Methods for treating wet cough in a child. How to treat a wet cough in a child

The appearance of a strong wet cough in a child is a protective reaction of the body, which often occurs as a result of damage to the respiratory system. various pathologies. This type of cough can be caused by accumulation of respiratory tract foreign particles and in this condition the child should definitely be shown to a specialist.

The main difference wet cough is that it is accompanied by the appearance of specific mucus, that is, sputum. In childhood, the process of removing such mucus is much more difficult than in adults, so it is important for parents to know how to treat a cough with phlegm in a child.

Causes of cough with phlegm

Possible causes of the disease in children

A wet cough is considered more beneficial for the child’s body, as it helps remove mucus from the lungs, respiratory tract and bronchi. In such a situation, during the process of coughing, mucus may come out into the large quantities, and side sounds such as wheezing may occur.

The causes of such cough in children are varied and depend on the age of the patient. U infants This phenomenon can occur if the baby chokes on milk during feeding. In addition, in young children, cough with phlegm can occur as a result of frequent accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx.

The most common cause of wet cough in children is considered to be diseases infectious nature, which provoke severe inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Most often, cough occurs with the following pathologies:

  • pneumonia in remission
  • progression of bronchial asthma
  • development of an allergic reaction
  • diagnosing obstructive bronchitis
  • lung abscess

With such pathologies, a dry cough is usually observed for 3-4 days, which gradually turns into a wet one. This process is accompanied by a decrease in the child’s body temperature and an improvement in his overall well-being.

A healthy child can cough up to 15 times a day and most often this happens in morning time when the respiratory organs are freed from microparticles accumulated in them.

The following manifestations should cause particular concern for parents: child's body:

  • The child’s cough began suddenly and does not stop for a long time
  • wet cough accompanied by shortness of breath
  • cough is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, and it does not decrease within 24 hours
  • there are specks of blood in the sputum
  • cough is accompanied by wheezing in the child
  • baby complains about painful sensations in the chest area
  • sputum turns green
  • The child coughs heavily at night and cannot stop
  • a wet cough lasts for several weeks or even months

With such signals from the body, a wet cough most likely signals pathologies of the respiratory system and the child should definitely be shown to a specialist.

Symptoms and types of sputum

Signs of pathology

The nature of the appearance of a wet cough is usually determined by the nature of its sputum:

  • bronchitis and tracheitis are usually characterized by the appearance of large amounts of sputum
  • pneumonia causes rust-colored sputum to form
  • progression of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract leads to the formation of watery sputum
  • in case of bronchial asthma, glassy sputum of viscous consistency is observed
  • tuberculosis and heart failure cause sputum mixed with blood
  • Lung abscess and bronchiectasis are accompanied by the release of purulent mucus with an unpleasant odor

Among the symptoms that should definitely worry parents, experts highlight:

  • cough accompanied by intense wheezing and whistling
  • sputum appears yellow-green in color and mixed with blood
  • The child's cough lasts for several weeks and does not stop
  • with such symptoms, the child must be shown to a pediatrician, who will conduct an examination and select an effective treatment

Drug treatment

Cough treatment - syrups: types

The process of sputum discharge in children is more complex process than in adults. This is explained by the fact that sputum in childhood has a more viscous consistency, and the respiratory muscles are still poorly developed.

In addition, the presence of sputum in the bronchi of a child can lead to the development of various complications, since this can provoke the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and delay the recovery process. It is for this reason that when treating wet cough in children, the main emphasis is on facilitating the passage of accumulated mucus.

Drug therapy involves the use of:

  • mucolytic drugs that cause the formation of the required amount of sputum
  • expectorants, which help thin mucus that has a sticky consistency

More often drug treatment wet cough in children is carried out using drugs for plant based, among which the most effective are:

  • Pectusin
  • Doctor Mom
  • Solutan
  • Breast training

Herbal medicines should be taken as prescribed by a specialist and after reading the attached instructions. This is due to the fact that during treatment with their help, an allergic reaction may develop.

Useful video - Bronchitis in a child.

  • Lazolvan
  • Ambroxol
  • Bromhexine

Synthetic expectorants are considered effective because their use can significantly reduce the viscosity, even too much. thick mucus, which is formed during pneumonia and cystic fibrosis.

It is important to understand that any medications for the treatment of wet cough should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

The use of antitussives is a complete contraindication, since they have a suppressive effect on cough. In addition, they cause sputum sedimentation, which can further complicate the course of the disease. At the recovery stage, when the child can cough independently and productively, drug treatment can be stopped.

Prescribing antibacterial drugs

Antibiotic for wet cough: application features and types

Many parents believe that antibiotics are a “magic pill” that can cure their child of any disease. In fact, this is not entirely true, because the use of antibacterial drugs in the treatment of cough may not always give a positive result.

Such remedies turn out to be completely useless in treating diseases. viral origin or if a cough occurs due to mechanical damage throat. It is for this reason that before prescribing medications and especially antibiotics, it is important to find out the cause of the cough.

