What is the danger of high testosterone in women. Reasons why testosterone rises

Testosterone is a hormone responsible for the formation and development of sexual characteristics of a secondary type, the growth of bones and muscles. AT male body production occurs in the cells of the testes. The adrenal glands and ovaries produce testosterone in women. The norm of the hormone in men is much higher than that of the fair sex. A change in the concentration of a compound in the body in both one and the second gender group may indicate the presence of a pathological condition or the beginning of the development of any serious disease.

It should be said that testosterone in women, the norm of which ensures the stable activity of many body systems, can go beyond both the minimum and maximum limits. The hormone is responsible for the maturation of the follicle in the ovaries. Thanks to its activity, stable work is ensured sebaceous glands and bone marrow.

When should an analysis be taken? What is the normal testosterone level?

In women, the concentration is 0.45-3.75 nmol / l, in men - 5.76-28.14 nmol / l. Diagnosis of the presence or absence of changes in the content of the hormone begins with laboratory analysis Are celebrated emotional disorders, violations in metabolic processes, a decrease in muscle activity when testosterone is not enough in women. The norm is achieved by taking additional drugs. Hormone therapy is prescribed by a doctor.

Insufficient in women is also manifested by a sleepy, lethargic, tearful state, a feeling of depression. These changes are most often postpartum period. When prescribing therapy, it is necessary to ensure control over the concentration of the hormone. This will achieve the average concentration in which testosterone should be present in women. The symptoms of the pathological condition will be completely eliminated. The specialist must ensure that the hormone content does not go beyond the maximum allowable limits.

High testosterone in women

It should be said that in men, the main problem with age is a decrease in the content of the hormone in the blood. The fair sex has another problem - too much of it. high testosterone in women, it manifests itself primarily externally. If the concentration of the hormone is outside the upper permissible limit, hair on the body, face along male type.

An increase in the content of the hormone is characteristic of the gestation period. However, during pregnancy, the concentration in which testosterone is found in women is the norm. At the same time, the hormone in the body future mother may be four times more than before the onset of gestation. This fact is not a dangerous deviation in this state. In many other cases, excess testosterone in women can lead to performance problems. reproductive system, have a negative impact on menstrual cycle(bleeding becomes irregular or stops altogether). As a result, there may be serious difficulties in conceiving a child, and for some it is not possible to bear a fetus until birth. In this regard, during the planning period of pregnancy, you should go through all necessary examinations, pass necessary tests. If necessary, the specialist will prescribe drugs to reduce testosterone levels. For women, except external manifestations, the content of the hormone in large quantities is also manifested by dry skin, a change in physique.

The voice becomes rough, hair begins to fall out, and their fat content also increases (due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands). Among other symptoms that accompany the pathological condition, it should be noted an increase in excitability, sexual desire, physical activity, unreasonable aggression, rudeness, irritability. At the same time, the risk of developing such serious illnesses, as or If any of the manifestations listed above develop, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible. How used to be a woman visit a doctor, more likely correct the situation with minimal losses.

Reasons for increasing concentration

In women, the most common predisposing factors include, first of all, an incorrectly composed diet. The problem of excessive hormone content in the blood is most often faced by those ladies who adhere to strict diets. Among other reasons, it should be noted hereditary predisposition, too long a number of medications that affect the condition hormonal background in general and on the content of individual hormones in particular, as well as high physical activity.

Testosterone can also increase in the case of the development of tumors. Pregnancy should be attributed to temporary and not having significant clinical significance, as mentioned above, pregnancy.

Treatment with an increased concentration of the hormone

First of all, experts recommend eliminating dietary errors. AT daily nutrition you need to add juices (freshly squeezed preferably), a small amount of salt and sugar, White bread, bee honey, caffeine, dairy products with normal fat content, vegetable oils, fried foods. With more serious reasons Appropriate treatment, including medication, may be prescribed. It is strictly forbidden to take drugs without consulting a doctor. Except hormonal drugs may help lower testosterone levels medicinal herbs. In particular, evening primrose, angelica, bedbug and other plants are very effective. Often recommended complex therapy, including both traditional and folk methods.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed only when high testosterone levels pose a danger to a woman's health. As a rule, when prescribing such treatment, in addition to stabilizing the concentration, the functions of many systems that have failed are normalized. For example, weight returns to normal, sweating decreases, arrhythmia is eliminated. Many patients get rid of insomnia.

