Signs of a sore throat in a small child: symptoms with photos of the throat, treatment and prevention of the disease. Treatment of sore throat in children

At this age, it is difficult to treat any illness, because the young patient cannot yet talk about his troubles and pains. That is why it is important to know about the factors that cause sore throat, its clinical picture and proper treatment.

Causes of the disease

Sore throat (tonsillitis) develops against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses during infection by airborne droplets. In older children, exacerbation of the disease may be a factor chronic diseases ENT organs. A provocateur of a sore throat is not only specific contacts with sick people, but also the transfer of pathogens along with food through the mouth. In most cases these are streptococci. Microorganisms do not provoke disease immediately, only in the presence of accompanying factors and an optimal environment for their development. Such factors include hypothermia of the whole body and the consumption of ice cream, a local catalyst for the disease. Inflamed adenoids and rhinitis is also often caused by children's body mechanism of development of this disease.

Signs of illness

Complaints of a child of this age about a sore throat are not always understandable to parents; they may not understand what they mean. But in early age Sore throat can have complications, and quite serious ones. Essentially this is infection develops in the lymph nodes and tonsils. They perform a barrier function in the body, because lymphoid tissue filters lymph from pathogenic microorganisms. And when the titer of the above flora remains within normal limits, protective forces The body copes with microorganisms successfully. When they decrease, bacteria become active and multiply. In addition to streptococci, sore throat in a one-year-old child can be caused by staphylococcus, pneumococcus, adenovirus, and class ß hemolytic streptococcus.

At this age, the disease can be acute or chronic. The latter occurs when improper treatment, failure to comply with medical orders.

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Symptoms of acute tonsillitis are sharp increase temperature up to 38-39 degrees, cough, sore throat when swallowing, sore throat, fatigue, lethargy, loss of appetite. The baby becomes capricious and whiny. He has a headache. The child's throat is red, the mucous membrane of the throat is loose. Lacunar tonsillitis is accompanied by the appearance of purulent “plugs” - the result of the accumulation of infection in the tissues of the tonsils.

If we talk about changes in the blood, tests will show pronounced leukocytosis and an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Chronic tonsillitis is less pronounced all of the above symptoms. It may be accompanied by cicatricial changes in the mucous membrane of the tonsils.

Sore throat in young patients of this age significantly weakens the body.

How to treat a sore throat in a one-year-old baby

First of all, the mother should show the sick baby to the pediatrician. Bed rest and fresh air in the room, wet cleaning will significantly ease the condition of the baby. Since it is difficult for a child to swallow, food must be ground and warm. Drink plenty of fluids, taking into account taste preferences- the basis for removing pathogenic bacteria from the body. Fruit drinks, infusion of rose hips, lingonberries, viburnum, cranberries, and warm compotes will ease the course of the disease. Antibiotics prescribed by the pediatrician should be taken for 5-7 days, and in no case should the therapy be stopped, even if the baby feels better on the third day, otherwise the parents will only contribute to the transition of an acute process into a chronic one. After completing the course of antibacterial therapy, children are prescribed medications to normalize the intestinal microflora, the state of which determines immunity.

To treat the throat, Hexoral and Ingalipt sprays are prescribed. Antipyretic and vitamin preparations The baby should also be prescribed by a pediatrician.

Warm up sore throat is not necessary, because the procedure only contributes to the spread of infection. Once upon a time, children's sore throats were treated with Lugol's solution. This should not be done, because in this way the microbes will penetrate deeper and the situation will only worsen.

As for rinsing, they are very useful for sore throats, but at the age of one, children still do not know how to do this; they will swallow medicinal liquids inside.

In most cases, sore throat in one-year-old children is treated in a hospital, because they are highly susceptible to developing complications.

Children in the first three years of life are characterized by functional immaturity of the immune system and extremely high susceptibility to bacterial and viral infection. The neonatal period is considered the most vulnerable period. Although tonsillitis practically does not occur at this age, the baby is protected by passive maternal immunity. Real danger get a sore throat appears in infancy and early childhood. This is precisely the danger, because even seemingly mild signs of illness can suddenly give way to a severe condition.

Why is this happening?

Because of physiological characteristics state of the immune system. Imperfect immune mechanisms are not adapted to a normal response to exposure infectious agent. Their reaction is inadequate, sometimes paradoxical, and, as a rule, threatening the child’s life.

What to do?

At the slightest sign of a disturbance in the child’s condition (lethargy, lack of desire to play with favorite toys, crying for no reason, redness in the throat), immediately call a pediatrician at home. It is better to listen to the reproaches of a doctor who did not detect signs of the disease than to miss the beginning of a sore throat. At sharp deterioration(high temperature, chills, fever) – call an ambulance. If a sore throat is confirmed, treatment in children under one year of age should be carried out in inpatient conditions, where timely and qualified assistance in case of emergency situations.