Most often, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for the treatment of:

  • bronchitis in acute and chronic form
  • tuberculosis
  • pneumonia
  • pleurisy
  • tracheitis
  • bacterial diseases

When certain pathologies progress in the child’s body, which are accompanied by the appearance of a wet cough, the prescription of antibiotics is required. wide range action, but a narrow focus. Self-prescription of such medications is not allowed, and this can only be done by a specialist after examining the child.

Most often, treatment with antibiotics is combined with taking antihistamines, and after its completion the child is prescribed prophylactic agents against dysbacteriosis.

Before prescribing an antibiotic, the doctor conducts a test for sputum and the absence of allergic reactions to medications.

Treatment of wet cough for various diseases can be carried out using:

  • Augmentina
  • Bioparoxa
  • Sumameda
  • Macropena
  • Lazolvana

When taking antibacterial drugs, the following rules must be observed:

  • The course of treatment usually lasts 7-10 days.
  • It is important to take the medicine at the same time.
  • Typically, antibiotics give a positive result within 2-3 days after starting to take it, and if it is not available, the drug must be replaced.
  • Accept antibacterial agents it is necessary for the time prescribed by the specialist, even if a positive effect is obtained after 2-3 days.

If it is not possible to conduct a sputum test, the child is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine - tips and recipes

Many mothers prefer to treat wet cough in children using traditional methods, the effectiveness of which has been proven over many years and generations.

Achieve quick and positive result you can use the following recipes:

  • Grind the figs well on a grater and pour 10 grams of the resulting mass into 300 ml of boiling water. Place the resulting mixture on low heat and let stand for 10 minutes. After this, cool the prepared product to room temperature, strain and give the child 80-100 ml several times a day after meals. For greater effectiveness in treating wet cough, it is recommended to add lemon juice to the drink.
  • Grate the black radish on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of it. In a 1:1 ratio, mix the resulting juice with boiled milk at room temperature. After this, it is recommended to add 5 ml of any honey to the prepared medicine. Give your child 10 ml of this drink after each meal.

The following medicinal solutions give good results:

  • prepare a drink from milk and birch sap in a ratio of 1:2, then add a little flour to it
  • before bedtime you can give 200 ml boiled water with the addition of a few drops of iodine tincture
  • treatment of bronchitis can be carried out using a mixture prepared from equal proportions of onion juice and honey

For a speedy recovery of the child and elimination of attacks of wet cough, it is recommended to combine traditional methods of treatment with drug therapy.

Other cough treatments

In order for the healing process to proceed faster, it is important to comply with the following conditions:

  • It is important to keep the room clean and with an air temperature of 18-20 degrees. The accumulation of large amounts of dust has an impact Negative influence for lung ventilation, therefore it is recommended to remove all dust accumulations from the children's room and carry out daily wet cleaning.
  • Maintain the necessary humidity in the room, that is, ventilate the room as often as possible.
  • Drinking plenty of fluid helps to change the viscosity of sputum, so it is necessary to ensure that the child is hydrated.
  • Don't give up your daily walks fresh air.

One of the most common methods of treating cough is inhalation, which uses solutions:

  • daisies
  • coltsfoot
  • thyme
  • baking soda

Can be used different kinds compresses that help increase blood circulation and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. In the absence of contraindications, mustard wrap can be performed, but this is best done through a thin cloth.

Treatment of cough in childhood is a difficult and responsible process, so it is best for parents to refuse various experiments. Only a specialist should deal with the elimination of pathology, which will avoid the development of many complications.

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How to treat a cough in a 1 year old child

Although cough helps in clearing mucus from the lungs and bronchi, treatment is necessary even in one-year-old children. The cough can be dry or wet. To treat cough in children, doctors prescribe different remedies.

The appearance of a cough most often indicates the presence of a cold in children aged 1 year. A cough helps clear mucus from the airways, but it still requires treatment. Before treating a cough one year old baby, it is necessary to determine its character. Wet and dry cough require different treatments.

How to treat a wet cough in a one-year-old child

In children of this age, sputum discharge is much more difficult than in adults. If treatment is not started in time, complicated diseases may occur. How to treat a wet cough in a 1-year-old child can be found out at an appointment with a pediatrician. There is no need to self-medicate so as not to cause harm. The doctor will prescribe medications that thin sputum and stimulate mucus production. It can be herbal remedies, such as breast mixtures, syrups or tablets. Synthetic products are not approved for use in one-year-old children. As soon as coughing attacks become significantly less frequent, the use of medications should be discontinued so that the baby can clear his throat on his own. Good method Massage is considered a treatment for wet cough, but it should be performed on the recommendation of a doctor and only by a specialist.

How to treat dry cough in a 1 year old child

A dry cough is an alarming sign for parents. It is dangerous and may be a symptom of a serious illness. What to give one year old child A doctor can solve a dry cough after necessary examination. Usually in this case, doctors prescribe inhalation and syrups that help thin the sputum. This can be a syrup based on licorice root or essential oils. For a dry cough and high fever, you need to take penicillin-based antibiotics.

How to treat a severe cough in a one-year-old child

Cough medicines do not always help short time. Sometimes they may not help at all. If your baby has severe coughing attacks that bother him not only during the day, but also at night, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination of the body. Doctors do not recommend intensive treatment of cough in children, as the cause of its occurrence should be found out. This may be a signal of the onset of ARVI or tuberculosis.

How to choose a cough remedy for 1 year old children

It is necessary to choose cough medications for children under one year of age and older after consulting your doctor. For such children, many medications are contraindicated for use, especially for dry cough. Pharmacies have a large selection of medicines produced in different forms. The most commonly used are syrups and tablets, as well as breast herbal preparations.

Cough syrup for one year old children

Children take many cough syrups without problems. This makes it easier to treat the disease and eliminate wet and dry cough. Many people have heard about syrup plant origin Doctor Mom. It is effective in liquefying and removing mucus from the baby's respiratory tract. Gedelix syrup has proven itself well for dry coughs. It is safe even for treating babies under one year old. Expectorant and antimicrobial effect has Tussamag syrup. It is allowed for children from 1 year.

Cough tablets for a 1 year old child

Cough tablets should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. The doctor will determine the cause and nature of the cough, and then prescribe treatment. Many tablets are prohibited for treating cough in young children. But there are still some permitted and effective ones. In addition to the syrup, you can take Doctor Mom chewable lozenges. From 1 year of age, the use of Tusuprex is allowed, but under the strict supervision of a pediatrician. Most other tablets are approved for use in older children.

Cough in a one-year-old child

Causes of cough in a baby

Cough is the most common symptom colds in one-year-old children. Despite the fact that coughing affects the larynx, trachea and bronchi, at this time the process of clearing the respiratory tract of viruses and microbes occurs.

Before starting treatment, you need to find out the causes of the cough. There may be several of them:

  • inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx, upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • adenoids:
  • dry and warm indoor air;
  • contacts with allergens;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • psychogenic cause;
  • entry of a foreign body.

Dry cough in a one-year-old child

Only a doctor can determine the cause of a dry cough in a small child. The method of treatment depends on this. With this type of cough, there is no secretion of sputum, and it is painful. Causes of dry cough can be:

  • viral infection;
  • irritants environment: chemicals, cigarette smoke, dry air;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease, when stomach contents reflux into the esophagus, causing vomiting and salivation;
  • whooping cough;
  • measles;
  • allergic diseases;
  • tracheitis and pharyngitis
  • pleurisy.

Severe cough in a one-year-old child

When your baby coughs a lot. Parents sometimes feel powerless when trying to help their child. The child cannot sleep, behaves restlessly and cries. More often than not, doctors do not recommend intensive treatment of cough, as this is defensive reaction the child's body and freedom from viruses. First of all, you need to establish the cause of this condition. This can be either a symptom of acute respiratory disease or tuberculosis.

Barking cough in a one-year-old child

A barking cough in a one-year-old baby can be caused by an infection, cold or allergy. In young children, the larynx is much narrower than in older children, so the penetration of the virus often contributes to swelling. When a child literally begins to choke in a fit barking cough, you need to calm him down first. Take him in your arms and watch your favorite cartoon. The child should be dressed in loose clothing that does not restrict movement. The air in the room must be humidified. The baby must be provided with proper care and proper nutrition to maintain immune system body. Be sure to call a doctor.

Runny nose and cough in a one-year-old child

If you have a cough or runny nose one year old child You cannot self-medicate. Call a doctor to determine the exact cause of your discomfort. Wet expectorant cough not worth docking. In this case, the airways will clear much faster. It is necessary to provide the baby drinking plenty of fluids and constantly moisten the room. If allowed weather, walk more in the fresh air. It is better to treat a runny nose using prescriptions. traditional medicine and remove mucus accumulated in the nose.

A one-year-old child has a cough and fever

If a one-year-old child’s cough is accompanied by a fever, it means that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body. You should always pay attention to your baby's behavior. Does he become lethargic and sleepy, does his appetite persist? If everything indicates that your baby is very unwell and has a dry cough, be sure to call a doctor. Similar symptoms may occur during teething against a background of weakened immunity.

Cough in a one-year-old child without fever

Cough in a one-year-old child is common, but fever is not always the case. A wet or productive cough helps clear viruses and germs from the respiratory tract. If the baby’s cough without fever is dry, then that’s it. healing procedures should be aimed at transitioning it into wet state. It often happens that a cough lasts a long time after an illness. Not worth taking a large number of medications. The body must fight on its own, but only if the necessary conditions are created.

How to treat a cough in a one-year-old child

When the baby coughs, it is necessary to provide a gentle regime, but not limit it motor activity. Movement helps cleanse the bronchi. If your child wants to play, do it together so that the game is calm and exciting. You should also not force feed your child if he doesn’t want to.


Medicines should be natural based and in the form of syrups or crushed tablets mixed with liquid. The doctor prescribes expectorant medications such as Bromhexine. Glaucine. Ambrohexal. Mucolic drugs cannot completely cure a cough, but they help thin the sputum. For a wet cough, Pectusin is prescribed. Gedelix. Travisil. For a dry cough, the child is given Sinekod. Glycodin. If the cough is the result of an allergy, then antihistamines. Treatment is complicated by the fact that many drugs have contraindications and side effects.


The use of compresses is effective means. They can be cold, hot, dry, water, oil, alcohol. The basis of a warm compress is to increase blood circulation and gradually reduce inflammation and pain. Warming compresses are prescribed only by a doctor in the absence of contraindications, such as skin diseases. Here are some compress recipes for your baby:

Boil a couple of potatoes in their skins, add a tablespoon of sunflower oil and a teaspoon of alcohol. Mix everything thoroughly and form two cakes. Wrap them in gauze and place them on your chest and back. Keep it for about two hours. Then dry the child and change his clothes.

Dilute apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of one to three and add a teaspoon of honey. Dampen a napkin and apply it to your throat and chest. Place plastic and a towel on top. Hold for twenty minutes.

Heat sunflower oil in a water bath. Wet the towel and wrap it around the baby, avoiding the heart area. Then put wax paper and a woolen scarf.


Inhalations have been used since ancient times to treat coughs. During the procedure, the medicine directly enters the respiratory tract, affects the nerve endings and helps thin the mucus. Conduct steam inhalations using mineral water or dissolve four teaspoons of soda in a liter of water. You can carry out the procedure using an infusion of thyme or coltsfoot, with the addition of a few drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil.


It is recommended to perform a chest massage during treatment. Also carry out patting and tapping movements in the area of ​​​​the feet. To improve the result, use herbal balms, for example, Doctor Mom or Bronchicum.

Cough in a one-year-old child: treatment with folk remedies

To treat cough, use proven and effective recipes traditional medicine:

Boil an apple, onion and potato in a liter of water until the amount of water is reduced by half. Give your baby the resulting decoction three times a day.

Mix honey, sugar and cabbage juice in equal proportions. Don't forget that honey sometimes gives allergic reactions.

teaspoon pine buds Boil in a glass of water. Leave for thirty minutes and give your baby one teaspoon four times a day.

Boil the lemon over low heat for ten minutes. Cool and squeeze out the juice, adding two tablespoons of glycerin and a little honey. Mix everything thoroughly and give it to your child twice a day an hour before meals. This mixture cleanses the lungs very well.

  1. Ambroxol.
  2. Lazolvan.
  3. Ambrobene.
  1. Gedelix.
  2. Dry cough medicine.
  3. Linkas.

  • honey – 30 g;
  • flour – 30 g;
  • vegetable oil – 5 ml.

A cough in a small child may be considered normal occurrence, but not when he gives no rest either day or night. Parents want to get rid of the problem as soon as possible. This can be done promptly only by knowing the nature of the attacks.

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» Cough in a child

Many parents do not know how to treat a cough in a child who is 1 year old, because many children at this age have respiratory muscles still immature. Conventional cough suppressants can harm your baby's health. Coughs should be treated only with special medications for small children.

Mucolytic cough suppressants

Mucolytic drugs help thin the sputum. They can be used to cure a cough in a child (1 year old) when diseases of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, pneumonia, etc.) are diagnosed. Mucolytics will also help with coughs with thick, difficult to separate and viscous sputum.

Among the most effective drugs in this group:

  1. Ambroxol. This drug has a pleasant taste and effectively copes with cough. It should be given 2.5 mg after meals twice a day. If you provide your child with plenty of fluids, you will see a better effect, so when taking Ambraxol, try to give your child more juices, water, and compote. It is not recommended to use syrup for more than 5 days in a row to treat cough in a child over 1 year old.
  2. Lazolvan. The best remedy to combat wet cough. Just a day after starting to take this syrup, the child will expectorate well. You need to drink Lazolvan for no more than 7 days.
  3. Ambrobene. Excellent for liquefying and removing mucus. The dosage of this drug depends on the form of release. As a rule, for a wet cough in a child (if he is already 1 year old), Ambrobene is used in the form of syrup, 2.5 ml twice a day.

Bronchicum is an effective mucolytic agent. It contains syrup from thyme (thyme herb), which helps to quickly cope with cough. Bronchicum can be used for up to 14 days. If a sick child refuses to take the syrup, then he can be given therapeutic inhalations. To do this, use mucolytics such as Fluimucil or Bromhexine. Combining medications from this group with antitussives is strictly prohibited.

Expectorants for coughs

Expectorants facilitate the separation and removal of mucus from the pulmonary tract. They liquefy it and increase the activity of the ciliated epithelium. Such drugs are indicated for a child over 1 year of age if the cough is dry or there are symptoms of acute inflammatory diseases respiratory organs. To treat children, it is best to use expectorants such as:

  1. Gedelix. Herbal preparation. You can take no more than ½ teaspoon per day. It is advisable to drink a lot during treatment with Gedelix.
  2. Dry cough medicine. Available in powder form, which must be diluted in ordinary water. The resulting mixture is given to the child 15 drops after meals.
  3. Linkas. Reduces cough and relieves sore throat. You can take the medicine for up to 10 days.

If a child over 1 year of age coughs, he can also be given the expectorant Stoptussin in the form of drops. The dosage of this medicine depends on the baby's weight.

How to cure a cough with folk remedies?

A 1 year old child has coughing? Treatment can also be carried out using folk remedies. They can be used by almost all children, as they have very few contraindications.

Medicinal tea is good for cough.

The mixture of herbs should be poured into 500 ml of cold boiled water. After 8 hours, you can give the infusion to the child 50 ml three times a day.

A honey compress will cure cough at 1 year old.

  • honey – 30 g;
  • flour – 30 g;
  • vegetable oil – 5 ml.

Knead the dough and form it into a flat cake. Place a diaper on the chest area, put the dough on top of it and cover everything with another diaper. After 15 minutes, remove everything.

How to cure a child's wet cough

Nature has provided humans with a whole range of defense mechanisms. One of them is cough. The ability to push out dust particles and particles of liquid that accidentally enter them from the respiratory tract is a reflex and manifests itself from the moment of birth. The mucous membrane of the bronchi and lungs constantly produces sputum (mucus containing immune cells), which binds foreign contents and facilitates their elimination. Doctors call a cough with sputum production productive.

Wet cough in a child: norm and pathology

In the absence of respiratory diseases, bronchial secretions are produced in small quantities. Most people swallow it unnoticed, but some cough it up, especially when changing body position (for example, after waking up in the morning). The sputum secreted by a child’s body contains much less moisture than the secretion contained in the bronchi of an adult. In addition, the muscles that allow you to make pushing reflex movements are weaker in babies. Therefore, isolated cases of wet cough in a child (up to 10-15 times a day) are not considered a pathology.

Parents should be alert to the following signs:

  • The child’s attacks of wet cough become prolonged;
  • The baby is suffocating. At the same time, newborns take more than 60, children from two months to a year - more than 50, and from one year and older - more than 40 breaths per minute;
  • The baby’s body temperature rises to 38 °C and lasts longer than a day;
  • The child becomes lethargic and loses appetite;
  • At night, the baby wakes up due to obsessive coughing attacks;
  • Sputum is released in noticeable quantities, has a greenish or rusty color, and contains particles of blood;
  • Breathing is accompanied by clearly audible wheezing and chest pain.

A wet cough in a child can be both a symptom of an incipient illness and residual phenomenon, accompanying the process of recovery after an illness (influenza, ARVI, etc.). In infants, the cause of this phenomenon is often the process of tooth growth.

Treatment of wet cough in a child

A wet productive cough can be caused by a variety of ailments. If the warning signs described above appear, you should consult a doctor to diagnose and begin treatment of the underlying disease. In some cases, the nature of the problem can be identified by the appearance of the sputum:

  • The yellow-green color of the secretion is observed with influenza and bronchitis;
  • Rusty coloring – with lobar pneumonia;
  • Bright yellow color – with bronchial asthma;
  • The viscous consistency of sputum is characteristic of cystic fibrosis, obstructive bronchitis and asthma of the infectious-allergic type;
  • Abundant watery discharge indicate an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract;
  • The presence of blood streaks may be a consequence of pulmonary hemorrhage, tuberculosis or heart failure.

The main principle of treating a wet cough in a child is to facilitate the passage and removal of sputum. In this case, you cannot take cough suppressants. This can lead to stagnation of sputum in the bronchi, the development of secondary infection and the appearance of other dangerous complications. The problem can be solved in two ways, the essence of which is to reduce the viscosity of mucous secretions and increase the intensity of reflex coughing movements.

The arsenal of expectorants and mucolytics is very wide. It includes herbal-based medicines (preparations of marshmallow, coltsfoot, oregano, licorice, thermopsis, thyme, etc.) and synthetic origin. The latter are considered both more effective and less dangerous for children; they rarely cause allergic reactions. In addition to taking medications, treatment of a wet cough in a child includes the following therapeutic procedures:

  • Massage. Circular stroking of the chest and back helps the smallest children to cough up mucus. You should massage carefully, with a warm hand or a heated soft diaper. The procedure is especially relevant in cases where the child is prone to allergic reactions and does not tolerate drug treatment well;
  • Rubbing with warming ointments. Suitable therapeutic agents include goat or badger fat, heated butter or honey, turpentine ointment, camphor oil(for children over one year old);
  • Steam inhalations. The procedure helps to increase the amount of sputum and dilute it. To carry out inhalation for a wet cough in a child, add a decoction of pine buds, chamomile herb or eucalyptus leaves, soda and alkaline salt to the water mineral water;
  • Paraffin applications on the chest area;
  • Doing breathing exercises;
  • Taking folk remedies that facilitate the separation of sputum, such as black radish juice, onion juice with sugar, a decoction of figs in milk, warm milk in half with mineral water and etc.

Most procedures cannot be performed if the baby has a high fever. Rubbing with warming ointments is contraindicated in the presence of skin diseases, allergic reactions and severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system. It is not recommended to use inhalations for a wet cough in a child suffering from respiratory or heart failure or purulent sore throat. Steam inhalation is prohibited for children with a tendency to nosebleeds, as well as for children under two years of age.

Treatment is greatly facilitated if favorable conditions are created in the apartment. living conditions and compliance with patient care rules. It is necessary to ensure warmth and high humidity in the room, remove soft toys, carpets and other objects on which dust accumulates. The baby needs plenty of warm drinks (tea, compote, fruit juice) and light food with increased content vitamins Moderate physical activity promotes mucus production. If the child does not have a high fever, you should not insist that he lie in bed. During the recovery period, quiet walks in the fresh air are recommended.

A wet cough in a child is not an independent disease, but it must be treated. Parents of infants, as well as those children who suffer from chronic illnesses. An urgent visit to a doctor is necessary when the cough is accompanied by high fever, shortness of breath, and the sputum has a strong purulent odor. It is not safe to treat a cough on your own; in each case, the decision on the advisability of therapy and methods of providing medical care must be taken by a specialist.

Text: Emma Murga

How to treat a child's cough with sputum?

A child's cough with phlegm is defense mechanism, with the help of which the respiratory system is cleansed of substances that irritate it. It can be chemical or physical substances. Most often, cough in children is caused by bacteria, toxins, dust, smoke, foreign bodies. A wet cough causes a large amount of phlegm to come out. If it is rare, this is normal, so it removes excess laryngeal mucus.

When a child is healthy, he coughs no more than 15 times a day, he does this in the morning, in this way the respiratory system is cleansed. Infant may cough due to milk, nasal mucus, and tears entering the respiratory tract. In infants, a wet cough is caused by increased secretion of saliva during teething.

When should you take action when a child has a wet cough?

1. The child suddenly begins to cough, he is unable to clear his throat, and he begins to choke.

2. In addition to a wet cough, shortness of breath occurs.

3. High body temperature above 38 degrees.

4. The child does not eat for a long time.

5. The cough is accompanied by severe wheezing.

6. The child’s sputum is bloody and green.

7. The child complains of chest pain.

8. The child’s cough suffocates him at night and he cannot sleep properly.

9. A wet cough continues for more than two weeks or months.

All this says about serious illness respiratory system, so it is very important to take the necessary measures in time in this case.

Causes of wet cough in children

1. Infections that affect the upper respiratory tract - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.

2. In cases of obstructive bronchitis.

3. Due to pneumonia.

4. Cough is characteristic of bronchial asthma and various allergic reactions.

5. Due to a runny nose, most often of an allergic nature.

6. For tuberculosis, lung abscess.

Type of sputum in a child with a wet cough

Treatment will depend on the type of secretion produced:

1. Bronchitis and tracheitis are characterized by a large amount of sputum.

2. Pneumonia is characterized by rust-colored sputum.

3. With the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract, watery sputum appears.

4. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by viscous glassy sputum.

5. In cases of tuberculosis and heart problems, sputum with blood appears.

6. For lung abscess, bronchiectasis, sputum with pus and an unpleasant odor.

Treatment methods for wet cough in children

Please note that sputum discharge is worse in childhood than in adulthood. Because sputum is distinguished by its viscosity, the child’s respiratory muscles are not developed. If a child stays in the bronchi for a long time, bacteria actively multiply in it, because of this the disease becomes more complicated, and the person cannot recover for a long time. To cure a wet cough in a child, you need to remove the phlegm as quickly as possible.

TO medications include the use of mucolytics, with their help you can form sputum, and expectorant medications will help to thin it and get rid of viscosity - Pectusin, chest collection, Doctor Mom, solutan. Synthetic drugs such as ACC, ambrox, bromhexine are also used, and treatment with lazolvan is often prescribed. With their help, thick sputum, which is characteristic of pneumonia and cystic fibrosis, is quickly removed from the child.

In no case should you use anti-cough medications for a wet cough; they will further aggravate the disease, sputum will begin to settle in the bronchi or lungs, and an inflammatory process will begin to develop.

When the child becomes better, there is no need to continue giving medication, especially if the baby eats normally and moves actively, he can cough it up himself.

Infants can be helped to get rid of phlegm by rubbing the back and chest; this should be done with extreme caution. Children who are over 5 years old can be treated with steam inhalations using soda, herbal infusions, essential oils and iodine.

Children often suffer from different allergic manifestations, so if you notice a rash on your skin, painful sensations in the abdominal area, you should immediately consult a doctor and stop taking the drug.

What conditions should a child with a wet cough be in?

1. The optimal room temperature is 20 degrees.

2. The air should be clean, free of dust, because it can further aggravate the disease and negatively affect the condition of the lungs.

3. There should be no carpets, blankets, or soft toys in the room where the sick child is.

4. When you vacuum, the child needs to be moved to another room.

5. Refuse funds household chemicals, perfumes, aerosols, paints.

6. Monitor the air humidity; it should not dry out. Because the child will not produce protective substances, which are included in the mucus. The mucus will thicken and it will be difficult to cough it up. Please note that bacteria like to grow in sticky sputum.

7. The higher the humidity in the room, the more productive the cough.

8. The child should drink liquids as much as possible - tea with lemon, fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes, still mineral water.

9. To saturate the child’s body with the required amount of salts and minerals, it is necessary to use Regidron.

10. Walk with your child in the fresh air. This way he can get stronger faster. But do not allow your child to run actively, you cannot allow increased sweating, because if he loses fluid, the viscosity of the sputum will increase even more, the mucous membranes will not work properly, and the cough will intensify even more.

11. With a wet cough, the child should not constantly adhere to bed rest; the more he moves, the faster the sputum will clear.

Thus, before treating a child’s wet cough, you need to consult with your doctor whether this is necessary. Then create everything the necessary conditions and use only medications as prescribed by the doctor. Treatment is necessary if the disease worsens and does not go away for a long time.

The second name by which a child’s wet cough is known in medicine is “productive.” This means that the body is actively fighting the infection by turning on defense mechanisms.

Unlike a dry cough, a productive cough is a reaction to various irritants and is often positive in nature. Irritants can be not only infections, but also allergens and other negative external factors.

Parents are worried about a strong wet cough in the child, which is also accompanied by additional symptoms. Increased anxiety is caused by a disease that lasts more than a month and is complicated by signs of intoxication of the body.

Associated symptoms

Minor coughing can occur in completely healthy children. Thus, their body reacts to the ingress of small dust particles or cold air currents.

This phenomenon does not indicate the presence of a disease and should not cause concern to parents. It is necessary to treat a condition in which the following symptoms are noted:

  • high body temperature, which remains at 38 C for several days;
  • secretion of unhealthy mucus;
  • increasing wheezing;
  • hoarse voice, especially after waking up;
  • labored breathing;
  • barking cough that gets worse during sleep;
  • chest or throat pain;
  • Availability bleeding in mucus;
  • general weakness, loss of appetite.

There is no uniform standard for respiratory rate in children of different ages. Infants, especially newborns, breathe frequently, so an increased number of breaths per minute is not always a sign of illness.

A wet cough occurs during and after acute respiratory viral infections, laryngitis, acute and chronic bronchitis, and pneumonia. In addition to the disease of infectious origin, there may be allergic cough.

Sometimes it is one of the symptoms of heart failure or cystic fibrosis. In infants, coughing fits may be due to underdevelopment digestive system or teething.

What does the color of sputum indicate? Disease addiction

The most informative analysis will be the type of mucus released during a wet cough. A transparent color indicates inflammation of the bronchi or trachea, and a watery color indicates acute respiratory infections.

If sharp and prolonged cough accompanied by the release of mucus containing pus, there is reason to diagnose a lung abscess.

Pneumonia can be determined by the brownish sputum that resembles rust.

Very warning sign– severe cough to the point of vomiting with blood discharge. Hemoptysis is one of the main signs of tuberculosis.

Self-diagnosis based only on external analysis Sputum is unacceptable! Only a doctor can make a diagnosis!

The child has a wet cough without fever

Coughing attacks always bother adults. If it is prolonged, drugs are prescribed that dilute sputum and have an expectorant effect. Preparations based on plant extracts (, Pectusin) and synthetic origin (Lazolvan, Ambroxol) are effective.

You cannot take sputum thinners and those intended to eliminate cough syndrome at the same time.

Infants, as well as 1 and 2 years old, are effectively helped by rubbing the body with warming ointments (Eucalyptus, Doctor Mom). Inhalations, which are easy to organize at home, give good results.
Source: website It is best to carry out such procedures using a nebulizer with the addition of Pertussin or Lazolvan, decoctions of linden or eucalyptus flowers, and essential oils.

Many mothers are sure that without treatment medicines not enough. Famous pediatrician Komarovsky notes that even a prolonged wet cough without snot and fever does not necessarily require drug treatment.

Instead of stuffing your baby with pills, you need to create favorable conditions that will help stop attacks as soon as possible.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends providing the child with plenty of fluids, maintaining a temperature in the room of 17-18 C, thoroughly ventilating the room and not allowing humidity above 60-70%. Outdoor walks are also possible, provided the weather is good and the child does not have a high temperature.

There is no need to be alarmed if your baby suddenly becomes wet after being in the fresh air. This means that walking is beneficial by providing good ventilation to the lungs and freeing them from infection.

If you have a cough with wheezing that is not accompanied by fever and does not go away after using various treatment methods, it is necessary to further examine the child. Such attacks may be a sign of bronchial asthma or allergies.

Medicines for infants

Selecting a medicine to eliminate a cough in an infant is not an easy task, since many of them are contraindicated for children under 2-3 years of age. But a child's deep, wet cough and fever may require serious complex treatment. The following tools are recommended for this:

Overslept. An expectorant based on herbal components (ivy leaves) with additional substances ( lemon acid, gum, potassium sorbate). Release form: drops and syrup. Infants It's better to give syrup drops are suitable for babies one year of age. For safe reception The drops must be diluted with a small amount of water.

If your baby immediately starts having a frequent wet cough and snot after a rise in temperature, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages. Nasal rinsing solutions and Aqua Maris are effective and safe, which remove viscous secretions and eliminate nasal swelling.

One of the most effective methods treatment of cough in children is inhalation based on medicinal drugs. Inhalation promotes effective separation sputum and its rapid removal from the body. When carrying out the procedure, the following rules must be observed:

  • use essential oils, herbal decoctions, soda;
  • make sure that the water temperature is not too hot;
  • the duration of the procedure should not exceed 10-15 minutes;
  • do not treat immediately after eating, wait at least 40 minutes;
  • make sure that the baby does not inhale the vapor very deeply, this can cause burns to the mucous membranes;
  • After the procedure, ensure the child rests and stays in a warm room;
  • If the little one is excited and cries a lot, the inhalation should be cancelled.

there is sputum discharge mixed with pus, as well as in children under 2 years of age. The old “proven” method of inhaling vapors over boiled potatoes can cause burns and is therefore not recommended.

