Anxiety is a symptom of what disease. Anxiety (anxiety)

Feeling anxious for no reason is evidence of a negative emotional experience in a person. Anxious people are largely dominated by an orientation toward external criteria. Besides, anxious people often feel the need for increased self-control, even minor aspects of the situation. Failure to do this provokes an even greater level of anxiety and the emergence of a new negative experience.

An important role in negative emotional experience is played not so much by the very fact of its experience, but by its strong memorization and reproduction in memory.

  • Features of family education
Family education is also big influence to the development of anxiety. It is impossible to talk about any specific violation, since their range is quite wide: overprotection of the child, high expectations, high demands, poor relationships between parents and between family members.

Emotional problems are more common in those people who were raised by parents who were prone to nervous states, irritability and depression. Parents of anxious children are more likely to experience fears and fears, while calm children are raised by balanced and positive adults.

When an adult experiences a sense of instability and a premonition of a constant threat, this is instantly transmitted to the child. Often this is expressed in excessive concern and fear for the life and health of the child. This causes the child to feel insecure and defenseless, which persists and becomes stronger over the years.

  • post-traumatic stress
Post-traumatic stress can be identified as an external cause of anxiety. post-traumatic stress disorder- these are difficult emotional experiences, such as a feeling of helplessness, horror, intense fear that arose as a result of a single incident, or as a result of repeated injuries and a long stay in stressful situation. The consequence of such experiences in adults is increased anxiety.

This refers to people who have experienced an accident, have been involved in a war, an environmental disaster or brutal violence.

  • Intrapersonal sources of anxiety.
An important source of anxiety can be identified as a person's internal conflict, which is directly related to his self-esteem and attitude towards himself. Anxious people do not tend to change, adapt to difficulties and correct their shortcomings, which distinguishes emotionally well-off people. On the contrary, anxious people are characterized by fixation on the past or on the very distant future, on the period over which they are not able to influence.

Summarizing, it can be noted that anxiety in the soul for no reason is a stable personal formation that was formed at different age stages. In elementary school and preschool age the onset of anxiety was provoked by the situation in the family and relationships with parents. It was then that such qualities as vulnerability, a tendency to resentment, and a heightened reaction to the attitude of others began to take shape in the child. This, as well as a predisposition to remembering negative rather than positive events, leads to the accumulation of negative experience, which is subsequently expressed in the consolidation of anxiety as a personality trait.

AT adolescence feelings of anxiety are rooted in internal conflict with itself, the contradiction between the "I-ideal" and "I-real".

The causes of anxiety are somehow connected with the dissatisfaction of the needs inherent in each age period.

Tension and anxiety are normal responses to difficult situations. life situations, however, after the resolution of difficulties, it passes. During the periods condition causing anxiety and anxiety, use stress relief techniques, try folk remedies.

Anxiety is the body's response to a physical or psychological threat. Acute anxiety can occur before an important or difficult event. It passes quickly. However, for some people, anxiety becomes almost the norm, which seriously affects their everyday life. This painful condition is called chronic anxiety.


An acute state of anxiety manifests itself in a vague or vice versa, clearly directed foreboding. It can be accompanied by physical symptoms - stomach cramps, dry mouth, heart palpitations, sweating, diarrhea and insomnia. Chronic anxiety sometimes causes unreasonable anxiety. Some fall into a panic for which there seems to be no reason. Symptoms include a feeling of suffocation, chest pain, chills, tingling in the arms and legs, weakness, and feelings of terror; sometimes they are so strong that both those suffering from a neurosis and those around them can take them for a real heart attack.

Breathing exercises for anxiety

Yoga classes are useful for people who often experience anxiety. They promote physical and mental relaxation, even breathing and help overcome negative emotions. The exercise is designed to strengthen and relax the muscles of the chest and abdomen and restore disturbed flow. vital energy(prana). Take five breaths in each step.

  • Get on your knees, put one hand on your stomach, the other on your thigh. Feel like when you inhale abdominal wall rises, and with a slow exhalation is retracted.
  • Place your palms on either side of your chest. When breathing, raise and lower the chest, while exhaling, pressing it with your hands, squeezing out the air.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles. As you inhale, lift your shoulders and upper part chest and lower them as you exhale while relaxing the abdominal muscles

No matter how the feeling of anxiety manifests itself, it is exhausting, debilitating; in the end, physical health can be seriously affected. It is necessary to find ways to deal with the root cause of the disease. Consult with a specialist. How to avoid feelings of anxiety?

obsessive neurosis

Obsessive neurosis is a disorder in which a person feels the need to constantly do something, such as washing their hands, constantly checking to see if the lights are off, or replaying sad thoughts over and over again. It is based on an ongoing state of anxiety. If this type of behavior violates normal life contact a specialist.


