I can’t get pregnant – what are the reasons and what to do? I can't get pregnant, what should I do? Advice from obstetricians and gynecologists on how to do it quickly. What to do with my husband who can’t get pregnant.

Good afternoon, our dear readers! Today I have good news for those who really want to become parents, but they don’t succeed. Especially for you, this material contains the most different tips and techniques that will tell you what to do if you can’t get pregnant. Sit back and don't forget to take notes!

If you can't get pregnant

So, you have created a wonderful married couple and now, of course, you dream of a small copy of yourself. But unfortunately, pregnancy does not always occur according to schedule and quite often you don’t have to “work” for months.

It’s worth reassuring us right away that the lack of conception for a year is permissible norm, which does not indicate the presence of any pathologies. But if pregnancy does not occur for a longer period, then you cannot do without the help of doctors. In addition, consultation with relevant specialists never hurts.

However, before going to the clinic, you should think about the correct approach to conception.

The seven “golden” rules are:

  1. Examination by a gynecologist – mandatory procedure which will help to detect various pathologies, if they exist or, conversely, will confirm ideal condition for bearing a baby.
  2. You shouldn’t look for the “right” pose or bend at incredible angles, as some well-wishers advise. The effectiveness of the positions has not been confirmed in practice, but some of them can completely discourage interest in sex.
  3. Don't forget about female cycle, because 50% of success depends on it. Naturally, best time for the emergence of a new life is ovulation. It can be determined the old fashioned way using a calendar method or using ultrasound or special express tests (similar to pregnancy tests, but show the presence or absence of ovulation).
  4. After sex, you don’t need to immediately jump out of bed and run to the bathroom, but rather lie down and enjoy the moment, and at the same time let the sperm reach their goal. For girls with a bent uterus, it is better to lie on your stomach.
  5. When the days of ovulation arrive, you don’t need to have sex ten times a day, because this will not increase your chances, but even the opposite. It has been proven that with frequent ejaculation, sperm quality deteriorates significantly. Note to men: the reproductive quality of sperm is also affected by tight pants or very compressive underwear, constant wearing a mobile phone in your trouser pocket, as well as frequent visits to the sauna. Do you want an heir? Give up these things for a while!
  6. Must be avoided stressful situations, and obsessive thoughts that pregnancy does not occur. Negative psycho emotional condition negatively affects not only others, but also reproductive functions.
  7. A healthy lifestyle is an essential part of planning a pregnancy. Moreover, it is worth giving up not only alcohol and smoking (not to mention other more serious drugs), but also overuse coffee, lack of sleep, constant sitting at the computer. Drink juices, go for walks fresh air, enjoy the moment and everything will work out for you!

Of course, many will say that these rules are banal and written down on every corner. However, life shows that very few couples use them in practice!

What to do if you can't get pregnant

As statistics show, it is most difficult for women to become pregnant after 30 years of age, since at this age reproductive function is slowly beginning to fade away. It is worth emphasizing that the presence of a desire to have sex, as well as its quantity, does not in any way affect the possibility of having a child.

However, of course, there is no need to be upset even if the doctor has confirmed healthy condition partners, then the following will help speed up the birth of the baby:

  • Joint recreation, preferably in sanitary resort institutions. Climate change, wellness treatments, lack of stress and romantic evenings can work wonders. Forget about the whole world and devote these days only to yourself and a miracle will not keep you waiting.
  • A professional full body massage that increases blood flow, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the genital organs. With proper massage of the abdominal area and lower back, the ovaries receive more blood, and this leads to activation of the follicles and the likelihood of the release of several eggs. A little advice - ask your spouse to learn massage and pleasant moments can bring even more pleasure.
  • Avoid taking medicines antibacterial, antihistamine group, as well as analgesics. They prevent the egg from fully maturing.
  • Organize proper nutrition, especially if you can’t get pregnant with a second child. Perhaps the body has given all the best to the first-born and he needs more goodies and benefits for recovery. So, preference should be given to fresh organic vegetables, herbs, and cereals. If ovulation “jumps”, then you need to eat walnuts and legumes. It's sad, but for speedy conception you will have to give up sweets, as they contribute to the release of adrenaline, which in turn suppresses progesterone (the female hormone).

Following these simple tips often led to long-awaited pregnancy even after miscarriages or frozen fetuses.

Finally, the most interesting thing - grandma’s methods

Of course, bypass folk remedies side would be wrong, because some have been successfully used for thousands of years. There are quite a few recipes, but we have collected only the most popular and, as they say, effective.

