Is it possible to eat during breastfeeding? Oils and fats

If a woman is breastfeeding, this imposes certain restrictions on her, primarily regarding nutrition. A nursing mother, like a pregnant woman, should not eat for two: overeating will not bring anything good to either mother or baby.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

But this is not the time to go on a diet to lose weight; food should be higher in calories than usual. It is necessary to be as attentive as possible to your diet, and not only by including in it necessary products, but also excluding unacceptable ones that can harm the baby.

The need for a proper diet during breastfeeding

There is a relationship between a woman’s diet and the quality breast milk. Useful and harmful substances Of the foods that a woman eats during lactation, they pass into breast milk, which serves as the main food for the baby.

The chain is as follows: eaten foods are digested in the stomach and intestines, nutrients enter the woman’s blood and with it into all organs, including the cells of the mammary gland, and from there enter the milk. To a certain extent mammary glands are a filter, and not all unwanted substances pass from the blood into the milk. And yet, the woman, to some extent, feeds the child with what she eats herself.

The child eats what his mother eats!

Important good nutrition during lactation, not only for the child, but also for the woman herself, because during this period the body recovers after pregnancy and childbirth, and its reserves are also spent on the formation of milk. IN postpartum period increased susceptibility of women to various diseases, allergies may occur, intestinal microflora may be disrupted, and poor nutrition provokes such conditions.

Any illness of the mother affects both the quantity and quality of breast milk, and the mood and well-being of the child, who is very dependent on the mother. A strict diet followed by a nursing mother may result in the child being picky about food, so all restrictions should be reasonable and not excessive.

What a nursing mother should not eat - food list

Many foods that are normally accepted by the woman herself can cause breastfeeding, allergic reactions in the form of rash, diarrhea, as well as spasms of the respiratory tract, which pose a threat to life.

A number of foods cause stomach upset, gas, and colic.

Some have adverse effects on nervous system.

Finally, there are products that simply give milk an unpleasant taste.

Therefore, any mother is interested in such questions as what a nursing mother should absolutely not eat, what she should not eat in the first month after giving birth, and what to eat to avoid colic. Consider the list of prohibited foods when breastfeeding:

  • Alcohol- the first taboo for a nursing mother. It contains dangerous toxins that cause the death of brain cells and is very dangerous for the immature liver of a newborn, and for all other organs. Children of drinking mothers may experience drowsiness, lethargy, slow weight gain, and delayed mental and motor development. How younger child and the lower his weight, the slower alcohol is removed from the body, and a dose that is harmless for an adult for an infant may be excessive.
  • Strong tea and coffee- have a stimulating effect and adversely affect the nervous system. If it is difficult to give up these tonic drinks, drink only weak ones, preferably with the addition of milk. Better yet, go to herbal teas, promoting lactation and not having a stimulating effect.
  • Onion garlic, richly seasoned with spices, spicy dishes - affect the taste of milk. The main danger is not even that the child will remain hungry, not wanting to drink milk with a specific taste, but that he may refuse to breastfeed. In addition, spices can cause stomach upset.
  • Chocolate, exotic fruits, especially citrus fruits, fruits with orange and red colors, crayfish and shrimp are the most famous allergenic foods. The dangers of allergens for a baby have already been discussed above. It is better to completely exclude foods that cause allergies in the vast majority of people from the diet so as not to provoke them. Highly allergenic products also include:
  • seafood delicacies, fatty fish, caviar;
  • fatty dairy and fermented milk products, cheeses, especially sharp ones;
  • pickles, marinades, canned food, sauces containing preservatives, spicy foods;
  • smoked meats, sausages, eggs;
  • wheat, semolina, oatmeal;
  • nuts, peanuts, exotic dried fruits, honey, caramel; products containing flavors and dyes.
  • Carbonated drinks, especially lemonade. Contained even in mineral water carbon dioxide causes fermentation processes, bloating, and can provoke gas colic. And all kinds of lemonades and sweet sodas are also allergens due to high content preservatives, flavors, dyes. Juices should also be treated with caution, if possible, use homemade fresh juices rather than store-bought ones. Juices with bright colors - tomato, orange, red grapes, red apples - can also be allergens.
  • Sugar and sweets, legumes, black bread, grapes. Like carbonated drinks, they stimulate the processes of fermentation and gas formation. Cucumbers, white cabbage, and apple peels also have a bad reputation as foods that cause colic and indigestion. If the child reacts normally to their presence in the mother’s diet, they can be eaten, but in moderation.
  • Fatty foods. Fatty varieties fish and dairy products have already been mentioned among the allergens. Nursing mothers should also avoid fatty meat and lard, as they contain saturated fatty acid increase the fat content of milk and are poorly digested by developing gastrointestinal tract baby.
  • Sweets, baked goods, bakery products, fatty foods are undesirable in the diet of a nursing mother also because they do not bring benefits and can provoke weight gain. After childbirth, when does it happen? hormonal changes, and there is not enough time to exercise, this can be a serious problem.
  • Medications. A few words should be said about products that are not food, but the use of which by a nursing mother is also subject to restrictions. This medications. Pharmacological drugs should be taken only in case of brief need, the instructions usually contain information about the admissibility of taking this drug during lactation. Sometimes it is recommended to take the drug only if the expected therapeutic effect exceeds possible harm body, and only a doctor can decide this.

Basic principles of nutrition during breastfeeding:

  • As few restrictions as possible! Most often, it is dietary restrictions, not its diversity, that are harmful to the health of mother and child.
  • The diet of a nursing mother in composition and quantity should be as close as possible to the diet of a normal healthy person, leading healthy image life.
  • If you don’t know whether a particular product that you intend to eat can harm a child, think about whether it can harm an adult who is worried about his health? If you find that the product is safe, then most likely it will not harm the child in any way.

Rules for following a hypoallergenic diet

In addition to products, it is highly likely causing allergies, there are many less pronounced allergens.

In this intermediate category between allergens and hypoallergenic products includes meat by-products, potatoes and legumes, green bell peppers, apricots, watermelons, currants and cranberries, biscuits and grain breads.

They need to be introduced into the diet little by little at first, and the child’s reaction should be monitored.

Eat what grows in your area.

Until the baby is 3 months old, the mother should not consume even potential allergens of moderate activity. The rules for expanding the diet of a nursing mother are in many ways similar to the rules for introducing complementary foods. A good habit is to keep a food diary, which reflects the mother’s diet, especially innovations in it, and the baby’s reaction.

You should introduce no more than two new foods that can cause allergies per month, waiting 2 weeks. possible reaction. In terms of allergic reactions, the safest fruits are those growing in your area.

When not to breastfeed?
Doctors prohibit breastfeeding a child after drinking alcohol. You cannot feed until the mother is completely sober, although the critical concentration of alcohol in the milk will be 30 minutes after drinking.
Only after the liver has processed the alcohol, after about two hours, can the baby be put to the breast.

