Leukocytes c in p view. Preparation for delivery

A smear that determines the number of leukocytes is necessary for examination reproductive system women. Using a smear, you can determine the gynecological disease and its severity. What should be the norm of leukocytes in a smear in women? Let's look at the question in the article.

What are leukocytes? These are colorless blood cells responsible for the elimination of pathological agents in the human body. When pathogenic bacteria or viruses multiply, the number of leukocytes immediately increases. Therefore, an analysis for the presence of an increased number of leukocytes determines the presence/absence of diseases in the body.

A smear on the flora is taken for preventive purposes and to make a diagnosis of diseases. A gynecologist can issue a referral for testing in the following cases:

A gynecological smear is always taken after recovery from gynecological diseases and when planning pregnancy. If you have undergone an active course of antibiotic treatment, you should definitely take a smear - medications wide range exposure greatly weakens the immune defense.

Also, an indication for testing is a woman’s complaint of pain during intimate contact. However, gynecologists recommend getting tested regardless of the manifestation of the pathology, since many gynecological diseases can develop without any symptoms or signs.

The smear is taken using a disposable medical spatula. In the laboratory, the material is examined under a microscope and the following characteristics are determined:

  • norm of leukocytes in the vagina;
  • norm of leukocytes in the cervical canal;
  • the norm of leukocytes in the cervical mucosa.

Pain during scraping can only be present in cases of inflammatory foci in these organs. If the patient’s mucous membranes are in order, the procedure is absolutely painless.

Causes of pathology

Why can the leukocyte count exceed the norm, and what should be the norm of leukocytes in a smear for flora? Main reasons increased rate are considered:

  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • decreased protective functions of the body;
  • bacterial infections of the genitals;
  • inflammation urinary tract;
  • intestinal or vaginal dysbiosis;
  • outbreaks inflammatory processes internal genital organs;
  • cysts and neoplasms of the reproductive organs;
  • systemic diseases.

Note! The appearance of vaginal discharge always indicates a violation of the microflora of the vaginal environment and requires treatment.

Any discomfort in the lower abdomen, burning and itching of the external genital organs indicates a leak. pathological processes which can contribute to the development of serious illnesses.

However, sometimes an increase in leukocytes occurs due to natural cause- active sexual life. In some patients, elevated readings may appear on the eve of menstruation, especially if premenstrual syndrome characterized by pain.

Note! Frequent use of tampons during critical days can lead to the development of pathological processes in the vagina.

Ideally, the number of white blood cells should not increase either before or after menstruation. But in some women, inflated data after menstruation indicate that the uterus has not completely cleared itself of the effects of egg destruction. Also, an overestimated result occurs when using tampons on menstrual days.

Interpretation of test values

Since the smear is taken from different areas female reproductive system, they have their own name:

  • C - cervical area;
  • V - vaginal mucosa;
  • U - cervical canal.

Table of leukocyte indicators in the cervix, vagina and cervical canal:

An increase in leukocytes indicates the development of a pathological process in the woman’s reproductive system. During pregnancy, the number of leukocytes may be slightly elevated due to a decrease in the body's protective functions. However, the indicator should not exceed more than three units ideally. The indicator can also increase in women after 50 years of age due to hormonal changes.

Important! Many doctors consider an increase of 5 units to be natural and acceptable. However, an increase in the number of leukocytes by 20 units indicates the development of a pathological process.

The epithelium may deviate in its value, and its absence indicates a deficiency - hormonal pathology. An overestimated indicator indicates an inflammatory process.

Candida, Trichomonas, Gonococcus and key cells should not be present in the material - this indicates the development of viral/infectious processes.

Mucus is produced in the cervix and vaginal environment. Excessive mucus secretion is a sign of pathological abnormalities.

Other flora include lactobacilli and gram-positive bacilli, a moderate amount of which should be present in healthy flora. A decrease in indicators indicates the risk of developing pathology due to the inactivity of local immunity.

If the material contains E. coli, then there is a risk of bacterial vaginosis. The stick can get in due to poor personal hygiene and when wearing thongs.

Many people believe that big number White blood cells in the material can only be found in women who are sexually active. However pathological changes may also occur in virgins, for example, due to visiting a sauna or hypothermia. The reasons may be different, so all the nuances can only be clarified after laboratory examination biomaterial.

Degree of vaginal cleanliness

The result of a flora study characterizes the degree of purity of the vagina, which is expressed in four states.