In stressful situations, the body burns nutrients faster than usual, and if they are not replenished, the nervous system is gradually depleted, which causes a state of anxiety. Therefore, it is important to eat a healthy diet rich in complex carbohydrates found in, for example, whole grain bread and brown rice. It is believed that such food has a sedative effect.

Note! If you can't deal with stress on your own, don't worry. Today there are many How to choose your sedative read in our material.

For supporting nervous system in normal condition be sure to include in the diet essential fatty acid(found in, for example, whole grains, nuts, seeds and vegetables), vitamins (especially the B group) and minerals. To achieve a stable blood sugar level, eat often, but in small portions. Harmonious combination of relaxation, physical activity and entertainment will help you feel healthier physically.

Treating Feelings of Anxiety

You yourself can do a lot to alleviate your condition.

  • Self-knowledge. Reflections on the reasons pathological condition serve as the first step towards overcoming them. If you are prone to phobias, such as being afraid of flying, you may be able to focus your fear on something specific.
  • Relaxation. Evolution has programmed our body in such a way that any danger causes a response, expressed in involuntary physiological changes that prepare the body for the “fight or flight” response. By learning the techniques of physical and mental unloading, you can remove the feeling of anxiety. There are several ways to achieve this.
  • Try exercise or something else. physical activity requiring effort, it will weaken muscle tension and release the nervous energy.
  • Do something calm.
  • Start a group class that teaches relaxation and meditation, or use a relaxation course on an audio or video cassette.
  • Do progressive muscle relaxation exercises twice a day or any time you feel anxious. Try relaxing yoga exercises.
  • You can relieve anxiety and improve well-being by pressing thumb on the active point located on back side hands, where the big and index fingers. Do the massage three times for 10 - 15 seconds. Do not touch this point during pregnancy.

Hyperventilation on alert

In a state of alarm and especially during outbreaks panic fear breathing quickens and becomes superficial, the ratio of oxygen and oxygen in the body is disturbed carbon dioxide. To eliminate oversaturation of the lungs with oxygen, or hyperventilation, sit with your hand on your upper abdomen and inhale and exhale so that your arm rises when you inhale. It helps to breathe slowly and deeply.


Cognitive therapy. Practicing affirmations will help you reprogram your thoughts so that the focus is on positive sides life and personality, not negative ones. Write short sentences that fit your occasion. For example, "I am prepared for this job" if you are going to be interviewed by a potential employer. It is helpful to repeat these phrases out loud or write them several times. This type of psychological exercise is a part of cognitive therapy aimed at changing natural or instinctive reactions without trying to understand their essence. The doctor can direct your thoughts in search of a positive explanation for the actions of certain people: for example, a friend did not pay attention to you in the store, not because she did not like you, but simply did not see you, thinking about something. Having grasped the essence of such exercises, you can perform them yourself. You will learn to adequately perceive negative impacts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.

Anxiety and nutrition

The amino acid tryptophan has a calming effect on the brain. In the brain, it is converted to serotonin, which induces calm. Most protein foods contain tryptophan. In addition, the absorption of this substance improves with the simultaneous consumption of carbohydrates. good sources tryptophan is milk with cookies, sandwiches with turkey or cheese.


Nutrition. The state of anxiety depresses appetite or increases it. Choose foods rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium, as the lack of these nutrients exacerbates anxiety. Limit your intake of sugar and white flour products. Avoid alcohol and drinks containing caffeine. Instead, drink spring water, fruit juices, or soothing herbal teas.

Aromatherapy. If you feel physical stress massage your shoulders with aromatic oils, add them to a bath or inhaler. To prepare massage oil, take two teaspoons vegetable oil cold pressed - almond or olive - and add two drops of geranium, lavender and sandalwood oils and one drop of basil. Avoid the latter during pregnancy. Put a few drops of geranium or lavender oil into your bath water or into a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam for 5 minutes.

Phytotherapy. For three weeks, drink three times a day, one glass of tea from pharmacy verbena, empty oats (oatmeal), or ginseng. These herbs have a tonic effect.