Video “Diet for a nursing mother”

Watch our video about proper nutrition for a breastfeeding mother and find out how to properly structure your diet so that it is complete and nutritious for your baby:

Diet of a nursing mother and the age of the baby

The first month of breastfeeding is especially important, and the nutrition of a nursing woman during this period deserves the closest monitoring. Whole cow's milk, sour cream, rich broths, raw vegetables and fruits, fresh white bread, raisins are undesirable to eat in the first month, and are prohibited in the first ten days after childbirth.

A hypoallergenic diet and minimizing foods that cause bloating (gas, flatulence, colic) are especially important during the first 3 months. Fried foods should not be introduced into a mother’s diet until the baby is six months old.

About correct use. Finish feeding painlessly and safely.

Is it possible while breastfeeding? Instructions. How to fight a cold during breastfeeding.

Let's sum it up

The diet of a nursing mother is very important because it affects:

  • quantity and quality of milk;
  • restoration of the female body after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • disease resistance;
  • formation of the child’s eating habits.

The calorie content of food consumed by a woman during lactation must be increased by 300-500 calories, but not at the expense of sweets, baked goods, and fats.

A woman’s diet should be as complete and varied as possible, but some foods should be avoided.

The “black list” includes:

  • alcohol;
  • allergens;
  • products that cause gas formation, stomach upset;
  • tonic drinks containing caffeine;
  • products with a specific taste and smell, hot, spicy;
  • foods with high fat content.

The mother’s diet should be expanded gradually, monitoring the child’s reaction to new dishes; the first 3 months of restrictions are more strict, so you should carefully study the list of what a nursing mother should not eat. The diet of a nursing mother shapes the child’s food preferences, and by strictly limiting herself during breastfeeding, the mother risks growing up to be picky, so all prohibitions are good in moderation.

Pregnancy and childbirth are quite a difficult period for the female body. Therefore, in the postpartum period, a woman needs to recover, replenish those substances that were spent during pregnancy and birth of the baby.

At the same time, the choice of food products during breastfeeding should be selected taking into account the fact that the mother’s body is connected to the child. Breast milk contains elements that are produced by the mother's mammary gland. In this case, those nutrients that are contained in the mother’s blood are used. They enter a woman's blood from her intestines. Thus, breast milk contains foods that make up the mother's diet. It is very important that what mothers eat while breastfeeding is good quality and contained useful substances necessary for the child’s body.

Mother's nutrition while breastfeeding

The nutrition of a nursing mother should first of all be complete. The diet of the mother, and therefore her child, should contain as many natural and fresh foods as possible. It is very important that the food contains a large amount of products containing calcium. It is necessary to absolutely exclude from the diet foods containing preservatives and artificial colors.

It is very important that the mother's nutrition during breastfeeding did not contain potential allergens. Of course, it is impossible to know in advance which product will cause an allergic reaction in your baby. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new products gradually one at a time. The best time to try new foods is in the morning. Then a possible allergic reaction will appear during the day, when it is easier to seek help from a doctor if necessary. Signs of an allergic reaction usually include an upset stomach, skin rash, poor health of the child. Each subsequent New Product administered after three to four days.

The reason that many children suffer from increased gas production is their high sensitivity digestive system. In order to help the baby, the mother must Avoid foods that cause excess gas. First of all, these are raw vegetables, especially cabbage, black bread, legumes, kvass and other fermented products. These products are introduced gradually in very small doses. At the slightest sign of deterioration in the child’s condition, they should be abandoned.

Foods that a nursing mother can eat

The breastfeeding diet includes a fairly large amount of food. With their help, the mother should create a varied diet containing the required amount of essential nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

  • The main importance in the diet during breastfeeding is given to dairy products. A nursing mother can include fermented milk products in her menu - kefir, bifidokefir, yogurt, yoghurts without additives and dyes. It is recommended to consume about 600-800 ml of such products per day. It is better to use milk for making porridges and purees. In this case, the mother can take about 200 ml of milk.
  • In addition to the above dairy products, a woman can include mild cheese and cottage cheese in her diet. When introducing dairy products into the menu, you need to pay attention that what you eat while breastfeeding should have an average fat content of 2.5%. The fat content of cottage cheese should be within 5-9%. Products that are too fatty are not recommended, but even those that have zero fat content are not suitable for a nursing woman.
  • Fats in a nursing mother's menu can be represented by butter, vegetable oil all kinds. In this case, it is better to limit creamy varieties of margarine.
  • Meals during lactation must include lean varieties of pork, beef, poultry, rabbit, and any types of sea and river fish. It is only necessary to exclude mackerel, which is an allergen.
  • The list of diet products for breastfeeding includes various cereals and bran bread.
  • For mothers with a sweet tooth, acceptable treats for this period may include crackers, dry cookies, marmalade, marshmallows, and marshmallows.
  • Mom's diet should contain a large amount of vegetables and fruits, except those that are prohibited.
  • Acceptable drinks are weak green and black tea, weak coffee (preferably with milk), fruit drinks, compotes, still table water. It is very good to drink herbal teas with thyme and oregano during lactation. They stimulate increased breast milk production.
  • A nursing woman should drink about 1.5-2 liters per day clean water.

What not to do when breastfeeding

A woman who is breastfeeding should exclude from her diet following products:

  • alcoholic drinks, including beer;
  • chocolate, crayfish, crabs, mackerel, which are strong allergens;
  • garlic and onion, specific strong smell which the child often does not like;
  • strong coffee and tea, which have a stimulating effect on the baby;

Many nursing mothers are interested in what women who have digestive problems, a predisposition to allergic reactions, and those who have suffered late toxicosis should not do while breastfeeding. Such women need to exclude the following products from their menu:

  • honey, eggs, milk, sugar, nuts, legumes, black bread;
  • mayonnaise, canned food, smoked meats;
  • strawberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, grapes, tropical fruits;
  • products that contain artificial colors and preservatives;
  • fatty meats, lard.

In addition, a woman should drink juices while breastfeeding. They contain a large amount minerals, vitamins. Juices should have pulp. Such juices contain dietary fiber, which is necessary for normal operation digestive system. You should not drink juices that can cause allergies - red apples, citrus fruits, tomato juice. It is better to drink special juices while breastfeeding, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or store. Or you can make juice yourself, for example, from pumpkin or carrots.

Today we will talk about:

The question of what a nursing mother can eat arises for every woman who has recently become a mother and intends to fully breastfeed her baby. Hearing different advice about which list of foods is allowed, a young mother is often at a loss, since such advice can be very contradictory.

Some people, answering questions about what a nursing mother can eat and what a woman can eat after giving birth, claim that the diet in this case should be very strict.

However, the woman while breastfeeding A newborn should understand that in fact a mother’s diet can be varied, since a product that causes a negative reaction in all babies essentially does not exist.