Hospitalization is also required if:

Children have accompanying illnesses (diabetes, renal-liver failure, pathology endocrine systems, immunodeficiency),

The disease occurs with severe general symptoms (impaired consciousness, respiratory failure, frequent vomiting, cramps),

Complications appear (otitis media, sinusitis, abscesses, phlegmon).

In other cases, a joint decision is made between the doctor and the parents regarding treatment in a hospital or at home. If, after all, the child remains at home, it is still impossible to treat him on his own, only under the supervision of a pediatrician and with strict adherence to his recommendations.

Treatment begins with establishing the nature of the pathogen (bacterial, viral or fungal), for which a swab from the throat is examined. Determining the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs will allow the doctor to prescribe the right drug(dosage and hours of administration). Another important condition– bed rest and plenty of warm drinks.

What to pay attention to

There is no need to lubricate the tonsils with antiseptics - you can damage the mucous membrane, thereby disrupting its protective function;

It is not advisable to use sprays. Small children do not know how to hold their breath; squirting can lead to laryngospasm. For infants, the spray can be applied to the pacifier, and for 3-year-old children, the spray can be directed to inner surface cheeks;

Do not give absorbable tablets; asphyxia with a foreign body may develop;

Carefully monitor your baby's reaction to any medicine, including herbs. Development risk allergic reaction very tall at this age;

Antipyretics should be used in infants at a temperature of 38°C, after a year - after 39°C. If the child has previously experienced convulsions when the temperature rises, you need to start bringing it down at 37.5°C;

For purulent sore throat, you should not use warming ointments, creams, compresses, steam inhalations, in which the vessels dilate, the blood flow increases, and the infection that gets into it spreads throughout the body. There is a threat of sepsis;

Do not force the child to eat; it is better to turn the feeding process into a game;

Give the liquid with a teaspoon every 10-15 minutes.

What is important to know?

Streptococcal sore throat can become a trigger for diseases of the nervous, genitourinary and of cardio-vascular system. The antigen of hemolytic streptococcus and the protein compounds of the tissues of these organs have a similar structure; the child’s immune system can confuse them and begin to produce antibodies against the cells of its own body. As a result, chronic rheumatic myocarditis, encephalitis and pyelonephritis develop. Therefore, the course of treatment should be carried out in in full until the pathogen is completely destroyed. Even a rapid improvement in the child’s condition should not serve as a basis for reducing his term.

Or acute tonsillitis is an acute infectious disease in which pathological changes in the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx. Most often, the disease occurs among children, adolescents and the elderly. How to treat a sore throat?

The causative agents of the disease are group A hemolytic streptococcus, etc. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the body in two ways: from environment and internal foci.

The main factors that provoke the development of sore throat:

  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Past infectious diseases.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx.
  • Oral diseases.
  • People with weakened immune system are more likely to become infected.

The first symptoms appear 1-2 days after pathogens enter the body. The patient experiences fever, chills, headache, weakness.

The throat begins to hurt very much, and the patient experiences pain when swallowing. Against this background, appetite worsens and sleep is disturbed.In addition, they increase and there is pain on palpation.

Small yellow dots or purulent plaque may be found on the tonsils.You should immediately consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • A sharp decrease in body temperature.
  • Pallor of the skin.
  • Intense.
  • The appearance of seizures.
  • Decreased urine volume and change in color.
  • Lack of air.
  • Pain in the side, behind the sternum or lower back.

If the above dangerous symptoms are observed, then you need to call an ambulance or immediately consult your doctor.

Types of sore throat

There are several types of sore throat, which differ in course and symptoms:

  • . Is different light current. This form is characterized by the absence of inflammation of the soft palate. The inflammatory process affects the mucous membrane of the tonsils and does not spread deeper.
  • . Is a continuation catarrhal form. Not only the mucous membrane is affected, but also the follicles. They become inflamed and there is an accumulation of pus. Upon examination, you can find yellow bubbles visible under the epithelium. Their size is about 1-3 mm.
  • Lacunar tonsillitis. Characterized by inflammation of the lacunae palatine tonsils, while the yellow-white coating is located in the recesses. Unlike the follicular form, lacunar tonsillitis is more severe.
  • Fibrinous tonsillitis. This form is characterized by the formation of a whitish-yellow film on the affected area. Is a consequence lacunar tonsillitis and is characterized by severe intoxication.
  • Herpetic sore throat. There are rashes in the throat of a herpetic nature, but it has nothing to do with herpes infection. The disease is caused by enteroviruses.

Tonsillitis is an infectious disease and differs high degree contagiousness. Sore throat pathogens can be transmitted in various ways from a sick person to a healthy person: airborne droplets and contact.

IN large quantities pathogenic microorganisms are released during a conversation, when sneezing,. There is a high probability of infection while staying in the same room with a carrier of the infection.

The degree of infectiousness depends on the type of pathogen and the state of the immune system.

To a lesser extent, sore throat is transmitted by contact. Bacteria can be on dishes, cutlery, toys, food, etc.

Fungal tonsillitis is less contagious. The fungus lives on the mucous membranes of many people, so when the immune system is weakened, they make themselves felt. Bacterial and viral infections pose a great danger.

Principles of drug treatment

For sore throat, treatment is aimed at fighting the infection and eliminating symptoms. Treatment is usually carried out on an outpatient basis, but in severe cases of angina the patient is hospitalized.To reduce the symptoms of sore throat, hyperemia, plaque formation, aerosols and lozenges are used: Tantum Verde, Septolete, Strepsils, etc. These drugs have a local effect on the body.

It is useful to rinse with a solution, boric acid, sodium bicarbonate. At elevated temperatures, take antipyretic drugs with anti-inflammatory effects: Paracetamol, Panadol, etc.

Antihistamines may be prescribed: Suprastin, Loratadine, Claritin, etc. These medications are included in the general treatment regimen. They reduce the symptoms of an irritated throat. They are used for no more than 5 days.

There is no treatment for sore throat without the use of antibiotics.

During treatment, the patient must remain in bed. It is important to exclude contact with other family members. To do this, provide the patient with separate dishes, a towel and other things.

When to use antibiotics

Sore throat is most often caused by hemolytic streptococcus or staphylococcus, therefore, to get rid of pathogens, it is prescribed antibacterial drugs. It should be remembered that sore throat can be viral, bacterial or fungal in nature, and the use of antibiotics is advisable for bacterial sore throat.

To accurately select an antibiotic, sensitivity is determined bacterial infection to the drug.

Penicillins and macrolides are used to treat angina in children: Amoxil, Duracef, etc. The dosage form for children is chosen in the form of a suspension, and for adults in the form of tablets. When prescribing an antibacterial drug, the doctor takes into account the severity of the disease, the weight and age of the patient, and the type of bacteria. Take antibiotics for 7-10 days.

If no improvement is observed within 2 days, this indicates that the pathogen is resistant to this species antibiotic.

More information about angina can be found in the video:

In this case, the doctor decides to change the drug. It is not recommended to stop taking antibiotics even after the symptoms disappear, since some pathogenic microorganisms will multiply again.

Antibacterial drugs inhibit the natural microflora, so after treatment it is recommended to use probiotics.If antibacterial drugs are not used in the treatment of sore throat, this will cause serious complications in the form of glomerulonephritis, encephalitis, etc.

Carrying out inhalation with a nebulizer

Therapeutic inhalations are one of the most effective methods treatment of sore throat symptoms. This method has a local effect on the inflamed areas of the tonsils.

Their medicines for sore throat can be used in medicinal decoctions, etc.

As prescribed by the doctor, antibiotics are used - Gentamicin, etc. To eliminate inflammation and moisturize the mucous membrane, you can use ordinary mineral water.

The procedure should be carried out 1.5 hours after eating. After completing the inhalation, you should not eat food for an hour. The duration of the procedure should be from 2 to 10 minutes, depending on the age of the child.

The procedure for children should be performed with caution so as not to burn the mucous membrane.

Inhalations are not carried out in case of high temperature, allergic reaction to drugs, purulent form of sore throat, certain heart and lung diseases.

Elevated temperature with sore throat: how to bring it down

A sore throat is always accompanied by a high temperature. This is the body's reaction to the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms. With catarrhal tonsillitis, the temperature rises to 38 degrees, and with lacunar and follicular forms, an increase of up to 40 degrees can be observed.

There is no need to bring down a low-grade fever (up to 38 degrees), and if the indicator rises, then be sure to give the patient an antipyretic.

Types of drugs:

  • You can bring down the temperature with Paracetamol. This product is available in different dosage forms and under others trade names: Pyranol, Panadol, Adol, etc.
  • To bring down the child’s temperature, it is recommended to give syrup and suppositories (Ibuprofen, Ibufen, Cefekon, Efferalgan, etc.).

An antipyretic is not the mainstay of treatment and is taken systematically only when the temperature rises. In addition, the patient should be given drinking plenty of fluids. It is useful to use rosehip decoction, cranberry juice and other drinks.

Traditional methods of treatment

Unconventional methods of treating sore throat reduce the symptoms, but do not remove pathogenic microorganisms. They should be used in combination with drug treatment, then the patient will go faster on the mend.

Popular folk recipes for the treatment of sore throat:

  • . Soak cotton wool in propolis tincture and lubricate the tonsils several times a day.
  • Garlic. Take a few cloves of garlic, peel and chop until you get a paste. Next, add milk to a glass, boil and let cool. Take a teaspoon several times a day.
  • Honey with lemon. Pour into a glass natural honey and add 1/2 cup to it lemon juice. Mix everything well and take a teaspoon orally every hour.
  • Milk with figs. Pour a glass of milk into a small saucepan, boil and add a few dried figs. Then cool and drink and eat the berries.
  • Aloe tincture. Take a few aloe leaves, chop them and put them in a jar. Add sugar and wait until the juice comes out. After this, pour vodka and leave for 2-3 days. Take a spoonful on an empty stomach 3 times a day.
  • It is recommended to use a decoction of sweet clover, chamomile, dill seeds, and eucalyptus inside. Medicinal decoctions should not be consumed hot, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane of the throat.
  • Foot baths are effective for sore throat. For getting good result You can add 2 tablespoons of dry mustard to the water. After the procedure, wear warm socks. It is prohibited to perform hot baths at high temperatures and when the disease becomes purulent.

Compresses for sore throat: is it possible or not?

Are considered safe method treatment of sore throat. They help relieve pain and reduce the symptoms of a sore throat.

But it should be remembered that the compress is applied only at the beginning of the development of the disease, when there are no ulcers on the tonsils. Warming compresses should not be used for purulent sore throat, furunculosis, fever, heart disease, or dermatitis. In this case, it is advisable to use other types of compresses.

The most common compresses for sore throat:

  • Cabbage leaf. This is a very effective pain reliever. Must be applied every 2-3 hours cabbage leaf to the throat and secure with a scarf. You can also make a paste from cabbage and apply it to the throat area.
  • Vodka compress. Take gauze, make several layers and soak it in vodka. Next, apply to the throat and cover with cling film. Wrap a scarf on top. Keep for 6-7 hours. Instead of vodka, you can use diluted alcohol.
  • Potato compress. Take a few potatoes, boil and mash. Next, add a spoonful of vegetable oil and a few drops of iodine. Place the resulting mixture on soft cloth and apply it to your throat.
  • Saline solution. Dilute 2 tablespoons of salt in a glass of water, moisten gauze and place on the throat area.
  • Beetroot compress. Boil the beets and grate them. Distribute the resulting mass between 2-3 layers of gauze, put it on the throat, and wrap it in film. Wrap a scarf on top.

Compresses for children can only be applied from 3 years of age. It is recommended to consult a pediatrician first.

For angina to achieve best effect in combination with other treatment methods is recommended. You can use solutions of local antiseptics based on medicinal herbs or soda-salt composition.

This procedure will help relieve sore throat and inflammatory process and also moisturize the mucous membrane.You can gargle using a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, string, etc.

Others no less effective recipes for rinsing:

  • Garlic infusion. Peel a few heads of garlic, chop and pour 100 ml boiled water. Close the container tightly and leave for 5-6 hours, after which you can rinse.
  • Apple vinegar. In 250 ml warm water add a teaspoon of vinegar, stir and gargle 3-4 times a day.
  • . Add a spoonful of vinegar diluted with water to 200 ml of freshly squeezed juice. Then heat in a water bath and rinse.
  • Iodine solution. Add 5 drops of iodine to 0.5 liters of warm water. You can add a sea spoon or table salt. If you have problems with thyroid gland You should consult your doctor about using this prescription.
  • Soda-salt solution. Add a teaspoon of salt and soda to a glass of boiling water and stir. When the solution has cooled, it can be used for its intended purpose.

It is necessary to gargle every 2-3 hours, or even more often. After the procedure, you should not eat food for some time.If you perform all the methods in combination, then a short time you can get rid of a sore throat.

Young children are often susceptible to infections and inflammation respiratory tract. If a one-year-old child has a sore throat, he or she must be shown to a doctor. It is not easy for a young body to fight an illness; the illness often causes complications.

To determine the form of tonsillitis, you need to do comprehensive diagnostics your baby's body.

Catarrhal sore throat

This type of tonsillitis involves inflammation of the tonsils in oral cavity baby, body temperature is about 37-38 degrees, weakness. The blood test results show no significant changes. With the help of pharyngoscopy, the development of hyperemia in the mouth and pharynx is noticeable. With this form of the disease, the tonsils are swollen and enlarged. If taken on time necessary measures the illness will subside within a few days. In the near future, the pain in the throat will subside.

IN neglected form catarrhal sore throat will change sharp-looking- follicular.

Follicular tonsillitis

In a child under one year old, the following situation is observed: a rise in temperature to 40 degrees, maximum intoxication, the baby has particular difficulty withstanding such symptoms of a sore throat. Children feel weak. Pharyngoscopy shows swelling and hyperemia of the glands, white and gray colors. Follicles form on the surface of the epithelium.

The pain syndrome is felt not only in the throat, but successfully passes into the muscles. Follicular tonsillitis causes pain in the head and heart, and can provoke leukocytosis. Urinalysis is not normal.

If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, you will encounter lacunar tonsillitis.

Lacunar tonsillitis

Taking into account the advice of doctors, it is recommended that this form of sore throat in children under one year of age be treated in a hospital setting. Because there is a lot of pus and it is not only on the tonsils, but surrounds the pharynx and palate. Along with meals purulent discharge get deep into the body, the consequence of this process is complications. In appearance, the pus looks like a thin film that can be collected with a cotton swab.

To the question: “How to treat lacunar tonsillitis?” there is only one answer – antibiotics. Without their help, the healing process will take a long time, and the illness may worsen.

This type of tonsillitis results in a complication of other forms of sore throat, which manifests itself a few days after recovery. The symptoms are similar to the previous types, but more pronounced.

Acute headache discomfort sore throat, chills, high temperature, putrid smell from the oral cavity, a lot of saliva is released. Do not ignore treatment, otherwise there is a risk of developing an abscess in the almond tissue.


In children under one year of age, herpetic sore throat is common. The stage of disease activity is autumn. Symptoms: painful sensations in the abdominal area, vomiting, elevated temperature bodies. A rash appears on the throat, similar to small balls; after they burst, a week later the oral cavity will take on a healthy appearance. Frequent rinsing will help get rid of this type of tonsillitis.

Necrotizing tonsillitis

The main cause of the disease is bad treatment. The blood test is not good. Pharyngoscopy indicates gray-green pus on the surface of the epithelium. The infected part becomes hard and is removed with surgery (there will be some bleeding afterwards). For a one-year-old child, this type of sore throat is life-threatening and difficult to treat. The sick person must be in a hospital and take fairly strong medications.

Sore throat in a 1 year old child: how to treat it

During treatment important role plays the causative agent of the disease. The body begins to fight the disease somewhere on the fifth day, after the appearance initial signs diseases. If you have a fever, you must adhere to bed rest. Possibility of carrying out hygiene procedures discussed with the attending physician. If the child does not have a temperature, you can bathe him.

To relieve symptoms, take: anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antihistamines. Antiviral drugs prescribed by the doctor. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, take vitamins, use chamomile infusion as a throat irrigation, Rotokan herbal drops give positive result and do not cause irritation.

If sore throats are caused by bacteria, you should take antibiotics that correspond to the type of pathogen and be sure to take into account the age of the patient.

Sore throat in one-year-old children is often accompanied by fever; it is worth giving them antipyretics at 38.1–38.5° C. We bring down the temperature to 37.5° C if the baby has previously had convulsions. Adults are interested in whether there can be a sore throat without fever. For example, catarrhal tonsillitis has more soft form diseases, symptoms are mild. The temperature rise usually occurs closer to night.

For tonsillitis, children can be given anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of syrups, antipyretics, and rectal suppositories. Quite strong components in drugs such as ibuprofen and paracetamol. But aspirin should not be given to children. Please note that medicinal syrups may cause allergies due to the content of flavorings and dyes. Give it back better preference candles, they are less dangerous for your child’s still unformed body.

In addition to anti-inflammatory drugs, add nasal drops Fenistil, Parlazin, Zyrtec, saline solutions (Aqualor, Salin, Aqua Maris). Will help reduce pain in the throat and relieve irritation antihistamines. Modern medicines do not have hypnotic effect, unlike the well-known Suprastin and Diphenhydramine.

Dr. Komarovsky encourages the use of local procedures in addition to medications, but in a limited manner.

Unfortunately, one-year-old children do not have the skills to gargle and dissolve tablets. To reduce sore throat, brew herbal teas (linden, chamomile, calendula, raspberries and black currants). The liquid should not be cold or hot, so as not to injure the mucous membrane. You can add lemon to your diet, but do not overdo it; excessive consumption of citrus fruits can cause a rash.

A successful replacement for rinsing is to irrigate the cheek walls with a soda-based solution. The neck must be wrapped in a warm scarf.

We use traditional medicine with caution. Let's try rubbing. We rub your baby's chest with eucalyptus or other natural ingredients. Such procedures will help bring breathing back to normal. Parents often give their child honey, but one year old baby This product is quite dangerous in the first stages of life, as it can cause botulism in infants. But it’s another matter if you mix honey with lemon and dilute with warm water. This simple remedy will relieve a sore throat.


Pharmacies have a huge selection of medicines intended for children. Purulent tonsillitis in a one-year-old child rarely occurs without a high fever; for this reason, children need to take antipyretic drugs. Pediatricians advise reducing the temperature with paracetamol or ibuprofen. Before parents stands difficult task, which one to choose, what concentration active substance they contain.

What do these pills have in common?

  • Safe for one-year-old children, approved by the Ministry of Health;
  • You can buy it in the form of syrup, tablets, suppositories. The medicine in the form is quickly absorbed into the intestinal lining, quickly penetrates the blood, the effect of the suppositories is longer than that of powder or syrup.
  • Side effects are possible with an overdose of medications or with long-term use (more than five days). This happens extremely rarely.
  • During breastfeeding, both drugs are allowed to be taken; they actually do not pass into milk.
  • These medications can be taken if you have a fever. When your health improves, you should stop taking paracetamol and ibuprofen, as they relieve symptoms and do not cure the disease.
  • Medicine for sore throat for children can be given half an hour after a meal, and be sure to take it with a considerable amount of liquid.


Antibiotics can be used to treat one-year-old children. When prescribing the dosage, the pediatrician takes into account the child’s weight. Most parents believe that during the treatment period one can limit oneself only to medications. The right approachcomplex treatment. If the doctor says that it is necessary to undergo hospital treatment, do not ignore his recommendations.

Based on the type of causative agent of the disease, the prescription of antibiotics and antiviral drugs is based.

Treatment of children with tonsillitis up to one year old involves taking antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins, penicillins, and macrolides. As a rule, the doctor prescribes amoxicillin. The duration of antibiotic treatment is not provided at your discretion. The reception should be at least five days and no more than ten.

Antibiotics for babies:

  • Amoxiclav.
  • Azithromycin
  • Zinnat
  • Hemomycin
  • Sumamed
  • Ceftriaxone

Antibiotics for young patients are available in the form of suspensions and syrups. There are no issues with the use of syrups, but the powder for the suspension must be diluted with water. Drugs that are harmless to the gastrointestinal tract, azithromycin and sumamed.

Remember that antibiotics have a detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora, so to avoid dysbiosis, take probiotics. Pharmacies have a considerable range of such medications: Linex, Yogurt capsules.

Local remedies

It is not recommended to give sprays to children under one year old, it’s not the composition at all, the reason is that babies cannot hold their breath when irrigating the throat, this can cause laryngospasm. For a one-year-old child The pacifier can be treated with a spray. IN mandatory Read the instructions for use of the drug, consider the age of your baby and follow the advice of your doctor. Herbal preparations can cause allergies; monitor how your baby reacts to the medicine.

All local drugs should be taken after meals, the oral cavity should be treated once every three hours. After the procedures, it is forbidden to eat or drink for half an hour, otherwise the treatment will not give the desired results. Drugs that have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of infants - Iodinol and Lugol. In most cases, several medications are used for local therapy for sore throat. different spectrum actions so as not to burden an already weak body.

When does a child need to be hospitalized?

Sore throat is an infectious disease and is difficult to treat. Previously, children who contracted this insidious disease were referred by doctors to hospital treatment to the infectious diseases department. Today, with the advent of high-quality antibiotics, sore throats are often fought at home. If the disease is severe and there is a risk of complications, the child needs to undergo treatment in a hospital. A sore throat is hospitalized if it cannot be cured with therapy.

Possible complications

The inflammatory process in the tonsils often disappears within a week, sometimes even without the use of antibiotics. But complications resulting from a sore throat can be dangerous.

If not treated correctly, infections begin to spread throughout the body, causing changes in other organs.

Early complications: paranonsillitis - inflammation in the loose tissue located behind the tonsil; retropharyngeal abscess - typical only for children, causing breathing complications; acute lymphadenitis - an inflammatory process of the cervical and submandibular nodes; sepsis - an infection spreads throughout the body, affecting various organs, affecting the heart and brain.

Late complications appear a month after disappearance visible symptoms, they are no longer associated with the causative agent of the disease, but with how protective function the body responded to this process. Such diseases include:

  • rheumatism – damage to the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • glomerulonephritis – renal failure.

Tips for treating sore throat from Dr. Komarovsky

  • Mandatory visit to the doctor;
  • During the period of exacerbation of the disease, observe bed rest, take time-tested antibiotics (Erythromycin, Penicillin), the recommended course is 10 days, it is forbidden to stop taking it medicines at the first signs of improvement in health, as serious complications may occur;
  • Gargles based on herbs (chamomile, calendula) are good for relieving sore throat;
  • If there is a high body temperature, it is necessary to give the baby antipyretics, pain syndrome painkillers;
  • Lollipops are good for moisturizing the throat, but keep in mind that they do not get rid of the disease, but only remove discomfort in the throat;
  • Consider infectious nature diseases, wet cleaning of the room and frequent ventilation are necessary.

Prevention of sore throat in children

To prevent a sore throat, avoid contact healthy child with children suffering from tonsillitis. Strengthen your baby's immunity, make sure that meals are systematic and fractional (often in small portions), give freshly squeezed juices more water, organize walks in the clean air.

Sore throat (acute tonsillitis) is an infectious disease that is manifested by inflammation of the tonsils and the formation of pustules on their surface. Depending on the shape and location of the ulcers, as well as on the source of the pathogen, sore throat can be follicular, lacunar, catarrhal, herpetic, etc. A sore throat can be contracted through a sick person after close contact - this is primary sore throat. Secondary tonsillitis is the appearance of inflamed areas on the tonsils due to an underlying disease - scarlet fever, diphtheria, mononucleosis, etc. If there was no contact with a sick person, but the disease still developed, it means that the source of inflammation was inside the body. This happens with chronic tonsillitis, caries - when the causative agent of infection is in the oral cavity. The causative agents of sore throat can be bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor to make a correct diagnosis so that treatment can be targeted. Today we will try to understand the symptoms and causes of sore throat, and also learn how to treat the disease with medications and folk remedies.

How does a sore throat manifest?

Here are some symptoms characteristic of the course of this disease in children.

  1. One of the first signs of a sore throat is a sore throat. Moreover, if at simple redness If a slight sore throat is felt, then with a purulent sore throat the child feels unbearable pain, it is difficult for him to swallow, eat, drink and speak. Any contact of diseased tonsils with other parts of the oral cavity brings serious discomfort.
  2. Often a sore throat is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Moreover, this increase is significant – for purulent sore throat Temperatures above 39 degrees are typical.
  3. Getting worse general state child, his joints ache, he is capricious, cries, malaise does not allow him to sleep. Due to a sore throat, the child refuses to eat and constantly asks for a drink (to somehow relieve the sore throat).
  4. Upon examination, tonsillitis is easily diagnosed, because white pustules are visible on the tonsils, and the mucous membrane is covered with plaque. The palatine arches and uvula are usually bright red due to the inflammatory process.
  5. Against the background of inflammation in the child’s throat, salivation may increase; this is especially noticeable in children in the first year of life.

Typically a sore throat lasts about a week ( acute period). Often a sore throat is similar to a cold except acute pain in the throat, which is difficult to relieve, and also very high temperature. Moreover, it is very difficult to bring down such a temperature, and if this succeeds, the effect is not long-lasting - it rises again after a couple of hours. Therefore, it is very important to treat a sore throat after consulting a doctor. In general, inpatient treatment for sore throat is recommended for young children under three years of age. However, with proper care and sufficient medical care A sore throat can be cured at home. But where does this disease come from?

Causes of sore throat

As noted, sore throat can be bacterial, viral and herpetic. In the first case, the causative agent of sore throat is a bacterium that can be picked up from a sick person. Incubation period in this case, it depends on the person’s immunity and lasts from 8 hours to several days. Bacterial sore throat is treated only with antibiotics - topically or orally. Viral sore throat is rarely purulent - most often it is severe redness on the tonsils and palatine arches. Antibiotics are powerless against such a sore throat - the virus can be treated big amount fluids and anti-inflammatory drugs. Viral sore throat can also only be contracted through a sick person. And here herpangina occurs against the background of decreased immunity, after taking antibiotics, etc. In this case, only antifungal drugs will help. To accurately determine the nature of the disease, you need to take a throat swab for bacteriological culture.

Since sore throat is most often caused by streptococci, you can become infected with the disease through common household items - dishes, towels, personal hygiene products. It is very easy to become infected by airborne droplets from a sick person - when he sneezes, tiny particles fall on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose healthy person. In rooms with dry and hot air, the risk of infection increases several times. Therefore, to prevent similar diseases the air in the room should be ventilated as often as possible, especially if there is a group of children in kindergarten. A sick person must be isolated - given a separate set of dishes, a towel, etc.

Internal sources of sore throat are chronic tonsillitis, chronic course sinusitis and other inflammations of the sinuses. In addition, if there is untreated caries, it can be a source streptococcal infection. It may not develop for some time, but become more active when immunity decreases.

Sore throat is not a simple ARVI, which can be cured on your own without medical education. Especially when the patient is a child. A sore throat should be treated by a doctor - self-medication is fraught with a long and painful course of the disease in a child. Here are the main directions along which it goes drug treatment tonsillitis.