To relieve stress during the day and sleep well at night, add chamomile, intoxicating pepper (kava-kava), Linden blossom, valerian, dried hop cones or passion flower. Before use, consult your doctor.

Flower essences. Flower essences are designed to relieve negative emotions. They can be used both individually and in various combinations, depending on the type of personality.

For general anxiety, take aspen flower, mirabelle, larch, mimulus, chestnut, sunflower, or pedunculate oak flower essences four times a day. Take Dr. Buck's Rescue Balm every few minutes when panicking.

Other methods. Psychotherapy and cranial osteopathy can help alleviate anxiety symptoms.

When to See a Doctor

  • Strong feelings of anxiety or bouts of fear.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if
  • Anxiety is accompanied by depression.
  • Insomnia or dizziness.
  • You have one of the physical symptoms listed above.


The state of anxiety is a state of the body, characterized by a feeling of internal discomfort of the body. More slight manifestation such a state is excitement, and more severe - anxiety. A symptom, together with anxiety and excitement, is a reaction of the nervous system to certain life situations, usually of a stressful nature. In addition, these manifestations often accompany various diseases nervous system and internal organs.

Anxiety is caused by a number of conditions that contribute to the activation of the nervous system. Sometimes anxiety, restlessness and excitement are mistaken for the manifestation of intuition. In fact, these states are remnants of wild animal behavior patterns. AT wild nature these sensations are protective, they help animals to feel the danger in time, which leads to the activation of one of the parts of the cerebral cortex, which leads to a reaction from endocrine system like an adrenaline rush. As a result, all muscles and systems (mostly respiratory and cardiovascular) go into "combat readiness" mode, and the animal has the strength either to fight or to escape from danger.

The work of the nervous system

The work of the nervous system largely determines how a person will behave in a given situation. The nervous system, together with the endocrine system, regulates the work of all organs and systems of the body. "Communication" between them occurs through the exchange of specific substances - hormones. The brain is made up of many regions, some of which are evolutionarily new, while others belong to the so-called "ancient cortex". A new or young bark distinguishes man from other animals, and in the process of evolution it was formed last. The ancient bark, or the ancient brain, is the earliest formation responsible for the basic, basic instincts.

The ancient human brain is responsible for sleep, mood, emotions, thinking, instant decision making and memory. Quick response to external influence It is determined by the fact that certain patterns of behavior in response to a particular situation are already laid in this part of the brain. With an increase in the activity of a section of the "ancient cortex", for example, under the influence of a stressful situation, information is transmitted and processed to other parts of the brain, and determines the well-being of a person.

With an increase in the activity of the ancient brain, the work of a part of the autonomic nervous system is activated, which leads to general reaction from the side of the whole organism in the form of increased breathing, heartbeat, increased blood flow to the muscles and anxiety appears. This reaction provides an increased flow of oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body. This underlies all manifestations of the state of anxiety. The more intensely the “anxiety center” is irritated, the stronger and more diverse external manifestations. Excitement occurs as a reaction to a lighter impact, and anxiety - to a more intense one. The extreme degree of reaction is panic, which can lead to spontaneous, even life-threatening behavior, up to and including suicide.


The causes of anxiety can be external and internal. External causes- this is acute and chronic stress, excessive physical and mental stress, overwork, the effect of nicotine, drugs and other toxic substances that increase the activity of the ancient bark. Internal causes- these are various diseases that contribute to an increase in the activity of this part of the brain: acute and chronic infections, in which toxins are formed that impair the functioning of brain cells; violation of blood circulation in the brain (with atherosclerosis of blood vessels, increased pressure, stroke, trauma, etc.), as a result of which the blood flow to the area of ​​​​the ancient cortex is disrupted, and the alarm mechanism is triggered. Also, anxiety can occur with various mental illnesses.


Anxiety symptoms are observed throughout the body. They are associated with an increased release of adrenaline into the blood. At the same time, body trembling, a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, increased heart rate are observed, arrhythmias sometimes develop, pain in the heart may occur due to vasospasm, headache, dizziness, tearfulness, inability to sit still, dry mouth. With more intense exposure, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, frequent urination. In a state of anxiety and anxiety, all symptoms are associated with increased work of the organs of the endocrine system: adrenal glands and thyroid gland.