However, over time, each woman determines what cannot be included in the diet, since there are food groups that sometimes cause gas formation, cause allergies and other negative manifestations in the baby. But, first of all, we are talking about those products that cause negative reactions (for example, allergies) in the woman herself. All other restrictions regarding what you cannot eat after childbirth by month, then modern experts claim that during lactation, as during pregnancy, the woman’s body itself “tells” what to eat in order to ensure infant useful substances and at the same time not provoke the development of negative phenomena. Therefore, when breastfeeding, you need to try different foods.

If a nursing woman wants to eat something tasty, then you can try consuming a small amount of this product, while carefully monitoring the baby’s reaction to foods and drinks. Therefore, if “forbidden” foods cause allergic reactions in a newborn, then you need to determine what kind of food such a reaction is developing to and remove this product from the diet when breastfeeding.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that over time, the baby’s reaction may change, so the list of what a nursing mother can eat after childbirth may vary over time. So, the reaction may change after 3 months, so later you can again try to eat and drink during breastfeeding what was once not suitable for the baby. Read more about what you can eat and drink while breastfeeding.

In the first month, the menu of a nursing mother should not be too varied. During lactation, a list of what can be eaten by month can be given by the pediatrician who is monitoring the newborn. However, in general, a nursing mother’s menu in the first month can be created independently.

So, at 1 month, the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month includes the following products:

  • bread - wheat-rye, which contains bran, bread, but it is better to exclude baked goods;
  • vegetables - cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, zucchini (boiled and stewed, vegetable soups); carrots can be eaten in limited quantities after childbirth, white cabbage;
  • porridge – dairy-free or with milk diluted with water 1:1;
  • lean meat - veal, beef, chicken (without skin);
  • dairy products - only fermented milk and natural (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, white yogurt, kefir);
  • drinks - tea with herbs (cumin, anise, dill), compote (apples, dry fruits), weakly brewed tea.

What a nursing mother's diet should not include in the first month

The diet for breastfeeding should not include a number of foods and dishes, since after their consumption the child may develop allergies.

List of foods that a mother should not eat in the first month after the birth of her baby:

Coffee and strong tea;
whole milk;
soda, juices from the store;
sweets and confectionery;
fatty, smoked foods, canned food;
sausage, cheese;
seafood, red fish;
mustard, ketchup;
rich broths.

In addition, what a nursing mother can eat in the first month of breastfeeding is determined individually, since some “allowed” foods can also cause negative reactions in the baby. In this case, you should check with your doctor about what a nursing mother can eat in the first month.

Those close to a young mother should also strictly consider what to feed and what to prepare for a nursing woman.

What can you eat after the first month?

For a young mother, the menu becomes more varied in the second month. However, it is important that the diet is correct and rational. What you can eat also depends on the child’s reaction. And when organizing meals in the 2nd month, this must be taken into account first of all. During this period, you can eat bread; sprouted grains are also very useful.

At 3 months, a woman’s diet can sometimes include fried foods, provided they are not too greasy. Nutrition for 3 months required constant monitoring of the baby’s condition, now it needs to be continued, but the mother herself already understands perfectly well what can be eaten, what is harmful to the child, and what he perceives as normal. A child at 3 months is not yet given complementary foods, so he continues to eat exclusively mother’s milk.

The 5th month is the period when many mothers already begin to feed their baby. But at the same time, they must also monitor their own diet. Indeed, during the period of introducing complementary foods, the baby often experiences various reactions to new foods or drinks. For example, if you are giving puree or compote to your baby for the first time, you should eat familiar foods that day in order to clearly understand how the baby reacts to complementary feeding.

Products with high content calcium – most useful for a nursing mother

Experts advise keeping a kind of food diary, which will help you find out whether you can feed your baby by consuming certain foods, and what foods you can eat while breastfeeding, as well as what you can drink.

The following table will help you mark by month the list of products that you are gradually introducing:

You need to keep such a food diary constantly; it will help you clearly determine the list of foods that you should not eat, as well as what a young mother should eat.

What fruits can a nursing mother eat?

If vegetables for the mother of a newborn can be included in the diet every day during lactation, then opinions are still divided as to whether fruits can be used when feeding an infant.

Some believe that in the first 3 months of lactation you should not eat fruit under any circumstances, others believe that you can eat fruit while breastfeeding, but this should be done very carefully. But with breastfeeding, as with pregnant women, you need to be especially careful when consuming exotic fruits, as well as citrus fruits. But while such fruits can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract and cause allergies for pregnant women, nursing mothers by consuming them put their baby at risk. Therefore, for example, you should not eat avocados during breastfeeding. Carambola, mango, avocado, kiwi, pineapple and other exotic foods should not be present in a woman’s diet.

It is beneficial for both mother and baby to eat, first of all, those fruits that grow in the places where they were born and live. And if Spanish mothers, for example, find it useful to eat oranges and use them for complementary feeding, then ours are better off preferring tasty and healthy fruits that grow in our country.

In addition, greens, fruits, and vegetables that are imported from other countries are treated with chemicals, so store-bought pineapple or kiwi can be harmful to the baby and mother.

Whether a nursing mother can eat kiwi depends on the age of the baby. Kiwi – healthy fruit, but it is not recommended to consume it during lactation so as not to harm the baby. After all, this is an exotic fruit, so you can try kiwi during breastfeeding much later, when the baby begins to get used to complementary foods.

The question often arises: is it possible to feed grapes? Green and blue grapes, despite the enormous benefits for the body, can provoke unwanted reactions. This fruit causes increased gas formation, so both mother and child may experience intestinal problems. Therefore, grapes are not a product that can be eaten after childbirth. It should not be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother in the first months of the child’s life. In addition, grapes should be eaten separately from other fruits, in small portions, and at the same time monitor the baby’s reaction.

Can you eat apples while breastfeeding?

There is an opinion that women during lactation do not need to eat green apples, as they provoke gas formation and have a laxative effect. But it should still be taken into account that each woman’s body perceives these products individually.

Consequently, apples can be gradually introduced into the diet of a nursing mother, which over time, after 10 months, should be given to the baby as complementary foods. It is best to gradually introduce baked apples to mom, over time you can also start drinking apple compote. However, you should not consume apple compote in the first months after the baby is born.

But if the mother suffers from allergies due to breastfeeding, which is provoked by red fruits, then it is worth giving up red apples. As a rule, if a woman did not suffer from such an allergy during pregnancy, then when feeding her baby with breast milk similar phenomena there shouldn't be. Therefore, in the absence of negative reactions, apples can be consumed, and red fruits, if desired, can be peeled.

Another very healthy and tasty product is dried fruits. It is recommended to drink dried fruit compote during breastfeeding in the first months, and you can use not only dried apples, but also other fruits.

Can a nursing mother of a newborn eat bananas?

When telling you in the maternity hospital what to eat and drink after childbirth, experts often warn that you should not eat bananas while breastfeeding. However, many modern experts, on the contrary, advise both pregnant and nursing mothers to eat bananas. After all, there is actually no exact explanation for why you should not eat bananas. These fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and substances beneficial to the body.

Therefore, bananas can be used for snacks and for making smoothies with yogurt. How many bananas you can eat per day depends on how well your baby accepts this product.

Strawberries, cherries, cherries - is it possible?

When talking about what projects women who are breastfeeding should not eat, many argue that they should not eat strawberries. However, this claim is also an unsubstantiated myth.

If the berries were grown on your own plot, or purchased from reliable sellers, then you can try to eat a few berries, and then carefully monitor the child’s reaction. It should be noted that strawberries contain a large amount of vitamin C, but it is better to consume them only during the ripening season.

Often young mothers who want to eat something tasty are afraid to eat cherries during the season. But the body’s individual reaction to these red fruits is noted. To find out how your baby will react, you can try eating a few berries, because they contain a large amount of substances beneficial to the body. Compote made from these berries can only be drunk in limited quantities. In the same way, when consuming cherry or sweet cherry compote, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction. Experience will tell you which compote is best to drink, but it is advisable that it be a drink made from dried fruits.

Mom should be careful when trying the jam. Both strawberry jam and cherry jam always contain a lot of sugar, so they can only be eaten occasionally.

Is it possible to eat watermelon or melon?

In fact, both watermelon and melon should be consumed very carefully, as store-bought watermelons and melons may contain chemicals that are hazardous to health. Since when growing these crops, as a rule, a very large amount of various fertilizers are used, it is better to eat watermelon from a late harvest - that is, at the end of August and September. Melon is a very heavy product, so it is better to limit yourself to a small piece and eat it separately from other products. It is better to prefer other fruits when it comes to sweets during breastfeeding.

What vegetables can be included in the diet while breastfeeding?

A woman should clearly know which vegetables can be eaten during breastfeeding, because vegetables contain a lot useful substances, and they must be on the menu. It is useful to eat everything that the baby normally perceives, however, there are certain rules.


For example, white cabbage should not be tried until the baby is 3 months old. Even if there is no allergy to white cabbage, this product causes colic and bloating in the child.

But later during lactation this type of cabbage should be gradually introduced, as it contains a lot folic acid and vitamin C. But cauliflower, as well as sauerkraut, can be gradually introduced into the diet a little earlier. If a child reacts poorly to stewed cabbage, that is, his gas production increases, you can add a little cumin to the dish. What other cabbage should be included in the diet (broccoli, kohlrabi, etc.) depends on the baby’s perception of dishes containing this product.


Fresh cucumbers during breastfeeding also increase gas production in the baby, so it is better not to eat tomatoes and cucumbers in the first months of feeding. Pregnant women often crave cucumbers, but immediately after the birth of the baby, fresh or pickled cucumbers should not be eaten while breastfeeding. But later, when the mother gradually introduces different foods into her diet, and provided that there is no allergy to these vegetables, cucumbers can be gradually introduced.

Of course, if you eat cucumbers with milk, the child may have a violent reaction. Therefore, it is better not to check what happens if you eat a cucumber with milk. It is necessary to strictly ensure that you do not eat incompatible foods together.


It is generally accepted that fresh tomatoes are prohibited during breastfeeding. Why you should not eat this vegetable is explained as follows: it contains a red pigment. But in fact, lycopene, which gives the tomato its red color, is an antioxidant that is beneficial for both the baby and the mother. Tomato juice contains a large amount of vitamin C, but it is better not to drink this juice on an empty stomach. When determining what you can and cannot eat, you need to take into account that tomatoes must be of high quality and free of nitrates. Ideally, these should be vegetables from your own garden plot.


Stewed zucchini must be present in the diet of a young mother, since zucchini contains magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, and also many vitamins. Zucchini improves digestion and has a diuretic effect. As a rule, the child reacts well to this vegetable. However, it is better not to consume it raw.


If a mother strictly follows a diet when breastfeeding a newborn, she is often interested in whether it is possible to give the baby potatoes from the first months.

Because proper diet If the mother assumes that she only consumes food that the baby accepts well, you should initially try some boiled potatoes. But, as a rule, the baby’s body reacts well to potatoes. Although cases of allergy to starch do occur in children under one year of age. Therefore, it is better to start with small doses of boiled potatoes, recording data on the child’s reaction.

Potatoes contain vitamin C, B vitamins, and many microelements. However, it should be noted that potato dishes are very high in calories. But even during the period when you can eat everything, you should not consume fried potatoes, chips.


There is an opinion that you need to be very careful when consuming carrots during breastfeeding. However, mother doctors even recommend raw carrots during breastfeeding. True, it is better to refuse it in the first 2-3 weeks of the child’s life. Next, it is better to consume stewed or boiled carrots. Later, as the baby grows, the mother can gradually introduce raw carrots into her diet. If an allergic reaction does not occur, such a healthy product can be eaten more often.


It is better not to eat canned olives during breastfeeding.


Whether borscht can be made from vegetables depends on the recipe for its preparation. If this dish includes permitted products, then it can be cooked periodically. But it is better to exclude green borscht.

Drinks while breastfeeding

The question of drinks is no less important than the question of what a woman should eat after giving birth. First of all, you should remember to eliminate or minimize the consumption of stimulant drinks. We are talking about coffee, cocoa, strong tea, chocolate drinks and cola.

Cocoa and chocolate

The answer to the question whether cocoa is possible is rather negative. Doctors say that drinking cocoa during breastfeeding is undesirable, since the baby may have an allergic reaction to the proteins of cocoa beans. In addition, by consuming chocolate or cocoa, you significantly increase the amount of sugar in your diet, which is also undesirable. But if it’s very difficult to do without sweets, you can try white chocolate. However, when breastfeeding, you need to eat this dessert in very small portions, monitoring the baby’s condition.


Those who ask if beer can be served natural feeding, mistakenly believe that this is a harmless product that contains virtually no alcohol. But in fact, beer during lactation is very harmful. After all, it contains not only alcohol, but also many harmful components - dyes, preservatives, etc. We produce real, natural beer extremely rarely. That is why non-alcoholic beer during breastfeeding is also a harmful product. Therefore, reviews from those who drank beer supposedly to improve lactation cannot be considered a basis for taking this drink.


It is better to exclude this drink during lactation. After all, it is a fermentation product and promotes the formation of gases. Besides, kvass modern production is also rarely natural. Mom can rarely afford only a very small amount of natural kvass.

When choosing which juice to drink, be sure to keep in mind that purchased juice from packages contains practically nothing beneficial for the health of the baby and mother. But there are a lot of preservatives and additives, as well as sugar. Therefore, during lactation, only freshly squeezed juice is allowed, and you need to drink it in small quantities. Worth preferring Apple juice, carrot juice. Experts confirm that you can drink pomegranate juice during breastfeeding, but only in small portions. Similarly, a young mother can gradually introduce tomato juice into her diet.


For many coffee lovers, an equally pressing question is whether nursing mothers can drink coffee. Due to the fact that caffeine penetrates into breast milk very quickly, even coffee with milk will have to be abandoned during lactation. Why you shouldn’t drink coffee is very simple to explain: caffeine causes irritability and insomnia in the baby. If you constantly drink coffee while breastfeeding, this can negatively affect the development of the baby's nervous system. Therefore, it is better for nursing mothers to completely exclude coffee from their diet.

The answer to the question of which tea is better to drink is clear: herbal or completely weak. After all, a strong drink, regardless of whether it is black or green tea, also contains caffeine, which negatively affects the child’s condition. What to drink herbal tea with depends on the mother’s preferences. For example, chamomile, rose hips, raspberries, etc. are useful.

You should not immediately after birth consume pomegranate tea from Turkey, the benefits and harms of which are described in the instructions. Although this drink is quite healthy, there is a risk of developing allergies in the baby.

What sweets can be consumed with tea depends on the mother’s preferences. You can add a little sugar to your cup of tea. But you need to remember that sugar is a high-calorie product and does not provide any particular benefit. What sweets are possible during breastfeeding should also be taken into account, while not forgetting that they all also contain sugar. Whether honey can be eaten depends on the baby’s reaction. Honey is a product that causes allergies, so it should be administered very carefully.


This drink is the most useful and should be included in your diet. Ideally, compote should be made from dried fruits, adding raisins.

Is it possible to have dairy products?

Milk and dairy products

What dairy products can you use? breastfeeding, there is no clear opinion. Experts are still actively arguing about whether a nursing mother can drink milk. Some doctors believe that drinking cow's milk is pure form it is impossible, and during lactation it is only allowed to occasionally drink tea with milk or periodically consume condensed milk in small quantities during breastfeeding.

Why this is not possible is explained by the fact that the baby may develop an allergy to cow protein. Others believe that milk can be given to the mother if the baby does not have such an allergy, which can be confirmed by conducting a special blood test. If this is the case, then fermented milk products can be introduced into the menu. Sour cream, cottage cheese, and butter are also allowed. It should be noted that sour cream for breastfeeding should be low-fat. Sour cream can be added to vegetable purees and other dishes.

Ryazhenka during breastfeeding is allowed only if the baby does not develop a rash or other undesirable reactions. Ryazhenka is introduced gradually. Drink fermented baked milk in the morning, and in the afternoon watch how your child reacts to fermented baked milk.

Kefir for breastfeeding is also allowed in small quantities. Women who doubt whether kefir is ok can try introducing it separately from other products and monitor the child’s reaction. As a rule, children perceive this product normally. It is very important that the kefir is fresh.

“Snowball” is a drink whose benefits and harms have been known for a long time. “Snowball” is a fermented milk product that activates digestion and improves metabolism. But sweet “Snowball” is contraindicated for diabetes and excess weight. During lactation it can be consumed in moderation.

Cottage cheese for breastfeeding is a very healthy product, as it contains a lot of calcium. If you once wondered how much cottage cheese pregnant women should eat per day, then during lactation similar questions also arise. You need to start introducing cottage cheese with small doses, gradually increasing them. But in general, it is better not to consume more than 500 g of fermented milk products per day.

Ice cream

It is quite natural that a woman periodically has a craving for sweets and has a question about whether a nursing mother can have ice cream. Of course, you should absolutely not eat ice cream during breastfeeding if your baby is allergic to cow protein. But if there is no such problem, you need to choose only ice cream with natural ingredients. True, sweet delicacies from modern manufacturers, as a rule, contain large quantities of palm oil, which is a very harmful component and a carcinogen. In many countries it is no longer used in Food Industry. However, in our country this component is included in many products. Therefore, when determining what foods you can eat, you should very carefully study their composition: for example, when deciding what cake to bring to a young mother, it is better to choose homemade cakes from proven ingredients.

Condensed milk

Condensed milk is often recommended to mothers during breastfeeding when discussing how to make milk full-fat. But both raw and boiled condensed milk should be taken very carefully during lactation. Firstly, this is a very high-calorie product, and secondly, modern manufacturers add many components unacceptable for young mothers to condensed milk. Therefore, it is better to eat condensed milk during breastfeeding in very small portions and infrequently.

You can only consume natural ones, rarely and in small portions.


Before you start introducing eggs into your diet, it is worth checking whether your child is allergic to chicken protein. This can also be done using a special blood test. Boiled eggs during breastfeeding can only be eaten in limited quantities - no more than 1 piece. in a day. It is very important that the eggs are fresh. To check the freshness of this product, you need to put an egg in a glass of water. A fresh egg will sink to the bottom, a stale egg will float to the surface. It is important to wash eggs and never eat them raw. You can prepare a variety of egg dishes (omelettes, fried eggs), but you still need to take into account that a fried omelet is less healthy than a boiled egg.

Is it possible to have seeds and nuts


This product is strong allergen, so the answer to the question whether a nursing mother can eat sunflower seeds is not always positive. To those women who suffer seasonal allergies for pollen, it is better not to eat seeds during lactation. If the woman has not suffered from such a disease, then it is possible to eat HF ​​in small quantities. But, of course, you shouldn’t constantly chew seeds while breastfeeding.


This product is very healthy, but, nevertheless, it is also an allergen. That's why walnuts can be eaten in limited quantities - no more than 2-3 pieces. in a day. The fact that consumption of nuts supposedly promotes lactation is not decisive in this case, because nuts can provoke negative reactions in the baby. Pistachios, peanuts and other types of nuts should also be eaten in small doses. After all, pistachios can also provoke negative reactions.

What meat products are possible during breastfeeding?

When talking about what foods a woman with breastfeeding can and should eat after childbirth, we should also mention meat products. What kind of meat can you eat? First of all, dietary varieties: beef, turkey, rabbit.

Meat contains many proteins that are important for the growth of the baby and the recovery of the woman after childbirth. Of course, eating sausage or frankfurters is not only undesirable, but also extremely harmful. You should also not eat lard, as it is very fatty product. But dietary varieties can be introduced 10-15 days after birth, eating meat dishes 2-3 times a week.

You can prepare soups and broths based on meat. What soups to prepare depends on taste preferences mothers, but you need to use “allowed” vegetables and meat

It is also recommended to gradually include fish in your diet. However, for example, red fish, which is very healthy for the baby and mother, should be eaten with caution, as it can cause allergies. If, when introducing new varieties of fish or meat, the mother experiences diarrhea or colic in the baby, you need to temporarily remove them from the diet and try to introduce them later.

The following meat products should not be consumed while breastfeeding:

Wild meat;
sausage, frankfurters;
semi-finished products;
canned food;
fried and grilled meat dishes;
fatty lamb, venison, pork (undesirable).

In the first months, it is advisable to give up offal. After the third month they can be eaten in limited quantities. You can include liver in the menu (best chicken liver), but eat it no more than 2-3 times a week.

