Rosehip syrup or decoction, which is better? Rosehip syrup: instructions for use

Rosehip is one of the most common plant species, which is often popularly called “wild rose”. Many admirers traditional medicine They know firsthand about the beneficial medicinal properties of this species. Often infusions and decoctions based on rose hips are used to eliminate colds and strengthening the immune system. Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to such a moment as the use of syrup from the fruits of the plant for children.


Many pediatricians prescribe rosehip-based formulations for various ailments in children. This mainly concerns the development of infectious diseases. In addition, many doctors argue that rosehip syrup and teas should be given to children in order to strengthen the immune system. Herbal compositions raise protective functions body during the spread of colds.

Particular attention must be paid chemical composition rosehip. It is based on a large number of various microelements that the child’s body needs for full development and formation. These include:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

The use of rose hips improves the functioning of of cardio-vascular system child. In addition, it is worth paying attention to such a point as the presence of a very large amount of vitamin C in the plant. 100 g of berries contain approximately 800-900 mg of this substance, which is quite an impressive figure. It is worth noting that even with heat treatment the vitamin is indestructible.

Also beneficial features rose hips have an antimutagenic effect. It is worth saying that every day, when eating food, many different harmful components enter the child’s body. Mutagenic substances provoke the development of serious illnesses.

Please note that rose hips must be collected at the end of summer. Optimal time to complete the collection - the beginning of winter (and best of all, before the onset of the first frost). This is due to the fact that under the influence low temperatures Vitamin C is destroyed.

Instructions for use of the product

One of the most famous medicines is rosehip syrup. This drug is distinguished not only by its beneficial properties, but also by its rather pleasant taste. In addition to rose hips, the product contains citric and malic acids, which have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. Medicinal composition rich in components such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and tannins. Besides, Rose hip syrup contains many vitamins and minerals.

Quite often, parents wonder at what age they can give their children the drug. Basically, experts recommend using syrup from 3 years of age. It is worth noting that the medicine can also be used by adults. Rosehip syrup stimulates the immune system, strengthens the body and even has an analgesic effect.

When using the drug, blood thinning occurs. In addition, a medicine based on this herbal component has a positive effect on metabolism. It is necessary to give syrup to children with extreme caution, strictly following the dosage. For babies aged 2 to 3 years, half a teaspoon is enough.

Children from 3 to 6 years old should be given a full teaspoon. But upon reaching preschool age the dosage should be increased. Children can drink 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.

If the child is over 2 years old, prevention and treatment with rosehip syrup are not contraindicated. The medicine must be given warm, from 30 to 50 ml. But before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Often new parents wonder whether it is worth giving such a remedy to their infants. There is no clear answer to this question, because children's body may perceive such syrup differently. It is best to contact a pediatrician who will tell you whether to take the medicine, determine the dosage and examine the baby for contraindications. In general, the product is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

Harm and contraindications

Particular attention must be paid to contraindications and harmful properties rosehip syrup:

  • In general, the product is not recommended for use by children suffering from individual intolerance to the plant component. This group includes those babies who are prone to allergic reactions. various kinds. In addition, this includes children with a genetic predisposition to reject the plant.
  • One of the main negative aspects is overdose. Some parents are so zealous in self-medicating their child that they completely forget about this point. It is worth paying attention to the fact that consuming too much syrup provokes headaches, nausea and vomiting. Some children experience this unpleasant manifestations, such as weakness and increased body temperature.
  • In addition, you need to pay attention to a number of other contraindications. Many modern children face problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Rosehip syrup should not be consumed if you have ulcers or gastritis.
  • Another serious contraindication is pancreatitis. This is due to the fact that rose hips contain a large amount of vitamin C, which can aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Natural-based syrup is not recommended for children suffering from impaired kidney function. This is explained by the fact that rose hips have a diuretic effect. That's why frequent use berry-based syrup leads to disruption of the organ.

Rosehip syrup – folk natural remedy, rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Due to natural composition it is valued much more than classical medicines. Rosehip is useful for colds, pain in muscles and joints, during periods severe stress. Let's find out at what age you can give rosehip syrup to children for immunity, for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases.

Composition and useful functions

Rosehip contains an increased amount of vitamin C. By the way, the syrup retains the maximum part of this substance, since even in the process heat treatment it doesn't collapse. Among other things, the composition includes B vitamins, vitamins K, P and E. Here you will find potassium and iron, calcium and other elements necessary for the body.