Stress is dangerous because when it is exposed to it for a long time, the body malfunctions. This is due to the fact that under conditions of stress, the cells of the body work at full strength, consuming a large number of oxygen and nutrients. Over time, they are depleted, which leads to disruption of the internal organs. In this case, various diseases can develop: diabetes, gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers, arterial hypertension, angina pectoris, heart attacks, strokes and others. In addition, stress exacerbates chronic diseases organism, since the affected organs during the period of intensive work “wear out” even faster. Constant anxiety significantly reduces a person's quality of life. At the same time, memory and concentration of attention deteriorate, working capacity, efficiency and quality of work performed decrease. If anxiety lasts for a long time, then a person may develop depression, which will require the intervention of specialists.

You can get rid of anxiety if the cause of its occurrence is established. First you need to identify and eliminate external influences. It is necessary to normalize the daily routine, to ensure good sleep and prevention of overwork, a change in the phases of work and rest throughout the day, the alternation of physical and mental labor. Human nutrition should be complete, include all nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is necessary, if possible, to reduce the impact of toxic substances on the human body: get rid of bad habits, eliminate contact with toxic chemicals at work, etc. If hygiene measures have not helped to cope with anxiety, you can seek help from a psychotherapist. In addition, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the body, since increased anxiety may be associated with internal problems.


Medicines for anxiety are used in cases where the hygiene measures and psycho-emotional correction did not give results. For treatment, vitamin-mineral complexes containing magnesium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, E, C, pantothenic acid, biotin and other B vitamins are used. passionit, phytosed, corvalol, valocardin. Alcohol solutions must be used with caution. They should not be used to treat anxiety in children, pregnant or lactating women. In this case, preference should be given to tinctures, and water based. The choice of specific drugs for anxiety is best left to the doctor, since these drugs have a number of contraindications and side effects. From this group of drugs, adaptol, afobazole, gidazepam, amitriptyline, etc. are used.

Folk remedies for anxiety are available and very effective. You can use aromatherapy methods. Essential oils rosemary, mint, bergamot have a calming effect on the nervous system. Lemon, tangerine and grapefruit increase tone, sage and orange flower improve mood. You can use each oil individually, or you can combine them at your discretion. A mixture of 4 drops rosemary, 2 drops lemon and lavender will relieve nervous tension. Mixture for stress: 2 drops neroli, 3 drops lavender, rose - 1 drop, bergamot - 1 drop. Phytotherapy for anxiety will also be effective. Use teas with mint, lemon balm, decoctions of valerian, motherwort. Fees are applied, consisting of 1 tsp hop cones, 1 tsp valerian, 2 tsp motherwort grass, 2 tsp mint. 2 tsp this mixture is brewed with 1 cup of boiling water, taken 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.

Treating anxiety with a high blood pressure patch is effective for almost any cause. The composition of the patch includes plants that improve the functioning of brain cells, improve blood microcirculation. In addition, they have cardioprotective properties - they protect the heart and blood vessels from overload, eliminating spasm and palpitations. The use of the patch will also prevent the development of hypertension in conditions prolonged stress. Overcome stress and calm the nervous system, restore healthy sleep and return good mood Capsules Bee Placenta help very effectively, which are designed primarily to protect the nervous system from the effects of harmful factors.

Pharmaceutical Care: Symptomatic Treatment of Anxiety Conditions

I. A. Zupanets, N. V. Bezdetko, National Pharmaceutical University

Pace modern life, the rapid development of information technology, often unfavorable social situation have a strong effect on the human nervous system, its mental health. In conditions of increased nervous tension, teachers, doctors, service workers, etc. work. Stress, neurosis - these diagnoses are becoming more common. According to WHO, at least 10-35% of the inhabitants of various countries of the world are exposed to stress. Stress inevitably leads to a decrease in working capacity, labor activity, a deterioration in the quality of life, and social maladaptation. One of characteristic manifestations The impact of stress on a person is unreasonable anxiety, excitement, anxiety. Patients with symptoms of increased emotional excitability, anxiety need a particularly attentive, delicate attitude from a pharmacy worker. The pharmacist's recommendations for the symptomatic treatment of anxiety conditions can significantly improve the well-being of such patients and improve the quality of life.

Anxiety, excitement, anxiety

Anxiety, excitement, anxiety is an obsessive feeling of expectation of something unpleasant, an indefinite threat, an impending danger. Unlike the emotion of fear, anxiety does not have a specific source, it is “fear of the unknown”. Psychologists distinguish between anxiety as a state and anxiety as a personality trait. Anxiety is a condition we all have. A certain level of anxiety is necessary to mobilize the emotional, intellectual and volitional resources of a person. This optimum level of anxiety is different for everyone, depending on the individual characteristics of a person.