The first degree is a moderate rate of leukocytes in the smear, moderate levels of epithelium and mucus secretion. This degree is characterized by the absence of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bioenvironment, the presence of a sufficient number of lactobacilli. In practice, this condition of the vaginal environment is very rare.

The second degree is characterized by the presence of yeasts and cocci. This indicates a decrease in local immunity and the risk of developing inflammatory processes. This state of the vaginal environment is most common among subjects.

The third degree is characterized by an increase in the number of leukocytes, which indicates the occurrence of pathological processes. The composition of the microflora in this case is represented by yeast fungi, cocci and a small amount of lactobacilli. The woman needs active treatment.

The fourth degree is characterized big amount leukocytes together with a pathological bioenvironment and the absence of lactobacilli. This is extremely dangerous condition which requires immediate treatment.

Preparation for the procedure

The analysis is taken in the first days after the end of menstruation or before its onset, however, in emergency cases, scraping is done at any time. What rules must be followed when preparing? A woman should:

  • refuse intimate contacts three days before taking a sample;
  • stop taking any medications a week before the tests - including diuretics;
  • refuse to use hygiene products for washing the genitals two days in advance - you should only wash warm water;
  • refrain from urinating for three hours before taking the sample.

You should also not douche a couple of days before taking a smear. When visiting a doctor, you need to wear fresh, pure cotton underwear; your genitals should be washed with warm water without hygiene products. In case of morning bowel movements, you should wipe the perineum with an antibacterial wipe.

The tests are ready in about 2-3 days. IN paid clinics the result can be obtained in a few hours. If the tests reveal increased number white blood cells, diagnose a hidden disease.

Bottom line

A gynecological smear for flora and the norm of leukocytes in it determines the degree of purity of the vaginal environment and the presence/absence of pathology. Ideally, the vaginal environment should contain lactobacilli, healthy bacilli, and a moderate percentage of white blood cells. With hormonal and other abnormalities, the balance changes towards pathogenic microflora. To avoid the development of gynecological diseases, regularly take a smear for preventive purposes.

A woman’s health and well-being consists of many components. A woman is a hormonally dependent creature, i.e. the normal activity of the reproductive system is based on the refined work of the glands internal secretion. In addition, the microflora of the body, including the biocenosis of the vagina, significantly affects the girl’s quality of life.

Imbalance disorders in healthy microflora Vaginal problems not only lead to the appearance of painful symptoms that significantly reduce the daily activity of the fair sex, but also lead to the development of various gynecological diseases. And this, in turn, is a formidable risk factor for infertility.

Tests in gynecology

Gynecology is a very subtle and delicate science, so there are a very large number of diagnostic methods. One of the simplest and most cost-effective diagnostic methods that are carried out in any antenatal clinic or gynecological hospitals are various smears on the flora.

There are several types of flora smears:

  • Bacterioscopic analysis or microscopic examination (direct smear on the flora).
  • Cytological analysis - to detect atypical cells for this location (PAP test).
  • Bacteriology or bacterial culture to identify pathological flora.

All smears are carried out after a special gynecological examination, which includes examination of the external genitalia, palpation of the uterus, examination of the cervix in the speculum.

Many women ask the question: “When exactly can you get tested, and on what day of the menstrual cycle should this be done?” Strict restrictions in this matter no. However, gynecologists recommend taking smears at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, immediately a few days after menstruation. You can also take a smear just before your period.

Preparing for analysis

Any woman should remember that carrying out any diagnostic procedure must be preceded by some preparation. It is carried out in order to avoid false results, which can push the doctor to make an incorrect diagnosis and prescribe inappropriate treatment.

Preparation for taking a vaginal smear (rule of twos) includes:

  • Two days before the examination you need to abstain from sexual intercourse.
  • Stop taking antibiotics two weeks before.
  • Stop taking it 2 days before hormonal drugs and introduction vaginal suppositories and creams.
  • It is not recommended to urinate 2 hours before the procedure.

After deciphering the results, it is possible that the results will be bad. In this case, a repeat vaginal smear is taken.

Smear microscopy

Bacterioscopic analysis is one of the most informative in diagnosis gynecological pathologies. This method has a fairly impressive list of indications:

  1. The presence of subjective discomfort in the perineal area in a woman (itching, burning, presence of unpleasant odor etc.).
  2. Complaints of pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Availability pathological discharge(abundant mucous, mixed with blood or pus, leucorrhoea with an unpleasant putrefactive odor).
  4. Annual preventive examinations.
  5. Advance pregnancy planning.
  6. The immediate period of bearing a child.
  7. When changing sexual partner.