Additional tests

Of no small importance is the content in which there is free testosterone. The norm for women for each age is different. So, for girls from 6 to 9 years old - less than 1.7, in the reproductive period - less than 4.1 pg / ml, during menopause - the same as in childhood. Free testosterone is the active form of the hormone. It acts on target organs that have protein receptors that respond to androgens ( hair follicles muscles, liver, reproductive organs). Under the influence of alpha-5-reductase, the hormone is transformed into dihydrotestosterone. The amount of this active form of the hormone is determined by several factors. One of them is the presence of binding proteins. These include, in particular, globulin and albumin. Part of testosterone interacts with the latter. The other part (about 60%) binds to SHBG (sex hormone). About 1-2% is free testosterone. Its determination is clinically important in confirming hirsutism in polycystic ovaries. The concentration in which total testosterone in women, does not reflect the content of all biological available shapes. In this regard, there are additional research, thanks to which the picture of the hormonal background becomes clearer. This is especially important in the development pathological conditions, during pregnancy, with hypothyroidism, virilizing tumors of the adrenal glands, polycystic ovary syndrome, clitoral hypertrophy. With a reduced level of free testosterone, the likelihood of primary and secondary hypogonadism, gonadal hypoplasia, and others increases.

How to take tests correctly?

In different laboratories, the cost of research ranges from 200-1000 rubles. As a rule, the result of the analysis is known after a day. To avoid inaccuracies, a number of rules should be observed. Women should donate blood for analysis from the third to the fifth and from the 8th to the 10th day of menstruation. A day before the expected date of the study, you should stop any physical activity, training, try to avoid worries and stress. It is also recommended to avoid sexual contact. Immediately before donating blood (an hour or two), you should calm down, relax a bit. It is not recommended to smoke. If these rather simple instructions are observed, it is more likely to hand over high-quality material and, accordingly, obtain correct and accurate results.

What can affect the quality of research?

An inaccurate result can arise due to several reasons. One of the main ones is the reception medicines affecting the concentration of hormones in the blood. In particular, they should include anticonvulsants, anabolic steroid, barbiturates, Among the drugs it is also worth mentioning such medicines as Mifepristone, Cimetidine, Rifampicin, Casodex, Tamoxifen, Danazol, Levonorgestrel, Naloxone, Nafarelin. These and a number of other medications help increase testosterone levels. A decrease in blood concentration is caused by drugs such as antiandrogens, corticosteroids, narcotic drugs, phenothiazides. The drugs "Tetracycline", "Interleukin", "Carbamazepine", "Cyclophosphamide", "Ketoconazole", "Finasteride", "Leuprolide", "Verapamil" should also be mentioned. A decrease in the content of testosterone also provokes ethanol, glucose, estradiol valearate.


To avoid hormonal disruptions and their likely consequences, you should regularly visit a doctor. Women are recommended to periodically consult with an endocrinologist-gynecologist, if necessary, a nutritionist. This is especially important when planning a pregnancy. A timely visit to a specialist, a regular check of the level of hormones in the blood will mainly help to avoid failures in the body. In the event that symptoms appear that reduce the quality of life, causing discomfort, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Experts remind that the endocrine system is one of the most important in the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor its condition most carefully. It is highly recommended not to self-medicate. Uncontrolled reception hormonal drugs can not only not improve the condition, but also lead to irreversible consequences. In particular, taking drugs that promote women can cause serious disorders in the reproductive system, which can subsequently result in the inability to conceive or bear a child. An increase, as well as a decrease in the concentration of the hormone in the blood, can cause discomfort not only to the patient herself, but also to her relatives.

For many, testosterone is a symbol of male sexuality and physical strength. This hormone really regulates intimate behavior, participates in the development of male genital organs, affects the development of bone and muscle tissue. AT female body androgen is also present, it is produced by the ovaries and adrenal cortex. The role of the hormone is essential for women, but if it is more than normal, this is reflected in appearance and health.