  • Sage decoction - contains substances that act similarly female hormones. In addition, it facilitates the path of sperm to the egg. How he does this is unknown, but it works – it’s a fact. Preparation: pour a tablespoon of sage into 200 g of boiling water and leave for two hours, drink a spoonful twice a day. Do not drink during menstruation!
  • Tincture from - has a positive effect on a woman’s health. Preparation: pour two tablespoons of the herb with water and boil, then let stand in a dark place for two hours, strain and drink a tablespoon four times a day.
  • An effective composition for men is one teaspoon of orchis (can be bought at a pharmacy), 200 ml of cream, two tablespoons of hazelnuts and pumpkin seeds, Holosas syrup (sold at the pharmacy). Mix orchis with heated cream and add seeds and hazelnuts, mix and pour in “Holosas”. Store in the refrigerator and drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  • Tea made from knotweed will help you get pregnant even after an abortion, and to prepare it you need to pour a glass of knotweed, pour a glass of boiling water and let it stand for four hours. Drink half a glass four times a day before meals.
  • Viburnum juice is ancient and active remedy, simple to prepare and pleasant to the taste. You need to squeeze the juice out of the berries and mix sugar in it in a ratio of 1:2 (a liter of juice: two kilos of sugar). Store in the refrigerator, and before use, dilute two tablespoons of juice in a glass of water. Drink one glass per day (you can do it several times).

We hope that our article will help you quickly become happy parents and enjoy every moment of pregnancy. And if you want to know even more interesting facts about motherhood and parenting, then subscribe to our blog. Everyone is welcome!

The decision to become parents occurs to every couple. If you can't get pregnant, what to do depends on many factors. Exist general recommendations, allowing you to speed up a joyful event.

How to get pregnant quickly and what to do if it doesn’t work out

Before looking for ways to become pregnant, a woman should go to the doctor. A number of factors can hinder successful conception. A man should also go through the planning stage. A conscious approach to fatherhood will allow you to avoid many problems already during the gestation period.

Ways to get pregnant quickly and what to do if it doesn’t work out:

  • Both spouses need to get rid of harmful addictions; alcohol and smoking affect the quality of the genetic material, reduces the activity and viability of sperm, which leads to problems with conception even at a young age;
  • a woman should undergo an examination by a gynecologist, take tests for microflora, often a simple examination helps to identify congenital anomalies reproductive organs, inflammatory processes, as well as unfavorable microflora for the onset of fertilization;
  • If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist, hormonal disorders often cause the absence of pregnancy;
  • stress and emotional stress often interfere with conception, the body invests all its resources to restore psycho-emotional balance, and pregnancy is another test, so the long-awaited motherhood still does not occur.

What to do if I want to get pregnant

Many women begin to think about motherhood after 30 years. But the reproductive system was formed and prepared to perform its main tasks from the moment of birth. Frequent illnesses, deficiency of vitamins, minerals, abortions, affect the success of conception. Healthy lifestyle, lack bad habits, balanced diet, playing sports allows the reproductive system to function properly.

How to behave if you want to get pregnant:

  1. Women who practice diets should normalize their diet. Deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals can lead to problems with conception, against the background of common high performance health.
  2. The problem of getting pregnant often worries girls with overweight. Obesity affects hormonal background, in some cases, it is enough to lose weight for conception to occur soon.
  3. If menstrual cycle regular, ovulation occurs on days 11-17. During this period, the egg matures and is ready for fertilization.
  4. There is a measurement method basal temperature, allowing you to determine the days of ovulation. Measurements are taken in the morning, immediately after waking up at the same time.
  5. Measured in the rectum, in the normal state of the ovaries - 36.9°. During ovulation, the indicators increase sharply and become above 37°, all readings are recorded on the graph.
  6. You can purchase special tests at the pharmacy to determine days favorable for conception. Inkjet tests are considered the most accurate.

What to do if you can't get pregnant

After several attempts without successful conception Don't despair. The fertilization process is influenced by many factors, including psychological readiness. The position during sexual intercourse and the actions before and after are important.

What to do if you can't get pregnant:

  1. Reception oral contraceptives blocks ovulation, and the ovaries do not function during this period and are in rest mode. As soon as use is stopped birth control pills, the ovaries begin to actively produce eggs. It is worth remembering that this method has many contraindications; it is better to consult your doctor first.
  2. To reduce the acidity of the vagina, before sexual intercourse you can douche with chamomile or weak soda solution. This will increase the viability of sperm up to 5 days.
  3. Immediately after sexual intercourse, douching should not be done; showering is not recommended for 2-3 hours. If you have problems with conception, it is better to take the birch tree pose to speed up the movement of male reproductive cells to the cervix.

Ways to get pregnant with your first child

Before trying to get pregnant, it is recommended that couples visit a fertility specialist. It is at the planning stage that it is possible to prevent risks for future pregnancy. If oral or mechanical contraceptives were used, you will have to refrain from trying for several months to establish a normal menstrual cycle.

How to get pregnant with your first child:

  • Fewer problems with conception occur in women aged 18-24, provided they use the pills for no more than a year, the likelihood of fertilization is high already in the first cycle;
  • after the age of 25, it may take 12-15 months to restore the cycle;
  • If hormonal contraceptives have been used for several years, in women after 30 years of age the possibility of becoming pregnant decreases; it will take several years for the ovaries to normalize.

Important and psychological attitude couples, faith in a successful outcome. It is necessary to take responsibility for your health, sufficient quantity devote to sleep and rest.