A smear on the flora is taken from several locations: vagina, urethra or urethra, cervical canal and sometimes, if available special indications, from the rectum.

What can a smear test reveal? Vaginal smear given to doctor and patient detailed information about the state of microcinosis in intimate sphere. The smear shows:

  • The number of leukocytes in the cervical mucus.
  • The number of leukocytes in the cervical area.
  • Presence and number of red blood cells.
  • Epithelial cells and their number.
  • Character of mucus.
  • Bacteria, including “good” ones - lactobacilli, their composition and quantity.
  • The presence and quantity of pathological microorganisms - Trichomonas, gonococci, fungi, etc.

The procedure is non-traumatic and painless. Healthy women are recommended to undergo bacterioscopy of vaginal discharge once every 6 months.


Each of the above indicators has its own limits, deviations from which (usually upward) are considered to be the development of some inflammatory or infectious pathology. It is worth keeping in mind that the norm for a healthy woman is reproductive age, teenage girls and women in menopause may have some variability. There are also individual norms for vaginal discharge in pregnant women.

So, let’s look at the norm for each of the indicators during microscopy of vaginal discharge.

Leukocytes. These are so-called white blood cells. They act as immune defenders of our body from any external infectious agents. Normally, single leukocytes are present in the cervical canal and on the cervix. But if, when deciphering the smear analysis, an increase in the number of leukocytes is observed, then this indicates the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process in the vagina.

The norm varies depending on the location:

Sometimes the white blood cell count in the vagina and cervix can be 100 cells per field of view or higher. This indicates acute stage inflammatory pathology.

Epithelium. Normally, single epithelial cells are present in vaginal discharge. The normal number of these cells is up to 15 in the laboratory technician’s field of view. In vaginal discharge, squamous epithelium is determined at all stages of its development. And in a smear from cervical canal and columnar epithelium is found on the surface of the cervix. The difference in epithelial cells depending on the location is due to different cellular structure walls of the vagina and cervix. An increase in epithelial cells may indicate the presence of chronic inflammatory disease(often with a latent asymptomatic course).

Slime. Normally, this substance is absent in the urethra, but is present in the vaginal cavity. Depending on the period of the menstrual cycle, the volume of mucus can vary from scanty to abundant. When a large amount of mucus is secreted in pregnant women, great content glycogen in it. Glycogen is a special protein that is a nutrient medium for lactobacilli.

Microorganisms. In women of reproductive age, including during pregnancy, microscopy of vaginal discharge reveals gram-positive flora. These are lactobacilli - cells that provide normal microcinosis of the vagina. In postmenopausal women and girls before menarche (their first period), little or no lactobacilli are detected. A sharp decline of these cells indicates bakvaginosis. Mostly these age categories The presence of coccal flora is observed.

In addition to lactobacilli, microscopy can also detect pathological bacterial flora - Trichomonas, gonococci, gardnerella. Normally healthy women and during pregnancy, these cells are completely absent. Their detection indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted disease.

In addition to bacteria, fungi of the genus Candida can be detected. Their presence in vaginal discharge indicates carriage or the development of a disease such as thrush.

Smear in pregnant women

As mentioned above, some indicators during pregnancy may differ from the norm in non-pregnant women. A smear for flora during pregnancy is taken three times:

  • During pregnancy registration (up to 12 weeks).
  • At 30 weeks.
  • Immediately before birth, on last week pregnancy.

The main difference in smear analysis when deciphering it is that during pregnancy there are larger number lactobacilli In addition, during pregnancy there is a larger volume of mucus enriched with glycogen.

Let's summarize and compare the indicators of a healthy woman of reproductive age and a woman during pregnancy.

In addition to these indicators, the smear may reveal the presence of cells atypical for a given location. The so-called ugly cells are called atypical, i.e. these are cells with dramatically changed shape, size and structure. As a rule, they are detected by scraping from the surface of the cervix. The presence of this indicator indicates incipient uterine dysplasia. Dysplasia is a precancerous disease that is characterized by cellular and tissue restructuring of the organ. In this case, a more extensive study is required and a cytology smear is required.

Interpretation of gynecologists' tests on this moment takes no more than one day. The results are calculated using a special apparatus or manually. A vaginal smear gives a detailed picture of the state of a woman’s reproductive system, including during pregnancy. Microscopy of secretions for flora is a low-cost diagnostic method, widespread and accessible to every woman.