A long-lasting anxiety state is accompanied by depressed mood, loss of interest in your favorite occupation, aggressiveness towards others. A frequent companion of anxiety conditions are headache, palpitations, loss of appetite, sleep disorders, which significantly affect the quality of life. Without appropriate drug and / or non-drug correction, an anxiety state can become the first harbinger of neurosis, so all available options for its treatment should be used.

The most common causes of anxiety

Most often, these disorders are based on industrial or domestic problems that cause anxiety or are accompanied by uncertainty: the state of health of relatives and friends; troubles at work or in the family, waiting for the solution of vital problems, waiting important events(exams, change of marital status, change of job, etc.).

In some cases, the state increased anxiety is a manifestation of one of somatic diseases. The most common of these diseases are:

  • increased activity of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis);
  • angina pectoris (impaired circulation in the coronary vessels);
  • low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia);
  • excess hormones produced by the adrenal glands;
  • withdrawal syndrome - abstinence from nicotine, alcohol, sleeping pills, drugs;
  • side effects of drugs.

Increased anxiety can be a symptom of a serious mental illness - schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis.

The most common causes of anxiety in children

In children, the cause of anxiety is almost always an internal conflict, disagreement with oneself. At the same time, increased anxiety can be manifested by restless, irritable behavior, rudeness towards others, or vice versa - complete apathy, indifference, rejection of any aspirations. It is important that anxiety does not become a personality trait of the child. Such people are constantly unsure of themselves and their decisions, they are always waiting for trouble, emotionally unstable, suspicious, distrustful, capricious and irritable. And this is already a harbinger of a developing neurosis. The development of pathological anxiety in children is facilitated by:

  • emotional coldness from loved ones;
  • excessive requirements on the part of adults that do not correspond to the capabilities and aspirations of the child;
  • conflicting demands on the child, emanating from different persons(for example, mom forbids what grandmother allows).

Although practice shows that in children it is often quite possible to do without medical correction of anxiety conditions, most parents trust medications.

Medicines, the intake of which most often may be accompanied by increased anxiety, emotional excitability

  • Sympathomimetics (including drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma, vasoconstrictor drugs for the treatment of rhinitis, complex remedies for the relief of cold symptoms)
  • Thyroid hormone preparations
  • General tonic (tincture of ginseng, magnolia vine, etc.) - in case of overdose
  • Preparations containing caffeine, when taken long-term or at high doses

"Threatening" symptoms with increased anxiety

If you experience increased anxiety against the background of any difficult life situation, it is very important not to miss serious illness which may be accompanied by symptoms of anxiety. Signs of such a disease can be:

  • chest pain that radiates to the arm, neck, jaw (especially to the left half of the body);
  • uneven or rapid heartbeat;
  • shortness of breath, rapid or difficult breathing;
  • high blood pressure;
  • anxiety is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, weight loss;
  • anxiety is accompanied by a feeling of heat, sweating, dry mouth;
  • anxiety occurs on an empty stomach or after physical activity(often observed in diabetes mellitus);
  • anxiety appears on the background of taking any drug or its withdrawal;
  • anxiety is accompanied by panic moods, fears.

Directions for the treatment of patients with a symptom of increased anxiety

Constant anxiety and the negative emotions associated with it can have a significant impact on health. Treatment anxiety symptom combines physical, mental and emotional condition. First of all, the patient should analyze the current situation and find the source of anxiety. Extremely useful training simple methods relaxation (relaxation), one of the simplest is deep calm breathing. It is important to have a balanced regular diet and good sleep 7-8 hours a day.

With the manifestation of anxiety in a child, it is necessary to increase his self-esteem, praise him as often as possible, do not skimp on the manifestation of love, give him complete freedom for initiative.

In most cases, these measures, combined with the use of over-the-counter sedatives, are sufficient.

In more difficult cases you need to see a doctor.

Drugs used for increased anxiety and the conditions for their rational use

For symptomatic treatment increased anxiety widely used herbal preparations. Many people with anxiety, increased emotional excitability prefer to use them for their treatment. In the case of not pronounced symptoms, this may be quite justified. There is an opinion that the complex of active substances of plants, formed in a living cell, has a greater affinity for the human body than an isolated chemically pure active substance, it is easier to assimilate and gives less side effects.
The complexity of the use of phytopreparations lies in the fact that each of the plants contains a number of biologically active substances with versatile activities. For this reason, it is sufficient importance It has right choice and application as separate medicinal plants, and special medicinal collections, containing in some cases up to 15–20 medicinal plants. Of particular importance is the strict consideration of possible side effects that can occur with herbal preparations as often as with the use of synthetic substances.