The role of testosterone in the female body

The norm of the hormone in the fair sex aged 10-45 years is 0.45-3.75 nmol / l, the range for men is 5.76-28.14 nmol / l. The level depends on the phase of the cycle, time of day and age. The hormone testosterone in women performs the following tasks:

  1. Responsible for the formation muscle mass- with a normal level of androgen, the muscles are well developed.
  2. Controls the amount of adipose tissue and the concentration of sugar in the blood- with an increase in the male sex hormone, the tendency to be overweight increases.
  3. Participates in the construction of bone tissue - is responsible for the strength of the supporting apparatus.
  4. Regulates well-being - helps to feel cheerful, energetic, hardy.
  5. Affects mental condition- reduces the level of depression, causes a feeling of satisfaction.
  6. Regulates libido - is responsible for sexual attraction women;
  7. Controls the functioning of the reproductive system.
  8. Affects brain activity - is responsible for concentration, memory.

Signs of high testosterone in women

Androgen produced in large quantities, affects the emotional and physical state of the fair sex. Excess testosterone in women is manifested in the following symptoms:

  • acne, inflammation of the skin;
  • dryness of the epidermis;
  • hair growth on the face and body;
  • increased oiliness of hair;
  • the formation of a figure according to the male type in adolescence;
  • excessive muscle development;
  • breast hypotrophy;
  • sweating with a specific smell;
  • lowering the timbre of the voice;
  • severe enlargement of the clitoris;
  • body fat on the stomach;
  • hair loss, male pattern baldness.

Increased testosterone affects the reproductive system: inhibits ovulation, promotes the formation of ovarian cysts, disrupts the menstrual cycle and hormonal balance. Women also have nightmares, insomnia, irritability, and chronic stress. Ladies feel a strong sexual attraction. Symptoms of high testosterone in women and teenage girls: excessive hair on the arms and legs, lack of menstruation or scanty periods, problems conceiving.

Causes of increased testosterone in women

Hormone imbalance can be caused by various diseases and a passive lifestyle. The main reasons for the increase in androgen:

  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). medical science it is not entirely clear whether PCOS increases testosterone production or whether the androgen hormone leads to the development of this disease. The two phenomena are closely related to each other.
  2. Insulin resistance. As insulin increases, testosterone rises, progesterone falls, and estrogen rises. Women at risk should periodically donate blood for glycated hemoglobin, fasting insulin, free and total testosterone.
  3. Diseases thyroid gland, decrease in SHBG. With hypothyroidism, the amount of globulin that binds sex hormones (SHBG) decreases. Because of this, more androgen remains active, leading to various violations in the body.
  4. Increased estradiol and decreased progesterone. There is a relationship between these hormones and testosterone. An imbalance in female sex hormones leads to an increase or decrease in androgens, which happens with PMS ( premenstrual syndrome), PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), during menopause.
  5. Fasting after a workout. After intensive strength training, the level of certain hormones, among which testosterone, rises. If a woman is hungry, androgen drops much more slowly.
  6. Passive lifestyle. Physical activity affects the level of glucose, helps to increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Exercise reduces body fat, which also affects hormonal balance.
  7. Adrenal gland diseases: hyperplasia, fatigue syndrome (with increased stress), insulin resistance. With these pathologies, the production of testosterone precursors increases: progesterone, androstenedione, pregnenolone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). As a result of the transformation of substances, the male sex hormone is formed.
  8. High levels of leptin. A hormone secreted from fat cells controls appetite and sends a signal to the brain to burn fat. If there is a lot of leptin, a woman feels hungry all the time, and the body does not utilize lipids well. This leads to an increase in testosterone, an increase in insulin, and obesity. It is known that fat cells themselves increase the amount of androgens.

Increasing testosterone in pregnant women

In pregnant women, androgen levels are 4 times higher than in non-pregnant women. The average value ranges from 3.5-4.8 nmol / l, and this is absolutely normal, because the placenta is also involved in the synthesis of the hormone. The maximum concentration of testosterone is observed at 4-8 and 13-20 weeks of pregnancy. The level of androgens depends on the age and sex of the child. In women expecting boys, the amount of male sex hormone is greater.

In the body of a pregnant woman, defense mechanisms that protect the fetus from the action of androgen. This is the placental transformation of testosterone into estrogens, the binding of the hormone, and the suppression of its activation in target tissues. At strong increase androgen, its level in cord blood will be no more than 2% of the woman's plasma index. If true hyperandrogenism develops, which is very rare, the risk of spontaneous abortion and pregnancy fading increases. The causes of pathology are such diseases:

  • hypercortisolism syndrome (increased production of glucocorticosteroids caused by an adrenal gland tumor);
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease (neuroendocrine disease);
  • PCOS;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • taking certain medications;
  • trophoblastic disease;
  • improper nutrition.