Women, unlike men, have to visit a doctor more often to treat genitourinary system. So, during pregnancy, the expectant mother should regularly visit the gynecologist and undergo some tests. When applying for a job or educational institution Now they also require a gynecologist's opinion. This article will talk about what leukocytes are in a smear. The norm for the content of these bodies will also be indicated below. You will learn why a smear is taken for flora and how this procedure goes.

Vaginal smear

This test is taken at every visit to the doctor. It is worth noting that the study is carried out quite simply and quickly, but nevertheless it can say a lot about the state of the female reproductive system. That is why gynecologists primarily prescribe this test.

How is a flora smear done?

A smear is taken at least three times during pregnancy (the norm of leukocytes will be indicated below). If there are any deviations and treatment is required, then reanalysis always taken a few weeks after a course of drug therapy.

The analysis is very simple. The woman is asked to sit on the gynecological chair and relax. The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina and takes material from the cervix, from the walls of the vagina and from the urethra. When deciphering the result, the place from which the material was collected must be taken into account.

Duration of the study and data obtained

A smear on the flora is examined quite quickly. You will receive your results within one or two business days. Remember that it is the doctor who must decipher them. Surely a woman will not be able to understand all the data and correctly interpret the conclusion on her own.

Typically, the result always indicates the names of the elements being examined and the resulting value. Thus, the number of leukocytes and the condition of the epithelium must be determined. The analysis examines the presence or absence of cocci and trichomoniasis pathogens.

Further studies are more detailed. They are carried out only when necessary.

Leukocytes in smear: normal

After receiving the result, you can confidently draw a conclusion about the state of the woman’s reproductive system. When deciphering, it is necessary to take into account the day of the cycle, the presence of pregnancy and colds. So, what is the norm of leukocytes in a smear for representatives of the fairer sex?

Typically, the number of white cells in the field of view should not exceed 10. So, if the analysis says that single leukocytes were detected, the smear is “normal.” In women who have just finished menstruating, the number of these cells may be slightly higher. In this case, it does not exceed 25 units in the field of view. These data are also considered absolutely normal. However, it is worth warning your doctor in advance about your recent menstruation.

In expectant mothers, the level of white cells may also be increased. If you are expecting a child and have had a smear for flora, the norm allows leukocytes in an amount of no more than 30 units per field of view. This applies to all sites from which material was collected.

If there is a viral or bacterial disease the level of white cells may increase slightly. Moreover, the more acute the infection, the higher the value obtained. That is why doctors do not recommend taking a smear for flora during illness. If there is no other way out, then you need to warn the doctor about the existing pathology.

Degree of vaginal cleanliness

After receiving the result, you can make a preliminary conclusion. Most often, doctors classify the fairer sex according to the degree of vaginal cleanliness. This classification directly depends on the number of leukocytes and other impurities. So, if leukocytes are found in a smear, is this normal or pathological?

First degree

In this case, the result of the analysis is the following data. Leukocytes are detected in the amount of several units in the field of view. The microflora is represented by beneficial bacteria. There are no cocci, pathological mucus and Trichomonas. The conclusion will indicate: smear analysis (leukocytes) is “normal”.

Second degree

There are also single cells of white bodies in the field of view. However, beneficial microflora is represented along with cocci and yeast fungi. Usually, in the absence of complaints of itching and unusual discharge, a woman is considered absolutely healthy. However, if there is unpleasant symptoms, then minor treatment is required. If such microflora is found in expectant mother, then she is prescribed therapy without certain symptoms.

Third degree

In this case, the result of the analysis may be the following data: the number of leukocytes exceeds the norm (more than 30 cells in the field of view), cocci, yeast and other pathogens are present. This result is always considered a deviation from the norm. The woman is prescribed treatment.

Fourth degree

This is the very last step. In this analysis, a large number of leukocytes are present. Beneficial microflora is depleted, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms are revealed. When obtaining such a result, it is necessary additional diagnostics, after which the woman is prescribed appropriate treatment.

Leukocytes in a smear: deviations

If you took a smear for flora and leukocytes were found in it large quantities, then this is a deviation. In this case, the woman is assigned a series additional tests. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a permanent sexual partner and the method of protection. If a representative of the fair sex is not “friendly” with such a means of protection as condoms, then there is a possibility of an infection that is transmitted through sexual contact.

Thus, if the level of leukocytes increases, it is recommended to undergo a detailed analysis of the flora, conduct research for the presence of sexual diseases, and also do bacterial culture. After receiving the results, you can talk about the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. What can cause an increase in the level of leukocytes in a smear?