Other dishes during lactation


When breastfeeding, you need to eat bread, but it is better to exclude white bread made from higher varieties of wheat from the diet. It is advisable to include in the diet bread made from unrefined flour, bread with bran, as well as black bread, which is absorbed more slowly, but is usually accepted well by the child. New varieties are introduced gradually, one at a time. Other flour products, such as pasta, can also be eaten, monitoring the baby's reaction. It is better to prefer pasta made from durum wheat. But it’s better to exclude instant noodles altogether.


When determining what to eat during lactation, a woman should know which cereals are best to eat.

What cereals are most optimal for breastfeeding, and what vitamins do they contain? Buckwheat contains a number of minerals, vitamins A, B, E. Oatmeal contains magnesium, zinc, iodine. Millet cereal contains vitamin D, which is very important for babies. Rice is a cereal that is relevant for those who do not know what to do with diarrhea. However, if the child and mother are constipated, rice should be consumed very carefully. You can also eat pearl barley. This is very healthy cereal, but barley needs to be cooked for a long time.

You should not eat pea porridge, and corn grits. Canned corn is also prohibited.


During lactation, the mother’s body, of course, requires sweets. But not all of their types may include a menu for lactation. Experts advise eliminating refined sugar from your diet as much as possible. For example, it is better to replace sweets with dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes). After all, even supposedly healthy candies“Cow” from modern manufacturers contain a number of harmful additives.

You should not eat sweets that contain poppy seeds. After all, poppy not only contains morphine and codeine (albeit in minimum quantities), but can also cause allergies.

A nursing mother needs to carefully choose cookies, weighing what benefits and harms may be observed when consumed certain type this confectionery product. Again, the problem is content. large quantity additives in butter cookies. Therefore, from time to time you can eat biscuits, which are the safest in this sense.

In addition, a young mother can periodically afford the following sweets:

Marmalade containing no dyes;
cake with cottage cheese, cake with yogurt;
candied fruit;
baked apples;

But even permitted sweets (marshmallows, marshmallows, etc.) are better not to be eaten in the first days of the baby’s life. Also, they should not be included in the diet for a colic child.

List of products that are prohibited during breastfeeding

Thus, it is necessary to clearly know what a nursing mother should absolutely not eat while breastfeeding. And if you remember the list of foods that you should not eat and avoid them, all other dishes and foods can be gradually introduced into your diet.

What foods should you not eat?

  • sausages, sausages;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • coffee, strong tea;
  • alcohol;
  • soda;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • ketchup, mustard and other unnatural products containing a number of additives.

Gradually forming a diet and determining what to eat after childbirth, a woman should take into account that, having excluded prohibited foods during breastfeeding, she needs to eat a varied diet, but consume everything in moderation. At the same time, it is better to add only one product to the menu per day in order to understand how the baby reacts to it.

How to eat if your child is prone to allergies?

If the baby is allergic, the mother has to seriously think about what to drink for allergies, what to eat, and later – what the child can eat if the child has allergies. If a child has an allergy, what to do, you need to ask a doctor. But in this case, when breastfeeding, the mother must have a strict diet. If you are allergic, you should not include the following products in your menu:

  • exotic fruits and berries;
  • red berries, fruits and vegetables (if the baby is allergic to red foods);
  • dairy products, some types of meat, soy (protein allergy);
  • chocolate;
  • food with dyes, additives, preservatives.

If a child has allergies, the diet should gradually become more varied, but the mother should introduce all new foods into her diet, and subsequently into the child’s diet, very carefully. However, foods to which the baby reacts poorly should still be introduced gradually, since small amounts of them in breast milk can prevent allergic reactions in the baby in the future.

Sometimes, in cases of severe allergic reactions, a milk test is performed. It should also be taken into account that the color of milk is not an indicator of its quality and what color the milk is does not allow us to determine how nutritious it is for the baby.

What vitamins can a nursing mother take?

During the feeding process, women have questions about whether they need to take additional vitamin complexes and which vitamins are best to take. It should be taken into account that during lactation a woman’s need for B vitamins , and A, D, E, C . Her body also needs a number of microelements. Moreover, both vitamins and microelements are necessary not only for the mother, but also for the body of the growing baby.

Women who want to know which vitamins are best for nursing mothers often read reviews on forums and ask their friends about it. But choose for yourself vitamin complex do not do it. It is better to consult your doctor first and take his recommendations. As a rule, a specially developed vitamin complex for pregnant and nursing mothers does not cause side effects for mother and child. But what vitamins you can take depends, first of all, on the doctor’s prescription.

When breastfeeding, be careful about what medications you take. You should not take medications without reading the instructions and obtaining your doctor's permission. Ideally, you should avoid medications by adjusting your diet. So, for constipation, you need to introduce herbal teas, laxative foods. How to lower blood pressure without medications, you can ask your doctor or use traditional methods: warm heating pad, herbal tea.

Remember that during the period of feeding your baby you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for his health, and try to follow all the recommendations.

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Nutrition after childbirth for a nursing woman has many peculiarities and prohibitions. After all, the composition and quantity of breast milk directly depends on this. The baby's whims due to feeling unwell, short sleep, constipation - all these are consequences of non-compliance with the diet by a nursing mother. So what should you eat to keep your child healthy and calm?
Meals in the first months after birth should be light but frequent; new foods should be introduced carefully, observing the baby's reaction. Don't forget about the restrictions on junk food. Let's consider the basic principles of creating a menu for a young mother.

Proper nutrition mother after childbirth will ensure successful lactation, wellness and the health of the newborn child.

Everything that the mother eats enters the baby’s body through breast milk and can cause negative consequences:

  1. Bloating and severe colic.
  2. or vice versa, diarrhea.
  3. Some products may experience allergic manifestations in the form of a rash.
  4. Food that has a strong taste and aroma worsens the taste of milk, and the baby may refuse to breastfeed.
  5. Poor nutrition for a nursing mother after childbirth, it can have a stimulating effect on the baby’s nervous system.

By adhering to a diet, a woman will also provide herself and her family with proper rest. After all, a baby who does not suffer from colic or constipation sleeps better, eats well and gains weight.

Such a child grows and develops calmly, without suffering from allergic itching and from constant pain in the tummy, and the mother is not nervous, trying to calm the baby. In addition, a balanced and regular diet, excluding fried and fatty foods, will help a woman get rid of extra pounds gained while bearing a child.

Much depends on the mother's eating habits during pregnancy. If a woman previously regularly consumed persimmons, apples, plums, then after childbirth you can also add these products to the diet. However, if the mother did not eat these fruits before, and after giving birth she became interested in consuming them, then it is quite possible that the child will develop an allergy.

The menu must be compiled so that the daily diet includes:

  • proteins – 20%;
  • fats – 15-20%;
  • carbohydrates – 60%.

Nutrition in the first three days after birth

The question of following a certain diet should be considered by a woman not only after the birth of a child, but also during pregnancy. At bad tests, the doctor may advise her to limit the consumption of certain foods so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.

A few days before giving birth, it is better to give up such excesses as:

  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • coffee, strong tea, cocoa;
  • strawberries, tomatoes, red fish;
  • smoked or salty foods;
  • citrus fruits and various exotic foods.