Treatment of high testosterone in women

Correction of the hormonal background begins with the delivery of tests and the identification of the root cause of the disease. With a stable menstrual cycle of 28 days, an analysis for testosterone should be taken 2-5 days from its onset. If the cycle is extended, the analysis is postponed for 5-7 days. Next, the endocrinologist examines the patient for concomitant diseases and formulate treatment plans. In parallel, non-drug therapy is carried out (in the absence of contraindications). Effective Methods androgen reduction:

  • Changing the diet - the selection of products that reduce blood glucose and insulin levels, increase the amount of female sex hormones.
  • Acupuncture - stimulates the secretion of estrogen, improves overall energy metabolism.
  • Sports activities - cardio loads are useful: running, dancing, Pilates, callanetics. It is better to exclude strength exercises so as not to hypertrophy the muscles.
  • Regular intimate relationships - contribute to the secretion of female sex hormones.
  • Complete rest- sleep at least 8 hours, walks on fresh air, emotional release.
  • Reception of tinctures and decoctions medicinal plants- they change the hormonal background.

Medical therapy

Increased testosterone levels in women may require the appointment of glucocorticosteroids: hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone, paramethasone, metipred (methylprednisolone). Drugs based on these hormones are taken for adrenal dysfunction, as is Spironolactone, an aldosterone antagonist. In other cases (PCOS, PMS, hirsutism, acne, seborrhea), the doctor prescribes androgens: Androkur, Flutakan. Each drug has its own list of contraindications, but all of them are not taken during pregnancy, with serious illnesses internal organs.

For problems with the reproductive system, the patient takes hormonal contraceptives. Antiandrogenic contraceptives include a combination of female sex hormones: ethinyl estradiol and progestogen. The latter is represented by 19-nortestosterone. The synthetic hormone affects the functioning of the organs and glands that produce testosterone, and its secretion decreases. Hyperandrogenic conditions are well corrected by such drugs: Diane-35, Logest, Yarina, Jess and Jess plus, Tri-Merci, Marvelon, Janine, Belara.

Hormonal drugs should be prescribed after a thorough examination of the body, testing. This group of drugs has many side effects:

  • blurred vision;
  • skin rashes in the form of urticaria, acne, hyperpigmentation;
  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • thromboembolism;
  • performance degradation immune system;
  • change blood pressure;
  • weight gain;
  • soreness in the mammary glands, mastodynia;
  • amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), spotting;
  • candidiasis;
  • depression.

Increased testosterone in women is reduced by taking drugs that affect blood glucose levels: Siofor, Veroshpiron, Glucofage. With an imbalance of the hormonal background, you can not self-medicate, because disrupt work endocrine system very easy. It is forbidden to abruptly throw the reception hormonal drugs. When synthetic analogues enter the body, the production of its own hormones decreases. With a sharp end to the intake of the gland, the organs do not have time to get involved in the work, and in the work internal systems there is a major failure.


A balanced diet that does not provoke jumps glucose and does not lead to obesity, positively affects the hormonal background. With increased testosterone in women, you must adhere to the following diet:

  • Don't eat animal fats. Product replacement - polyunsaturated fatty acid, which are found in flaxseed, oily fish.
  • Drink a cup of natural coffee in the morning.
  • In the diet, about 50% of food should be represented by vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat medium-fat dairy products: cheese, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese.
  • Meals should be at regular intervals. Avoid long breaks and the development of hunger, in this state, androgen secretion increases.
  • Eat complex carbohydrates: cereals, durum wheat pasta, cereals.

The concentration of androgen is reduced by products with estrogenic activity. Next to them in the table is food that increases the level of the male sex hormone - it is better to refuse it.

Testosterone is a sex hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Its functions include increasing physical endurance and sexual activity of male representatives. However, it happens that testosterone is excessively elevated in a woman, while a man suffers from a lack of it. In this case, when a woman has elevated level testosterone, with a high probability, she has health problems. And therefore, at the first signs, she needs to contact a gynecologist to find out the reason why there was a failure in her hormonal background. Any delay in this matter can have an extremely negative impact on the reproductive system of the lady. What is the cause of high testosterone in women? Let's figure it out in this article.

What are the functions of testosterone in the female body?

This hormone is normally produced not only in the male body, but also in the female body. Undoubtedly, in men, its level is much higher than in the representatives of the fair half. In the female body, the testosterone content is insignificant, but it is responsible for the implementation following functions: functional activity bone marrow, body shaping female type, normal work reproductive system, muscle growth, growth skeletal system in physical formation, regulation of libido.

In some cases, the cause of increased testosterone lies in malnutrition. Namely, in use. alcoholic beverages, white cabbage, nuts that increase the production of this hormone in the body. These are the main causes of increased testosterone levels in women. But there are others.

Increasing testosterone during pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, her testosterone levels rise significantly, and this is the only period when such an increase is relatively safe for her. During the entire period of pregnancy, it is possible to double or even triple the level of the hormone progesterone, which is associated with additional synthesis of its placenta. In the case of a boy pregnancy, the woman will have higher testosterone levels than in the case of a girl pregnancy.

However increased amount hormone is safe only in the second trimester of pregnancy. In the first, this will be a deviation from the norm and can lead to a missed pregnancy.

Analysis to determine the level of testosterone

If a woman has elevated testosterone, the causes and symptoms may be different, she needs to pass an appropriate test to determine its level. You just need to find a laboratory that accepts tests and donate blood from a vein to conduct necessary research. Such an analysis usually costs about 200-1000 rubles, and a woman can find out its results in a day. To eliminate errors, you need to pay attention to the rules for passing this analysis. First of all, it is produced from 3 to 5 and from 8 to 10 days of the menstrual cycle. The second point is to stop any physical activity and sports training, as well as avoiding worries and stress a day before the study. Well, the third point is the need for rest and smoking cessation 1-2 hours before the analysis.

Following these simple rules, a woman will be able to count on receiving the highest quality biological material for the analysis, as well as the most correct and accurate results.

When demonstrating serious deviations from the corresponding norm and too strong an increase in the level of the hormone in the patient's body, you should immediately contact a specialist.

How to treat elevated hormone levels?

With an increased level of the testosterone hormone, therapy is usually carried out using the following drugs: Dexamethasone, Digostin, Cyproterone, Diethylstilbestrol.

In addition, glucose drugs are successfully used to reduce the level of this hormone: Veroshpiron, Glucophage, Siofor. The composition of these drugs includes metamorphine and spironolactone, which qualitatively suppress the synthesis of excess testosterone.

In addition, it is possible for a doctor to prescribe oral contraceptives, such as "Yarina", "Zhanin", "Diana 35".

You should not self-medicate, because the female hormonal system is extremely sensitive for intervention in it without a doctor's prescription, and there is also a high risk of adverse conditions. At the end of the course of therapy, further monitoring of the level of the testosterone hormone will be required, since the possibility of its repeated increase is not excluded.

What should be the diet if total testosterone is increased in women?

The reasons must be clarified. However, in case of a slight increase, you can use the help of a special diet. There are a number of products that short term lower the level of this hormone. Such natural helpers include: honey, fried vegetable and meat dishes, cherries, vegetable oil, apples, wheat, rice, salt, sugar, caffeine, potatoes, full fat milk and cream, soy products.


The possibility of changes in the body is determined depending on how much the level of the hormone has been increased. With a slight increase, a woman’s mood will only change, that is, attacks of irritability may appear, an increase in physical activity, she may begin to grow on her body extra hair where they should not be - on the arms, legs, above the lip.

If the increase in testosterone is significant, then more serious consequences are possible: the development diabetes, change in body weight, as well as negative changes may be subject to the reproductive and reproductive systems.

With an increase in a woman's total or free testosterone, this will be reflected in every area of ​​life, in her physical condition and appearance as well. Then the development of various health problems is possible. Therefore, every woman needs to remember that she should consult a specialist and undergo the right treatment when the first signs of an increase in testosterone levels occur.

We looked at the causes and consequences of increased testosterone in women.

Testosterone is a steroid androgen hormone that plays essential role in the functioning of the male body.

He is responsible for the formation of external sexual characteristics, spermatogenesis, libido, mood and so on.

However, a small amount of testosterone is also produced in the female body.

It is synthesized by the ovaries and adrenal glands. Fluctuations in the level of the hormone negatively affect the well-being of the fairer sex. Consider the causes and consequences of increased testosterone in women.

general information

In the female body, testosterone is involved in:

  • ovarian work - affects the maturation of follicles (ovulation);
  • the formation of muscle, adipose and bone tissue - with its deficiency, the bones become brittle, and the muscles become weak;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin - stimulates the production of secretions.

In addition, the "male" hormone regulates the behavior of a woman - increases sexuality, libido, mood.

Hormone levels are influenced by many factors. The main ones are age, degree of physical activity, nutrition, and even the time of day: in the morning, its concentration is higher than in the evening.

Total testosterone in the blood is presented in one of two fractions: free or protein-bound hormone. In the first case, it circulates freely and affects the cells of target organs. In the second, two options are possible:

  • a strong bond with globulin, in which testosterone is inactive;
  • weak bond with albumin, in which the hormone participates in all reactions along with the free one.
To determine the anrogenic status of a woman, that is, to identify pathological changes in the work of the endocrine system, the most informative is the analysis of free testosterone.

Normative indicators:

  • up to 18 years - up to 4.1 pg / ml (pictograms per milliliter of blood);
  • up to 55-60 years - 0.5-4.1 pg / ml;
  • during menopause - 0.1 - 1.7 pg / ml.

In different laboratories, blood testing methods and units of measurement of hormone concentration may differ. It is worth paying attention to the limit values ​​indicated in the form with the results of the analysis.

The reasons

With a significant excess of the level of the "male" hormone, the woman is diagnosed with "hyperandrogenism" and an additional examination is carried out, the purpose of which is to determine the causes of endocrine imbalance. Possible pathological factors:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • neoplasms in the ovaries;
  • hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex;
  • malfunctions of the pituitary and hypothalamus - areas of the brain that regulate ovarian function;
  • violation eating behavior- starvation, low-calorie diets, a complete rejection of animal proteins or, conversely, an excess of fats, foods with harmful additives;
  • taking certain medications, such as contraceptives;
  • obesity - fat cells increase the activity of substances that affect the production of testosterone;
  • insulin resistance - a decrease in the susceptibility of tissues to insulin, leading to its excessive concentration in the blood;
  • chronic liver diseases.

A physiological increase in testosterone is observed during ovulation, pregnancy, immediately after exercise or insolation. In this case, medical assistance is not required.


Excess testosterone in the female body provokes the appearance of a number of external signs. It is sometimes possible to understand that testosterone is elevated in a girl visually. The girl acquires "male" features:

  • the shoulders become wider, and the waist less pronounced;
  • weight increases rapidly, it is difficult to reduce it;
  • the covers thicken, their fat content increases, cystic acne occurs (especially on the chin);
  • coarse hairs appear on the chest and face, and their growth also intensifies on other parts of the body - on the arms, legs, in the groin;
  • bald patches form on the head due to hair loss and thinning;
  • the clitoris increases significantly (with strong and prolonged hyperandrogenism);
  • the voice becomes low and rough.

In addition, increased testosterone levels lead to behavioral changes. Observed sharp drops moods, outbursts of aggression, irritability, anxiety. Many women notice an increase in libido (up to hypersexuality), as well as an increase in physical activity. In most cases, the menstrual cycle is disrupted - the discharge becomes irregular or absent altogether.

Both dermatological problems and hair loss can be the result of thyroid disorders, but with hyperandrogenism they have their own specifics.

It is important to contact a specialist to determine the circle possible diseases and then evaluated hormonal status using laboratory tests.


Increasing testosterone levels not only leads to external changes that negatively affect self-esteem, psychological state and social activity of women.

With prolonged hyperandrogenism, she has difficulty conceiving a child.

Too much testosterone often leads to hormonal infertility, as it prevents the onset of ovulation, and also affects the level of other active substances (estrogen, progesterone) that are responsible for preparing a woman's body for pregnancy. Even if it occurs, the risk of spontaneous interruption is high.

Other possible consequences hyperandrogenism:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • the formation of neoplasms in the reproductive organs;
  • overweight and so on.

In order to prevent complications, you should start correcting the hormonal background in the early stages.

The main ways to reduce testosterone levels in the female body:

  • the appointment of medications - hormonal preparations containing estrogen, progesterone, as well as drugs that suppress the synthesis of testosterone (antiandrogens);
  • the use of herbal remedies - infusions and decoctions of licorice root, angelica, flax seeds and others;
  • balanced diet and physical activity for weight loss;
  • elimination of stress factors, yoga classes and so on.

The effectiveness of therapy aimed at lowering testosterone levels depends on the ability to eliminate the cause of hormonal failure.

In some cases it is required surgical intervention, for example, to remove neoplasms in the endocrine organs.

Increased testosterone during pregnancy

Increasing testosterone during pregnancy normal phenomenon. Hormone levels begin to gradually increase from the second trimester, reaching a peak after 30 weeks. The actual figure may exceed the upper limit characteristic of women outside of pregnancy by 3-4 times.

The main reasons for the growth of the "male" hormone in expectant mothers:

  • in addition to the ovaries and adrenal glands, testosterone is produced by the placenta;
  • in the third trimester endocrine organs fetuses begin to synthesize active substances on their own.

With a successful pregnancy, doctors do not oblige a woman to take an analysis for the concentration of testosterone in the blood.

The exception is cases when the expectant mother had hyperandrogenism before conception.

It is especially important to control the condition in the periods from 4 to 8 and from 13 to 23 weeks, when the probability of spontaneous abortion is high.

Excess testosterone can lead to recurrent miscarriage and fetal failure.

Correction of testosterone levels with high risk miscarriage is carried out with the help of hormonal drugs. It is very important to take them according to the scheme recommended by the doctor. This reduces the likelihood of side effects.

Independent use of medications that affect the hormonal background is unacceptable.

A stable increase in testosterone levels adversely affects the state of the female body. This hormone, which is an androgen, provokes masculinization, that is, leads to the appearance excess body hair, an increase in muscle mass, a change in figure, a coarsening of the voice.

One of the most serious consequences excess testosterone - a violation of reproductive function, accompanied by infertility or miscarriage.

Modern medicines allow you to adjust the hormonal background, but it is very important to identify the cause of hyperandrogenism. The most common prerequisites are disorders in the work of the ovaries, adrenal glands, heredity, medication and unbalanced nutrition.

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Testosterone is present in both male and female bodies. Normally participates in metabolic processes, regulates libido, muscle growth. But if its concentration in the blood deviates from the norm, this leads to various problems: getting worse appearance and well-being, appears excess weight, difficult to get pregnant.

This hormone regulates sex drive ratio of fat and muscle mass. In addition, it promotes growth bone cells prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis. Allocate its general level and physiologically active, the so-called free testosterone. They may have different meaning: the level is generally within the normal range, and the free level is increased.

With a lack of this hormone, caused by a low-carbohydrate diet, vegetarianism or other reasons, there is a feeling chronic fatigue. It can decrease with the development of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, osteoporosis, breast cancer, and steadily decreases with menopause, although in general, with age, its level gradually increases.

Manifestations of high testosterone (hyperandrogenism): hair loss in characteristic places of the male type, the appearance of acne (acne) and excess hair on the face, back, hands, increased oily skin or vice versa, dryness and flaking, sudden mood swings, unreasonable irritation, aggression. The figure can change, becoming masculine, and the voice can become rough.

The cycle is also disrupted up to the complete disappearance of menstruation, there may be difficulties with conception, gestation, if testosterone in women is very high when planning pregnancy. Fine high level testosterone in pregnant women, especially when they are expecting a boy. But strong rise can lead to missed pregnancy, complications during childbirth.

It is better to take tests for this hormone from 3 to 5 and from 8 to 10 days of the cycle. In order for the results to be as accurate as possible, it is worth refusing on the eve of the analyzes intense training and sex, drinking alcohol, eliminating stress, and before taking the test, do not smoke for a couple of hours, do not worry, relax. The results of the analysis are usually known the very next day. Normal value for adult woman is 0.45-3.75 nmol/l.

Reasons for the increase

High testosterone is observed in women for various reasons.

Insulin can swing testosterone levels both ways, causing a hormonal imbalance. Over time, the combination of these two symptoms leads to polycystic ovary syndrome. At the same time, there is also a high level of estrogen and low - progesterone.

Of the visible signs, one can note the deposition of adipose tissue in the abdomen, facial hair, darkening of the skin, mood swings.