  1. Bacterial infections acquired through sexual contact (mycoplasma, trichomonas, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and others).
  2. Inflammatory process in the vagina against the background of decreased immunity (with colds, during pregnancy and so on).
  3. Diseases of the uterus and appendages (endometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis).
  4. By decreasing the level beneficial bacteria against the background of the proliferation of cocci and fungi (thrush, gardnerellosis, and so on).
  5. The development of tumors of a benign or malignant nature.


Now you know what leukocytes are in a smear. The norm is always indicated on the form with the analysis result. If you deviate from it, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible and carry out appropriate treatment. Otherwise, you may experience serious complications. Get tested on time and be healthy!

Leukocytes in female body perform protective function. Their presence indicates that local immunity is normal. But sometimes tests reveal increased or reduced quantity leukocytes. This clearly indicates the presence of certain diseases, which can be identified through a more thorough examination. To prevent the situation from getting out of control and serious illnesses didn't go to late stages, it is necessary to constantly visit a gynecologist for preventive purposes.

Normal white blood cell count

If a woman is tested for leukocytes in a smear, the norm is no more than 15 units. However, the indicators of different areas differ slightly. Yes, for urethra The number 5 is considered normal, for the vagina - 10, and for the cervix - 15. If the examination shows that there are deviations in one direction or another, the cause must be urgently found.

This is especially important for pregnant women. The point is that as a result hormonal changes and the body’s transition to a new position, their genital microflora is often disrupted and hitherto hidden diseases may develop. It is for these reasons that leukocytes are periodically tested during pregnancy. In this case, the norm is 10 - 20 units.

Leukocytes in the smear: exceeding the norm may indicate an inflammatory process

Deviations from the norm

Leukocytes in the smear, the norm of which is no more than 15 units, if present acute forms inflammatory processes can reach 100. In this case, it is necessary to undergo additional examination and start treatment. Leukocytes are cells responsible for immunity. They are the ones who fight infections. The stronger the disorder, the more white blood cells appear - this is how the body resists the disease. On the one hand, this indicates the presence of health problems, and on the other hand, it indicates that the immune system copes with its function. By using medical supplies you can speed up your recovery. It is much worse if leukocytes are completely absent or present in very small quantities. This clearly indicates a weakening of local immunity. Consequently, if a disease occurs, the body will be defenseless.

Increased content of leukocytes in the smear

White blood cells in a smear, the norm of which is significantly exceeded, may indicate the presence of one of the following diseases:

  • oncological diseases of the urinary tract and genital organs;
  • inflammatory processes in the vagina and cervix (colpitis, celvicitis, endometritis, andexitis, etc.);
  • disturbance of the microflora of the vagina and intestines.

As we see, an increase in the number of leukocytes is only a consequence of more serious disorders, which should be eliminated. To make this possible, you must first make a correct diagnosis. For this purpose, they can be carried out different tests, including PCR (polymerase chain reaction), culture and special blood tests. As a result, the causative agent of the disease is identified, and effective treatment becomes possible.

An increase in the leukocyte count may be felt by a woman, or may be asymptomatic. You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience problems with urination or bowel movements, pain in the lower abdomen or itching in the genital area. Also an alarming signal is a disruption of the menstrual cycle and the inability to get pregnant.

As a rule, after identifying the cause of the increase in leukocytes and completing a course of treatment, their number returns to normal. But sometimes a paradoxical situation occurs. There are no diseases or inflammatory processes, and the level of leukocytes remains elevated. In this case, only a specialist can prescribe preventive measures and give useful recommendations, depending on each specific situation. A woman should observe the rules of personal hygiene and avoid accidental intimate relationships and regularly undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist.

Reduced content or absence of leukocytes in the smear

There are deviations from the norm in the other direction - when leukocytes in the smear are absent or contained in small quantities. In this case, there is also a health problem. Most often, such tests are performed in women after menopause or in those who are not sexually active. Such a deviation may have dangerous consequences, therefore, a woman should be constantly monitored by a doctor and, if possible, restore full intimate life.

It is impossible to completely avoid the risk of developing certain diseases, since a person lives in society, is constantly in contact with other people and does not have the opportunity to create sterile conditions for himself. But every woman can take care of her health. To do this, it is enough to observe moderation in all respects - use in sufficient quantities eat healthy food, lead an orderly intimate life with a regular partner, visit the gynecologist on time and listen to the signals of your body. All this will reduce the risk of diseases or eliminate them in the early stages.

