you want to drink, you should give preference to the following drinks:

  • non-carbonated mineral water or purified water;
  • unsweetened juices;
  • jelly;
  • compotes;
  • weak teas;
  • green tea;
  • herbal decoctions and infusions;
  • freshly squeezed juices (but only diluted);
  • skimmed dairy products.

Doctors do not recommend patients to drink coffee. But scientists have proven that coffee is rich in useful and the right substances, including antioxidants that help prevent the development of tumors. They are rich in grains and linoleic acid, which prevents the development of heart attacks, strokes and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. So drinking coffee sugar disease It is possible, most importantly, that the coffee is natural and without sugar.

Basic rules of healthy eating

Every diabetic, without exception, should know what to eat in the presence of diabetes. Eating all the food in a row is fraught with a deterioration in overall well-being.

Any diet, including diabetes, has its own characteristics and rules.

Diet therapy is supposed to:

  • limiting the consumption of carbohydrate products;
  • reduction in calorie intake;
  • the use of fortified food;
  • five to six meals a day;
  • meals at the same time;
  • diet enrichment natural vitamins- vegetables and fruits (with the exception of sweet ones, especially persimmons and dates);
  • eating small meals;
  • exclusion of long intervals between meals;
  • compiling a menu taking into account the GI of products;
  • minimizing salt intake;
  • refusal to eat fatty, spicy, spicy, fried foods;
  • refusal to drink alcohol and sweet soda, as well as convenience foods and fast food;
  • replacing sugar with natural sweeteners: fructose, sorbitol, stevia, xylitol;
  • the use of boiled, baked in the oven and steamed food.

The right diet is the key to good health

Diabetics, regardless of the type of disease, should follow a proper and healthy diet:

  1. To constantly maintain insulin levels, you need to have a full breakfast.
  2. Every meal should start with a vegetable salad. This contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and weight correction.
  3. The last meal should take place no later than three hours before bedtime.
  4. The food you eat should be at a comfortable temperature. You can eat with diabetes warm and moderately cool dishes.
  5. Liquids can be drunk either half an hour before meals, or after 30 minutes. Do not drink water or juices during the meal.
  6. It's important to stick to the routine. Eating five to six times a day helps prevent a sharp increase in blood glucose levels.
  7. The diet should be enriched with low-fat fish, dairy products with a low percentage of fat content, vegetables and fruits, cereals.
  8. Diabetics should avoid sugar and any products containing sugar.
  9. The optimal daily calorie content is 2400 kcal.
  10. It is also important to follow chemical composition dishes. The share of complex carbohydrates in the daily diet is 50%, proteins - 20%, fats - 30%.
  11. One and a half liters of purified or mineral non-carbonated water should be consumed per day.

GI (glycemic index) - what is it

Each product has its own GI. Otherwise, it is called "bread unit" - XE. And if nutritional value determines how much nutrients will be converted into energy for the body, then GI is an indicator of the digestibility of carbohydrate products. It indicates how quickly carbohydrate products are absorbed, while increasing blood sugar levels.

What can diabetics eat, following a diet and table number 9

Many patients, having heard the word "diet", regard it as a sentence. They believe that their diet will be limited to a minimum. In fact, everything is far from it. Diet therapy for a disease means limiting calorie intake, consuming complex and excluding simple carbohydrates. Food can be both therapeutic and delicious at the same time. You just need to know what diabetics can eat.

Eating the right foods will help with both weight management and maintaining normal insulin levels.

Patients are allowed to use the following products:

  • Of bread. It is preferable that it be black bread or products that are intended for diabetics. Daily rate- 300 g. The use of grain, whole grain and "Borodino" bread is also allowed.
  • Soups. It is desirable that the first dishes were cooked on vegetable broths.
  • Lean meat (veal, beef, rabbit, chicken) and fish: pike perch, carp, cod. Any method of preparation, only frying is excluded.
  • Eggs and omelet. You can consume no more than one egg per day. Abuse of this product is fraught with an increase in cholesterol levels.
  • Dairy products (low-fat milk, cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, natural yoghurts).
  • Cheese (unsalted and low fat).
  • Berries and fruits: grapefruit, raspberries, apples, kiwi. Their consumption helps not only in increasing sugar, but also lowering the level of harmful cholesterol.
  • Vegetables: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, greens.
  • Honey (limited).
  • Drinks: juices, herbal preparations, mineral water.

All these products can be eaten by diabetics. But the main thing is to observe the measure in everything. Food should not be greasy. You can't drink alcohol either.

Permitted products for people with an insulin-dependent form

Pathology of the first type, or insulin-dependent diabetes, is characterized by severe symptoms, an acute course and is accompanied by increased appetite. In addition to the use of insulin, it is important to know what diabetics can eat. Properly formulated diet The best way maintaining health and wellness.

The diet of diabetics with the first type of pathology is similar to the diet of patients with the second type. It is allowed to use: non-carbonated mineral water, seafood and low-fat fish, oatmeal and buckwheat, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, boiled eggs, dietary meat.

Table number 9 for pathology

Patients are most often prescribed dietary table number 9. The diet assumes six meals a day, the exclusion of fat, fried foods, spicy, smoked meats, salty foods and sweets. The energy value daily diet should not exceed 2500 kcal. Diabetics can eat food prepared in any way, with the exception of frying.

What not to do with diabetes: allowed and prohibited foods, sample menu

Every person suffering from a serious illness should know what not to do with diabetes. The abuse of harmful products is fraught with deterioration.

Products on the list should be discarded:

  • Sahara. It is recommended to replace with sweeteners.
  • Baking. This food is not recommended at all. In addition to being rich in sugar, they are also high in calories, which is not very good for blood glucose levels.
  • Fatty meat and fish products.
  • Smoked dishes and canned food. This product has a high glycemic index.
  • Animal fats, mayonnaise.
  • Dairy with a high percentage of fat.
  • Semolina porridge and cereal-based products, as well as pasta.
  • Vegetables. Certain vegetables cannot be eaten with diabetes, but if it does not work out, their consumption should be limited as much as possible: potatoes, fried zucchini.
  • Sweet fruits.
  • Drinks: sweet soda, concentrated or store-bought juices, compotes, strong black tea.
  • Snacks, seeds, chips.
  • Sweets. With any type of diabetes, in particular with gestational diabetes, it is forbidden to use ice cream, jam, milk chocolate.
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Permitted and prohibited products: table

Proper nutrition along with the introduction of insulin is the key to good health. To adhere to a diet, as well as to use medicines, the patient should be all his life. This is the only way to maintain normal blood sugar levels. What you can eat and what not with diabetes, you can see in the table.

Allowed to eat:

  • purified water or mineral water;
  • weak tea, coffee;
  • mushrooms;
  • green peas;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • turnips;
  • string beans;
  • greens;
  • carrots;
  • beets;
  • eggplant;
  • pepper;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes.

Allowed use:

  • berries;
  • fruits;
  • soups;
  • croup;
  • of bread;
  • legumes (peas, beans, lentils);
  • potatoes;
  • honey;
  • low-fat cheeses;
  • dairy products with a low percentage of fat content;
  • low-fat boiled sausage;
  • meat and fish products.

It is forbidden to eat:

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • grapes;
  • bananas;
  • persimmons;
  • dates;
  • sweets (ice cream, jam, lollipops, cookies;
  • Sahara;
  • seeds;
  • canned food;
  • smoked and sausage products;
  • fatty meat and fish products;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • animal fats.

How to replace harmful products

Patients are prohibited from eating high-calorie foods, as such products provoke the progression of the disease and worsen the effect of drugs.

Harmful products can be replaced with useful, suitable in composition:

  • White bread can be replaced with rye flour products.
  • Sweets and desserts - berries and diabetic desserts.
  • Animal fats are vegetable fats.
  • Fatty meat products and cheeses - low-fat foods, avocados.
  • Cream is a low-fat dairy product.
  • Ice cream - hard cheeses, seafood, legumes.
  • Beer - fermented milk products, beef, eggs.
  • Sweet soda - beets, carrots, legumes.
  • Sausage is a dairy product.

Approximate weekly menu

You can make a menu for every day or immediately for the whole week on your own, taking into account what is possible and what is not possible with diabetes. Below is a sample menu for the week.

The first day.

  • Morning meal: salad with cucumber and cabbage, oatmeal, weak tea.
  • Snack: apple or kefir.
  • Lunch meal: vegetable soup, zucchini casserole, compote.
  • Snack: cottage cheese casserole.
  • Evening meal: buckwheat porridge, boiled chicken fillet, juice.

Second day.

  • Breakfast: milk pumpkin porridge, jelly.
  • Snack: biscuit cookies.
  • Lunch: lean borscht, millet porridge with baked pollock fillet, green tea.
  • Snack: curdled milk.
  • Dinner: squash stew, kefir.

Day three.

  • Morning meal: boiled egg, cheese sandwich, coffee.
  • Snack: baked apple.
  • Lunch meal: fish soup, buckwheat porridge, steamed chicken meatballs, tomato juice.
  • Snack: orange.
  • Evening meal: milk rice porridge, boiled shrimps, fermented baked milk.

Day four.

  • Breakfast: Omelette, cheese sandwich, tea.
  • Snack: salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers.
  • Lunch meal: cabbage soup, baked fish, compote.
  • Snack: raspberry jelly.
  • Evening meal: boiled turkey, tomato juice.

Day five.

  • Morning meal: baked pumpkin, apple compote.
  • Snack: one apple.
  • Lunch: mushroom soup oatmeal, carrot juice.
  • Snack: kefir.
  • Dinner: lazy cabbage rolls, curdled milk.

Day six.

  • Morning meal: cottage cheese, coffee.
  • Snack: Apple juice and biscuits.
  • Lunch meal: soup with chicken pieces and buckwheat, baked hake, compote.
  • Snack: vegetable salad.
  • Evening meal: steamed beef cutlet, oatmeal, carrot juice.

Day seven.

  • Breakfast: pumpkin porridge, green tea.
  • Snack: any allowed fruit.
  • Lunch meal: soup with rice, peppers stuffed with chicken meat, tomato juice.
  • Snack: vegetable salad, cheese sandwich.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge, stewed cabbage, kefir.

There can be six meals. But the main thing is that the last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime.

Diet therapy for diabetes is not difficult, but it is necessary. The list of permitted products is not small, so the diet will not be monotonous. The main thing to understand is that a healthy diet in case of illness is the key to good health and maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

For productive therapy of diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2, one medication is not enough. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the diet, since the disease itself is related to metabolic disorders.

In the case of autoimmune diabetes (type 1), the pancreas produces small amounts of insulin.

With age-related diabetes (type 2), there may be an excess and also a deficiency of this hormone. By eating certain foods in diabetes, you can reduce or increase the degree of glucose in the blood.

What should be the diet of a diabetic?

With diabetes of any type, the main task of the diet is to establish metabolic processes and control the increase in glucose levels. Provoke a jump in glucose can foods that contain simple carbohydrates.

An indicator of 100% is glucose in its purest form. Other foods should be compared with glucose for their carbohydrate content. For the convenience of patients, all indicators are listed in the GI table.

When eating food, in which the sugar content is minimal, the level of glucose in the blood remains the same or rises in a small amount. A high GI food increases blood glucose significantly.

Patients with type 2 diabetes simply have to be careful about the choice of products. On the initial stages, with mild to moderate severity of the disease, the diet is the main medicine.

To stabilize the normal level of glucose, you can use the low-carb diet number 9.

Bread units

Insulin-dependent people with type 1 diabetes calculate their menu using bread units. 1 XE is equal to 12 g of carbohydrates. This is the amount of carbohydrates contained in 25 g of bread.

As a rule, an adult needs 15-30 XE. Based on these indicators, it is possible to draw up the correct daily menu and nutrition for people suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes. More details about what this can be found on our website.

What food can diabetics eat?

Nutrition for type 1 and type 2 diabetics should have a low glycemic index, so patients need to choose foods with a GI of less than 50. You should be aware that the index of a particular product may vary depending on the type of processing.

For example, brown rice has a rate of 50%, and peeled rice has a rate of 75%. Also heat treatment increases the GI of fruits and vegetables.

The priority should be raw, unprocessed foods: lean fish, meat, vegetables, herbs and fruits. You can see the list in more detail in the table of glycemic indices and allowed foods.

All food consumed is divided into three groups:

Products that do not affect the increase in sugar levels:

  • mushrooms;
  • green vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • still mineral water;
  • tea and coffee without sugar and without cream.

Foods that raise sugar levels moderately:

  • unsweetened nuts and fruits;
  • cereals (with the exception of rice and semolina);
  • bread made from flour coarse grinding;
  • durum pasta;
  • dairy products and milk.

Foods that increase blood sugar levels:

  1. pickled and canned vegetables;
  2. alcohol;
  3. flour, confectionery;
  4. fresh juices;
  5. drinks with added sugar;
  6. raisin;
  7. dates.

Regular consumption of products

Food sold in the diabetic section is not suitable for regular consumption. Such food does not contain sugar, it contains its substitute - fructose. However, you need to know which ones exist, and fructose has its own side effects:

  • increases cholesterol levels;
  • high calorie;
  • increased appetite.

What foods are good for diabetes?

Fortunately, the list of allowed food is quite large. But when compiling a menu, it is necessary to take into account the glycemic index of food and its useful qualities.

If these rules are observed, all food products will become a source of the necessary trace elements and vitamins that help reduce the destructive effect of the disease.

  1. Berries. Diabetics are allowed to consume all berries except raspberries. They contain minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. You can eat both frozen and fresh berries.
  2. Juices. Freshly squeezed juices are not recommended. It will be better if you add a little fresh juice to brewed tea, salad, cocktail or porridge.
  3. Nuts. Highly useful product, because it is a source of fat. However, you need to eat nuts in small quantities, because they are very high in calories.
  4. Unsweetened fruits. Green apples, cherries, quince - will saturate the body beneficial substances and vitamins. Diabetics can actively consume citrus fruits (except tangerine). Oranges, limes, lemons abound ascorbic acid that strengthens the immune system. Vitamins and minerals provide beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, and fiber slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood.
  5. natural yogurt and skimmed milk. These foods are a source of calcium. Vitamin D, contained in dairy products, reduces the need for a sick body in sweet foods. Lactic acid bacteria normalize the microflora in the intestines and help cleanse the body of toxins.

Vegetables. Most vegetables contain a moderate amount of carbohydrates:

  • tomatoes are rich in vitamins E and C, and the iron contained in tomatoes promotes hematopoiesis;
  • sweet potato has a low GI and is also rich in vitamin A;
  • Carrots contain retinol, which is very good for vision;
  • legumes contain fiber and a host of nutrients that promote rapid satiety.
  • Spinach, lettuce, cabbage and parsley - contain a lot of the most useful vitamins and micronutrients.

It is desirable to use potatoes in a baked form and it is better with a peel.

  • Lean fish. The lack of omega-3 acids is replenished low-fat varieties fish (pollock, hake, tuna, etc.).
  • Pasta. You can only use products made from durum wheat.
  • Meat. Poultry fillet is a storehouse of protein, and veal is a source of zinc, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B.
  • Kashi. Healthy food, which contains fiber, vitamins and beneficial trace elements.

The specifics of the diet of diabetics

It is very important for people with diabetes to consume food regularly. Nutritionists recommend dividing the daily meal into 6 meals. Insulin-dependent patients should use at one time from 2 to 5 XE.

At the same time, before lunch you need to eat the most high-calorie food. In general, the diet should contain all the necessary substances and be balanced.

It is also useful to combine food with sports. So, you can speed up your metabolism and normalize weight.

In general, type 1 diabetics should scrupulously calculate the dose of insulin and try not to increase the daily calorie content of foods. After all, proper diet and nutrition will keep glucose levels normal and will not allow type 1 and type 2 diseases to further destroy the body.

Diabetes mellitus is a complex and serious disease, but people with this diagnosis live a normal life if certain rules and diets. This disease is characterized by an increase in blood glucose and carbohydrate metabolism. This disease is not a sentence. The main thing is to know the answer to the question: "If I have diabetes -?"

Disease classification

Diabetes mellitus is divided into types 1 and 2. The first has another name - insulin-dependent. The main cause of this disease is the breakdown of pancreatic cells. It occurs as a result of viral, autoimmune and oncological diseases, pancreatitis, stress. Children and people under the age of 40 are more likely to suffer from this disease. The second type is called non-insulin dependent. In this disease, insulin in the body is produced enough or even in excess. But the work of the body is disrupted when interacting with this hormone. This disease is more common in overweight people. It is typical for those over 40 and has a genetic predisposition.

Diet rules for diabetics

  • Meals should be made fractional, there should be about six meals a day. This will lead to better absorption of carbohydrates.
  • Meals should be strictly at the same time.
  • You need to consume plenty of fiber every day.
  • All food should be prepared using vegetable oils only.
  • A low-calorie diet is essential. The number of calories is calculated taking into account the weight, physical activity and age of the patient.

In both types of diabetes, dietary habits should be taken into account. In the first type of diabetes, you can eat a little and infrequently carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed. But at the same time, it is necessary to organize the correct calculation and timely administration of insulin. In the second type of diabetes, especially with obesity, such foods should be excluded or limited. With this type of diet, you can maintain a normal level of sugar. People suffering from this type of disease need to know forbidden foods for diabetes.

It is important for patients to remember that carbohydrates should be supplied to the body evenly and in sufficient quantities. This is the rule for diabetics of any type. Even the slightest disruption in meal timing will lead to sharp increase glucose. The main diet for diabetics is table number 9. But it is worth considering the age and gender, physical fitness and weight, as well as other characteristics of the patient.

What not to do with diabetes:

Products prohibited in diabetes can be used as food, but in small quantities and very rarely.

Foods that are desirable for people with diabetes contribute to normal exchange substances and reduce blood sugar.

Onion, garlic, grapefruit, Jerusalem artichoke, spinach, celery, cinnamon, ginger help lower blood sugar.

Studies have shown that the course of the disease is aggravated by eating a large amount of fat. Therefore, with diabetes, especially type 2, fatty and, accordingly, sweet foods will have to be abandoned. Such food is the most destructive for our body.

Until recently, people with diabetes were sentenced. This disease is incurable even today, but doctors assure that with proper diet, treatment and monitoring of blood sugar levels, the patient's life will be full. Today, many clinics and hospitals have schools where patients learn proper nutrition and self-inject insulin. After all, many patients are wondering - I have diabetes: what not to eat.

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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious disease with unpleasant symptoms. But unlike most diseases, the success of its treatment depends not so much on the skill of the doctor and the medicines prescribed by him, but on the efforts of the patient himself. Correct Mode nutrition and a carefully selected diet can stabilize the course of the disease and avoid its severe consequences.

Why You Shouldn't Eat Some Foods If You Have Diabetes

Any diet is a system of artificially established food restrictions. If the doctor has prescribed dietary food for the patient, then it is no longer possible to eat everything you want, you have to give up some favorite dishes, and restrictions are needed. In the case of diabetes, the restrictions have a strict scientific basis. After all, the disease is based on severe metabolic disorders in the body, which cannot be corrected without adjusting the balance of substances that come with food or drink. Therefore, there are permitted and prohibited foods in DM.

However, the lists of prohibited foods can change depending on the severity of the disease. The type of disease also has an impact - insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1) or non-insulin dependent (type 2).

Carbohydrates and the need to limit them

Probably everyone else school years It is known that human food contains 3 main components: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They are found in everything that a person eats. The cause of diabetes is a violation of the mechanism of assimilation of one of the components of nutrition - carbohydrates (sugars). Therefore, in order to avoid the accumulation of carbohydrates in the blood, it is necessary to refuse to eat dishes containing them in very large quantities.

However, carbohydrates are different carbohydrates. There are carbohydrates that are absorbed very quickly in the gastrointestinal tract - the so-called "fast" carbohydrates, and there are carbohydrates that are absorbed relatively slowly. First of all, nutritionists recommend abandoning the use of products of the “fast” category.

Features of non-insulin dependent diabetes

In normal DM, there is absolute disadvantage insulin, and in type 2 diabetes, the pancreas produces enough insulin, but the tissues refuse to take it, and glucose begins to accumulate in the blood. This is alarm symptom. How can such a development of events be avoided in the second type of disease? The only way is to stop the intake of sugar in the body. And this can only be achieved with the help of a diet, limiting what a person eats or drinks, and making a list of allowed dishes.

What not to do with diabetes?

The answer to the question "what is impossible with diabetes?" not so simple. In many ways, it depends on the stage of diabetes, as well as on its concomitant diseases. Much depends on whether the patient drinks any hypoglycemic drugs. The concept of diet is also important. It determines which foods should not be consumed. There are both “soft” and balancing diets, which allow the use of certain dishes containing carbohydrates, although they limit them, and “hard”, in which the restrictions are more stringent and there are more prohibitions. Diets also differ in the question of how much protein and fat should be in the diet. The type of fat also plays a role. There are diets that exclude or limit fats. The purpose of fat restriction is to reduce the total caloric content of the diet. It helps fight this an unpleasant symptom like obesity.

But there are also diets in which you can eat almost all fats (except for saturated fats, which are harmful even for healthy people). Opinions of diabetologists also differ about how much protein should be consumed.

Also, the choice of products prohibited in diabetes is influenced by:

  • side diseases of the patient (hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, problems with the kidneys, liver, musculoskeletal system),
  • age.

Therefore, it is best to ask your doctor what you can not do with diabetes. Regardless of the concept he uses, it's best to stick to his prescribed diet rather than picking conflicting do's and don'ts from the internet about diabetes. Such treatment can hardly be called a reasonable exercise, and it can only bring harm.

According to general principle, which is followed by all nutritionists, diabetic nutrition implies a ban on all foods containing "fast" carbohydrates, that is, carbohydrates that quickly break down in the intestines. If a patient with diabetes consumes such products, then they simply increase the level of glucose in his blood and do not give a feeling of satiety.

What foods contain fast carbohydrates:

  • jams, marmalade, jams;
  • rafinated sugar;
  • sweet drink (tea, juices, soft drinks, cola, syrups, nectars);
  • rich bakery products;
  • confectionery, sweets, cakes;
  • fast food products;
  • sweet cottage cheese;
  • chocolate (primarily milk and sweet);

Therefore, they cannot be eaten with diabetes.

In "soft" diets, a serious restriction is imposed on the use of:

  • of bread;
  • croup;
  • starchy vegetables - potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • fruits with great content carbohydrates (bananas, grapes, peaches, melons, watermelon);
  • dried fruits, raisins;
  • pasta.

If a person eats such foods in large quantities, diabetes progresses. You need to adjust your diet. However, there is no strict ban on the use of these products. In other words, if you can’t, but really want to, then you can, only carefully.

There are anti-diabetic diets that involve limiting not only the intake of carbohydrates, but also limiting the total calorie content. They reduce the consumption of fats, which, like carbohydrates, increase calories.

Therefore, the following are banned:

  • all oils (vegetable and butter),
  • fatty meat and fish
  • fatty dairy products (cheese, sour cream, cream),
  • mayonnaise,
  • seeds,
  • nuts.

Most experts believe that you should also limit your salt intake. Or even eliminate it from the diet. Restrictions on use also apply to marinades and pickles, hot spices, mayonnaise, ketchup. It is connected with negative impact salts on the kidneys working with diabetes with increased load. The physiologically necessary dose of salt can almost always be obtained from bread, meat, fish, etc. And if you cannot do without salt, then it should be consumed no more than 5 g (1 tsp) per day.

In "hard" (low-carbohydrate) diets, there are even more restrictions on the use of dishes. Eating low-carbohydrate diets usually results in rapid decline sugar level. However, not all people have enough willpower to stick to them for a long time.

In low-carb diets, the following are also strictly prohibited:

  • cereals;
  • corn;
  • potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • legumes;
  • fruits with high and even moderate sugar content (bananas, grapes, melons, watermelons, peaches, apples, citrus fruits, most berries);
  • all bakery products, including wholemeal bread, rye bread;
  • all pasta;
  • lactose-containing dairy products and dairy products with sugar;
  • semi-finished products, sausages and sausages containing a large amount of flour and starch, dumplings;
  • honey, fructose

There are few allowed fruits in low-carb diets. It is only very acidic, or very fatty, such as cranberries, lemons, avocados.

What can you eat with diabetes?

On the question of what you can eat and what not, the opinions of experts also differ. Although often the list of allowed dishes depends not only on the concept that the doctor adheres to, but also on how far the disease has gone.

Conventionally, all products can be divided into two groups. Some can be eaten with diabetes at any stage of the disease, without forgetting the sense of proportion, of course. Others can be added to the diet only when the disease is at the stage of compensation.

All experts agree that you can eat with diabetes without restrictions only foods that do not contain a significant amount of carbohydrates and have large reserves of fiber. Such products mainly belong to the group of vegetables. If a person with diabetes eats enough vegetables, then this has a positive effect on his condition. Useful categories of vegetables include:

  • cabbage of any kind
  • zucchini,
  • squash,
  • eggplant,
  • greens (spinach, sorrel, green onions, lettuce),
  • mushrooms (they can also be conditionally classified as vegetables),

Vegetables, according to most doctors, should make up about half of the diet. The disagreements concern only what kind of vegetables they should be. Some diets favor certain vegetables, while others forbid them.

Many doctors believe that you can eat vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, beets only in limited quantities. They are allowed in "soft" diets, and in an amount of not more than 200 g per day. Them heat treatment should be minimal or absent altogether, since it does not destroy carbohydrates, but the glycemic index increases at the same time.

Also in "soft" diets, you can eat legumes (peas, beans). However, you shouldn't get carried away with them.

Experts believe that you can eat berries, apples, cherries, plums, citrus fruits, peaches, etc. in moderation. It is not scary if a person with diabetes consumes them, but not more than 100 g per day.

Allowed cereals are buckwheat and oatmeal. Millet and barley porridge should be cooked less. It is better to refuse semolina altogether.

The second important source of nutrients that does not contain carbohydrates is meat products.

What can you eat from meat, fish and poultry? Allowed foods include mainly low-fat varieties:

  • veal,
  • hen,
  • turkey,
  • low-fat varieties of fish (hake, cod, pike perch).

It is better to consume fermented milk products also in moderation, no more than 400 ml.

If you are on a diet that allows fats and enough calories, then this category should include:

  • cheeses;
  • oil (butter, vegetable - coconut, olive);
  • nuts;
  • fatty fish (salmon, herring, trout, pink salmon);
  • caviar;
  • any kind of meat;
  • eggs;
  • seafood, caviar.

The number of allowed foods in "soft" diets includes black and whole grain bread (no more than 300 g per day). Eggs are also allowed (no more than 1 per day), unsalted and low-fat cheese.

All of these recommendations are for general character, and do not take into account the individual characteristics of the human digestive tract. It is important to follow lists of permitted and prohibited foods, but it is more important to constantly monitor blood glucose levels. If, after eating a food, the blood glucose level rises by more than 3 mmol / l, then it is better to remove this product from the diet. It is also important to follow total carbohydrates in the diet. If you eat a product from among the prohibited ones, but at the same time the daily limit for carbohydrates is not exceeded, then this is also quite acceptable. Thus, the lists will be useful only for patients who do not constantly monitor blood or do not count daily amount calories and carbohydrates.

Cooking method

Proper nutrition in diabetes should also include correct method cooking. Usually, intensive heat treatment increases the glycemic index of food and the carbohydrates contained in the dishes penetrate the blood faster. If the product cannot be eaten raw, then it must either be boiled or steamed. If you cannot do without frying, then it is better to use olive oil or coconut oil. Sunflower or cream are less suitable. Avoid oils based on trans fats (margarine, etc.). You should not cook on them, and you should not use food cooked on them for food. Grilled foods, smoked meats, canned food, chips, etc. are excluded.

What can you drink with diabetes, and what is forbidden to drink?

If a patient has a second type of diabetes, then he should not drink whatever he wants. As you know, not all drinks are healthy, and sugar is contained in many of them. Therefore, drinks are also able to change the concentration of glucose in the blood. Diabetologists agree that with an insulin-independent disease, you can drink without fear:

  • water (mineral and table),
  • tea and coffee (without sweeteners and even more so, sugar),
  • decoctions of herbs.

In general, the patient is shown to drink plenty of fluids (at least 1.5 liters per day).

It is forbidden to drink:

  • sweet tea and coffee;
  • factory juices (it doesn't matter, 100% or diluted);
  • cola and other carbonated tonic drinks;
  • kvass;
  • sweet drinking yoghurts.

Thus, with diabetes, not everyone is allowed to drink. There may, of course, be exceptions to the rule, for example during holidays. But this is allowed only with compensated SD.

If a person drinks some drink unknown to him, then he needs to look at its composition, whether there are carbohydrates in it.

"Soft" diets allow you to drink in moderation unsweetened and low-fat dairy products and milk, home-pressed juices (unsweetened), kissels and compotes. Strict diets exclude them.

Alcoholic drinks for diabetes

If a person with SD drinks beer, wine or vodka, how does this affect his condition? Usually the effect is negative. After all, alcohol has a bad effect on the metabolism and functioning of various organs: the pancreas, heart and kidneys. Thus, if the patient drinks alcohol, then he needs to give up this bad habit. It should also be remembered that many alcoholic beverages contain easily digestible carbohydrates.

Of particular danger are alcoholic beverages in insulin-dependent diabetes. If a person excessively drinks alcohol, then he can fall into a state of intoxication. If with him similar condition an attack of hypoglycemia occurs, then others will consider him drunk and will not be able to come to the rescue in time.


Should I use sweeteners and sweeteners? The nutrition chosen by the doctor also affects the solution of this problem. "Soft" diets allow the use of moderate amounts of sweeteners such as sorbitol, xylitol, aspartame, fructose, stevioside. Rigid diets allow only the latter, all other sweeteners should be excluded.

Diet based on the glycemic index

Foods suitable for consumption are often determined using the glycemic index (GI). GI refers to the ability of a product to cause rapid rise blood glucose. Any product has a predetermined GI. A patient with diabetes should completely refuse everything that has a high GI (more than 70), moderately consume (no more than 20% of the volume of the entire meal) foods with an average GI (40-70) and consume unlimited, but within reasonable limits, foods with low GI (less than 40).

A table showing what you can eat with diabetes, and what is forbidden to eat. In the first column of the table - foods that are consumed without restrictions, in the other - foods, the use of which must be reduced by 2 times, in the third - foods to be excluded from the diet.

What foods can not be eaten with type 2 diabetes? How to make a menu for every day with diabetes, suspicion of it or obesity? Endocrinologist Olga Demicheva talks about nutrition in type 2 diabetes, which is an important component of treatment, in the book "It's Time to Be Treated Properly".

Unlike type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1), as a rule, there is no bright debut accompanied by thirst, profuse urination, weight loss, and severe weakness in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Usually the disease is almost asymptomatic for several years, so more than half of the patients with diabetes in the world are unaware of their disease. And they don’t know about it either until the first complications appear, or until the accidental detection of elevated blood glucose levels.

With a thorough survey of patients with newly diagnosed diabetes, it is possible to find out that in recent months (years) they note rapid fatigue, some decrease in muscle strength, a tendency to urinate at night; in addition, women may be disturbed by itching in the perineum, and men - erectile disfunction. But all these symptoms are often not considered by patients as a reason to see a doctor.

The criteria for diagnosing DM2 by blood glucose analysis do not differ from those for DM1, but the age is over 40 years, the presence of visceral, scanty symptoms Diabetes and normal (and sometimes moderately elevated) levels of own insulin make it possible to confidently distinguish DM2 from DM1.

The main thing is not to starve! Nutrition for type 2 diabetes

The diet of a patient with type 2 diabetes should ensure the normalization of body weight, not cause hyper- and hypoglycemia, and reduce the risks of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension.

Meals should be frequent, fractional, small portions (usually 3 main meals and 2-3 intermediate ones) with a daily calorie content of about 1500 kcal. The last meal is taken 40-60 minutes before a night's sleep.

The basis of nutrition - complex carbohydrates low glycemic index (GI), i.e. slowly increasing blood glucose levels; they should make up to 50-60% of the nutritional value.

Most confectionery products, sweet drinks, muffins, small cereals have a high GI; they should be eliminated or reduced to a minimum. Low GI have whole grains, vegetables, fruits rich in dietary fiber.

The total amount of fat should not exceed 30% of the total calories, saturated fat - 10%. Saturated fats It is easy to distinguish from unsaturated fats: unsaturated fats have a liquid consistency at room temperature, while saturated fats are solid, they can be cut with a knife and spread on bread.

Every meal should include adequate amount of protein to stabilize glycemia and ensure satiety. It is recommended to eat fish at least 2 times a week. Vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet at least 5 times a day. Sweet fruits (grapes, figs, bananas, dates, melons) should be limited.

Fasting in diabetes mellitus is contraindicated, as it is a severe stress and with the available metabolic disorders can lead to acute vascular complications, depression, breakdown in "food binge".

Don't oversalt food. Try not to exceed 5 grams of salt per day (1 teaspoon).

Alcohol, as a source of "empty calories", an appetite stimulant, a destabilizer of glycemia, should be excluded from the diet or minimized. If it is impossible to refuse alcohol, preference should be given to dry red wine. Try to limit alcohol to one dose per day for women or two for men (1 dose = 360 ml of beer = 150 ml of wine = 45 ml of spirits).

Usage antioxidants (vitamins E, C, carotene) are not recommended, as evidence base for their use in this moment No, but there is a possibility of long-term adverse effects.

Menu for a week with type 2 diabetes

It is recommended to exclude simple carbohydrates from the diet: sugar (including fructose), confectionery (cakes, sweets, sweet buns, gingerbread, ice cream, cookies), honey, jam, fruit juices, etc. All these products dramatically increase the level blood sugar and contribute to the development of obesity. In addition, to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, which progresses rapidly in T2DM, it is recommended to exclude animal fats: fatty meat, lard, butter, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, cheese, etc.

The consumption of vegetable fats and oily fish should be reduced: although they do not increase the risk of atherosclerosis, they contribute to the progression of obesity. In type 2 diabetes, obesity is a serious problem complicating the course of the disease. If needed additional recommendations on nutrition, for example, with impaired renal function or with increased risk gout, the attending physician should tell about these moments.

I breakfast
wake up
II breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner Late
(for 30-60
min. before
Mon Oatmeal in water without oil and sugar or grain bread with dehydrated
curd cheese. Coffee or tea without sugar.*
Tomato juice with biscuits. Salad of fresh cabbage (cucumbers, tomatoes) with lemon
juice. Vegetable soup. Bread. Fish with rice. Miner-
al water.
Apple, unsweetened biscuits, tea without sugar.* The vinaigrette. Lean beef with maca
ronami from durum wheat. Tea without sugar.
neva porridge without oil (3-4 hundred
fishing spoons) or cereal loaves. A glass of 1% kefir.
Tue Capus-
thick meatballs, grain bread. Coffee (tea) without sugar.*
Low-fat drinking yogurt with biscuits. Fresh cabbage salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian-
paprika) with lemon juice. Tomato soup. Bread. Chicken breast with vegetable stew. Mine-
real water.
Peach, unsweetened cookie. Pickles. Veal with Greek
porridge. Tea without sugar.
Oat flakes with a hundred
kanom milk or 1% kefir.
Wed Soft-boiled egg. Potatoes, baked
baked in the oven (2 pcs.). Coffee (tea) without sugar.*
Apple. Greek salad. Lenten borscht. Grain bread. minced meat
roved pepper (with beef and rice). Mine-
real water.
Crackers from grain bread with fruit drink.* Turkey breast with cauliflower. Tea without sugar. Muesli with a hundred
kanom 1% kefir or milk.
Thu Cheesecakes with xylitol jam. Coffee (tea) without sugar.* Vegetable juice with unsweetened biscuits. Salad from fresh cucumbers with lemon juice. Lenten cabbage soup. Grain bread. Bakla-
women with meat. Mine-
real water.
100 g cherries Wine-
gret, chicken cutlets (steam). Tea without sugar.
2 slices of any bread. A glass of 1% kefir or milk.
Fri Millet porridge on water without oil and sugar or grain bread with dehydrated
cottage cheese (brynza). Coffee (tea) without sugar.*
Berry knot with biscuits. Salad from sauerkraut. soup vermicelli
left on chicken broth. Bread. Chicken breast with rice. Mine-
real water.
Pear, savory biscuit. Fresh cabbage salad. Low-fat fish with
boiled potatoes. Tea without sugar.
neva porridge without oil (3–4 hundred
fishing spoons). Sta-
can 1% kefir or ayran.
Sat One egg omelet. Grain bread with cheese. Coffee with milk without sugar or tea. Obezzhi-
raw yoghurt without sugar. Unsweetened cookies.
Salad of tomatoes with onions, 1 teaspoon of olive-
cow's oil, salt. Solyanka soup on lean broth. Bread. Veal with vegetables. Mine-
real water.
Watermelon (1 slice). Veal cutlets with lentils. Fresh vegetables. Unsweetened tea with marma
fret on xylitol.
Cereal loaves. A glass of 1% kefir.
Sun Pearl barley. Low-fat cottage cheese. Coffee with milk without sugar or tea. Green peas with 1 piece of any bread. Bakla-
zhany with garlic (low-fat). Chicken soup with noodles. Bread. Chicken giblets with buckwheat
neva porridge and vegetables. Mine-
real water.
Apple or beetroot slices, baked
baked in the oven (no sugar).
Lean fish with rice. Tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs. Oat flakes without sugar with fermented baked milk.

Physical activity in T2DM

Low physical activity(physical inactivity) - the mortal enemy of civilized mankind. Regular physical exercise important for the treatment of obesity, reduction of hyperglycemia, normalization blood pressure, prevention coronary disease hearts.

In DM2, the fight against hypodynamia is especially relevant. The fact is that with hypodynamia, the muscles stop actively using glucose, and it is stored in the form of fat. The more fat accumulates, the lower the sensitivity of cells to insulin. It has been proven that 25% of people leading a sedentary lifestyle can detect insulin resistance.

By itself, regular muscle activity leads to metabolic changes that reduce insulin resistance. For achievement therapeutic effect it is enough to practice 30 minutes daily intensive walking or jogging 3-4 times a week for 20-30 minutes, preferably 1-1.5 hours after eating, which helps to reduce insulin resistance and better glycemic control.

You can conduct an independent "experiment" using a household glucometer, and observe how glycemia decreases after 15 minutes of physical activity.

Buy this book


Hello! And tell me how to take it correctly? During meals or not? did you notice it doesn't add weight?

How did an article about diabetes get into women Health? Men don't get sick anymore?

Comment on the article "What can you eat with type 2 diabetes: a menu for a week"

There is an aunt, 65 years old, type 1 diabetes, already 20 years old, insulin. A bunch of side effects, with eyes, kidneys, heart, including something aggravated with the head. There is a suspicion of both dementia and psychopathy. It would be better to bring under the sauce "check / test / now all diabetics pass."

Our child. User's menu. Password Remind. Remember for two weeks. or. Register. For example, I could eat 100 grams of natural ice cream or 25 grams of dark chocolate per day (at least 75% cocoa). I had gestational diabetes 2 types.


I apologize in advance for being long...
With gestational diabetes, the main problem is the jumps in blood glucose. On an empty stomach, the norm in pregnant women is up to 5.1 (the norm of 5.5 is set for non-pregnant! - it has been like this since 2013 or something), an hour after eating it is not higher than 7.0 (some endocrinologists recommend a maximum of 6.7), after two hours return to "fasting" norms. If the sugar level is corrected by the diet - excellent. If the body does not respond to the diet, insulin is prescribed (there is nothing to worry about in it, usually after childbirth it is no longer necessary).
In addition to weight gain in utero, there is another dangerous moment. ***Next, I will explain in my own words from memory, as an endocrinologist told me*** unborn child. While still inside the mother's body, the child gets used to elevated level glucose in your blood (the blood flow is something common). In childbirth, when the umbilical cord is cut, blood flow ceases to be common, and a hypoglycemic attack may occur in a newborn who has abruptly stopped receiving the usual large amount of glucose ( sharp drop blood glucose levels up to coma). It is this condition that is dangerous, because often neither the mother nor the obstetricians know what to be prepared for. I am not a doctor. I don't scare. I share my experience, maybe someone will find it useful. Normal level fasting glucose is not a guarantee of the absence of gestational diabetes. There are also intrauterine ultrasound signs of diabetic pathology in newborns (yes, high level mother's blood sugar is reflected in the child, even though "everything is already laid").
I endured two pregnancies with GDM (the second with twins), the first time I found out about it at 28 weeks after the glucose tolerance test, the second time, immediately after the pregnancy was established, I went on a diet and began to control my blood. At the ultrasound, she always asked me to look for signs of diabetic fetopathy (fortunately, all my children were born absolutely healthy), in the delivery room she immediately asked to measure the glucose level in newborns and later even neonatologists baled if they didn’t immediately orient themselves.
And you can’t say goodbye to carbohydrates so categorically! :-) A sharp restriction of carbohydrates leads to the appearance of ketones in the urine, and this also harms both mother and child. Everything is needed reasonable approach. Decreased portion size, increased physical load (come down and regular hiking), a complete rejection of sugar-containing foods and any "fast" carbohydrates - and this is temporary. Plus, the list of allowed products can be a pleasant surprise. For example, I could eat 100 grams of natural ice cream or 25 grams of dark chocolate per day (at least 75% cocoa). :-) And a definite plus from the diet - you yourself will gain a minimum of weight during pregnancy, which will reduce the likelihood of edema in the last stages.
Below is a link to a forum where the GSD topic is discussed (everything is very sensibly stated, reading and understanding this issue helped me a lot at one time).

I had type 2 gestational diabetes.
For a baby, it is not particularly scary, because all the foundations are laid much earlier. And in the end, when this diabetes is detected, the child just grows. But it can grow very large on high sugar, which is not good for childbirth. The baby's liver can also be affected.
The doctor gave general recommendations on products, but warned that everything is individual. Therefore, at first I tried a little one thing, then another, to determine what the sugar did not rise to. For example, apples and buckwheat had to be excluded. But grapefruits, pomelo and pears ate without consequences. Bread and milk excluded completely.
Eggs, caviar, turkey, salad mixes, various frozen vegetables, avocados and cucumber-tomatoes are the basis of my diet. In the first month I even threw off one and a half kilograms :)
Sugar was measured 4 times a day. On an empty stomach, he was a bit tall, so the endocrinologist prescribed insulin once a day for the night.
Neither pricking your fingers to measure sugar with a glucometer, nor injecting yourself with injections does not hurt at all. I didn't even ask my husband for help. Now everything is very comfortable and ergonomic. The only thing that bothered me was to be tied in time to the measurements all the time. I set an alarm on my phone so I wouldn't forget.
After giving birth, sugar returned to normal. Now my daughter is 2 weeks old. Out of habit, she kept a diary for another week after giving birth - she looked at the reaction to both the sick leave and homemade food. Now I've taken a break. In my daughter's month, I'll check again for a week. And a couple of months after the birth, I go to the endocrinologist and do another glucotolerance test to be completely calm.

well, let’s omit the fact that we are just friends, that he has a number of much closer relationships in terms of relations, and then during the last ng he had an ulcer, at the same time he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, he was briefly, illiterate, but figuratively: high sugar with type 2 diabetes...

Pregnant women with gestational diabetes. Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes. Are there any of us here? Tell us how your pregnancy is going, what are your plans for the maternity hospital (if you are in Moscow). I have 24-25...


Girls who have problems with sugar, do you feel it somehow?
I used to be ok at the beginning, last time too. I'm going to donate blood on Monday.
But for a couple of weeks now I’ve been somehow restless in this regard .. I feel sick from sweets .. Can I somehow determine this myself? (there are no diabetics in the family, glucometers, respectively)

As far as I remember, the norm is 5.5 or something. We first correct the diet. Everything sweet / floury / potatoes / rice / ma-caroni is excluded. Grilled meat, vegetables, fruits only in the morning. My friend had HD during her first pregnancy. The indicators were about 7 and a large baby was measured. But it has already manifested itself in 35 weeks. The diet helped, the birth was caused exactly at 38 weeks. The baby was born full-term, 3800 or more even. For comparison, there was no HD in the second pregnancy. The baby was born at 41+2 weeks and weighed 3300!

09/28/2016 10:10:22 PM, From yukgirl

Especially in light of the upcoming breastfeeding, when for the first two months only boiled carbohydrates and a minimum of animal protein are allowed. Right away right away? And if it's type 2 diabetes, what does insulin have to do with it? I ate borscht in the second week for sure. I won’t say about the herring, I don’t remember.


Now they put HSD if the sugar of a pregnant woman on an empty stomach is more than 5. But not at once, of course ...
Glycated hemoglobin for pregnant women is not informative.
GSD tablets are not treated, only insulin. But you have a long period already .. Therefore, there is no point in insulin ..
Limit carbs. Muffin, sweets...
Usually everything stops after childbirth and the food is normal.

Based on a blood test for sugar, such a diagnosis is not made. It is necessary to pass glycated hemoglobin (below 6 - the norm).


I have had the same illnesses for six months now, also on a diet. Salted is possible, but not pickled. So he can eat pickles. But Olivier is not necessary. It is not useful to mix everything together, and peas are not recommended either. A couple of olives a day of the doctor are also allowed, if you really want to. No pastries are desirable, but meringue, I think, is possible. Sugar and eggs are not prohibited. Marshmallows, marshmallows, jams and marmalade without restrictions. Honey in small quantities. But nuts and milk chocolate - absolutely not.

12/21/2015 02:09:27, Why?

sweet - marshmallow, marshmallow, meringue, meringue

In type 2 diabetes, the body is able to produce insulin, but either the amount of insulin produced is not enough, or overweight patients need to strictly control foods with high content fat, and it is better to exclude them.

Gestational diabetes mellitus and maternity hospital. LCD, maternity hospitals, courses, honey. centers. Pregnancy and childbirth. Gestational diabetes mellitus and maternity hospital. at 35 weeks they put GDM, they want to prescribe insulin and delivery in a special maternity hospital. as I understand it is 25 or 29. have ...


Only not at 29 - the flayer. Oparina and Sechenovka will also take you for childbirth, if with insulin, without insulin - the list is long. For a consultation, go to 1 city, if they are still working. 29 rd - a waste of time, there is bad endocrinology. For a fee - look for Arbatskaya or Moldovanova (she should be in Mother and Child, a good aunt), they are both from 1 city. Arbatskaya in Lapino, I didn’t get to it - it’s far and expensive. And so - you don’t have long left, maybe you will last on a diet .. At your time, sugar is already stabilizing, in theory. At 35 weeks it’s not scary anymore)) there is a tiny percentage that type 2 diabetes will remain after childbirth, but this is not type 1, so don’t be afraid and don’t worry. The main thing - do not give birth at 29 - a monstrous place (I was there on conservation).

I had many similar experiences in the past in the form of pregnant aunts) from which you were diagnosed, announce all your sugars and the results of OGTT for a start. or search in the archive last year, the topic is regular. Nobody really needs insulin. And for those who need it, you should not be afraid of it, as a rule, the situation is temporary. Insulin is not heroin.

At 35 weeks it’s not scary anymore)) there is a tiny percentage that type 2 diabetes will remain after childbirth, but these are pregnant women with gestational diabetes. Are there any of us here? What week can you give birth. And 38 weeks is already absolutely normal childbirth (38-42 weeks ...

in many cases, gestational diabetes can be controlled by diet and exercise. exercise after no, about 50% of women who have had HD develop normal type 2 diabetes within 3 years of giving birth. Treatment of diabetes without insulin. Diet for diabetes.


in many cases, gestational diabetes can be controlled by diet and exercise. exercise after eating (for example, walking briskly after eating). It helped me a lot to "burn" sugar.
I had to inject only "long" insulin at night, because I could not lower my morning sugar on an empty stomach.
After eating (strict diet + glucophage), I always kept my sugar within acceptable limits. Look for my posts about gestational diabetes, I wrote about diet and medication.
I was on glucophage before and during my entire pregnancy. Other pregnant women are prescribed Glyburide if glucophage does not help. If both of them and the diet do not help, then you need to inject insulin.

Sugar is also strongly affected by the amount eaten. I’m also struggling with sugar now, but I still manage with a diet. If you eat 3-4 tablespoons of porridge for breakfast (naturally without milk and sugar), then 1 after eating, normal sugar is about 6. A little more - immediately 7-7.5. My doctor advised me to eat less, but more often. Cottage cheese, by the way, I was told to eat with caution, a little bit. Hold on.

User's menu. I am 33 years old, I was diagnosed with diabetes 9 months ago, on tablets, type 2, but there is progress towards type -1 (on injections), while my indicators are not ideal, because type -1 prevents these morning indicators from being achieved, and I don’t always follow a diet: (I'm wondering if I can give birth...


a relative tried to give birth at the age of 20, diabetes from the age of 5, on insulin. started at 26 weeks heavy bleeding- something happened to the vessels of the uterus. the child was not saved, she was barely pumped out, though it was more than 10 years ago. the entire pregnancy was in hospitals, such pregnancies were carried out in the moniag.

If not, then you can take a test for gestational diabetes. And even if you donated sugar today, you did it on an empty stomach. I didn't even brush my teeth. Mom has a glucometer. In general, the diagnosis is not Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy. Features of the course of diabetes mellitus in...

I had a similar situation in my second pregnancy: glucose in the urine with normal sugar in blood. I went for a consultation to the 1st city, donated blood for sugar on an empty stomach and with a load. As a result, they put glucosuria in pregnant women - such as a feature of pregnancy, such ...


I have just been in the 29th maternity hospital with a diagnosis of GDM. Sugar should be checked on an empty stomach (norms for pregnant women up to 5.2), after eating after 1 hour (norms for pregnant women up to 6.7) and once you need to take it with a load of 75 g of glucose after 2 hours (called a glucose tolerance test, norm up to 7.8). And only after that it is possible to speak about the diagnosis. This is not just "it happens in pregnant women" - this is the pancreas can not cope with the load and the likelihood that the child may have diabetes increases several times. You can try to adjust the sugar diet, if it does not help, then insulin can be prescribed during pregnancy. Go see an endocrinologist for a consultation.

I had a similar situation in my second pregnancy: glucose in the urine with normal blood sugar. I went for a consultation to the 1st city, donated blood for sugar on an empty stomach and with a load. As a result, they put glucosuria in pregnant women - such as a feature of pregnancy, this happens. She gave birth in an ordinary maternity hospital, everything is fine with the child, but she donated blood for sugar before childbirth almost every week (then she got tired of taking it, every other time she wrote the result to herself and took it to the w / c)

Gestational diabetes. Analyzes, research, tests, ultrasound. Pregnancy and childbirth. At 35 weeks it’s no longer scary)) there is a tiny percentage that type 2 diabetes will remain after childbirth. Gestational diabetes mellitus. You can't ignore this thread because...


I don't know if this is related, but I have a question about blood sugar. If I have 3.5, i.e. below the norm (capillary, on an empty stomach), then this threatens something?

why weren't you sent for a consultation at Gradskaya 1? They generally specialize in this.
Increased glucose tolerance does not mean 100% diabetes. What is your fasting venous/capillary sugar?
I am being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, so I am trying to remove it, but almost everyone who is diagnosed with it goes for a consultation and observation at the CDC at 1 Gradskaya.

How was everything? I know that they also give birth with type 1 diabetes, these are those who are on insulin for sure that all diabetics give birth only to sick children, if not immediately, then they will definitely have probably half of the products that are on sale. Never eats. Not by crumbs, not by how much ... All menus while we take, but Choose a week of pregnancy or a trimester.


and how old are you? Type 2 diabetes differs from the first not at all in that they drink pills. the differences are significant enough. in general, everything depends on compensation. the better you are compensated, the fewer complications, especially vascular ones, the calmer the pregnancy will be and the more likely you are to give birth healthy baby. ideally, even with type 2 diabetes, switch to insulin, and after childbirth back to pills. but it is advisable to prepare for this before pregnancy. besides, it all depends on the experience of diabetes, the presence of complications, your weight and age. advice: strict daily glycemic control (up to 6 times a day) - you need this to be sure of your compensation, and not the doctor, right, balanced diet in accordance with medical recommendations and physical activity (less lying on the couch, moving more on fresh air, except of course, indications for lying). and doctors should be listened to, and not feel sorry for yourself. and everything will be fine, you are not the first, you are not the last. good luck.

Fasting blood glucose norms are 3.3-5.5 mmol / l (or 4.4-6.6 mmol / l - it depends on the method used in the laboratory, the laboratory usually indicates what their norms are). You can think about diabetes when on an empty stomach (after 8 hours of starvation) blood glucose is more than 7 mmol / l and such indicators are repeated several times.
Why do you think your daughter has diabetes? What worries you?

Unfortunately, a one-time test may not show the presence or absence of diabetes: O (. You need to look at the dynamics - on an empty stomach, an hour or two after eating ... It is better to check by blood, because ketones in the urine do not appear immediately, but only if long time sugar is kept above 13-14 mmol / l. And best of all, ask this question at www.dia-club.ru, well, and the most optimal thing is to take tests at the clinic. Because even with visual stripes, the measurement error is about 20%, unfortunately ...

Meat, poultry, fish, from cereals - rice, buckwheat, millet and any exotic such as amaranth and cinnamon. Almost no sugar (twenty minutes after the candy, a surge of hyperactivity began, you could check by the clock).


We went on a diet for about four years. Meat, poultry, fish, from cereals - rice, buckwheat, millet and any exotic such as amaranth and cinnamon. Almost no sugar (twenty minutes after the candy, a surge of hyperactivity began, you could check by the clock). She baked rice bread or gave purchased rice cakes (rice cakes). From vegetables - almost everything. Few fruits. The behavior improved a lot, but from time to time it got pruritus, and at the age of eight we checked the blood for allergies - it turned out that we overate beans (allergy to almost all beans and peas), overate buckwheat, rice, potatoes - also allergies. We sat on meat/fish/chicken and green vegetables for a year. Now we slowly introduce potatoes, beans, rice and buckwheat back, and watch the reaction with apprehension. They wanted to introduce bread and milk back, provided they were given digestive enzymes, but enzymes cause severe pruritus, and bread and milk do not go without enzymes - such a behavioral reaction occurs that it’s just guard. Let's wait a little longer, then we'll try the enzymes again.
Yes, it turned out that we have complete absence in the guts of lactobacilli, and we eat them in capsules every day. It seems to have a positive effect on behavior.

11/14/2003 12:56:32 PM, E.

We are on this diet, we somehow talked about this with Marina in the forum. We also had a problem - severe diarrhea. The menu before the diet - a lot of milk, bread, chips, an apple, juices. Now chicken cutlets with vegetables, fish fingers, rice, mashed potatoes, 3 types of cookies, apple, juices, grapes, chips, fried potatoes sometimes soup. Sometimes he eats something for 2-3 days - only rice or potatoes. We go to the nutritionist at the end of the month to consult what to do with the min. additives. You simply can’t write about a diet, it’s better to take a book to read and find it on the Internet. We did not have any changes in behavior, but the diarrhea was completely gone, and this result is enough for me to continue dieting

11/13/2003 18:18:14, Lena (yuk)

Who had something similar (not yet diabetes, namely impaired glucose tolerance) I am 20 weeks old, everything seems to be normal, except for hemoglobin. Impaired glucose tolerance. And does a blood test for insulin reveal latent diabetes? It's very serious and...


I have this problem, it turned out to be enough for me to exclude fast carbohydrates - sugar, honey, jam, glucose, grapes, raisins. In addition, every day a tablespoon of linseed oil (in a salad), half an hour of physical education - burns glucose without insulin, replaced white bread with bread with bran. Tea without sugar, coffee with sweeteners. A few pieces of unroasted almonds. After a couple of months, the sugar returned to normal, now you can sometimes have a piece of cake. Maybe it will be important for you to know, this is not the first time I have had this situation, for six years I have not followed a diet at all, and before that for two years without sweets, bread and pasta. But in our family there are many type 2 diabetics, in this case there is insulin in the blood, but it is ineffective.

06/26/2003 04:22:16 PM, Alla V

Try not to eat simple carbohydrates alone. Can a sharp intake of sugars from them provoke sugar jumps in corvi? If you combine PU with sour (tomatoes, for example), fats, fiber, sugar is not so quickly absorbed.

Montignac and diabetes. Tips, recommendations. Medicine and health. 3. I have type 1 dmabet, but you can not consider the Montignac diet low-carbohydrate without it. There was not a single diabetic in the discussion at Zagranichnaya, as far as I remember, there was only Cook, who ...

In the first two weeks once a day - is it possible? Second day on no carbs. It’s just that there are different sweeteners, for diabetics they need special ones, I don’t know the chemical part of the problem. They were injected with insulin before the onset of diabetes symptoms or at an early stage...


I used SWEET TIME with cyclamate and saccharin. 1 tab. contains 40 mg of the sweetener icyclamine sodium and 4 mg of saccharin sodium; carbohydrates 0.001 g. Only I also don’t know if I chose the right one. Production - Polish under the German license. The package contains 650 tab. I put 3 tabs per glass.
Carolina, please answer.

01.10.2002 15:24:05, OLGA