More estrogen than progesterone

When one of the hormones in the body suddenly exceeds its norm, it affects the entire hormonal background, since they are all interconnected. The relationship between progesterone and estrogen has not been clearly established, but together they lead to an increase in testosterone and DHEA ( dehydroepiandrosterone). An increase in the amount of estrogen causes the well-known PMS and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

Low physical activity

Sports activities contribute to the utilization of excess testosterone. Although no direct link has been found, they reduce insulin levels. This helps lower testosterone and also normalizes weight, which, when hormonal imbalance is often redundant.

Diseases of the adrenal glands

These paired organs produce testosterone, which in the process goes through a complex chain of transformations: DHAE, pregnenolone, progesterone, androstenedione. Their growth causes an increase in testosterone. Also increase the level of DHEA and testosterone adrenal hyperplasia, severe stress causing their dysfunction, the use of dietary supplements with the substances listed above, insulin resistance.

If leptin is higher than normal, it makes it difficult to lose weight. It is produced by fat cells and controls metabolism, dictating to the brain when it is time to “storage” fat and when to get rid of it. If the susceptibility to this hormone becomes lower, then the brain does not receive satiety signals, which leads to a constant feeling of hunger and a slowdown in metabolic processes.

High leptin also occurs in women with insulin resistance, in addition, it itself causes an increase in testosterone.


Fat cells contain an enzyme that stimulates the production of testosterone. The more of them, the higher the level of the hormone. In addition, fat reduces the sensitivity of other tissues to insulin, which also contributes to an increase in testosterone, as already mentioned above.


When it becomes known that the level of the male hormone in the body is increased, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist as soon as possible in order to start treatment of concomitant diseases in time, if any, and also to exclude the root cause.

natural methods

If testosterone levels are only slightly elevated, you can try to normalize them through lifestyle changes: sports, nutrition, and natural remedies.

  • Estrogen-boosting diet: soy products, apples, cherries, wheat and rice, as well as vegetables, fried potatoes, sugar, cream, natural coffee (1 cup per day), green tea, cauliflower and broccoli, legumes and beer (in moderation).
  • Physical exercise. Yoga, as well as Pilates and other light exercises, help to normalize the hormonal background. You should not get too carried away with strength, as excessive growth of muscle mass is possible, it is better to choose those types of training where there is a combination different types loads, development of flexibility.
  • Acupuncture. An exotic method that increases the body's energy metabolism by influencing acupuncture points and also increases estrogen production.
  • medicinal herbs and folk recipes, for example, a decoction of flaxseed, carrot juice and, oatmeal jelly, tincture of peony roots. Of herbal remedies, angelica officinalis, evening primrose, licorice root, evening primrose, sacred vitex, sage, red clover, peppermint, stevia, black cohosh, Ivan tea, milk thistle, fenugreek, dandelion and nettle are considered effective. However, one should not get carried away with self-medication, the substances contained in herbs can cause unwanted effects with careless use. It is better to use them as directed and under the supervision of a physician.
  • Food additives and dietary supplements: Prostamol Uno, Saw Palmetto, Likoprofit, Yogi Tea, PerFerm Forte, Doppelherz Active Menopause, Altera plus, Diindolylmethane, linoleic acid, calcium-D-gluconate. Supplements are harmless, but their effectiveness is not guaranteed.
  • Complete rest and enough sleep - at least eight hours a day dark time days.
  • sexual activity. With intimate contact, the female sex hormone is produced and the male sex hormone decreases.


In the treatment of hyperandrogenism, doctors prescribe hormonal and other drugs such as:

  • Oral contraceptives: Diana 35, Tri-Merci, Logest, Jess, Klaira, Janine and Yarina (reduce testosterone synthesis, but have quite big list contraindications);
  • Glucocorticosteroid drugs: hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, paramethasone, prednisolone, metipred. Stimulate the work of the adrenal glands;
  • Anti-androgens: androcur, flutacan, spironolactone, cyproterone, etc. Suppress testosterone production.
  • Glucose preparations: siofor, glucophage and veroshpiron (spironolactone and metamorphine, which are part of the substance, inhibit the synthesis of excess testosterone).

It should be remembered that hormonal medical preparations have many contraindications. Self-medication and gross intervention in the hormonal background of the body is very undesirable and fraught with dangerous consequences. The use of hormonal drugs is justified in case of a serious threat to life and health. Lifestyle changes, adequate rest, moderate exercise and healthy eating are necessary condition normalization of hormonal levels in the female body.