A smear (bacterioscopy) is a type of analysis in which the composition of secretions from the mucous membranes of the vagina, cervix and urethra is studied. Taking a smear is a quick and painless procedure. The resulting secretions are examined for the presence of leukocytes in the laboratory using a microscope.

A detailed description of the norms for smear results in women can be found in a special table. Depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, age and health status of the woman, the normal indicators will differ.

Only a gynecologist or urologist can refer you for analysis.

The main reasons for taking a smear are:

  • vaginal discharge with an atypical color, smell and consistency;
  • burning, stinging and itching in the vagina;
  • painful sensations when urinating;
  • irritation and redness of the skin on the genitals;
  • taking antibiotics for 10 days or longer;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • suspicion of sexually transmitted infection.

For women who have regular sex life, it is recommended to take preventive tests once a year. The vaginal microflora is an ideal environment for the development of inflammatory processes, and regular examination will help to detect and promptly treat the disease if it appears.

Preparing for analysis

Collecting discharge is similar to a routine examination by a gynecologist. For this you need a spatula and a gynecological speculum. A spatula is a thin plastic stick, one end of which is slightly widened. The doctor inserts it into the vagina and runs the tip of the spatula along the cervix with a gentle sweeping motion. He applies the secretions taken in this way onto a special piece of glass.

From the vagina, discharge is collected on a gauze swab, and a smear from the urethra is taken using a bacteriological loop. Women can find out whether the number of leukocytes in a smear is normal using special table results, posted on the Internet, or ask your gynecologist. To get correct results, you need to prepare for the tests.

A smear test is not taken during menstruation. It is advisable to take tests 2-3 days before or after the end of your period, and not in the middle of the cycle. This will allow you to get more accurate results.

You also cannot:

  • have sexual intercourse 2 days before the test;
  • use suppositories, lubricant and cream 1 day before the test;
  • douche 1 day before the test;
  • wash yourself before using with detergents;
  • visit the toilet 3 hours before the test.

What tests can detect an elevated white blood cell count?

Discover increased amount leukocytes can be analyzed in 3 types.

On the composition of microflora

If you suspect genitourinary infection The gynecologist prescribes an analysis of the composition of the microflora. It includes epithelial cells and opportunistic bacteria – pathogens. Normally, bacteria are absent or present in an amount of 1-2 units.

For the degree of purity

Vaginal cleanliness is a relative concept.

Depending on the quantity and composition of microflora, there are 4 degrees of purity:

  1. Complete absence pathogenic flora and leukocytes;
  2. Normal number of leukocytes and insignificant presence of microflora;
  3. The level of leukocytes is elevated, pathogenic bacteria are present, repeated tests are required to clarify the diagnosis;
  4. All indicators are elevated, bifidobacteria that can normalize the condition of the vagina are absent, the patient requires emergency treatment.


Oncocytological examination allows early detection of precancerous cells in the epithelium of the cervix and vagina. Doctors strongly recommend that all women, upon reaching 18 years of age, regardless of their health status and lifestyle, undergo an oncocytology test once a year.

Decoding the analysis results

Tests can detect bacteria and leukocytes in a smear. The norm in women (the table of normal indicators is given below) varies depending on the place where the analysis was taken, age and sexual activity.

When receiving test results to check the norm of leukocytes in a smear in women, it is important to familiarize yourself with the table of normal indicators.

The following may be found in the discharge:

  • Lactobacilli. Their presence in the vagina is normal. A small number of lactobacilli is a symptom of bacterial vaginosis;
  • Gonococci. Normally absent, they cause gonorrhea;
  • Cocchi. Can be gram-positive and gram-negative; gram-positive: staphylococcus, streptococcus and enterococcus should be present in the vagina, but their increased number indicates calpitis;
  • Yeast. They are constantly present in the vagina in small quantities; the rate increases with the development of candidiasis;
  • "Key" cells. They are formed as a result of the connection of squamous epithelial cells and gardnerella, their presence means the development of gardnerellosis or vaginosis;
  • Leptothrix. The bacterium that causes candidiasis is normally absent;
  • Trichomonas. Normally absent, causes chlamydia;
  • Escherichia coli. Acceptable presence in single numbers, accumulation of bacteria coli often talks about neglecting personal hygiene;
  • Flat epithelium. Low values ​​indicate atrophy of the epithelial layer, high values ​​indicate the presence of inflammation.