It is also better to reduce the consumption of dairy products. This way, you will protect your newborn baby from appearing immediately after birth.

Meals on the first day after childbirth should consist of freshly prepared and light dishes, without spicy or aromatic seasonings. Indeed, during this period, the woman’s lactation process and the baby’s weaning to the breast are improving.

It is better to limit yourself to porridge with water, a boiled egg or a piece of lean meat; you can eat lean soup without frying. Sweets allowed include baked apple, banana and simple biscuits.

There is an opinion that in order to increase milk supply, a woman needs drinking plenty of fluids. This is not true, since drinking large amounts of liquid can lead to hot flashes and stagnation of milk in the breast. After all, a newborn baby eats very little.

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When breastfeeding, a woman needs to do several things: simple rules on diet and nutrition. This helps to avoid most problems, including allergic reactions in the baby. Also the right approach to the diet will help strengthen the mother’s weakened body after childbirth.

Why do you need a diet?

In the first months after birth, the baby is just learning to live in new conditions. His body is still too weak and exposed to external factors. The baby receives all nutrients through breast milk. Poor maternal nutrition can cause colic, allergies, constipation and indigestion. In addition, after childbirth, the woman herself may face problems such as constipation. Only proper and balanced nutrition will help gradually bring metabolism into balance. normal condition. Another problem that all women who give birth face is the recruitment excess weight. Balanced diet, rich in all the vitamins and microelements necessary for rapid recovery of the body, and physical activity will help gradually return the body to its prenatal shape. It is worth considering that during this period a woman should not starve and sit on strict diets, as this will lead to exhaustion of the body. The diet should be varied, but moderate.

Allergy danger

The main reason for following a diet is the occurrence of allergies in a child. Each baby’s body is individual, so foods that cause allergies in one may not always have the same effect on another child. Most often, an allergic reaction in babies occurs when the mother consumes:

  • exotic fruits and citrus fruits;
  • strawberries, raspberries, red currants;
  • cocoa, coffee, hot chocolate;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • whole milk, dairy products with high fat content;
  • high protein foods;
  • tea with herbal additives (hawthorn, mint, ginseng).

These foods can be introduced into the diet only after the child’s body has become stronger. It is recommended to eat a small amount of the new product in the morning, and then monitor the baby’s reaction all day. If an allergy does not appear, then the volume can be gradually increased, otherwise the attempt should be repeated after 2 months. You should not introduce several different products at once, as it will be impossible to understand what exactly is causing the negative reaction. It is best to wait 2-3 days between introducing new foods.

Basic restrictions

Every mother should understand that the health of the baby depends on the food and substances entering her body. To avoid unpleasant incidents, you must:

  • adjust your diet so that your baby receives all the substances he needs for full growth and development;
  • forget about strict diets;
  • don't overeat. Eating food for two will only harm the mother and cause the appearance of extra pounds;
  • ensure that the diet consists of a variety of foods that combine with each other;
  • Avoid foods that cause allergies.
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • smoked and fatty foods;
  • sauces;
  • canned food;
  • fast food;
  • spicy food;
  • most confectionery products;
  • coffee, cocoa, strong tea;
  • whole milk;
  • citrus fruits.

You need to minimize the consumption of honey, pasta and potatoes. Depending on the individual characteristics baby, the list of prohibited products may be expanded.

Proper diet

It is worth considering that proper diet nutrition is the basis for healthy development child. Therefore, the approach to nutrition should be complete. This includes several rules:

  • unwanted products and allergens are excluded;
  • the diet becomes complete due to the number of products of different types;
  • all products must be included in the diet based on doctor’s recommendations;
  • any product that is contraindicated for the mother or child for medical reasons must be excluded;
  • At first, difficult-to-understand foods are also eliminated or their intake is minimized.

A proper diet does not mean a diet, but rather the active consumption of foods that can be interchanged if necessary. For example, a number of fruits, such as citrus fruits, can be replaced with fresh wild berries.

An important point in the diet is not to exceed the calorie balance during a sedentary life. All processes in the mother’s body affect the milk and then the baby. Therefore, overeating or constantly consuming the same product is not recommended. As a result of oversaturation of milk with certain elements, an allergic reaction or non-perception may occur.

After compiling a list of possible foods to eat, the diet is calculated for the week. Meals are taken 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is also worth following the rules of drinking that a woman needs when feeding.

If there is any doubt about specific product It is worth contacting a doctor who is monitoring the newborn and his mother.

Before drawing up your own diet, it is recommended to consult with a specialist, because only he will be able to create a menu based precisely on those products that are most required by the body of the mother and baby. Among the permitted products are:

  • vegetables;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • low-fat dairy products without additives;
  • cereals;
  • dried fruits;
  • coarse wheat bread.

As the baby gets older, the list of allowed products will gradually expand. It is worth remembering that the introduction of any products should be gradual.

What and how can you drink?

Liquid plays an important role in a mother’s daily diet. Many drinks can cause allergies in a child, digestive problems, poisoning, and affect growth and development. This is why a mother should carefully monitor what she drinks. Recommended to use:

  • ordinary water without gases;
  • goat milk in small quantities;
  • kefir;
  • weak tea without flavoring;
  • chicory;
  • a range of herbal teas;
  • compote based on dried fruits;
  • natural vegetable or fruit juice.

Any drinks must be warm. Cold foods should not be consumed by a nursing mother, since at this time the body does not have stable immunity. It is also important to drink before feeding, but in small quantities. This will keep your body hydrated.

Mother's diet and medications

Medicines should be completely prohibited during breastfeeding. Exceptions are cases when taking medications is necessary for medical indications, and they will not affect the baby. The use of pills and other medications for weight loss is strictly prohibited, as their substances accumulate in milk. Some of them cause a block in the absorption of fats and carbohydrates in infants, which will lead to psychological disorders and other developmental disorders.

Menu for fasting days

Doctors have different opinions about the usefulness of fasting days for nursing mothers. All experts completely agree on one thing - a woman should not starve. This will affect the amount of milk produced, and after the end of the fasting day, the weight will return in double size, as the body will store in case of another hunger strike. In order for fasting days to be beneficial, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • You need to drink as much water per day as your body requires. You should not bring him to the point of exhaustion or forcefully pour water into himself. It is recommended to drink 2 liters of clean water per day;
  • the interval between days of unloading should not be less than 7-10 days;
  • You can't go completely hungry. If you feel very hungry, you should eat a small natural yogurt or drink a glass of kefir;
  • fasting days will be easier if you start them in the evening;
  • It is recommended to walk more often, read and do what you love to take your mind off thoughts about food;
  • It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, the break between meals should be 3-4 hours. All food should be chewed thoroughly and slowly, this will give you a feeling of fullness faster;
  • the number of calories consumed per day should not exceed 1000-1500.

The choice of menu for a fasting day directly depends on the woman’s preferences and health status; for example, people with kidney disease should not eat only meat. There are several options for days for unloading:

  • fruit – it is recommended to eat up to 2 kilograms of apples during the day;
  • vegetable – eat up to 2 kg of various vegetables in the form of salads;
  • kefir – divide 1.5 liters of kefir throughout the day and take in small portions;
  • rice – 150 grams of rice is boiled without adding salt. The resulting portion is divided into 5-6 meals. Adding vegetables or fruits is allowed;
  • cottage cheese – per day you can eat up to 0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese and drink up to 1 liter of kefir;
  • meat - you can eat up to 0.5 kg of any lean meat, boiled or stewed, with 1 kg of vegetables;
  • fish - you need to combine 0.5 kg of fish and 1 kg of vegetables.

Menu for fasting day are selected individually. It is important to ensure that the child does not develop allergies or other unwanted reactions such as constipation or indigestion.

Lactation diet for weight loss

Each diet, especially when breastfeeding, should be selected individually. A nutritionist or pediatrician can help with this, who will help you choose a list of products containing greatest number microelements necessary for the baby.

Losing excess weight largely depends on the number of calories a woman consumes per day. Their quantity is also calculated individually, but the daily intake should not exceed 2000 calories.

  • lean meat, boiled or stewed. It is better to give your preference to chicken, rabbit, turkey or veal;
  • pasta and wholemeal wheat bread;
  • low-fat fermented milk products - cheese, sour cream, milk, cottage cheese;
  • sea ​​or river fish– cod, pike, pike perch, grayling, hake;
  • porridge from buckwheat, millet, oatmeal;
  • zucchini, beets, carrots, pumpkin, fresh, stewed or steamed;
  • dried fruit compotes.

Butter, boiled eggs, olive or corn oil, marshmallows, marshmallows, natural fruit marmalade.

It is important to ensure that all products are combined with each other and do not cause negative reactions in the baby. It is worth considering that weight loss should be gradual, since sudden weight loss can lead to exhaustion of the body and affect the amount of milk produced. Weekly weight loss should not exceed 0.5 - 1 kg.

Diet to increase lactation

It is believed that to increase lactation, a woman’s diet must include:

  • lean meats, for example, chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef;
  • River fish;
  • porridges cooked in water or milk (rolled oats, oatmeal, buckwheat);
  • carrots, fresh or boiled;
  • green salad;
  • fermented milk products, including cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt. Any products must be completely natural, without additives and with low fat content;
  • currants, blackberries and gooseberries;
  • weak green tea;
  • watermelon.

Many mothers note the positive effect of consuming honey, but it is worth remembering that it should be taken in small quantities, as it can cause allergies in the child.

Misconceptions about nutrition during lactation

There are many myths and misconceptions that mothers who breastfeed believe, but some of them can cause serious harm to the baby’s health:

  1. During lactation, be sure to consume whole milk and add it to tea.

Whole milk can cause a severe allergic reaction in a child. When mixed with other drinks, such as tea, it is poorly absorbed, causing indigestion and increased gas formation. In addition, with established lactation, it can cause failure, which in turn will lead to lactostasis or mastitis. It is recommended to replace whole milk with kefir, natural yogurt and other low-fat fermented milk products.

  1. Tea with condensed milk has a positive effect on lactation.

Mixing several products at once negatively affects the baby’s digestion process and causes colic. Increased content Sugar in condensed milk can lead to an allergic reaction. This drink will not affect the lactation process itself in any way.

  1. The diet must include citrus and exotic fruits due to their high vitamin content.

Experts recommend that all citrus fruits be completely excluded from the mother’s diet, as these are the strongest allergens. Exotic fruits are also not recommended for consumption while breastfeeding, since not every body is able to perceive them normally.

  1. Vegetables that have a bright color certainly cause allergies.

If your child has never previously been allergic to red, orange or yellow vegetables, then you can safely eat them. It's worth remembering that overuse any product can cause a negative reaction in a child.

  1. Meat is consumed only in limited quantities.

A nursing mother should really limit the amount of meat she eats, but this does not apply to all types of meat. It is not recommended to eat pork during breastfeeding, as it is too fatty, and duck due to poor digestibility. Beef and chicken, on the contrary, contain trace elements necessary for the mother’s body, so their deficiency will only harm the woman and baby.

  1. The amount of fluid you drink directly affects lactation.

Prolactin is responsible for the production of breast milk. The amount of fluid you drink will not affect lactation in any way. The exception is when a woman is constantly thirsty due to exhaustion. That is why it is important to drink the amount of water that the body itself requires.

  1. Sweets are completely prohibited under Guards.

A nursing mother must limit the amount of sweets she eats, but not eliminate them completely. In moderation, you can eat natural fruit marmalade, marshmallows, dried fruit or marshmallows.

  1. The higher the calorie content of the food, the larger and better the milk.

The quantity and quality of milk is not affected in any way by the calorie content of the food consumed by the mother, since the lactation process is carried out thanks to prolactin. Overeating and too fatty, high-calorie foods will affect general state mothers and can cause a negative reaction in the baby, but will not increase milk production in any way.

  1. During breastfeeding, be sure to strictly follow a diet.

Even in the womb, the child became accustomed to the food that the woman constantly consumed. That is why the diet should not be completely changed, this can only harm, but slightly adjusted by removing all allergens and harmful products. All food a woman eats must be balanced.

  1. Sport harms lactation.

With daily, prolonged strength loads with an emphasis on chest The amount of milk produced may decrease, but simple exercise or light exercise to keep fit will not affect this process.

  1. Herbal decoctions should definitely be in the diet of every nursing mother.

Any herbs can not only be beneficial, but also harmful. Most of them contain substances that have therapeutic effect. That is why there are many contraindications for the use of certain decoctions. In addition, the wrong dosage can have the opposite effect on the body.

  1. Nuts have a positive effect on lactation.

Excessive consumption of nuts makes the milk thicker, which makes feeding difficult due to poor flow. This can lead to stagnation, mastitis and lactostasis.

  1. Cucumbers and cabbage are sure to cause colic in your baby.

This paragraph applies only to those cases when the mother experiences bloating after eating these foods. Otherwise, in moderate quantities, cucumbers and cabbage will not harm the child in any way.

  1. The less you eat, the faster the weight gained during pregnancy will go away.

This principle of nutrition will lead a woman’s body to complete exhaustion. You need to eat every 3-4 hours, preferably after feeding the baby. Experts recommend eating high-calorie foods in the morning and lighter ones in the evening. In addition, with malnutrition, the body will use up all its reserve reserves to produce milk, which it will restore in double volume at the first opportunity.

The nutrition of any mother should be balanced, only then it will not have negative influence per child, will enrich the body of the woman and baby with all the necessary microelements.

Proper nutrition during breastfeeding has great importance in child development, formation immune system and baby's health. All new products should be introduced gradually and immediately eliminated when negative reaction crumbs. A nursing mother should be prepared for the fact that she will have to temporarily limit herself in the consumption of certain foods and drinks.