Why can't I get pregnant with my second child?

Often after the first successful pregnancy A few years later the couple decides to have a second child. It is a mistake to believe that a subsequent conception will completely duplicate the first. If pregnancy occurs within 3-4 months of attempts, this does not mean that the scenario will repeat itself in the future. More often it is not possible to become pregnant with a second child after 30-35 years of age, due to natural physiological processes. The older you get, the less often ovulation occurs, and, consequently, the chances of successful conception decrease.

Reasons why you can’t get pregnant, what to do:

  • must be passed general tests, and also examine the level of hormones, you cannot do without an ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • a man should take a spermogram to determine the ability of sperm to fertilize; cell fertility is affected by smoking, alcohol, lack of physical activity, excess weight;
  • the couple is recommended to go on vacation, change climatic conditions has a positive effect on reproductive abilities; a decrease in immune defense allows pregnancy to occur unhindered.

Folk remedies for pregnancy

For problems with conception, nature's recipes are often used. They stimulate metabolic processes, restore the reproductive functions of the body. If long time It’s not possible to get pregnant, what our ancestors knew to do, widely using healing ingredients.

Effective folk remedies:

  • take a teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach and drink throughout the day honey water(3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), you can add a little lemon juice;
  • royal jelly is famous for its properties to relieve infertility, eat 1 royal jelly 2 times a day half an hour before meals, duration of use is 2-4 months, then take a break for a month, and take the course again;
  • prepare a decoction of herbs for 1 liter of water, take a teaspoon of chamomile, sweet clover, calendula, plantain, coltsfoot, put on low heat, 10 minutes after boiling, remove from the stove, and strain, take 30 ml 3-4 times per day for 2-5 months;
  • add 2-4 drops of black cumin oil to a teaspoon of honey, take 2 times a day, washed down with thyme or chamomile tea;
  • It is useful to take baths with geranium oil, first stir the ether (3-6 drops) in warm base oil(olive, almond, flaxseed), and then you can add it to water and take healing baths every other day for a month.

If your attempts to become parents are unsuccessful, you can’t get pregnant, what should you do? medical assistance. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

If a couple has been trying to conceive a baby for a long time, but all attempts are unsuccessful, the reason may be infertility. Fortunately, this condition is not hopeless. So don’t give up on your dream of having children right away. Instead, it is better to understand the preconditions that led to problems with conception and try to eliminate them.

The physiology of a woman is such that even completely healthy woman will not be able to get pregnant for quite a long time, even without any protection at all. Why does this happen? The thing is that a woman can become pregnant only in strictly certain days- during ovulation. On average, there is a very high chance of getting pregnant in just one or two days of the menstrual cycle, during which ovulation occurs. When planning a pregnancy, you need to take into account that approximately every fifth or sixth ovulation is infertile. It is believed that a healthy couple will be able to conceive a child within one year, and if this does not work out for them, there is good reason consult a doctor.

Reasons that prevent you from getting pregnant

Infertility is a whole complex of symptoms and diseases that negatively affect reproductive function one of the partners or both at once. If you fail to conceive the first time, it is too early to talk about infertility. Such a disease can only be suspected if it is not possible to get pregnant for a long time. The reasons can be very different, the most common of them are the following:

  1. Very often, dysfunction of the endocrine system leads to infertility. About 40% of women who cannot get pregnant suffer from endocrine infertility - this is a condition when ovulation is completely or partially absent. If you cannot conceive for a long time, the first thing you need to do is get tested for hormones. Lack of ovulation may also be associated with dysfunction of the genital organs, thyroid gland, brain, and adrenal glands. Lack of ovulation is the most common reason for failure when trying to get pregnant. Doctors should understand the reasons for ovulation, but before contacting them, you should make sure that attempts at conception were made in right time- during ovulation. In order to calculate the time of ovulation, there are various, including very accurate, methods.
  2. Polycystic ovary syndrome is also among the pathologies that often lead to infertility. Exact reasons The disease is still unknown to science, but experts are of the opinion that it is congenital. In any case, polycystic ovary syndrome can be successfully treated in our time, although it requires long-term therapy with strict adherence to all doctor’s prescriptions. The disease is caused by excessive production male hormones, which is why numerous cysts constantly form in the female reproductive system. Externally these are water bubbles different sizes, and they are detected only through ultrasound. The consequence of the pathology is a disruption of the ovaries with the absence of ovulation.
  3. Another one possible reason female infertility– complete or partial obstruction fallopian tubes. It occurs due to narrowing of the lumen in fallopian tubes ah or the formation of adhesive processes in them. The hole becomes narrow, so sperm cannot penetrate it to fertilize the egg. This pathology can occur under the influence of various factors, including inflammation in the reproductive system, infectious diseases, due to which adhesions are formed. Surgery may be required to correct blocked fallopian tubes, and artificial insemination is also a solution for many. If the process is not yet too advanced, lifestyle changes and treatment of existing inflammation will help cope with the problem.
  4. If pregnancy does not occur within one, two months, or six months, you should be examined for the presence of endometriosis. This is a disease in which endometrial cells (the inner lining of the uterus) begin to spread throughout the body, taking root and beginning to grow in other organs. Probable Causes pathologies are inflammation of the internal genital organs, disturbances in the production of hormones. The consequence of advanced endometriosis is often the inability of the egg to attach to uterine wall, which causes infertility. Treatment involves taking hormonal drugs or surgical intervention. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of coping with the disease and conceiving a long-awaited child.
  5. Pathologies of the uterus of different origins also often lead to the inability to get pregnant. These diseases include: fibroids, endometrial diseases, intrauterine septum, hypoplasia, adenomyosis. First, you need to undergo an examination to identify pathology, and based on its results, the doctor will select suitable treatment. It includes taking hormonal medications, physiotherapy, medications, and surgery may also be required. Pathologies of the uterus are divided into congenital and acquired, that is, arising as a result of previous diseases.
  6. If you cannot conceive even during ovulation, and examinations and tests do not reveal visible reasons, the problem may lie in the work immune system. The immune system is sometimes “overzealous” and tries to protect a woman not only from pathogenic viruses and microbes, but even from pregnancy. The immune system forces the body to reject sperm or ovum, perceiving them as foreign organisms. Usually, with such violations in cervical mucus contained increased amount antibodies, which is detected by test results. This condition can be corrected with certain medications or other means, including insemination.
  7. Even if the doctor could not determine the reason why a woman cannot get pregnant, perhaps this is due not to physical pathologies, but psychological factors. Some people fail to conceive because they become fixated on certain problems, suffer from depression, and are constantly in under stress, they are nervous a lot, afraid of responsibility, childbirth, etc.
  8. Individual characteristics of the physiology of partners. Speaking in simple language, incompatibility of a particular pair. For example, each of the partners individually is able to conceive a child, but together they are unable to do this. The reasons for this can be very different - from the rejection of sperm by the vaginal microflora to the characteristics of the woman’s immunity. The situation can be clarified using a special analysis - the Shuvarsky-Huner test.
  9. Male infertility. This also happens, although somewhat less frequently than female infertility. Non-viability of sperm can be associated with diseases such as varicocele, hydrocele, cryptorchidism, mumps, and tuberculosis. If a man is interested in bodybuilding, the cause of his infertility may be the use of steroids.

How to get pregnant after unsuccessful attempts?

If attempts to conceive a baby for a long time are unsuccessful, this is a reason to seriously think about your health and go to the doctor. Some may be intimidated by the prospect, but there is no need to be afraid of it. A thorough examination of both partners is necessary, because the causes of infertility can be any - from psychological problems before congenital pathologies and old diseases.

Fortunately, many problems can be eliminated, especially if timely application to the doctor. It is worth noting that it is better to be examined not when the couple begins to suspect infertility, but already at the stage of pregnancy planning. For example, if a woman has obstruction of the fallopian tubes, but she herself does not know about it, she will still be able to conceive, only the fertilized egg will be fixed in the tube, and not in the uterus, as it should be. In such cases, an ectopic pregnancy occurs, which ends with the rupture of the tube and its removal. An ectopic pregnancy is also dangerous because without adequate treatment subsequent attempts to conceive a baby will lead to a similar result, and removal of both tubes eliminates the possibility of getting pregnant naturally.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

How to get pregnant quickly if all attempts are unsuccessful? In this case, there are several recommendations:

  1. Avoid stressful factors. Evaluate the lifestyle you lead. If you are often nervous at work and at home, upset, worried about something, or suffer from depression, it is quite possible that unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant are the body’s reaction to stress.
  2. Give up bad habits. Very often it is alcohol and drugs that interfere with conceiving a child. Addictions cause irreparable harm women's health. The fact is that each girl is given a certain set of eggs at birth, which remains this way throughout her life, without being renewed. Alcohol and any drugs damage eggs - if one of them is fertilized during ovulation, this creates a risk of having a child with abnormalities or death immediately after birth. Nicotine increases the production of androgens and reduces estradiol levels, which interferes with conception. Men who use drugs expose themselves to another risk: their sperm become inactive and simply cannot move through the fallopian tubes.
  3. Adjust your daily menu. Lack of vitamins negatively affects the functioning of all organs and systems. It is important that the diet is balanced and includes sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For women with problems with ovulation, it is useful to eat nuts and beans, whole milk, natural yogurt, fat cottage cheese. Men are recommended to include more meat, fish and nuts in their diet.
  4. If pregnancy does not occur for more than six months, a year or even longer, evaluate your weight. Both obesity and excessive thinness often lead to problems with egg fertilization. Even if there is no disease, frequent alternations of losing weight and gaining extra pounds negatively affect the ability to conceive. A stable weight is important not only for women, but also for men, since it directly affects the number of sperm produced.
  5. Long-term drug treatment can lead to infertility, especially when taking antibiotics and antihistamines. In this case, it is worth discussing with your doctor the possibility of at least temporarily replacing the drugs with their safer analogues.

Traditional methods to help you get pregnant

If you have been unable to conceive a child for a long time, but you still can’t find time to go to the doctor, try proven folk methods to solve this problem:

  • Change your usual lovemaking schedule. For example, if you usually only have sex at night, try having it early in the morning as well. Try more often - and this will certainly increase your chances of getting pregnant.
  • Try new poses. It is possible that in some position the sperm will reach their goal faster.
  • Don't force yourself to have sex. Positive attitude is very important, since problems with conception often cause not only physiological, but also psychological problems.
  • Ask your man to stop thrusting immediately after ejaculation. In this case, the sperm will remain in one place and will not spread throughout the vagina. Therefore, the sperm will have an increased chance of achieving its goal.
  • Another way that can help you get pregnant is to temporarily abstain from intimacy. This primarily applies to men. It is believed that after abstinence, they begin to produce more sperm, and with increased concentration there are sperm in it. This, of course, increases the likelihood of conception.
  • There is also a method of douching with soda for 20 minutes. before sexual intercourse. This creates a favorable environment for sperm, and at the same time you can cure thrush.
  • Herbal medicine can also be useful for those who cannot get pregnant. Try drinking special decoctions based on medicinal herbs sage, red brush, hogweed.

If you are unable to conceive your first child or second or third child, do not despair ahead of time. First, try to use our recommendations, go to the doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination, pass everything necessary tests. In many cases, the problem of infertility can be solved. Even if conservative therapy does not help, it is still possible to become pregnant using IVF, insemination, or by transferring zygotes or gametes into the fallopian tubes.

“I can’t get pregnant, what should I do?” - gynecologists note this question as one of the most popular among women childbearing age, which is completely solvable, the main thing is to know how the process of conception occurs, what medications exist to improve reproductive function, and what positions are best to use.

Many couples who are unable to conceive are diagnosed with infertility. more than a year. This may be influenced various factors: these include both the emotional state and the environment.

  1. Psychological factor.

Psychological condition is considered the most common cause of infertility. The emotional background of a woman is very subtle. At the first unsuccessful attempt to get pregnant, fear appears, panic states arise, and the woman seems to “get fixated” on this problem. The nervous system suffers from this, harmony in the body is disrupted, which leads to a failure of the necessary mechanisms of conception.

  1. Not favorable days for fertilization.

Fertilization may not occur on every day of the cycle; it is important to take into account favorable and unfavorable times for this. Conceiving a child must be planned taking into account the timing before and after ovulation.

  1. Age.

According to statistics, many women over the age of 35, no matter what they do, still cannot get pregnant. Gynecologists explain this by the fact that reproductive age is considered to be up to 35 years, after reproductive system begins to fade.

  1. Body mass.

Often the cause of problems with conception is high weight: due to the thick layer of fat, the sperm simply cannot reach the egg. Therefore, for successful fertilization, it is recommended to lose extra pounds.

  1. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Pathology occurs if any inflammatory process. In this case, the egg cannot leave the follicle and dies, or becomes attached to the tube, causing an ectopic pregnancy.

  1. Failure of ovarian function.

Any damage to the ovaries can lead to infertility. If polycystic disease occurs, then conception becomes difficult.

  1. Lack of ovulation.

Often the cycle passes without ovulation. In this case, the egg does not mature and is not released for fertilization. This reason does not require treatment; ovulation is quite possible in subsequent cycles.

  1. Problems with the endocrine system.

Affects infertility thyroid. The reproductive and endocrine systems are closely interconnected, therefore, if there is a malfunction thyroid gland Reproductive function is also impaired.

In addition, various pathologies of the uterus, which include fibroids and the intrauterine septum, can cause infertility.

How to get pregnant quickly: basic methods

In order for pregnancy to occur quickly, you need to be attentive to your health.

On what day after menstruation can you get pregnant?

If you fail to get pregnant over several cycles, then one of the reasons may be that the future parents are having a baby on the “wrong” days.

It is important to remember that on the 14th day after critical days conception may occur. This is explained by the fact that women with normal cycle During this period of time, ovulation occurs, the egg matures and reaches the required size.

However, there are exceptions; you can get pregnant on day 21 of your cycle. This is explained by the viability of sperm: active ones can live for a week, after which they fertilize the egg.

What days of the cycle can you definitely get pregnant?

Pregnancy can occur from 7 to 17 days of the cycle. This period is considered the most favorable: the egg leaves the follicle and is ready to meet the sperm.

If sexual intercourse occurs a couple of days before the expected ovulation, then the chances of getting pregnant are still high, since sperm can live in a woman’s body from 2 to 5 days.

When can you get pregnant after menstruation: how to calculate

  • Using a calendar.

It is necessary to mark the first and last day of the cycle on the calendar, then calculate the entire cycle. Observations should be carried out for several months. After this, count 2 weeks from the beginning of the cycle, marking the day of ovulation for each period. These days will be optimal for fertilization in the next cycle.

  • Test strip for the presence of ovulation.

You can find out when ovulation occurs thanks to special tests that are sold in pharmacies. The test is carried out every morning on the expected days of ovulation and the results are recorded.

  • Basal temperature value.

You can find out if you are ovulating by measuring your basal temperature. To do this, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum at the same time in the morning. Write down the results in a notepad. An increase in basal temperature to 37 degrees and above indicates the onset of ovulation.

  • Ultrasound monitoring.

This method is carried out over several months and allows you to understand how the ovaries behave when ovulation occurs. After receiving the necessary results, the specialist gives an opinion on days favorable for conception.

How to get pregnant the first time

To get pregnant the first time and not wonder “why I can’t get pregnant,” you need to stop using protection and start actively having sex.

In addition, gynecologists advise what to do to become pregnant:

  • determine the period of ovulation;
  • make love in the right position;
  • after sex, lie quietly for 15 minutes;
  • before intimacy, drink a decoction of rose petals, it contains a large number of vitamin E, which promotes the fertilization process.

Vitamins to get pregnant: list

There is no such vitamin that would help you get pregnant quickly and the first time, but it is complex taking them improves performance reproductive system and promotes successful conception:

  • Folic acid(responsible for sufficient production of red cells).
  • Vitamin C(maintaining immunity, removing toxins from the body).
  • Vitamin B 6(ensures the normal functioning of all enzymatic systems in organism).
  • Vitamin A(kills infectious bacteria that settle in the respiratory system).
  • Vitamin E(participation in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin, is an antioxidant of natural origin).
  • Vitamin B 2(promotes development bone tissue, participation in the production of red blood cells and hormones).
  • Vitamin D(promotes the development of bone tissue throughout the body).

What pills to take to get pregnant: list

Fertilization is promoted by special medications that stimulate follicle growth. They are prescribed only by a specialist after complete comprehensive examination female body.

The following medications are considered the most effective:

  • Clostilbegit (stimulation of the production of pituitary hormones);
  • Puregon (helps several follicles grow);
  • Menogon (replenishes the lack of estrogen);
  • Metypred (restores hormonal levels).

At positive impact drugs on the body, must be prescribed by a gynecologist hCG injection to increase the amount of pregnancy hormone.

Review of popular drugs

Special methods will help speed up the process of conception medical supplies, which are prescribed only by a gynecologist. Experts warn: such medications are aimed at eliminating other gynecological problems, therefore, the dosage and course of administration cannot be prescribed to yourself.

How to take Duphaston to get pregnant

Duphaston is a synthetic progesterone that promotes fertilization. The tablets prepare the endometrium to accept the embryo and reduce the tone of the uterus.

The drug is prescribed for 3 months. Start drinking from days 11 to 25 of the cycle, 2 tablets twice a day.. During fertilization, the course can be continued; the dosage in this case is calculated individually.

Inofert: how to take it, reviews, who it helped get pregnant

Inofert is a drug that contains folic acid. It is prescribed to regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce the risk of spontaneous abortion, and also to stimulate ovulation.

The drug is prescribed for at least 3 months. Available in powder (in sachets), you need to dilute 2 sachets of the drug per day. Use morning and evening.

Women celebrate positive result after taking Inofert. Pregnancy begins soon. In addition, the menstrual cycle is normalized, hormonal levels are restored, the condition of nails and hair improves, and allergic reactions disappear.

Ovariamine: how to take to get pregnant

Ovariamine is biologically active supplement to food, is not medicine. The substances of the drug – cytamines – have a stimulating effect on the ovaries.

The drug is taken for 10-15 days. Daily dose from 1 to 9 tablets per day, and they must be divided into equal dosages, consumed three times a day.

Ovitrel: how to take, reviews, who got pregnant

Ovitrel normalizes the formation of hormones necessary for ovulation.

Ovitrel is available in two forms:

The package contains 1, 2 or 10 syringes or bags of powder. The dosage varies, it can be 0.25 or 0.5 mg of choriogonadotropin alfa.

The injection is given within 24-48 hours after the administration of the hormone to stimulate the ovaries; intimacy is necessary on the same and subsequent days. According to reviews, it is recommended to take a pregnancy test after 2 weeks; if the result is negative, then try the test again after a few days.

Folic acid: how to take to get pregnant

Folic acid helps normal operation immune and circulatory system. This vitamin promotes cell and tissue renewal, which is important for reproductive function.

Experts usually prescribe 2 tablets 2 times a day with meals. The course of admission is 3 months before planning conception, then taken until the moment of pregnancy.

How to get pregnant if you can’t: folk methods

Many representatives of the fair sex, when they cannot get pregnant, despair and do not know what to do. When other means do not help, you can use traditional methods, but such treatment must be strictly discussed with a specialist and carried out under his supervision.

How to drink boron uterus to get pregnant

The boron uterus promotes the production of hormones that affect the occurrence of ovulation. It is necessary to take the plant for a long time, the course ranges from 1 to 3 months.