The norm of leukocytes in a smear in women

Ideally, there should be no leukocytes, but such indicators are extremely rare. Even girls who are not sexually active can have viruses and bacteria in their smear.


The table shows the norms for the diagnostic results of leukocytes.

Diagnostic criterion Normal indicators
Vagina (V) Cervix (C) Urethra (U)
White blood cell count0-10 0-15 0-5
White blood cell count after 50 years0-12 0-20 0-7

Normal before menstruation

In healthy women, the number of white blood cells does not increase before menstruation. Only 1% of patients are characterized by an increase in leukocyte levels by 2-3 units. During menopause, the rate within normal limits can increase to 20 units.

Normal after menstruation

Normally, the number of leukocytes in a smear in women should not change significantly after menstruation. Table with normal indicators– an open source of information, it can be found on the Internet and the results can be compared. Significant an increase in the level of leukocytes may be associated with non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

If a girl washes herself irregularly and uses low-quality tampons, bacteria will actively multiply in the vagina and cause inflammation.

Normal during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's immune system is under great strain, and an increase in the level of leukocytes to 20 units is considered normal. If the indicators are higher, it is necessary to urgently undergo treatment. Any inflammation in the body is dangerous for a child, and diseases of the reproductive system are especially dangerous.

Normal after childbirth

During childbirth, a woman loses a lot of blood. This is a serious shake-up for the body, for which it prepares in advance. A few days before giving birth, white blood cells accumulate in the uterine area, and An elevated level of white blood cells within 4-5 days after birth is normal. If after 5 days the leukocyte level has not decreased, this indicates the presence of postpartum complications.

Causes of increased leukocytes

An increased level of leukocytes is observed when various diseases genitourinary system, some of them require drug treatment or surgical intervention. The slightest manifestation characteristic symptoms- a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Urogenital infection

Urogenital infections are called cystitis and urethritis - inflammation of the walls Bladder and urethra. They appear frequent urges, sharp pain when urinating, fever. The causes of the disease are hypothermia and neglect of hygiene rules.

About 80% of women suffer from cystitis at least once in their lives; without proper treatment, it turns into chronic stage and can cause more serious illnesses.


Vaginal candidiasis or thrush is a disease in which vaginal discharge acquires a specific structure - it becomes compacted, similar to cottage cheese. They have an unpleasant sour smell. If the discharge is not washed off from the external genitalia in time, it causes itching and redness.

Candida fungi are always present in the vaginal microflora. Candidiasis develops when the number of Candida fungi increases by 3-4 times. A smear for leukocytes will allow you not only to see the causative agent of the fungus, but also to determine its type and reaction to medications.

Allergic vulvitis

In allergic vulvitis, inflammation occurs as a result of the action of an allergen. Most often, they are caused by poor-quality linen and unsuitable hygiene products.

Vulvitis can be hidden, but its active manifestations include:

  • redness and swelling;
  • pain;
  • rash;
  • purulent discharge.

Allergic vulvitis is primarily a disease of the external genital organs. But without proper treatment, the inflammation can spread to the vagina. To find out if vulvitis has caused internal inflammation, an analysis is carried out for the number of leukocytes.


The causative agent of trichomoniasis is Trichomonas vaginalis. This viral disease, which most often develops in parallel with other infections: gonorrhea and chlamydia. Trichomoniasis is sexually transmitted, the risk of infection is unprotected contact exceeds 80%.

The disease is manifested by pain and redness of the genital organs. Atypical discharge often appears: foamy, green or yellow color. Trichomoniasis disrupts the composition of the vaginal microflora, which leads to inflammation and an increase in the number of leukocytes by 2-5 times.

Hidden infections

Normal levels of leukocytes can be easily found on the Internet using the appropriate query in the form of a table. Among women hidden infections can increase the rate of leukocytes in a smear tens of times, so it is important to know these standards and be able to independently decipher the results. This will allow the patient to take a more competent approach to treatment and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Latent infections are asymptomatic and a smear - the only way identify them. With its help, the type of infectious agent and its quantity in the microflora are determined. Sometimes the disease is caused by pathogens different types, and during the treatment process it is necessary to combine several drugs.


Vaginitis is a disease in which the vaginal mucosa becomes negative impact and reacts to it with inflammation. It can be caused by hormonal imbalances, taking antibiotics that affect the composition of the vaginal microflora, or infection with a virus from a partner. With vaginitis, symptoms appear chaotically, and often women do not pay attention to them.