Valerian officinalis

Preparations based on it (infusions, tinctures, extracts, as well as potions in combination with other complex means) reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, as a result of which they are widely used as sedatives. It has been proven that valerian preparations reduce reflex excitability in central departments nervous system and enhance inhibitory processes in the neurons of the cortical and subcortical structures of the brain.

The calming effect of valerian is especially pronounced in case of nervous excitement.

Valerian preparations are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.


Motherwort preparations - infusions, tinctures and extracts - are used for hyperexcitability, neurasthenia and neurosis in both adults and children and adolescents. It has been established that motherwort preparations have a calming effect on the central nervous system, slow down the heart rate, increase the strength of heart contractions and lower blood pressure. It is believed that the sedative effect of motherwort tincture is 2-3 times stronger than that of valerian tincture.

Having a sedative effect, motherwort preparations in all dosage forms do not violate the process of assimilation and reproduction of information, do not change the adequacy of behavior, do not cause a decrease in muscle tone(muscle relaxation) and impaired coordination of movements.


Acts as a sedative, its effect stronger impact bromides and at the same time does not cause an unpleasant heavy feeling after waking up. Passiflora is great nervous excitement associated with alcohol and drug withdrawal.

Passiflora preparations are contraindicated in angina pectoris, severe atherosclerosis.


It has a calming effect on the central nervous system, well relieves increased arousal, anxiety, the effects of stress, and helps restore strength during sleep.

Indicated for violations vascular tone(vegetative-vascular dystonia), neurotic insomnia, climacteric neuroses. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.


Peppermint contains menthol, which has a pronounced ability to expand the vessels of the heart and brain (reflex action), as well as to act soothingly with neurosis, insomnia, and increased excitability. Along with soothing peppermint also has choleretic and antispasmodic properties. Lemon balm also has a similar effect.

Mint - required component for the production of drugs such as validol, Zelenin drops.

Drugs are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.


Hawthorn preparations reduce the excitability of the central nervous system (without having a general inhibitory effect), tonic effect on the heart muscle, increase blood circulation in the vessels of the heart and brain, reduce the effects of tachycardia and arrhythmia, relieve discomfort in the region of the heart, improve sleep and general state sick. Indicated for vegetative neurosis with signs of circulatory disorders, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, vascular atherosclerosis, insomnia, with increased thyroid function, menopausal disorders.

Tincture from hawthorn flowers is more effective than preparations from hawthorn fruits.

Common hop

The value of this herbaceous perennial plant is not limited to its use as a raw material for the brewing industry. The neurotropic effect of preparations from hop cones is associated with the presence of lupulin in them, which has a calming effect on the central nervous system. In pediatrics, it can be used 3-15 drops 3 times a day (before meals with a little liquid) depending on age and symptoms.

Hop oil (along with other components) is part of the preparations "Valocordin", "Korvaldin", "Valosedan".


The main effect of bromine salts (bromides) is associated with increased inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex. The effect of bromides largely depends on the type of nervous system and its functional state: in people with strong type higher nervous activity to obtain the same effect, larger doses are needed than in people with a weak type. The effect of bromides is most clearly manifested with pronounced emotional lability, neuroses.

Bromine salts are excreted from the body for a long time - a decrease in the content of bromine in the blood by 50% occurs within 12 days, and traces of bromine are found in the blood after a month or more.

Due to the slow excretion from the body, bromides accumulate and can cause chronic poisoning- bromism. The phenomena of bromism are manifested by general lethargy, apathy, memory impairment. Due to the irritating effect of bromine on mucous membranes, one of early manifestations bromism, there may be symptoms resembling a cold: rhinitis, conjunctivitis, cough, as well as diarrhea, skin rashes.

Bromine salts (sodium bromide and potassium bromide) are part of many complex sedative preparations (adonis-bromine, valocormide).

homeopathic remedies

AT last years more and more attention is paid to homeopathy. From OTC homeopathic remedies with increased anxiety, stress, insomnia, increased irritability, snoverin, naughty, etc. are most often used. They can be used in pediatrics (snoverin - both up to 6 years and after; naughty - after 5 years). The drugs do not cause daytime sleepiness, disorders of coordination of movements, addiction.

When using homeopathic remedies, remember that they are compatible with other medicines. However, the use of herbal remedies (especially mint), smoking, and drinking alcohol weakens their therapeutic effect.


Tranquilizers, or anxiolytics (diazepam, nitrazepam, tazepam, etc.) have a more pronounced effect on the central nervous system than herbal preparations and bromides. They reduce internal stress, eliminate feelings of anxiety, anxiety, fear. Reducing emotional stress, promote the onset of sleep.

Due to the fact that addiction to these drugs is possible, the development of mental dependence, they are prescribed by a doctor and dispensed strictly according to the prescriptions issued on Form No. 3.

Comparative characteristics medicines used to treat symptoms of anxiety

Combined medications
Tradename Compound Possibility of appointment Characteristic features and side effects
pregnant children
Adonis bromine Spring adonis herb extract, potassium bromide Contraindicated After 12 years At long-term use possible slowdown heart rate. Rarely, it can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, cause nausea.
Antistress Hawthorn fruit extract, peony tincture, motherwort tincture, peppermint tincture, oregano tincture, glutamic acid, lemon acid + After 3 years Mild sedative and sedative
Bromocamphor camphor bromide + After 3 years with dose recalculation Calming effect on the central nervous system, improvement of cardiac activity. Rarely can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, cause nausea
Valocormid Valerian tincture, lily of the valley tincture, belladonna tincture, sodium bromide, menthol - - Calming and antispasmodic action. May cause dizziness, drowsiness, slow heart rate
Valosedan Valerian extract, hop tincture, hawthorn tincture, rhubarb tincture, sodium barbital - - May cause dizziness, drowsiness when used
Valocordin Bromisovaleric acid ethyl ester, phenobarbital, peppermint oil, hop oil - -
Dormiplant Melissa extract, valerian extract + +
Corvalol Bromisovaleric acid ethyl ester, sodium phenobarbital, peppermint oil - - May cause dizziness, drowsiness, slow heart rate
Nervogran Peppermint extract, lemon balm extract, valerian extract, chamomile, yarrow herb - After 3 years Soothing, antispasmodic and mild analgesic effect.
Novopassit Guaifenesin, hawthorn extract, hop extract, St. John's wort extract, lemon balm extract, valerian extract, black elderberry extract - After 12 years Calming and antispasmodic action. When used, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, skin rash, muscle weakness. Contraindicated in gastrointestinal diseases
Persen Valerian extract, peppermint extract, lemon balm extract + After 6 years Calming, mild sedative effect
Sanason Valerian extract, hop extract + After 6 years Calming, mild sedative effect
Fitosed Hawthorn fruit, motherwort herb, hop cones, oat fruit, lemon balm herb, coriander fruit, sweet clover herb - After 12 years Calming, antispasmodic, mild hypnotic effect

Pharmaceutical care in the use of sedatives

  • The use of alcohol-containing tinctures in some cases (children early age, pregnant women, people weaning from alcohol addiction etc.) is inappropriate - alcohol can cause both changes in the severity of the effect active substances and the patient's response to it.
  • All sedatives increase the effect of hypnotics and may themselves have a hypnotic effect when taken in large doses.
  • Taking sedatives before bed can help you fall asleep if you have insomnia.
  • Sedatives may enhance the effect of analgesics, especially in people with increased emotional excitability.
  • The best effect of sedative drugs is shown with long-term systematic use (2-3 weeks or more).
  • Tinctures of medicinal plants should be stored in a cool dark place.
  • Adonis-bromine begins to act in 2-4 hours.
  • While taking Adonis Bromine, you should reduce your salt intake.
  • While taking Adonis Bromine, you should follow a diet, rich in potassium- jacket potatoes, dried apricots, raisins, etc.
  • Adonis-bromine and bromocamphor along with sedative effect improve cardiac activity, therefore, they are especially indicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Bromocamphor should be taken after meals - it can cause stomach pain when taken on an empty stomach.
  • Bromine salts are slowly excreted from the body, they can accumulate and cause bromism phenomena.
  • At the first manifestations of "bromism", the medication should be stopped immediately! The antidote is sodium chloride.
  • Valerian preparations enhance the effect of sleeping pills.
  • Valerian preparations have choleretic action, stimulate the secretion of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • In the treatment of young children, valerian root infusions are more often used.
  • Children are prescribed liquid preparations of valerian - as many drops at one time as the child is old.
  • Valerian extract tablets are more convenient to use, but the tincture has a more pronounced effect.
  • Motherwort extract is contraindicated in pregnancy.
  • When taking Novopassit, one should refrain from activities that require concentration of attention (driving a car, etc.).