Rose hips are useful for the following properties:

  • Strengthens immunity and supports protective forces;
  • Accelerates recovery from a cold and helps with respiratory diseases, relieves sore throat and eliminates cough;
  • Relieves fever and restores the body after illness;
  • Fills with vitamins, minerals and is useful for vitamin deficiency;
  • Normalizes hormonal background and material exchange;
  • Strengthens the heart and blood vessels, improves blood composition;
  • It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and accelerates regeneration processes, helps with dermatitis, wounds, burns and protects the skin from negative influence ultraviolet;
  • Reduces tension after mental and physical stress, relieves stress and fatigue;
  • Calms nerve cells and helps you sleep;
  • Removes toxins and waste, mutagenic substances and other dangerous elements from the body, helps with food poisoning;
  • Supports vision and improves function internal organs, including kidneys and liver;
  • Improves appetite and intestinal microflora, eliminates constipation;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • Helps adapt to climate and...

Some brew rosehip leaves and berries themselves. However, many people prefer to purchase a more practical pharmaceutical product, because it is already completely ready for use. Purchased syrup is cleared of impurities and additionally enriched with some vitamins and minerals.

Products with rose hips: types

  • A tincture of leaves in alcohol or vodka is used for rubbing for respiratory diseases, as well as for burns and after various dislocations or fractures. This product restores the skin and sensitivity of nerve endings, accelerates healing, treats coughs and eliminates hoarseness, and relieves back and lower back pain. Allowed for children over 12 years old;
  • Dried leaves are suitable for making tea, decoction and infusion. This drink perfectly calms and helps you sleep, relieves stress, anxiety and tension. Similar remedy based on brewed leaves can be given to a child after one year;
  • Pharmacy syrup is a more aggressive agent that can only be given to children over three years of age and in minimum quantity. After six years, you can increase the volume;
  • The aqueous extract is included in the preparations Cholemax, Holos and Holosas. They are similar in appearance and taste to classic syrup, but have a more pronounced and complete choleretic effect. Such drugs are indicated for impaired material metabolism and problems in the liver, chronic hepatitis and others. similar diseases. Similar for children medicinal products can only be prescribed by a doctor;
  • Juice or compote - effective remedy for ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza and other infectious diseases. They strengthen and support the immune system, and restore the body after a cold. Kompotik can be given to children over 2-3 years old. By the way, such drinks are also useful for a nursing mother, as they vitaminize and restore the body after childbirth, and also enhance lactation. How to brew rose hips during breastfeeding, read.

When can you give it to children?

Any rosehip products are strictly prohibited for a child under six months. After seven to eight months, to strengthen and maintain immunity, you can introduce a light decoction or puree of berries into the baby’s complementary foods. In the latter case, the fruits are boiled and digested to a pulp. Or use the liquid left after cooking. Dilute the broth with drinking water.

Sugar and other additional ingredients should not be added to the puree or decoction. For the first time, try no more than half a teaspoon of puree or decoction and monitor the child’s condition. If another negative reaction occurs, you should not give rose hips to your baby.

If the baby feels comfortable, you can gradually increase the dosage of the decoction to 30 ml per dose, no more than twice a day and three to four times a week. The courses last two to four weeks, between which it is recommended to take a break of several months.

When the baby turns one year old, you can switch to pure decoction without diluting with water and increase the portion to 50 ml at a time. Any alcohol tinctures, even for wiping, can only be used after twelve years.

It is allowed to give rosehip syrup to children no earlier than three years of age. Sometimes, as prescribed by a doctor, the drug can be taken as early as two years of age. But in any case, it is better to consult a specialist first. Be sure to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions for use or prescribed by the doctor.


  • Allergy to plant components. Children prone to allergic reactions;
  • Use with caution if you have diabetes mellitus or impaired carbohydrate metabolism. In the first case, you can use baby syrup containing fructose instead of classic sugar, which is much safer than the latter;
  • Exacerbation of digestive diseases, incl. gastritis and ulcers;
  • Pancreatitis, since vitamin C can aggravate the course of the disease;
  • Renal dysfunction, especially renal failure. Due to its diuretic effect, the drug in case of illness impairs the functioning of this organ;
  • Kidney stones and gallbladder.

Consumption standards for rosehip syrup for children

Increased amounts of ascorbic acid and herbal ingredients can cause allergies. Therefore, before the course, give your baby a test dose of two or three drops of the product. If there are no negative reactions, you can continue to take the syrup according to the recommended dosage. If compotes, decoctions or rosehip purees have already been introduced into the baby’s diet, you can immediately proceed to taking the drug without a trial dose.

The dosage of rosehip syrup for children three to six years old is one teaspoon or 50 ml. After six years, the norm is increased to 100-150 ml, which is two teaspoons. After twelve years of age, they switch to the dosage recommended for adults.

The syrup is drunk one to three times a day after meals in the fall and spring in courses of two to four weeks. This will support your immune system and avoid colds. The course can be repeated if sick or given to the baby before bed if he cannot sleep. The syrup is taken in pure form or added to various drinks, such as tea or fruit drink.

Precautionary measures

Do not exceed the prescribed or recommended dosage! Overdose may cause headache, weakness in the body and elevated temperature, vomiting and nausea, severe poisoning or the development of hypovitaminosis. Abdominal pain and indigestion, deterioration of stool, anxiety and overexcitability, or, conversely, apathy may appear.

Sugar and organic acids in syrup can negatively affect the condition of teeth. To save tooth enamel, after taking the drug it is advisable to rinse your mouth clean water or a special rinse aid. By the way, such mouthwashes can be used by children after six years of age.

Be sure to keep an eye on the expiration date! An open bottle is stored for 10-30 days, depending on the composition of the drug. In addition, the syrup cannot be used in conjunction with some other medications, as the instructions for use will also tell you. As a rule, this is a series of antibiotics, products containing iron, and so on.

The beneficial properties of rose hips have been known for a long time. Our grandmothers really appreciated the elastic red berries and with the arrival of autumn they went to harvest them. Rose hips were collected and dried for future use in order to prepare tasty and healthy tea. All kinds of tinctures and even jam were made from it. Rose hips were in almost every home. He has a huge amount useful substances, and the preparation for future use helped in winter period replenish the deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

Rosehip syrup

Of course, it’s good to have berries dried for the winter at home, but what if it’s impossible to make such a preparation for some reason? In this case, on help will come pharmaceuticals. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find ready-made rosehip syrup. The application and description of its beneficial properties are usually on the packaging or jar. This product is obtained from fresh berries, the technology for its preparation is simple and does not require any third-party additives. The product will be an excellent addition to the winter diet. It is safe and effective, and costs literally pennies. The beneficial properties of rose hips can be described endlessly, but we will focus on the most important of them.

What is rich in rose hips?

Rose hips are a real storehouse of health. It contains a colossal amount of vitamin C - 50 times more than in lemon, and 10 times more than in black currant. There are no plants in the plant kingdom that can compete with rose hips in terms of iron content. These fruits are rich in vitamins B, P and K. Rose hips also contain manganese, lycopene, calcium, phosphorus, potassium salts, molybdenum, acids, pectin, essential oils, sugar and a lot of tannins and organic acids. In addition, it contains many bactericidal components.

Indications for use

Who should take rosehip syrup? Its use is indicated for people lacking vitamins, especially in cold period of the year. Its properties help boost immunity and increase the body's protective functions, improving resistance to infections and viruses. Rosehip increases the body's endurance when increased loads- both mental and physical. At chronic fatigue, depression, stress and nervousness, you can and should take rosehip syrup.

Its use normalizes and improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, helps remove toxins from the body, it is excellent for hangover syndrome. This is one of the best diuretics and choleretic agents, but it does not have a negative effect on the kidneys. This product lowers excessive cholesterol levels and helps keep them at proper levels.

Rose hips are also used in cosmetology. It improves the condition of the skin, makes it elastic and evens out the complexion. The trace elements it contains help the skin renew itself, fight wrinkles and have a healing, anti-inflammatory effect.

In fact, rosehip syrup can be used in a wide variety of ways. Application (people's reviews confirm this) this tool improves vision, heals wounds and even promotes rapid splicing bones. Elderly people noted improved health, decreased fatigue and improved immunity.


Doctors often recommend taking with therapeutic purpose rosehip syrup. Use by adults should be a teaspoon before each meal 3 times a day. You can drink the syrup plain water or put a spoon in warm tea. This excellent remedy to boost immunity will become a barrier to viral and colds. If you are planning a trip to a country with a different climate, take it with you. Rosehip syrup will certainly help you acclimatize faster and regain strength after a long trip. Children can use it from the age of 12 (the same as for adults, but only a dessert spoon). Usually the dosage for the youngest is not indicated, but if you decide to give your baby rose hips to boost immunity, then start with a very small amount. So, literally a few drops of the product can be given to children after 3 years.

Waiting for the baby

Expectant mothers can and should also use rosehip syrup. Using it will help saturate the body with everything it needs and protect against colds. This is extremely important during such a period, because doctors strongly do not recommend taking medications during pregnancy. Moreover, rose hips will keep a woman’s skin toned, which means that the appearance of stretch marks after childbirth will be minimized.


Please note that rosehip already contains great amount vitamins Therefore, it should not be taken in combination with vitamin C - this can lead to its excess. If you are already taking any multivitamins or medications, it is better to consult your doctor first. He will tell you in what dosage you should take rosehip syrup correctly.

The instructions for use of this product indicate that it should not be used by people suffering from bronchial asthma or diabetes mellitus. The syrup should be taken with caution by those who are prone to allergic reactions. In very rare cases, individual intolerance may occur.

Rose hips have been a valuable and sometimes simply irreplaceable product at all times. IN medicinal purposes Not only its fruits are used, but the entire plant is used - from the top to the very roots. It will help you maintain your health, beauty and great mood. If you have the opportunity to stock up on the berries of this wonderful plant, then by all means do so, and if not, then rosehip syrup will come to your aid. Be healthy always!

Rosehip syrup: indications, instructions for use, reviews

Rosehip syrup can be purchased at a pharmacy and even in a regular grocery store in the tea section. Many people know about this product, as well as other products based on the berries of the wild prickly rose bush. The plant has many healing properties. Infusions, decoctions, tinctures, tea, rosehip syrup from petals, leaves, fruits, roots, shoots are taken as:

  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • restorative;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • restorative.

And this is not all the benefit. Rosehip syrup is indicated for use in a variety of disorders and pathologies. In the autumn-winter period, all mothers stock up on sweet, tasty rosehip syrup to give to their children, and to take it themselves as a preventive measure. This is an excellent way to protect the body from attacks by viruses and infections that cause acute respiratory infections.

And the superiority of the phytoproduct is that it is relatively inexpensive, publicly available, and quite effective in therapeutic and prophylactic. For example, ascorbic acid in fruits (namely, syrup is made from them) is 10 times more than in the berries of the currant bush (another famous folk healer).

Let's first look at healing qualities product, from here its application will become clear:

  • normalization blood pressure;
  • tonic ability;
  • regulation of the blood clotting process;
  • regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • strengthening blood vessels, maintaining their elasticity;
  • cleansing the body of metabolites, reducing intoxication;
  • stimulation metabolic processes, including digestive, helping to increase appetite;
  • improving the absorption capacity of the stomach walls;
  • participation in the formation and strengthening of bone tissue;
  • anti-inflammatory effect and so on.

Thus, the product is very useful for people suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis, and those who have suffered injuries with bone damage. It was found that the drug is able to prevent the development malignant neoplasms, have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect in case of adrenal insufficiency.

Experts prescribe syrup for nephritis, tuberculosis, influenza, pneumonia, chronic stress, and gallstone pathologies.

As you know, many medications are contraindicated during pregnancy, including herbal remedies, which cannot be said about rosehip syrup. This product is prescribed to expectant mothers quite often. One of the most important properties product - protection against viruses and infections, increasing the immune barrier - which is very important for both the mother and her fetus. Toning, regenerating and restorative properties are reflected in the condition skin, allowing you to subsequently not have problems with stretch marks.

However, when taking it, you should take into account the dosage and concentration of the syrup itself, since an excess of ascorbic acid can be harmful. It is best to take rosehip syrup as flavoring agent in tea or make weakly concentrated water with syrup.

Rosehip syrup for children

This product can be given to a child, but only by following the instructions exactly, as the product can provoke an allergic reaction. Recommended age: from 12 years. Until this time, if you want to use the product, its dosage should be small - no more than a few drops at a time. Be sure to monitor your body's reaction. The minimum acceptable age is from 3 years. In pharmacies you can find a more balanced children's syrup.

Rosehip syrup: instructions for use

Using rosehip syrup is simple. Moving away from the topic, we note that in for cosmetic purposes The product can be added to home or industrial skin care products for the face and body (cream, mask).

Instructions for using rosehip syrup are usually indicated on the packaging (if you are using a pharmacy product). If you decide to prepare the syrup yourself, then here is the program for drinking the medicine:

  1. Preschool children – 1 tsp. per day (can be divided into two doses);
  2. Children after 7 years – 1 d.l. per day;
  3. Adults – 2 d.l. per day.

You can take it in its pure form with a glass of water, or add it to tea, compote and other drinks. Exact dosage the doctor determines based on individual characteristics organism and the nature of the disease.

If specialists themselves prescribe this drug to patients, it means that they positive reviews there is no doubt about rosehip syrup. The patients themselves share this opinion:

“I take it for prevention, due to its cheapness and mass positive properties. In particular, I drink before bed, which helps me sleep better and restore my strength faster.”

“You can drink syrup all the time, since the body does not develop an addiction to the drug. I stick to the dosage to avoid the possibility of side effects. I’ve already forgotten the last time I had a cold.”

“The sensations are only the most pleasant, especially in relation to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: like clockwork. The heaviness went away, the stool returned to normal. Rosehip syrup has become an excellent addition to the daily diet.”

As you can see, the herbal medicine showed itself to be very good: effective remedy from many ailments. But it is worth remembering that self-medication can turn into undesirable consequences, so before you start taking the syrup you need to get permission from a specialist.

Rosehip is a shrub known for its beneficial properties for a very long time. Since ancient times, our ancestors used this plant in the form various decoctions, infusions, tea, syrup. Currently, rose hip syrup is very affordable, reliable means prevention and treatment of many diseases.


  1. Rose hips contain a whole storehouse of minerals and vitamins important for humans. They contain quite a lot of iron, carotene, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, as well as antioxidants, tannins, phytoncides and organic acids. Regular use Rosehip increases the body's resistance to infections, has a general strengthening effect, enhances the process of tissue restoration, reduces vascular permeability, and helps in carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, rose hips are an excellent anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent.
  2. Rose hips are the record holder for the content of vitamin C, which is so necessary, especially during periods of a seasonal surge in colds. In terms of its amount, rose hips are significantly superior to lemon, orange and black currant. In addition, rosehip syrup has a very pleasant taste and light aroma. As a rule, children drink it with great pleasure, without perceiving it as a medicine.
  3. When using this unique multivitamin, you must strictly adhere to the dosage. Children from 2 to 3 years old are recommended to drink half a teaspoon per day, children from 3 to 6 years old - one teaspoon once a day, children aged 6 to 12 years - one dessert spoon two or three times a day. Adults are prescribed two or three tablespoons three times a day. The dosage is determined by the doctor, depending on the nature of the disease and the personal characteristics of the patient.
  4. Like all medicinal and prophylactic drugs, rosehip syrup has contraindications. It is used with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus (due to great content sugar in the preparation), with bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers and duodenum during exacerbation, during pregnancy and lactation.

What are the benefits of rosehip syrup?

Little Rain

Rosehip syrup is obtained from the juice of the fruit. various types rose hips, it retains all the beneficial properties of the berries.

Rosehip syrup is a viscous, dark brown liquid with a sweet taste. Rose hip syrup is an excellent vitamin supplement; it has a general strengthening effect on the body, enhances tissue regeneration, reduces vascular permeability, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Rosehip syrup has a choleretic effect (it is prescribed for stagnation in the gallbladder).

Rosehip syrup contains a large amount of vitamins (especially C and P), as well as flavonoids, tannins, and pectins. Rosehip syrup has an immunostimulating effect and improves cerebral circulation. It is useful for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, lack of appetite, overwork and stress. This is an excellent multivitamin for the autumn-winter period.

Rosehip syrup enriches the body with vitamins, increases its defenses, increases endurance with increased mental and physical activity, promotes balanced functioning of the body.

Rosehip is one of the leaders in vitamin C content, and entire books can be written about its usefulness. Firstly, it is a powerful antioxidant.