Like any inflammation, vaginitis is dangerous due to complications. A smear will help to accurately determine the presence of infection and the specific pathogen.


Gonorrhea most often affects young women between the ages of 20 and 35. This - infection, transmitted through sexual contact. Infection is possible even through oral sex, since gonorrhea affects all mucous membranes of the body.

The first symptoms of gonorrhea are pain in the lower abdomen and yellowish discharge from the vagina. But the data recent years show that More and more women are experiencing asymptomatic gonorrhea. She amazes internal organs and can cause infertility. In this case, only a general smear and further tests to clarify the diagnosis can detect gonorrhea.


According to statistics, erosion occurs in more than 50% of women. This is a small red area on the cervix that appears as a result of hormonal imbalance. To diagnose erosion, you will need not only to take a smear for leukocytes, but also to undergo video colposcopy - a study using a miniature camera. Erosion can be successfully treated, but without treatment it can develop into cancer.


The herpes virus is ubiquitous and affects about 90% of people. But most of them are carriers - they do not get sick themselves, but transmit the virus to their sexual partners. The herpes virus is transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through kissing, using common funds personal hygiene and utensils.

Herpes manifests itself as a rash and redness: Small blisters filled with fluid appear on the external genitalia. With herpes, the level of white blood cells decreases, and this can lead to general analysis blood. A smear for leukocytes must be taken to clarify the diagnosis.


Main symptom cancer– pain and bloody issues from the vagina. But they are also a symptom of many other diseases, and a smear is necessary to make a correct diagnosis.

Drug treatment

Achieve the norm of leukocytes in the smear indicated in the table in most women without chronic diseases it turns out quickly. A course of antibiotics can cure almost any genitourinary infection. Only on special occasions difficult cases long-term treatment consisting of several courses is required.

For treatment higher level leukocytes are used:

  • Antiseptics. They are used to disinfect the vagina and external genitalia. The solution is injected into the vagina and washed. Popular antiseptics: “Miramistin” and “Chlorhexidine”;
  • Antibiotics. They are prescribed to suppress pathogenic microflora. But, since the antibiotic also destroys beneficial microflora, it should be used carefully and in short courses. These antibiotics include: Furagin, Palin, Azithromycin;
  • Aminoglycosides(antibiotics prescribed only in hospital settings). These are antibiotics enhanced action. They can only be used under the constant supervision of specialists, since they have a long list of contraindications and can cause severe allergic reactions;
  • Immunomodulators. They are used as aid, which improves the performance of antibiotics. Universal immunomodulator – “Vitaferon”. He doesn't call allergic reactions and promote the rapid restoration of beneficial microorganisms;
  • Preparations for the prevention of dysbacteriosis. These are immune-supporting drugs that prevent antibiotics from changing the composition of the vaginal microflora too much. Most often, experts recommend Laktovit.


Traditional methods of treatment cannot be a complete replacement for medications, but are often used as an adjuvant.

A decrease in the level of leukocytes is facilitated by:

  • Douching. To douche, you will need a tampon: a sterile bandage rolled into a tight roll. Using a tampon medicinal solution inserted into the vagina. You can use a decoction of chamomile or calendula as a solution. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of finely chopped dry herb, cover with a lid and leave until it cools completely. Strain the finished broth. Before inserting into the vagina, it is advisable to warm the broth to a comfortable temperature. warm temperature to avoid unpleasant sensations;
  • Baths. Therapeutic bath It is useful as a disease prevention, and in the treatment process it is used as a stimulant. To prepare a bath you will need 20 g of dry laurel leaves. They need to be poured with a glass of boiling water, strained and the broth diluted in 10 liters of water. The water will cool down quickly, but do not add more. This will disrupt the concentration of the decoction, so this bath should be taken no longer than 10 minutes;
  • Decoctions for oral administration. Get the one corresponding to the one specified in the table normal level A woman can measure leukocytes in a smear using herbal decoctions. A decoction of St. John's wort has proven itself well. Pour boiling water over 1 teaspoon of dry herb and leave covered for 15 minutes. The prepared decoction is taken 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days, if necessary repeated after a break of 1 week.

Many diseases of the female genital organs are asymptomatic, and regular testing for leukocyte levels is the only way to detect them. early stage. Gynecologists recommend undergoing full inspection at least once a year, and in the presence of chronic diseases - 2 times a year.

Video on the topic: the norm of leukocytes in a smear in women

The norm of leukocytes in a smear in women according to the generally accepted table:

Rules for taking and interpreting smear analysis in women: