Heat. A fever without signs of a cold is a serious cause for concern.

Ecology of health: Elevated temperature indicates that protective forces Our body is in a state of mobilization. In general, the mechanism of temperature increase is a response of the body's immune system. This is how it fights the invasion of bacteria, viruses or harmful substances. As doctors say, high temperature is a helper.

What diseases cause fever and what does it mean?

“- Patient, what is the temperature?

- It’s good that it’s not a minus...”

Every joke has a bit of truth. An elevated temperature indicates that our body’s defenses are in a state of mobilization.. In general, the mechanism of temperature increase is a response of the body's immune system. This is how it fights the invasion of bacteria, viruses or harmful substances. As doctors say, high temperature is a helper.

When the temperature rises, unfavorable conditions are created for the development of pathogens of infectious diseases, the reproduction of viruses is inhibited, the rate of antibody production increases, and the sensitivity of infectious pathogens to the action of medicines. Temperatures above 38 degrees can be called “antibiotic temperature.”

How does this happen

Technically, an increase in body temperature is a response of the thermoregulatory function of the body of warm-blooded animals to specific irritants - pyrogens. Pyrogens are divided into exogenous, entering the body from the outside, and endogenous- formed in the body. Pyrogens are also divided into primary, which do not directly affect the thermoregulatory center, and secondary that have this effect. Pyrogens can be bacteria, viruses, or pathological processes within the body, for example, decay products of tissue cells, etc.

All these processes have a direct impact on the hypothalamus - our main center thermoregulation, which controls physical thermoregulation (vasoconstriction, sweating) and chemical (“cellular” thermogenesis).

The hypothalamus is responsible for maintaining a temperature in our body at which biochemical processes can proceed normally. Normally, this is 37 degrees for internal organs and 36.6 is an indicator of external temperature, which we are used to focusing on.

The process of increasing temperature consists of several stages:

1. Formation and release of secondary pyrogen - interleukin - by primary pyrogens. (Interleukins, remember, are part of the immune system, a group of substances synthesized mainly by leukocytes (hence the ending “-leukin”).

2. Interleukin begins to influence the thermoregulation center (hypothalamus), and a restructuring of its work occurs. This process takes on average 10 seconds.

3. As a result of an emergency restructuring of the thermoregulation mechanism, a narrowing occurs blood vessels skin and limbs, contraction of smooth muscles, and, as a result, a sharp decrease in heat transfer.

This leads to an increase in temperature inside the body and a decrease in temperature on its surface.. In turn, this affects the hypothalamus, information from which then enters the cerebral cortex, where subcortical motor centers are excited, the tone of skeletal muscles increases, trembling develops (shivering thermogenesis), heat production increases, oxidative processes accelerate, and temperature rises.

In short, the increase in temperature is first caused by a decrease in heat transfer, and only then by an increase in heat production.

All this is necessary in order to create unbearable conditions for life and reproduction for the “uninvited guests” who have settled in our body, be it microbes or viruses.

The totality of those processes that are commonly called “increased temperature” in the fight against the threat meets three criteria:



    short duration.

But sometimes things go wrong

As a rule, we are much more afraid of high temperatures above 39 degrees: all strength and knowledge are directed towards fighting the fever. We start taking heavy doses of paracetamol, aspirin, herbal medicines, wrap ourselves in several blankets, drink teas with honey or put foil on our chest - everyone has their own way of coping with the temperature faster. In general, this is not difficult to understand: when the skin becomes dry and hot, the pulse is rapid, you feel chills, you feel muscle pain and weakness, and you don’t even want to think about food - all remedies are good.

But don't forget that hyperthermia is normal defensive reaction body. That's why Reducing body temperature with the help of antipyretics is necessary and not always possible. After all, the main goal is, first of all, to find and eliminate the causes that led to the increase in temperature.

Of course, there are situations when a high temperature - above 39.5 ° C - becomes a threat, and when it really should be urgently and unconditionally lowered. And above 40.5-41°C is the threshold beyond which the temperature already poses a danger to life.

However, there is another “fork” of temperature, ranging from our usual "36.6" to 38°C.Doctors call this temperature low-grade, but popularly it is called “bad.”

In general, this condition allows us to lead a normal lifestyle; often we do not take this temperature seriously, and sometimes, having felt slight chills, we decide to play it safe and use “heavy artillery” in the form of powders “for the first symptoms of colds and flu.” But this can not only prevent the body from fighting, but also lead to undesirable consequences for health (not to mention the fact that colds and flu are two very different things).

Low-grade fever is quite common

It is often accompanied by chills, weakness, fatigue, and apathy. This is not the norm and in the vast majority of cases it indicates the presence of a “latent” inflammatory process (chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils, inflammation in both the female and male genital area).

Another reason for a long-lasting low temperature may be... reduced immunity. If from 38 to 39 C° is an antibiotic temperature, then a temperature below these marks (but above 36.6) may indicate that the immune system tries to resist the attack of infection, but various reasons, cannot cope with the task.

A possible reason here could be a recent inflammatory process, which was treated with a course of antibiotics, and it seemed that the infection had been defeated, but it returned, but in a different form.

The presence of low temperature for more than 3 days, and (often) without visible reasons, called low-grade fever. If your nose is not stuffy and your throat is not “sore”, but at the same time you maintain a stable “37.5” - this may be a sign of disturbances in the body due to illness, hormonal imbalance or even stress. Among the many reasons leading to an increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels, there are about a dozen of the most common.

Acute infectious diseases

These are acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, familiar to us since childhood. infectious nature(and etc). The inflammatory process caused by infections is the most “popular” cause of fever, and this is what doctors first suspect when we complain about fever.