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Modern people are increasingly living life in tension, they are focused on the negative, they are overcome by a sense of anxiety and anxiety. A lot of unresolved tasks, fatigue, stress - all these factors have become an integral part of life. If internal tension appears occasionally, then it does not pose a health hazard. Otherwise constant feeling anxiety can significantly affect overall well-being, deprive the joy of life and lead to sad consequences. Why do feelings that take us out of balance suddenly appear from somewhere? In what cases does this condition require medical care? How to deal with mental discomfort?

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is an emotion that has a negative connotation. This is a tedious and exhausting expectation of unpleasant events, danger, fear of the unknown. A person can feel intense excitement almost physically, experiencing discomfort in the area. solar plexus. Some are tormented by the feeling of a lump in the throat, others describe it as if they rib cage crushed. Anxiety and restlessness can also manifest as shortness of breath, rapid breathing and accompanied by sweating, nausea and hand tremors. Anxiety is different from fear, although it has some similarities with it. Fear is a reaction to a specific incident, a threat, and anxiety is a fear of an unknown, not yet occurred event. But why should we be afraid of what has not happened and may never happen? Why does anxiety still overtake us, and with it anxiety?

Causes of Anxiety and Worry

Excitement, internal tension and anxiety arise for a number of reasons. "Popular about health" will list them:

1. Approximation significant event e.g. exams, job interviews. A person worries about the outcome, worries that he will not be able to prove himself properly.

2. Guilt. Often a heavy burden on the soul is the memory of the past - a crime, a bad deed. Guilt gnaws at a person, causing inner anxiety.

3. negative feelings to another person can disturb the mental balance. If you experience strong hatred, anger, resentment towards someone, then you will constantly feel heaviness in your chest, excitement and anxiety.

4. Violations in the endocrine and nervous system. In most cases, people experience anxiety due to diseases, for example, one of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia is panic attacks. In neuroses, patients complain of a constant and irresistible feeling of inner unrest.

5. Mental disorders are a common cause of anxiety.

6. Daily problems. People tend to think ahead of their plans, deeds. Often we worry about our children, parents or friends. This is a normal situation, the main thing is to be able to control our feelings and not allow them to completely take over us.

Why you need to get rid of anxiety?

Constant excitement, tension and anxiety greatly impair the quality of human life. Experiencing psychological discomfort, we are not able to enjoy the present moment, but are focused on pain and fear. In such a state it is difficult to set goals and achieve them, it is impossible to take care of relatives, give them joy, it is impossible to achieve success. In addition, excessive anxiety can lead to the development of the disease - depression, mental disorders and neurosis. How to get rid of internal discomfort?

What to do if you are overcome by anxiety?

If you feel tension, excitement and anxiety, know that there is always a reason for it. To help yourself, you need to find them out. Analyze your thoughts, perhaps you are haunted by resentment or anger, perhaps you have a lot of unfinished business. Try to complete them as much as possible. If you feel guilt or resentment, forgive yourself or the other person. This will help you find peace.

Sometimes anxiety is caused by nervous disorders or disorders of the endocrine or nervous system that you may not be aware of. If a visible reasons no worries, but there is a heavy burden on the soul, consult a doctor and undergo an examination. If the state is running and you are periodically exposed to panic attacks expert help is essential.

Sports will help relieve tension, which often develops into anxiety. Start Leading active image life and focus on the present. Your life is the most valuable, you can not spend all the precious time given to us on fear and excitement, worrying about what may not happen. Negative thoughts that haunt you affect subsequent events. If all undertakings are accompanied by fear and excitement, then they will not be successful. You are able to cope with anxiety on your own if you communicate more, walk, take time for self-care, find interesting hobby. If you can't find peace, visit a psychologist. Perhaps somewhere in your subconscious mind, something is preventing you from getting rid of difficult memories or fears.

Anxiety and anxiety is something that cannot be ignored and left to chance. These feelings arise if a person is stressed, has little rest, harbors resentment or negativity towards other people, and also if not everything is in order with health. Try to figure out your reason for this condition and help yourself before the problem develops into something more serious.