Secondly, vitamin C powerfully acts against aging of the body, since it is involved in the synthesis of collagen. And that is why it is one of the favorite components of cosmetic laboratories producing products for skin elasticity and anti-wrinkle treatments.

By the way, collagen is necessary not only for the beauty of the skin: a decrease in the number of collagen fibers in vascular wall leads to hemorrhages, and a deficiency in skeletal tissue leads to bone destruction. In addition, increased collagen formation is necessary for fast healing wounds, but with a deficiency of vitamin C, this process occurs very slowly.

Thirdly, vitamin C helps the immune system because it participates in the metabolism of certain amino acids, promoting the formation of hormones and a special protein that are directly related to the immune response.

Fourthly, vitamin C affects blood quality: the presence of ascorbic acid in the blood has a protective effect on hemoglobin, preventing its oxidation; This vitamin also helps maintain iron reserves in the body - ascorbic acid helps convert ferric iron into divalent iron, which is more easily absorbed by the body.

Fifthly, vitamin C is involved in cholesterol metabolism, normalizing its level in the blood.

Sixth, vitamin C helps fight stress, time is running intensive production of hormones - for example, cortisol and adrenaline. Vitamin C takes part in the biosynthesis and transformations of these hormones. In addition, taking ascorbic acid increases the amount of adrenaline in the blood - it protects adrenaline from oxidation. Therefore, vitamin C is especially necessary for us to overcome stress more easily.

And seventh, it is a wonderful adaptogen: it protects against the development of so-called maladaptive neurosis that occurs due to too short daylight hours - for example, in northern latitudes. it also speeds up the acclimatization process during flights

Rose hips are used not only traditional healers, but also in modern medicine. Valuable and medicinal properties decoctions, teas, infusions and syrups from the fruits of this plant have. Most often, doctors prescribe rosehip syrups. When used in the correct dosage, this herbal preparation is safe for health and is effectively used to treat many diseases. Rosehip syrup, its healing properties and indications for use will be described in detail in this article.

Rose hips have a record number of healing properties and are enriched with vitamins C, A, B, P and K, pectins, flavonoids, carotenoids, as well as essential oils And minerals. The syrup prepared from the fruits of this plant has a general strengthening, wound-healing, tonic, choleretic, diuretic, vasodilating and vasodilating effect.

What are the benefits of rosehip syrup?

This strong immunomodulatory agent strengthens the body and helps to resist various viruses and infections. It is very important to use the drug in the autumn-spring period, which is characteristic of an epidemic of the influenza virus. Rose hips have the following beneficial qualities:


To prepare rosehip syrup, use fresh rosehip extract, vitamin C, sugar and citric acid. In addition, the drug has high content various vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, proteins and iron.

Main components and their beneficial properties:

Indications for use

Doctors often include rosehip syrup in complex therapy to treat such diseases and pathological conditions, How:

  • ARVI;
  • pneumonia, flu;
  • avitaminosis;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • nephritis (kidney pathology);
  • tuberculosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • gallstones;
  • cholecystitis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • helminthiasis (infection with worms);
  • various types of intoxication.

This medicinal product often used for various inflammatory diseases: pancreatitis, gastritis, sinusitis. The product copes well with inflammatory processes and effectively fights infection. Rosehip is also used as a remedy for dry and hysterical cough. Helps soothe irritation of the laryngeal mucosa. At wet cough promotes the removal of mucus from the lungs and bronchi.

For constipation, the fruits of this plant act as a laxative. Rosehip syrup restores function digestive system and normalizes stool. It is also widely used as a means for weight loss, stabilizes metabolism and has a tonic effect.

Video on the topic:

Rosehip syrup improves immune system, and contributes rapid recovery body in postoperative period. Has regenerative properties, helps in stressful situations and improves mood.

Use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation

Rosehip syrup can be safely taken during pregnancy, but before use, you should definitely consult with your doctor. Due to the high sugar content, the product should be used with caution by pregnant women with diabetes or a predisposition to excess weight.

Some doctors recommend drinking rosehip syrup when breastfeeding. Taking the drug benefits both the mother and the baby. The minimum dose prescribed is: take 1 teaspoon twice a day. You can add syrup to tea, preferably green. Together with mother's milk, the baby will absorb many vitamins and minerals that are essential for a growing body.

During pregnancy, the immune system weakens and becomes susceptible to colds and other infectious diseases. Consumption of rosehip syrup helps strengthen the immune system and saturate the body. essential vitamins. The drug also improves the condition of the skin, makes it smooth and elastic and will help avoid severe stretch marks.

Children's dosage of the drug

At what age can syrup be given to children? The syrup can be taken by both adults and children. It is recommended that children over two years of age take the product only after consultation with a pediatrician and in compliance with strict dosage. An incorrectly selected dose can harm the child’s body.

When using rosehip syrup in children, it is very common to experience allergic reaction. Therefore, before using the drug for the first time, you need to start with a few drops and carefully monitor the child’s reaction. If negative reaction not detected, the dosage can be increased.

The herbal preparation should be drunk 2-3 times a day after meals. It is also prescribed to schoolchildren who experience heavy workload nervous system, with mental and physical fatigue.

Permissible dosage for children varies age groups is:

  1. From two to three years- half a teaspoon.
  2. From three to seven years – a full teaspoon.
  3. From seven to twelve years - a dessert spoon.
  4. After twelve years - a tablespoon.

Method of application, storage conditions and cost

The drug must be used strictly according to the instructions, and its price ranges from 40 to 50 rubles in any pharmacy. You should always consult your doctor before use. It is he who prescribes the appropriate course of treatment and correct dosage. Children over 12 years of age and adults can take one or two tablespoons of syrup three times a day. The duration of treatment is a month. After this, you should take a break for at least two weeks. Then you can continue therapy.

After each use, rinse your mouth thoroughly boiled water. This will help avoid negative impact vitamin C on tooth enamel. The syrup should be stored in the refrigerator in a glass, tightly closed container.

For patients with diabetes, you can replace the pharmaceutical product with homemade sugar-free syrup, which is prepared using gelatin.

Technology for making syrup at home

For cooking classic recipe rosehip syrup you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of dried or fresh rose hips;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Rose hips are crushed in a blender. The resulting mass is filled with water so that it completely covers all the berries. Cook for about 20 minutes. While the fruits are boiling, you can start preparing the sugar syrup.

To do this, mix sugar with water and cook until thick. Add rose hips to the resulting mixture and cook for another 15 minutes until fully cooked. If desired, you can add a little citric acid. Dilute citric acid at the rate of 4 grams per liter of finished syrup. After the syrup has cooled, pour it into a clean container and place it in the refrigerator.

There are also recipes with the addition of various herbal and natural ingredients:

  1. Mountain ash. To prepare the syrup, you need to mix rowan and rose hips, chop and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Hawthorn. Before cooking, mix dry hawthorn and rose hips together in a blender. This recipe is recommended for use by patients with hypertension.
  3. Raspberry leaves. They are added whole or crushed during cooking of rose hips. Helps in the treatment of colds.
  4. Echinacea and mint. Dried echinacea inflorescences and mint leaves are added to the syrup after grinding the dry rose hips.
  5. Gelatin. Used instead of sugar for patients suffering from diabetes. Crushed rose hips are boiled in water with gelatin until thickened.
  6. Honey. Adding honey to rosehip syrup helps with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: periodontal disease, wounds and ulcers on the mucous membranes. Also used for body fatigue and nervous exhaustion.

Contraindications and side effects

Reception of this herbal preparation may provoke side effects- the appearance of nausea, diarrhea, constipation or heartburn. At long-term use or overdose, an allergic reaction and skin rashes are possible.

Before use, you should carefully read the contraindications. The drug should not be taken by patients:

  • with individual intolerance to rose hips;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • with heart failure;
  • with stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • with kidney and liver diseases;
  • with dental diseases;
  • with hypotension;
  • with circulatory disorders.


Rose hip syrup ( Rosae syropus) is a popularly tested and widely distributed multivitamin in pharmacies. Its popularity is due to its effectiveness, affordable cost and availability without a prescription. This vitamin syrup is one of the few medications that children take with joy.

Others biologically active substances syrup contains: carotenoids, flavonoids, organic acids, pectins, vitamins B, K, P, E. They differ wide range actions and help the child’s body:

  • increase immunity;
  • replenish vitamin deficiency;
  • normalize the flow of bile;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • stabilize hormonal levels, mineral and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • recover from physical and mental stress;
  • support vision;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • adapt to climate change;
  • balance the nervous system.