A distinctive feature of hyperthermia(also called elevated temperature) with diseases of an infectious nature there is a deterioration general condition - headache, chills, weakness. However, as a rule, with such infections the temperature rises above 38 degrees, and when taking an antipyretic drug, the temperature drops and relief quickly occurs. Although, as mentioned above, you shouldn’t overuse antipyretics right away - you need to give the immune system a chance to deal with the infection on its own.

In children low-grade fever may appear when chickenpox, rubella and other “childhood” infections in the prodromal period (that is, when incubation period has already passed, and the clinical manifestations of the disease are about to make themselves felt).

Chronic nonspecific infections

There are infections that live inside us for years, and only sometimes “wake up”. Untreated inflammation urinary tract(urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis), sexually transmitted diseases, but asymptomatic (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc.) are a vivid example of this. Inflammatory processes of internal organs also cause an increase in temperature, for example, untreated pneumonia. Often, the so-called infectious low-grade fever may appear during an exacerbation chronic pathologies, diseases gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis.

The presence of indolent infection may indicate general analysis urine, and if inflammation in any specific organ is suspected, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound, x-ray, or examination by a specific specialist.


Tuberculosis has long been freed from the label “a disease of the poor”. Today it can strike almost any person appearing in crowded places. It's worth knowing that tuberculosis is not just a cough.

This is a severe infection that affects, in addition to the lungs, a number of organs and systems- urinary, reproductive, bone, and also various organs, including eyes and skin. Periodically occurring low-grade fever, along with insomnia, high fatigue, decreased appetite may be a sign of tuberculosis, and in any of its localizations.

The pulmonary form of the disease in adults is determined using fluorography, while children are given the Mantoux test(which is also called a “button”). This makes it possible to identify the disease early stage. In the presence of extrapulmonary form Tuberculosis diagnosis is often complicated by the fact that this disease is difficult to distinguish from other inflammatory processes. In this case, pay attention to a combination of characteristic signs: excessive sweating, regular increase in temperature in the evenings, sharp weight loss.

Autoimmune factor

Autoimmune diseases are associated with impaired functioning of the human immune system. This is a situation in which the immune system ceases to recognize the body's own tissue cells and begins to attack them as foreign. This process is accompanied by tissue inflammation, and it also causes low-grade fever.

Autoimmune diseases are quite diverse in localization and clinical manifestations.. As a rule, it is not individual organs that are attacked and destroyed, but entire systems or types of tissue (for example, connective tissue). The most common autoimmune diseases today are rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Crohn's disease.

The mechanism of occurrence of these processes is not yet completely clear. An autoimmune disorder in the body can be triggered by injury, infectious disease, severe stress or even hypothermia.

Diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases (as autoimmune diseases are also called) are carried out by doctors such as internist, immunologist, rheumatologist and other specialists. In most cases, if a person is diagnosed with this, immunosuppressive therapy is prescribed, since without taking urgent measures Autoimmune disorders tend to progress.


In people with stable immunity, toxoplasmosis proceeds unnoticed and is expressed in weakness, headache, loss of appetite and that same “bad” low-grade fever that is not reduced by conventional antipyretics.

As a rule, our body itself is able to cope with toxoplasmosis, however, this disease poses a danger to pregnant women. It may also develop acute form a disease that is already accompanied by a high temperature and will have a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs and nervous system- such a pathology must be eliminated with medication. Toxoplasmosis is determined by donating blood for analysis.

Hepatitis (B, C)

This is another disease, several varieties of which are viral in nature. Hepatitis (jaundice) is common name inflammatory diseases liver. The most common causative agents of hepatitis in the world are viruses, however, it can also be caused by exposure to toxic substances (harmful production, environmental factor, alcohol, drugs), and autoimmune diseases.

Temperature in hepatitis B and C is a consequence of intoxication of the body caused by damage to liver cells and, low-grade fever may be a sign of a sluggish form of the disease. In the initial stage, hepatitis is also accompanied by weakness, malaise, discomfort after eating, and joint pain. Early detection of liver problems allows you to avoid the transition of inflammation into chronic form, and therefore reduce the risk of complications - cirrhosis or cancer. Hepatitis is diagnosed mainly using a general and biochemical blood test.


Alas, no one is immune from this. Low-grade fever is an early warning sign of development malignant neoplasm . When a number of oncological diseases arise in the body, endogenous pyrogens are released in the blood (the tumor produces certain type protein that has pyrogenic properties). Moreover, in some cases, this sign precedes the appearance of other symptoms by several months.

A constant, but very slight increase in body temperature, lasting from two to three weeks to several years, is one of early symptoms lymphoma, myeloid leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia, lymphosarcoma. Other signs characteristic of almost all forms of cancer include sudden weight loss, a feeling of constant weakness, lethargy, fatigue during physical activity, changes in appearance skin and pain of unknown origin.

But even the combination of all these symptoms is not a sufficient basis for making such a diagnosis. However, the manifestation of any of the above signs in combination with a long-lasting low-grade fever should be a reason for immediate contact with a specialist. Diagnostic procedures will include a range of procedures and tests, including biochemical analysis blood and urine (which in some cases may detect pyrogenic protein).


If the body's ability to resist is insufficient, helminthiasis can cause serious illnesses- from intestinal obstruction, biliary dyskinesia, kidney damage, liver damage, to eye and brain damage. Detection of the disease at an early stage usually leads to complete recovery after one or two courses of anthelmintic drugs. Mostly for diagnosis, scatological examination (stool analysis) is used; in some cases, it may be indicated computer diagnostics and other diagnostic procedures.

Iron-deficiency anemia

A disease characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin and/or hematocrit in the blood, caused by insufficient iron content. Lack of iron in the body can be caused not only by bad balanced diet, but also chronic bleeding, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even... pregnancy. Lack of iron in the body has a bad effect not only on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, but also has (over time) a negative effect on the heart muscle, nervous system, stomach and intestines.

One of the symptoms of this disorder is low-grade body temperature. In addition, a person experiences dizziness (even fainting), weakness, loss of strength, impaired perception of tastes and smells, and he/she develops “jams” - cracks and peeling in the corners of the mouth and on the lips.

A lack of iron in the body can usually be corrected within 2-3 months of taking appropriate medications, but it is worth understanding that anemia may be an indicator of other, more deeply hidden and serious medical problems. A blood test will show your hemoglobin level.

Thyroid diseases

The thyroid gland is one of the most capricious organs of our body.. Since it is directly related to the endocrine system, it also affects many processes regulated by both its hormones and the hormones of other glands, including metabolic processes. Science knows that people with fast metabolisms have body temperatures that are always 1-2 degrees higher than normal.

For hyperthyroidism– increased production of hormones by the thyroid gland, and, as a result, acceleration of metabolism - the situation is aggravated, including from the nervous system. A person with hyperthyroidism suffers from increased anxiety, tearfulness, absent-mindedness, excessive sweating, inability to tolerate heat. Hyperthyroidism can lead to an imbalance in many body systems, noticeably affect appearance and even lead to disability.

With hyperthyroidism, low-grade fever usually appears in combination with the above symptoms and, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a problem with the thyroid gland, it is better not to hesitate to visit a doctor. Antithyroid drugs (inhibiting the biosynthesis of hormones in the body) help regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland. thyroid gland) drugs. In some cases, surgery may be required. A person may also be shown diet therapy, moderate physical exercise and even yoga. Diagnosis of the thyroid gland is carried out comprehensively and includes a blood test for hormones and ultrasound.

Psychogenic factor

This is surprising, but strong emotional experiences, stress and neuroses can also lead to an increase in body temperature. Here is what the conclusions that scientists were able to draw by studying the “temperature” reaction of the body in response to emotions and states look like (schematically):

Low-grade fever can indeed persist as a consequence of excessively accelerated metabolism, which is directly influenced by the psyche and psychogenic deviations. And if tests and examinations do not reveal anything, but a person clearly has a tendency towards hypochondria, this factor should not be written off.

In this case, it is important to conduct tests for mental stability, for which there are special questionnaires and tests. If a “mental” diagnosis is confirmed, the patient may be given an appointment sedatives, drugs that support the stable functioning of the nervous system, and also offer psychotherapeutic assistance.

Safety rules for low-grade fever

General blood test with leukocyte formula required for the following symptoms:

    increase in body temperature, especially long-term (more than 2 weeks) and slight (up to 38 C°);

    chills and sweating at night (with the need to change clothes);

    swollen lymph nodes;

    heaviness in the right or left hypochondrium;

    weight loss.

Thousands of words have been said about how important role play our lifestyle and nutrition. In order to bring the immune system into a “combat-ready” form, in case of low-grade fever, it is important to follow the following rules.

Get enough sleep. Go to bed no later than 22-23 hours. Research into sleep physiology shows that our sleep is divided not only into phases, but also into cycles. Thus, the adjustment of the nervous and endocrine systems occurs in the period of time until approximately 01 o’clock in the morning. After this, the “cleansing” of the body begins - the removal of toxins and waste products of microbes from the body. This is the time when the liver works most actively. Poor sleep patterns disrupt these processes and put our immune system to the test.

Breakfast should contain more protein. The most the best option For breakfast there are egg dishes. The protein we consume in the morning goes towards building the cells and tissues of our body. Protein consumed in the evening, due to the fact that our digestion becomes more “sleepy” in the evening, goes mainly to feeding pathogenic microflora in the intestines (and as is known, it significantly affects the state of our immunity).

Include more good butter in your diet. This will greatly help the liver and gallbladder. In particular, the significant choleretic effect of pumpkin and rosehip oils is known.

Don’t disdain “herbal immunomodulators”: Milk thistle, oat and barley decoctions will help support your immunity.

If these rules are followed, within about a few weeks the immune system gains strength again and begins to actively work on its own. But there is one “but”: if there is latent inflammation, it goes into the manifest phase.


It is worth understanding that the body’s reaction to temperature is individual. For example, for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and for people with seizures, even a slight fever can be dangerous.

In other cases, it is not recommended to reduce the temperature to 38 in children and 38.5 in adults.. But if it creeps higher, you need to take action. As a rule, everyone has their own “proprietary” way of doing this, however, There are a few things to remember when dealing with a high fever.

1) Honey does not lower the temperature. In fact, it is reduced by the drink we consume along with honey. But you really need to drink more fluids at a fever: this helps eliminate metabolic by-products, that is, detoxification.

2) Popular medications can do more harm than good.

For example, Analgin(by the way, banned in all civilized countries since the 70s), it can change the composition of the blood and can even cause agranulocytosis - pathological condition, in which there is a decrease in the level of leukocytes and an increase in the body’s susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections.

Doesn't inspire much confidence Paracetamol, which is the main active substance in the vast majority of brands of “medicines for the first symptoms of colds and flu.” The fact is that paracetamol has a destructive effect on the liver, which is why in some countries you cannot even buy it without a doctor’s prescription. Paracetamol is especially undesirable for children. Adults must remember that alcohol and a packet of antipyretic in one day are absolutely incompatible.

Aspirin. This drug has been on the market for more than 100 years. Despite the fact that it has a fairly impressive number of side effects, it is praised by cardiologists for the fact that it has a “thinning” effect on the blood, and thereby prevents the formation of blood clots. On the other hand, any gastroenterologist will tell you that aspirin is not the best choice for those who have stomach problems, and pediatricians will also recommend something else for the child.

Today, the most preferred antipyretic drugs are ibuprofen (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Antipyretic drugs, whose main active ingredient is ibuprofen, are the safest for internal organs and have a more gentle effect on the blood. Ibuprofen can be recommended for children from the very beginning. early age, as an antipyretic and analgesic.

3) Just taking antipyretics and large quantity there is not enough liquid. To improve thermoregulation and relieve symptoms at high (above 38.5 degrees) temperatures, the patient is recommended to do rubdowns (with alcohol-containing solutions, vinegar, herbal infusions or water - whichever you prefer).

And remember that increased temperature during any inflammatory process is an absolutely normal physiological reaction. It helps (or tries to help) the body cope with the source of the disease. Normally, after bacteria or viruses are neutralized, the temperature should begin to decrease; if this does not happen and it persists for weeks, sound the alarm. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Life "under the degree"

10 reasons why your temperature may rise

1. The disease begins suddenly, usually with chills, body aches and pain in the eyes. The temperature quickly rises to 38 - 39 degrees, its fluctuations are insignificant during the day. Can last for 4 - 5 days.

It looks like the flu, especially since it's the right season. Other acute respiratory viral infections also occur with an increase in temperature, but more often not so high.

2. The temperature suddenly rises to 39 - 40 degrees, a severe headache appears, pain in the chest, intensifies when inhaling. There is a feverish blush on the face, and herpes may become active on the lips. After a day, brownish sputum begins to leave.

This is how pneumonia occurs. It involves a segment or lobe of the lung (sometimes it is bilateral). True, now more and more often this disease occurs in a blurred form.

3. During the day, the temperature jumps to 38 - 39 degrees. A rash appears all over the body. Before this, there may be weakness and runny nose for several days. Adults get sick more severely than children.

It looks like you have caught measles, or rubella, or scarlet fever - these infectious diseases are very similar in the initial stages. Characteristic signs help to make a correct diagnosis: with rubella, the lymph nodes become enlarged, with scarlet fever, the rash is small, there is no runny nose, unlike measles, but it is often accompanied by a sore throat.

4. There is a periodic rise in temperature, often low-grade fever. White blood cells may be elevated in the blood.

Looks like it's coming chronic illness, or there is a hidden source of infection in the body.

Elevated temperature is often the main or even the only sign of inflammatory processes. For example, exacerbation of pyelonephritis, inflammation in gallbladder, arthritic joints sometimes do not have obvious clinical manifestations except for elevated temperature.

5. The temperature jumps to 40 degrees at lightning speed within a few hours. A severe headache and vomiting appear, which does not bring relief. The patient cannot tilt his head forward or straighten his legs. A rash appears. Strabismus may occur nervous tic in the eye area.

Similar to infectious meningitis- inflammation of the lining of the brain. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance and hospitalize the patient.

6. A long-term (longer than a month) causeless increase in temperature is combined with general malaise, weakness, loss of appetite and weight. Are increasing The lymph nodes, blood appears in the urine, etc.

An increase in body temperature almost always occurs with tumors. It is especially characteristic of kidney tumors, liver tumors, lung cancer, and leukemia. There is no need to panic right away, but in some cases, especially older people, it is necessary to be examined by an oncologist without wasting time.

7. Increased body temperature, usually around 37 - 38 degrees, is combined with weight loss, irritability, tearfulness, fatigue, and a feeling of fear. Appetite increases, but weight is lost.

You need to check your thyroid hormones. A similar picture occurs with diffuse toxic goiter.

When the function of the thyroid gland is impaired - hyperthyroidism - a disorder of the body's thermoregulation occurs.

An increase in temperature is combined with damage to the joints, kidneys, and pain in the heart.

Fever almost always occurs with rheumatism and rheumatism-like diseases. These are autoimmune diseases - in them the general immune status of the body is disrupted, and leapfrog begins, including with fever.

Low-grade fever, mainly in young women, is combined with pressure changes, and there may be redness of the face, neck, and chest.

This is constitutional hyperthermia - it is more often observed in young people during nervous and physical stress, for example, during exams. Of course, this diagnosis can be made by excluding other causes of fever.

Even after a thorough examination, the cause of the fever cannot be identified. Nevertheless, an elevated temperature (38 and above) or its periodic rises for 3 weeks is recorded.

Doctors call such cases “fever of unknown origin.” We need to look more carefully, using special methods research: immune status test, endocrinological examination. Sometimes a rise in temperature can provoke the use of certain antibiotics and analgesics - this is drug fever.

Normal temperature human body– from 36 to 36.9 degrees - regulated by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus.
Most often, an increase in temperature is a protective and adaptive factor of the body.

What will help bring down the temperature without medication:
Wiping the body with a weak solution of table vinegar.
Warm green tea or black with raspberries.
Citrus. In order for the temperature during a cold to drop by 0.3 - 0.5 degrees, you need to eat 1 grapefruit, 2 oranges or half a lemon.
Cranberry juice.

It is believed that when colds Temperatures up to 38 degrees should not be brought down with medications.

37 - 38 degrees – low-grade fever,
38 – 38.9 – moderate,
39 - 40 – high,
41 - 42 - extra high.

When the thermometer shows over 37, this is a reason to be wary. But there is no need to panic and immediately reach for pills. We calmly tell you how to beat the fever.

How can I tell if I have a fever?

First, remember that body temperature varies depending on gender, age, time of day, what you eat, drink, place and method of measuring it. For example, under the arm normal temperature usually a full degree less than in the rectum.

Normal values ​​are from 36.5 °C to 37.2 °C. Anything above is a cause for concern.

Typically, rising temperatures are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms- weakness, chilliness, headache or other unexplained discomfort in the body. If you feel that you are sick, but the thermometer shows only a slight deviation from the norm (say, 37.1 ° C), wait an hour or two and measure again.

Is it true that it is best to measure with a mercury thermometer?

No. Mercury thermometer- more familiar and more accurate than electronic. But if it suddenly breaks, you can be poisoned by toxic mercury fumes. You shouldn’t panic when you see your old thermometer, but it’s better to replace it with a better one. safe analogue. Moreover, this will soon have to be done anyway: in 2014, Russia signed the Minamata Convention on Mercury and pledged to abandon the sale of mercury thermometers by 2020. What to replace them with?

Glass mercury-free thermometer looks exactly the same as mercury, but is safer and is not inferior to it in accuracy. Inside, instead of a toxic element, there is a metal alloy that will not harm a person if the thermometer breaks.

Digital Thermometer has a greater error compared to glass ones, but cannot break. It is better for them to measure their temperature under the tongue or in anus. And don’t rush: experts advise waiting a couple more minutes after the beep.

Infrared thermometers measure the temperature in the ears or forehead. The advantage is that it takes them a few seconds, which is why such thermometers are often purchased for children. The disadvantage is not the highest accuracy.

I definitely have a fever. What could it be?

There are many specific situations when the temperature rises. Here are the most common:

you woke up with slight pain in the throat, which gradually increased. After some time, a runny nose developed, and in the evening your temperature rose slightly. Most likely it's a cold.

You have a headache, aches in your muscles and joints, and your temperature has risen sharply. Your condition began to rapidly deteriorate. You probably caught the flu.

Yesterday you got vaccinated, and you've had it for two days already. low temperature. If there are no other symptoms of illness, this is a normal reaction of the body to the vaccine.

A severe sore throat that lasts longer than three to five days, swollen tonsils and a high temperature are signs of a sore throat.

If you have had the flu and the temperature first subsided, but returned after a couple of days, and all this is accompanied by chest pain, wheezing, shortness of breath - it could be pneumonia.

A high temperature is combined with pain in the ear - there is a chance that you have otitis media.

Fever is accompanied by vomiting and/or diarrhea without signs of acute respiratory viral infection - evidence of an intestinal infection.

Slightly elevated temperature that lasts for a long time without any other symptoms, may indicate chronic inflammation or infection (for example, tuberculosis), hormonal disorders, as well as neoplasms.

In women, the temperature may rise slightly after ovulation.

In all these cases, you can consult a doctor online to be sure.

Whatever it is, the first thing I do is reach for the pills, right?

No. In general, doctors have been observing patients with fever for thousands of years, but have not yet come to a clear opinion whether it is always necessary to bring it down with medications.

It is believed that high temperature helps the body cope with infection: in the heat, harmful microbes are even worse off than we are.

Therefore, if the thermometer shows less than 38 °C in the armpit, and you are not very ill, you do not need to take antipyretics.

Well, do you need to drink some hot tea?! And wrap yourself in a blanket!

Drink more water or herbal tea. But no more than 3 liters per day and not hot. Hot drinks burn the mucous membranes and additionally heat the body - this is of no use at a fever.

Take a warm (not hot!) bath. The water temperature should be slightly lower than body temperature, this will help reduce the fever a little.

Dry yourself with a damp towel. Place a cool, damp towel on your forehead and refresh it every 10 to 15 minutes.

Don't bundle up. At temperature, excess heat is generated and it needs to go somewhere. If you wrap yourself in a hundred clothes, it will create " Greenhouse effect"(it is as harmful to the body as it is to the planet). It is better to wear clothes made of light fabrics. And if you feel chilly, cover yourself with a thin blanket.

Ventilate the room so that it is not too stuffy.

And if I feel bad, what’s the best way to knock it down?

If you have a hard time with any change in temperature, there is no need to wait for 38.1 ° C: take paracetamol, ibuprofen or naproxen.

But doctors recommend taking aspirin, familiar to everyone since childhood, only if there are no other drugs at hand. It's effective, but not the most safe medicine: It thins the blood, which can lead to internal bleeding.

It is especially dangerous to take aspirin against the background of the flu. This virus itself increases vascular permeability, and if you add a blood thinning effect acetylsalicylic acid, then the risk of bleeding will increase even more. Aspirin is also contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers and asthmatics.

500 mg / 3–4 times a day / Maximum daily dose 4 years


200–400 mg / Every 4–6 hours / Maximum daily dose 1200 mg.


500–750 mg / 2 times a day / Maximum daily dose 1.75 g.


0.5–1 g / once every 4 hours / Maximum daily dose - 3 g.

Only adults can take aspirin. In children it can cause dangerous syndrome Rhea - the reason liver failure, encephalopathy and death.

When to call a doctor?

Temperature is an alarm beacon, but does not always require immediate medical attention. If there are no other symptoms or they are mild, the doctor will most likely advise you to rest and monitor how you feel. Therefore, in the first three days you can not panic and rest at home. If you strictly need sick leave for this, you will have to see a doctor on the first day.

If the temperature continues to rise stubbornly, and you do not understand the reason, call a doctor at home or at least consult with him remotely.

How and when to apply for sick leave

You can watch

Your nose itches and your throat hurts, the fever lasts less than three days, but overall you feel good.

The temperature lasts 1-3 days, but nothing else bothers you.

You were poisoned, you know exactly what (and it was something harmless like yesterday’s Olivier), the temperature was low, you vomited and felt better.

It's time to call

The temperature lasts longer than three days or rises again a couple of days after the end of the illness.

During the week, the temperature regularly rises to 38 °C.

Along with your temperature sharp pains in the throat, ear and severe cough.

You have been poisoned, you have a fever and signs of dehydration: dry mouth, weakness, dizziness.

A rash appears on any part of the skin.

Your urine has changed color and you feel pain when urinating.

“Pay attention to your skin. At fever it usually turns red. If it is pale, this is an unfavorable symptom; this condition is called “pale hyperthermia.” Then, as a rule, doctors prescribe not only an antipyretic, but also an antispasmodic. If the high temperature cannot be brought down at home or if complications arise, hospitalization may be required.”

When should you call an ambulance?

Call an ambulance if you have a fever (6):

You don't sweat, your skin is dry and very hot to the touch,

You can hardly breathe, and your chest is squeezing in pain,

Vomiting or diarrhea does not stop

Stiff neck

A red rash appears, similar to hemorrhages under the skin,

My stomach hurts a lot,

Severe pain or swelling in any part of the body,

The body is cramping,

Consciousness is confused

It hurts your eyes when you look at the light,

You notice any unusual symptoms that seem dangerous.

You took an antipyretic, but it didn’t work.


1. If you feel normal, you don’t need to bring down the temperature below 38 °C with tablets.

2. If the fever is painful, take paracetamol, ibuprofen or naproxen, no matter what the thermometer shows.

3. If the temperature lasts 3 days or is immediately accompanied by others alarming symptoms, call a doctor.

4. If at any temperature you have cramps, vomiting or diarrhea, no sweat, difficulty breathing, sore neck muscles or confusion, call an ambulance.

5. If you have a mercury thermometer, replace it with a mercury-free, electronic or infrared one.

High body temperature is an unpleasant and incomprehensible phenomenon, since in the absence of symptoms it is quite difficult to determine its cause.

The optimal body temperature is considered to be 36.6 degrees, however, this figure can vary in one direction or another even in quite healthy person . This happens under the influence of stress, when changing climatic conditions and other circumstances.

Besides external reasons, there are also internal factors, provoking an increase temperature without signs of a cold. In some cases, other symptoms of a particular disease appear, which makes diagnosis easier, but this may not happen. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a laboratory test, which consists of taking tests of urine, bile, blood, mucus and sputum.

Main reasons asymptomatic fever are the following:

2. Tumors. The use of antipyretic drugs in this case does not give any effect, since fever is associated with pathological changes tissues of the diseased organ.

3. Injuries. These can be inflamed wounds, fractures, bruises.

4. Porphyria.

5. Some pathologies of the endocrine system.

6. Blood diseases and hemolysis.

7. Heart attacks.

8. Chronic pyelonephritis. The temperature rises to 37.5-37.9 degrees and this may be the only sign of the disease. Since low-grade fever indicates the body’s struggle with inflammatory processes, then it’s not worth knocking it down. If the fever does not go away for more than two weeks, you should go to the clinic and undergo examination.

9. Allergies, including to medications. The temperature increase is insignificant and occurs spasmodically.

10. Inflammation and systemic diseases, including autoimmune diseases - lupus, scleroderma, periarthritis nodosa, rheumatoid arthritis, allergic vasculitis, polyarthritis, Crohn's disease, polymyalgia rheumatica.

11. Meningococcal infection. The temperature rises to 40 degrees and it is possible to bring it down only for a very short period of time. Characteristic signs do not appear immediately. In this situation, it is very important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

12. Infective endocarditis. Develops against the background of a previous sore throat or flu. The temperature rises to 37.5-40 degrees. To the patient hospitalization required.

13. Dysfunctions of the hypothalamus (center diencephalon, which controls body temperature). The prerequisites for the occurrence, as well as methods of treating this pathology, are still unknown. To alleviate the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes sedatives.

14. Mental disorders. For example, febrile schizophrenia, accompanied by fever.

15. Malaria. Elevated temperature is accompanied by headaches, coldness of the extremities, severe trembling, general agitation, and delirium. In this case, the high temperature periodically changes to normal, with a cycle of several days. Anyone who has visited African countries or been in contact with an infected person can get malaria. In addition, the causative agent of the disease can enter the body through the needle of a drug addict.

16. Endocarditis. This disease develops against the background of damage to the inner lining of the heart by pathogenic bacteria. Characteristic features pathologies are pain in the heart, sweating with a foul odor,. Fever is constant or hectic type.

17. Blood diseases: lymphomas, leukemia. In addition to elevated body temperature, symptoms such as skin rash, weight loss, intoxication.

Harmless increase in temperature indicators

There are other cases of asymptomatic fever in which the condition is not dangerous. These may be the following circumstances:

  • If the temperature rises regularly, it may be symptom of VSD(vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • too much sun exposure;
  • period of puberty in teenage boys.

Temperature 37 degrees without signs of a cold

Fever without signs of a cold can occur in women at early menopause , pregnancy, breastfeeding. Body temperature is also affected by changes hormonal levels. For example, in women during normal menstrual cycle there is a slight increase in temperature to 37-37.2 degrees.

A temperature of 37 degrees cannot be called subfebrile, however, this condition often causes, in addition to a headache, a lot of inconvenience. If such a fever goes away quickly on its own, it does not pose a danger.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood or anemia.
  • Stress, which is accompanied by the release of adrenaline into the blood.
  • Depletion of human energy reserves.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Post-stress or depression.
  • Presence of indolent infection.
  • General fatigue and loss of strength.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (AIDS, syphilis, etc.).

Typically, an increase in temperature to 37 degrees in an adult indicates the presence of a cause that provoked this condition and the inability of the body to cope with the problem on its own.

Asymptomatic fever up to 38 degrees: causes

Temperature rises to 38 degrees without signs of a cold occurs quite often. There are many explanations for this. For example, such a fever may be a symptom of the onset of follicular or lacunar tonsillitis(with catarrhal tonsillitis, only a slight increase in temperature is observed). If this temperature lasts more than three days, we can assume the development of the following pathologies:

  • Inflammation of the kidneys (characterized by unbearable stabbing pain in the lumbar region);
  • pneumonia;
  • heart attack;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is accompanied by surges in blood pressure (blood pressure);
  • rheumatism.

The persistence of a feverish state for several weeks and sometimes months may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • Leukemia;
  • development of tumor tumors in the body;
  • diffuse changes in the lungs and liver;
  • severe disruption of the endocrine system.

What all these cases have in common is that the immune system The body is fighting, which causes the increase in temperature.

High temperature of 39 degrees without signs of a cold: reasons

If temperatures rise to 39 degrees not for the first time, this may indicate the development of chronic inflammation or pathological decrease in immunity. The process may be accompanied febrile seizures, difficulty breathing, chills, loss of consciousness and a further increase in temperature. An increase in temperature to 39-39.5 degrees may be a sign of the following pathologies:

  • Chronic pyelonephritis;
  • ARVI;
  • allergy;
  • viral endocarditis;
  • meningococcal infection.

High temperature without signs of a cold: hyperthermia or fever?

Thermoregulation of the body(regulation of body temperature) occurs at the level of reflexes and the hypothalamus, which belongs to the diencephalon, is responsible for this process. The hypothalamus also controls the work of the entire endocrine and autonomic nervous system, because it is in it that the centers that regulate the feeling of thirst and hunger, body temperature, the cycle of sleep and wakefulness, as well as other psychosomatic and physiological processes occurring in the body.

Pyrogens (special protein substances) take part in increasing body temperature. They are divided into the following:

  • Primary, that is, external, presented in the form of toxins of microbes and bacteria;
  • secondary, that is, internal, which are produced by the body itself.

When an inflammatory focus occurs, primary pyrogens begin to affect the cells of the body, forcing them to begin producing secondary pyrogens, which, in turn, send impulses to the hypothalamus. And it already corrects the body’s temperature homeostasis in order to mobilize its protective properties.

Fever and chills will continue until the imbalance between increased heat production and decreased heat transfer is corrected.

With hyperthermia, there is also a fever without signs of a cold. But in this case, the hypothalamus does not receive a signal to protect the body from infection, and therefore does not take part in the increase in temperature.

Hyperthermia occurs against the background of changes in the heat transfer process, for example, as a result of general overheating of the body (heat stroke) or disruption of the heat transfer process.

What to do if you have a high temperature without signs of a cold?

In case of fever and headache, it is strictly forbidden to carry out physiotherapy, mud therapy, warming, massage, as well as water procedures.

Before you begin treatment for fever accompanied by headache, it is necessary to find out the true cause of the problem. Only qualified specialist, based on laboratory data.

If it turns out that the disease is infectious and inflammatory in nature, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. For example, for fungal infections, the doctor prescribes medications of the triazole group, polyene antibiotics and a number of others medicines. Simply put, the type of medicine is determined by the etiology of the disease.

Some drugs are used to treat thyrotoxicosis or, for example, syphilis, and others are used to treat arthritis. Therefore, it is quite difficult to independently determine which drug you need, since elevated temperature is a symptom of many pathologies that are so different in nature.

You should not get carried away with antipyretic drugs such as aspirin or paracetamol, as this can not only interfere with identifying the cause of the disease, but also aggravate its course. If the temperature is very high, an emergency team should be called to provide first aid and decide whether to hospitalize the patient.

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About ways to measure body temperature

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in measuring body temperature. If you don’t have a thermometer at hand, you can touch the sick person’s forehead with your lips, but errors often occur here; this method will not allow you to accurately determine the temperature.

Another more accurate technique is pulse counting. An increase in temperature of 1 degree leads to an increase in heart rate of 10 beats per minute. Thus, you can approximately calculate how much the temperature has increased, knowing the indicator of your normal pulse. An increase in frequency also indicates fever. breathing movements. Normally, children take approximately 25 breaths per minute, and adults take up to 15 breaths.

Measuring body temperature with a thermometer is carried out not only in the armpit, but also orally or rectally (holding the thermometer in oral cavity or in anus). For young children, a thermometer is sometimes placed in the groin fold. There are a number of rules that should be followed when measuring temperature to avoid getting a false result.

  • The skin at the measurement site should be dry.
  • During the measurement, you cannot make any movements, it is advisable not to talk.
  • When measuring the temperature in the armpit, the thermometer should be held for about 3 minutes (the norm is 36.2 - 37.0 degrees).
  • If you use the oral method, then the thermometer should be held for 1.5 minutes ( normal indicator 36.6 – 37.2 degrees).
  • When measuring the temperature in the anus, it is enough to hold the thermometer for one minute (the norm with this method is 36.8 - 37.6 degrees)

Normal and pathological: when is it time to “bring down” the temperature?

It is generally accepted that the normal body temperature is 36.6 degrees, however, as you can see, this is quite relative. The temperature can reach 37.0 degrees and is considered normal; it usually rises to such levels in the evening or in the hot season, after motor activity. Therefore, if before going to bed you saw the number 37.0 on the thermometer, then there is nothing to worry about yet. When the temperature exceeds this limit, we can already talk about fever. It is also characterized by a feeling of heat or chills, redness of the skin.

When should you lower your temperature?

Doctors at our clinic recommend using antipyretics when the body temperature in children reaches 38.5 degrees, and in adults – 39.0 degrees. But even in these cases, you should not take a large dose of an antipyretic; it is enough to reduce the temperature by 1.0 - 1.5 degrees to effective fight with the infection continued without threat to the body.

A dangerous sign of fever is the paleness of the skin, its “marbling”, while the skin remains cold to the touch. This indicates spasm of peripheral vessels. This phenomenon is usually more common in children and is followed by seizures. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Infectious fever

With bacterial or viral infections, the temperature almost always rises. How much it increases depends, firstly, on the amount of the pathogen, and secondly, on the state of the person’s body. For example, in older people, even an acute infection may be accompanied by a slight increase in temperature.

It is curious that with various infectious diseases, body temperature can behave differently: rise in the morning and fall in the evening, increase by a certain number of degrees and decrease after a few days. Depending on this, we allocated Various types fevers – perverted, relapsing and others. For doctors, this is a very valuable diagnostic criterion, since the type of fever makes it possible to narrow down the range of suspected diseases. Therefore, during infection, the temperature should be measured in the morning and evening, preferably during the day.

What infections increase the temperature?

Usually when acute infection there is a sharp temperature jump, and there are general signs intoxication: weakness, dizziness or nausea.

  1. If the fever is accompanied by a cough, sore throat or chest, difficulty breathing, or hoarseness, then we're talking about about respiratory infectious disease.
  2. If the body temperature rises, and along with it diarrhea begins, nausea or vomiting, and abdominal pain occur, then there is virtually no doubt that this is an intestinal infection.
  3. A third option is also possible, when, against the background of fever, a sore throat, redness of the pharyngeal mucosa occurs, sometimes a cough and runny nose are noted, as well as abdominal pain and diarrhea. In this case, one should suspect rotavirus infection or the so-called " stomach flu" But for any symptoms, it is better to seek help from our doctors.
  4. Sometimes a local infection in an area of ​​the body can cause a fever. For example, fever is often accompanied by carbuncles, abscesses or cellulitis. It also occurs with (, kidney carbuncle). Only in the case of acute fever almost never occurs, because the absorption capacity of the mucous membrane Bladder is minimal, and substances causing an increase temperatures, practically do not penetrate into the blood.

Sluggish chronic infectious processes in the body can also cause fever, especially during an exacerbation. However slight increase Temperature is often observed at normal times, when there are practically no other obvious symptoms of the disease.

When does the temperature still rise?

  1. An unexplained increase in body temperature is noted when oncological diseases. This usually becomes one of the first symptoms, along with weakness, apathy, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss and depressive mood. In such cases, the elevated temperature lasts a long time, but remains febrile, that is, it does not exceed 38.5 degrees. As a rule, with tumors the fever is wavy. Body temperature slowly increases, and upon reaching its peak, it also slowly decreases. Then there comes a period when the temperature remains normal, and then it begins to rise again.
  2. At lymphogranulomatosis or Hodgkin's disease Undulating fever is also common, although other types may occur. An increase in temperature in this case is accompanied by chills, and when it decreases, it occurs drenching sweat. Excessive sweating usually observed at night. Along with this, Hodgkin's disease manifests itself as enlarged lymph nodes, and sometimes there is skin itching.
  3. Body temperature rises when acute leukemia . It is often confused with a sore throat, since there is pain when swallowing, a feeling of palpitations, enlarged lymph nodes, and often increased bleeding (hematomas appear on the skin). But even before these symptoms appear, patients notice severe and unmotivated weakness. It is noteworthy that antibacterial therapy does not give positive results, that is, the temperature does not decrease.
  4. Fever may also indicate endocrine diseases . For example, it almost always appears with thyrotoxicosis. In this case, the body temperature usually remains subfebrile, that is, it does not rise above 37.5 degrees, although during periods of exacerbations (crises) a significant excess of this limit can be observed. In addition to fever, thyrotoxicosis is associated with mood swings, tearfulness, increased excitability, insomnia, sudden loss of body weight due to increased appetite, trembling of the tip of the tongue and fingers, and menstrual irregularities in women. With hyperfunction parathyroid glands the temperature can rise to 38 - 39 degrees. In the case of hyperparathyroidism, patients complain of severe thirst, frequent urge to urinate, nausea, drowsiness, and itchy skin.
  5. Special attention should be noted for fever that appears several weeks after respiratory diseases(most often after a sore throat), since it can indicate the development rheumatic myocarditis. Usually the body temperature rises slightly - up to 37.0 - 37.5 degrees, but such a fever is very serious reason to contact our doctor. In addition, body temperature may increase when endocarditis or, but in this case, the main attention is not paid to the pain in the chest, which cannot be relieved with available analgesics.
  6. Interestingly, the temperature often rises when stomach ulcer or duodenum , although it also does not exceed 37.5 degrees. The fever gets worse if it occurs internal bleeding . Its symptoms are sharp, stabbing pains, vomiting “coffee grounds” or tarry stool, as well as sudden and increasing weakness.
  7. Cerebral disorders (, traumatic brain injuries or brain tumors) provoke an increase in temperature, irritating the center of its regulation in the brain. Fever can be very different.
  8. Drug fever most often occurs in response to the use of antibiotics and some other drugs, while it is part of allergic reaction, therefore it is usually accompanied by itchy skin and rashes.

What to do at elevated temperatures?

Many, having discovered that they have an elevated temperature, immediately try to reduce it, using antipyretic drugs available to everyone. However, their thoughtless use can cause even more harm than the fever itself, because elevated temperature is not a disease, but just a symptom, so suppressing it without identifying the cause is not always correct.

Especially it concerns infectious diseases, when infectious agents must die under conditions of elevated temperature. If you try to lower the temperature, the infectious agents will remain alive and unharmed in the body.

Therefore, do not rush to run for pills, but lower your temperature wisely when the need arises, our specialists will help you with this. If fever has been bothering you for a long time, you should contact one of our doctors: as you can see, it can indicate many non-communicable diseases, so without additional research not enough.