  1. Antibacterial therapy. Antibiotics are the first thing you need for a sore throat. Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime, Sumamed, Amoxiclav – select the right antibiotic The doctor will help depending on individual characteristics your child. Only an antibiotic can suppress purulent inflammation. In case of serious disease, not only internal treatment antibiotics, but also external treatment of the throat by an ENT specialist. IN similar procedures An antibiotic is also used.
  2. Along with antibiotics, it is very important to take probiotics, which will help you restore the intestinal microflora suppressed by antibiotics. These are Narine, Lacto- and Bifidobacteria, Hilak Forte, Bifiform, Linex, etc.
  3. If a sore throat is caused by a fungus, antifungal drugs are needed - Fucis, Nystatin, etc.
  4. It is imperative to irrigate the throat with local antiseptics, especially if the baby is small and does not know how to gargle. Among them are Tantum Verde, Chlorophyllipt, Hexoral, Ingallipt. They not only disinfect and treat the mucous membrane, but also provide an analgesic effect - at least the child will be able to eat normally.
  5. If the child is over two years old and can dissolve tablets, you can give him medicinal lozenges - Doctor Mom, Strepsils, Septolete, Grammitdin. It is important that the medications are appropriate for the baby's age.
  6. As a rule, a child with a sore throat has a fever. Therefore, it is imperative to give your baby antipyretics - Ibufen, Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuklin, etc. The antibiotic does not begin to act immediately, but only 1-3 days after starting to take the medicine. All these days you need to bring down the temperature and wait for the disease to begin to recede.
  7. At the same time, the patient needs to take antihistamines, which will relieve swelling from the throat and make swallowing easier. Zyrtec, Fenistil, Zodak should be taken in an acceptable dosage.

At the same time, the child is often prescribed ascorbic acid. Vitamin C will help the body resist disease on its own. However, the vitamin can be obtained not only from tablets, but also from fruits and berries. The most vitamin C is found in kiwi, lemon, sea buckthorn, red and black currants.

Along with the drug complex, it is very important to provide the child with bed rest. If the baby is active, you need to entertain him with cartoons, drawing or putting together puzzles. You need to give up outdoor games for a while. At viral sore throat you need to drink a lot - more than a liter of liquid per day. Treatment of sore throat is a complex measure and one of the main conditions for recovery is gargling.

One of the most effective means For quick treatment A child's sore throat is a rinse. It’s not for nothing that people use the phrase “A sore throat needs to be rinsed out.” This means that the local effect of drugs instantly relieves pain, removes pathogenic bacteria from the mucous membrane, and suppresses the development of the disease. For rinsing, you can use antibacterial compounds - Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, etc. If a sore throat strikes here and now, then you can rinse it sea ​​water– Dissolve salt, soda and iodine in a glass of warm water. It is very effective to gargle with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Chamomile will soothe the mucous membrane, calendula disinfects the surface, St. John's wort relieves swelling and redness, mint relieves pain. For rinsing to be effective, it must be done at least once every three hours. If you gargle every hour, then the very next day you can notice significant improvements in your well-being.

If the child is small and cannot gargle, you need to irrigate the mucous membrane. To do this, take a syringe without a needle and fill it medicinal solution, which can be used to gargle. Water the tonsils with a strong stream. Make sure your child spits out the solution rather than swallowing it. The procedure cannot be carried out after eating, otherwise the composition will get on back wall tongue may cause vomiting. After the procedure, you should not eat for half an hour. If the baby sucks on a pacifier, you can take advantage of this - the medicine should be dropped onto the pacifier.

It happens that the temperature with a sore throat does not fall even after taking antipyretic drugs. In this case, you need to gently scrape off the purulent plaques and treat the mucous membrane with disinfectants. Wrap a piece of sterile bandage around your finger or a clean stick (or a pencil). You can soak it in salted water. Gently scrape the pus-filled plaques from the tonsils. After this, change the bandage to a clean one and moisten it with Lugol's. Treat the mucous membrane of the tonsils. This will help avoid re-formation of pustules. After this procedure, the temperature will immediately drop. But try not to let the pustules get into the esophagus - the baby should spit them out.

Don't force your child to eat if he doesn't want to. All the body's forces are at this moment are aimed at fighting the disease, and digesting food requires considerable energy expenditure. But do not forget to give your child water - with a high temperature, he loses a lot of fluid from the body. If the child does not want to eat, at least offer him soup - liquid food will provide nutrition, but will not deliver painful sensations in the throat.

Sore throat - enough serious illness which could turn out to be unpleasant consequences. If a sore throat is not treated or done incorrectly, it can have complications such as otitis media, lymphadenitis, meningitis, sepsis, rheumatism, arthritis, heart pathologies, encephalitis and pyelonephritis. Moreover, the latest complications can appear months and even years later. In such a situation, few people think that these diseases are a consequence of a seemingly simple sore throat.

To prevent the development of sore throat, you must follow the following measures. Avoid contact with sick people - especially during flu and cold season. If this cannot be avoided (someone in the family is sick), the patient must wear a mask so as not to infect healthy family members. Eliminate pockets of infection in the mouth - cure chronic sinusitis and tonsillitis, get rid of caries. It is very important to follow the rules of hygiene - wash your hands after eating and public transport, have your own towel and dishes. You also need to remember about immunity - after all, the disease attacks only if the body cannot fight back. Provide the child with the correct and balanced diet, toughen up, dress for the weather, spend more time fresh air, do exercises and walk in nature. Drink more drinks with vitamin C - rosehip infusion, tea with lemon, raspberries and honey. And then no sore throat will be scary for your baby!

Video: how to treat sore throat in children