Rosehip syrup is used in folk and official medicine. Prescribed in courses as a general strengthening and preventive remedy before the onset of colds or during seasonal hypovitaminosis - at the end of winter or beginning of spring.

Included in complex therapy long-term illnesses respiratory organs, in case of dysfunction of the gallbladder and biliary tract, hypovitaminosis, poor appetite.

At what age should it be given?

It is contraindicated to boost immunity with a sweet drug for up to a year: the risks of allergies and digestive disorders are high. For children over 6 months of age, a weak rosehip decoction is more suitable.

Dosage Issues

In the absence of rash and gastrointestinal disorders, begin taking the drug at the recommended dosage for age. U different manufacturers it may differ.

The average amount of the drug per dose corresponds to:

  • from 3 to 6 years – 1 tsp;
  • from 6 to 12 years – 2 tsp.

The syrup is taken 2-3 times a day after meals in courses of 2-4 weeks in early spring and autumn.

The drug can be given in its pure form or added to compotes, fruit drinks, juices, and tea.

An open bottle or bottle is stored from 10 days to a month, depending on the presence/absence of preservatives, such as potassium sorbate, in the syrup.

Contraindications and side effects

For children suffering from diabetes or carbohydrate metabolism disorders, sweet syrup can be harmful, so consultation with a specialist is required. Many manufacturers produce children's syrups with fructose, which is considered harmless than sugar.

TO absolute contraindications rosehip syrup include:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
  • the presence of stones in the gall bladder.

Most frequent by-effect– allergies. It manifests itself skin rashes Pink colour, sometimes accompanied by itching. Occasionally, stool disturbances, heartburn and nausea are observed.

In other cases, taking the drug in age dosages does not harm the child's body.

To prevent the destruction of tooth enamel by organic acids, after use it is necessary to rinse oral cavity water.

REMEMBER! Delicious syrup, left in a visible place, is a temptation for a child. An overdose is fraught with the development of hypervitaminosis with dangerous symptoms: decreased blood pressure, vomiting, abdominal pain, anxiety and severe headache.

Drug interactions

During treatment with other drugs, rosehip syrup may cause unwanted effects. Ascorbic acid its composition promotes:

  • increased absorption of tetracycline drugs and penicillins, iron;
  • reduction pharmacological action anticoagulants and heparin;
  • formation of salt crystals in the urine during simultaneous treatment with salicylates and sulfonamide drugs.

Rose hip aqueous extract

Aqueous extract of rose hips is included in syrups such as Holemaks, Holosas, Holos. By appearance and they taste similar to rosehip syrup. But the differences lie in therapeutic effect and are determined by production technology.

If rosehip syrup has a pronounced immunostimulating effect and a slight choleretic effect, then its analogues increase the secretion of bile and enhance its outflow. These are full-fledged choleretic drugs, which are prescribed in complex therapy to normalize metabolism and liver function during chronic hepatitis, non-calculous cholecystitis, intoxication, biliary dyskinesia.

Unlike rosehip syrup, choleretic agents based on aqueous rosehip extract, take before meals.

IN childhood Such drugs are prescribed only by a doctor.

Other syrups for immunity

Syrups are especially popular among vitamin preparations to increase immunity in childhood. The pleasant taste does not cause problems with administration, they are convenient to dose, and a small amount in 100-150 ml bottles allows you to use the entire product for a course of treatment.

Parents choose safe syrups that are produced using roots, leaves, fruits, and flowers. medicinal plants, and the composition does not contain dyes or flavors:

  • “For immunity” (VitaMama) with raspberry leaves, coltsfoot, echinacea and rose hips; supplemented with natural apple or cherry juice, fructose.
  • "Echinacea with vitamins" (Dr. Vistong) enriched with B vitamins (B1, B2, B6) and ascorbic acid.
  • "Ukreplyayka" (JSC Balsam) with fructose contains rose hips, sea buckthorn, lingonberries, and raspberry leaves.
  • "Biaron C" produced in Poland has an immunostimulating effect and increases appetite due to aloe leaves, chokeberry juice and vitamin C.
  • "Pomogusha Immunomodulatory" (LLC Yug) in addition to nettle leaves, sea buckthorn, calendula flowers, rose hips and black currants, it includes vitamins C, A, D3 and E, iodine and propolis.