There are several ways to consume the herb:

  • alcohol tincture(50 g of herb pour 400 ml of 40% alcohol, place in a dark place for 21 days, shake the solution regularly, take 20-30 drops three times a day);
  • decoction(1 small spoon of herb is poured with boiling water, boil the solution in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for 4 hours, take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day).

Borovaya uterus can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of bagged tea, but the effect will be minimal, since during production the tea goes through several technological purification operations.

How to drink sage to get pregnant

Phytohormones contained in grass affect a woman’s body like estrogen. And he, in turn, is responsible for the growth of the egg, which is very important for the ovulation process. In addition, sage strengthens the cervical reflex.

For successful conception, sage can be taken in several ways:

  • Decoction(if the question arises: “I can’t get pregnant, what should I do?” you need to prepare a solution: pour 1 tbsp of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20-25 minutes, pass through a sieve, put in the refrigerator, take ¼ cup at a time, day, it is necessary to divide the solution into equal amounts, the course is on the 5th day from the start of menstruation to the 12th day).
  • Douching(Pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of herbs, cool, a large spoon is enough to introduce the solution once).

Sage can also be purchased in the form of a seed tincture or freshly squeezed juice at a pharmacy and taken as directed.

In what position can you get pregnant quickly?

I can’t get pregnant, what should I do? The problem can be solved if I use correct poses to conceive a baby:

  • missionary position(according to medical terms, a woman lying on her back and a man on top are in complete harmony, the organs closely interact with each other);
  • man from behind(suitable for any structure of the female genital organs);
  • lying on your side (male sperm is thrown out as close as possible to the female vagina).

How often to have sex to get pregnant

Experts recommend refraining from everyday intimacy while planning a child. The fact is that a man’s sperm does not have time to accumulate, therefore, its quantity and quality are not enough to fertilize the egg.

It is best to make love 2-3 times a week, with a short period of time between sexual relations The man's sperm will accumulate and be renewed.

Signs to get pregnant

The most popular folk signs:

Gynecologists for speedy attack pregnancy advice to expectant mothers:

Experts also assure that for the positive conception of a baby, the organization of rest and complete sleep plays a huge role. It is necessary to rest and get enough sleep so that the body does not get stressed.

I can’t get pregnant, what should I do? First of all, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist, and also to understand whether the future parents are approaching the process itself correctly. It is important to determine favorable days, lead healthy image life. If there are pathologies, consult a gynecologist in time for treatment.

Video on how to get pregnant quickly if you can’t

10 folk signs, foreshadowing imminent pregnancy. Video for those who cannot get pregnant:

Many young families are faced with the problem of conceiving a child. It seems that the partners are healthy, and there are no contraindications for pregnancy, but fertilization still does not occur. Why? What to do to get pregnant?

Why does pregnancy not occur?

A woman who has been married for a year or more begins to ask herself questions: why can’t I get pregnant? Can I even have a baby? These questions begin to worry my husband too. And to find out the reasons, you need to contact specialists.

Conception does not occur if one or both spouses have health problems. For example, in childhood there were illnesses that caused complications in the genitourinary system, pathologies, and infertility.

Reasons from the woman:

pathology (obstruction) of the fallopian tubes. In this situation, it is not possible to get pregnant because the fertilized egg does not pass into the uterus. Then the egg either dies or an ectopic pregnancy occurs. This problem is a consequence untimely treatment women from inflammation of the genital organs;
impaired ovarian function. The ovaries produce an incomplete (not fertilized) egg. Occurs due to past illnesses, abortions, promiscuity. It can also be a hereditary factor;
ovulation does not occur. In case of different women's diseases ovulation does not occur. Symptoms: irregular or very scanty periods (possibly even absence), obesity, strong hair growth in areas characteristic of men (mustache, beard, rib cage etc.), skin pigmentation;
excess (under) weight. In such cases, the woman also fails to become pregnant. It will be easy to conceive a child if your weight corresponds to the formula for height - 110 units. An acceptable deviation in one direction or another is 10 units;
incompatibility with spouse. This phenomenon is rare and you can get pregnant only if you change your partner;
psychological factor. When a woman can no longer get pregnant for a year, she begins to think only about it, and think constantly. These thoughts haunt her all the time, which is why she is always tense. Getting pregnant in this state of the body is very problematic.

Problems faced by men:

Infectious diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse;
insufficient number (or absence) of sperm;
sperm are inactive.

Basically, all these problems are a consequence of transferred to early childhood a certain disease (for example, parotitis(piggy)).

What to do if conception does not occur?

First of all, find out the reasons. For this, the doctor prescribes special examinations and analyzes on the basis of which he will draw conclusions.
A specialist doctor sends both spouses for examination.
Often the reason that a woman cannot get pregnant is a disease genitourinary system. And until they are cured, the chances will be very small.

So, for example, if pathologies of the fallopian tubes were discovered, then there will either be no pregnancy, or the fetus will begin to develop not in the uterus, as expected, but in the tube. Such a pregnancy ends only with the removal of the embryo. Most often with tubal ectopic pregnancy remove the pipe. If you don’t do it in time, neither the child nor the mother will survive. To restore the patency of the tubes, surgeons perform an operation (laparoscopy).

If a woman complains that “my husband and I are completely healthy, but I can’t get pregnant,” then in this case we need to reconsider our lifestyle.

Tips to help you get pregnant faster:

eliminate stress, stop being nervous. Stress greatly affects nervous system women, and in such a state it is rare to get pregnant;
get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs). Why is this so important?
The fact is that a girl is immediately born with eggs. Smoking and alcohol each time affect one of them, and if fertilization occurs, then either the child will have severe pathologies or die before being born. And in general, these habits reduce the chance of getting pregnant: when smoking, the level of estradiol in the blood decreases, and more androgens are produced than necessary. In men, the number of sperm decreases significantly, and even those lose mobility;
Healthy food. Lack of vitamins greatly affects the ability to get pregnant. Every woman’s diet should include vegetables and herbs, sunflower oil (olive oil is also possible), bread and cereals. If there are problems with ovulation, then the body needs nuts and legumes. Yogurts and cottage cheese, high-fat milk are also useful.
Men will benefit from meat dishes, fish and nuts - they add mobility to sperm;
stabilize weight. The reason for not being able to get pregnant may be excess (insufficient) weight. Constant fluctuations in one direction or another also have a negative effect. It should be noted that men should also monitor their weight - it affects the number of sperm produced by the body;
If possible, do not use or use less medications. This is especially true for antibiotics and antihistamines.

There is another way to speed up conception - to be treated according to the “grandmother’s” method. But before you start using folk remedies, you should definitely consult with your doctor and herbalist.

Long-term attempts to get pregnant

Not every family is able to conceive a child in the first year life together. However, there is no need to worry about this. But if you haven’t been able to get pregnant for 1.5 years or more, then you need to seek advice from a doctor.
In the first year of marriage (civil or official), character grinding occurs. This period is not without stress, and therefore it is rarely possible to have a baby. The only thing that can be advised in this situation is to try to live only positive emotions and feelings for a person dear to your heart.

It is worth sounding the alarm when pregnancy does not occur for more than a year. In this case it is necessary medical examination. However, if you are confident in your health and the health of your partner, then you can first try the following:
diversify your lovemaking schedule. Try it in different time days;
don't force yourself. When the thought “I can’t do this anymore” appears, stop. You still can’t conceive a baby through force;
change positions. There are couples who do not like to experiment in sex. However, when fertilization does not occur in your favorite position throughout the year, you can get pregnant in another position on the first try;
calculate the days when fertilization of the egg is more likely. This is approximately 6 days (5 before ovulation and 1 after it);
ask your husband (partner) to abstain from intimacy for at least 1 day. A man needs to accumulate sperm for at least two days, then the girl will have a much greater chance of getting pregnant. But when a young man “cums” often, the sperm will be more mobile and hardy.
a man should not continue to make movements immediately after ejaculation. If the forward movements are continued, the sperm will spread throughout the vagina. When the movement stops, the sperm seems to close inside and does not move, as a result of which the sperm are able to calmly move towards the goal.

If you cannot get pregnant for 1 or 2 years physiological reasons(viral and other diseases), then these tips will not help, you first need to sort out your health.

In cases where it is impossible to achieve fertilization naturally, then doctors suggest the following:
hormone therapy. With its help they normalize and stabilize endocrine system;
Eco (fertilization of an egg in vitro, i.e. in a “test tube” with subsequent transfer to the woman’s uterus);
Insemination (artificial insemination);
ZIFT and GIFT: transfer of zygote and gametes into the fallopian tube, respectively.

I had an abortion, but now I want a child

Women who have not given birth, who at one time decided to have their first abortion (the reasons vary), often regret it in the future. Few people manage to get pregnant after this procedure, even with outside help.

Abortion is a difficult procedure, if only because one awkward move by the doctor and you will live your whole life without children. However, if the operation was successful or the damage was not so catastrophic, then there is a chance to get pregnant again.

After an abortion, a woman can often become pregnant almost immediately. The uterus is “clean” and immediately picks up new pregnancy. But if a long time passes and the abortion was unsuccessful, getting pregnant after an abortion becomes problematic. Especially if the cleaning was carried out during pregnancy 10-12 weeks.

Inflammatory processes after an abortion cause obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Most often, it is because of tubal adhesions that a woman fails to conceive. In this case, laparoscopy is performed, medications give too little chance.

It is possible to get pregnant after an abortion, although it is difficult. Of course, this may take more than one year, but if you make love on those days when the likelihood of conceiving a baby is high, use different positions, and also lead a healthy lifestyle with your loved one (eat right, exercise, keep fit) , then everything will work out.

When you can’t get pregnant for a year, two, three or more, you should resort to artificial insemination.

Despite the fact that the girl once decided to have an abortion, or even more than one, the pregnancy can proceed without complications, and the child will be born completely healthy.