Treatment at home with folk remedies

The effectiveness of treatment is facilitated by proper use of certain traditional medicines. They are not a panacea, but can be used in complex therapy. Well proven:

Cabbage juice with sugar. Mix a few drops of freshly squeezed cabbage juice with sugar and give the little patient 0.5 teaspoon to drink. Frequency of administration: 5-6 times a day.

Fig drink. The root of the plant is finely chopped or grated, poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for about five minutes. The resulting decoction should be cooled slightly and given to drink half a glass three times a day after meals.

The core is cut out of the vegetable and filled with honey. When the contents turn into syrup, give it to drink. Instead of syrup, you can use radish juice mixed with liquid honey.

Warm milk with mineral water. Still mineral water is added to heated (but not hot) milk in a 1:1 ratio. Take half a glass several times a day.

Applying warm compresses at night rubbing with badger or goat fat. These products were very successful in the times of our grandmothers. Modern medicine does not deny their effectiveness, but they must be used carefully so as not to burn delicate skin.

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of what is the best way to treat a cough at home. All traditional medicine must be given very carefully, observing the patient’s reaction.

If a child's wet cough does not go away for a long time. What to do?

If there is no positive dynamics in treatment, cough with wheezing, or chest pain, the child will need additional examination. Also requires close attention residual cough after ARVI. The baby is prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • analysis of mucus discharge;
  • chest x-ray;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • performing a Mantoux test.

The baby needs regular massage and exercises physical therapy, drinking plenty of fluids, food enriched with vitamins, careful adherence to the daily regimen and temperature regime in room. Hardening procedures and strengthening the immune system are of great benefit.

In the warm season, air and sunbathing, swimming in the sea, sanatorium treatment. The complex of these procedures will contribute to rapid recovery and prevention of the development of new diseases.

Questions for the doctor

How long does a child's wet cough last?

In most cases, this symptom is a fairly long-term phenomenon. The duration of a wet cough may vary. In acute cases, it lasts up to 3 weeks. If a symptom does not go away within 3-8 weeks, it is considered chronic.

A hoarse cough indicates bronchitis and lasts for at least 3 weeks. The faster the airways are cleared of accumulated mucus, the faster the recovery will occur.

Is it contagious? Do I need treatment?

The contagiousness of a cough depends on the cause that provoked the disease. For example, a viral infection can be easily transmitted from person to person within 5-10 days after the first symptoms appear. During this time, close contact of the child with other children is not recommended.

Residual cough during ARVI does not pose a danger to others. Usually it can appear after enhanced physical activity or during sleep, when the body remains for a long time in horizontal position. A cough that occurs as a result of allergies or cystic fibrosis is not contagious.

Any disease requires treatment. But at the same time, it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors and ensure conditions under which a speedy recovery occurs.

What if a child's wet cough turns into a dry one?

If the wet one becomes dry, this indicates the spread of foci of inflammation. To cure a patient, simply syrups and inhalations will not be enough.

Required complex therapy, including antibiotics, antitussives and drugs to support the immune system. The same treatment is prescribed when the cough remains either wet or dry.

Doctors divide cough into two main types: dry and with sputum. At the same time, a dry cough is considered more harmful and “unproductive”, because it does not fulfill its main function - freeing the airways from obstructions and blockages. In this article we will talk about coughing with phlegm in children, we will tell you how to thin and how to remove phlegm from a child, how to massage a child to remove phlegm, what viscous, green sputum or sputum with blood in a child means, how to cough up phlegm in a child, etc. .d.

The child cannot cough up mucus

Very often, a cough with sputum indicates speedy recovery baby, because the body begins to independently remove mucus from the lungs and cleans itself. But often the sputum is too thick and viscous, and then the baby’s body needs help.

It also happens that a cough is not a symptom of a disease at all. A healthy child can cough up to 15 times a day (sometimes with sputum). The reason for this may be: too dry and hot air in the apartment, a large amount of dust in the air, an irritating odor or gas (smoke, the smell of paints and varnishes). All that needs to be done to eliminate such a cough is to normalize the atmosphere in the room - eliminate pollution, lower the temperature to 18-20 ° C, increase humidity.

The main rule for treating any symptoms of ill health in a child is a categorical “no” to self-medication. The first thing parents should do is consult a pediatrician. Only a physician is able to distinguish a cough due to a cold, acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infection from a cough that accompanies allergic rhinitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. Various diseases require different treatment, and untimely diagnosis and lack of correct and adequate treatment during the period of the most active development of the disease is fraught with major health problems in the future. So do not risk the health and life of your child in vain - contact your doctors on time.

Cough as a symptom of illness

You should immediately consult a doctor if you notice that, in addition to a cough, your child has the following symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • temperature increase;
  • paroxysmal cough that begins suddenly;
  • increased body temperature;
  • refusal to eat;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • complaints of chest pain;
  • cough with wheezing;
  • night coughing attacks;
  • green sputum;
  • sputum with blood in a child;
  • if the cough does not stop for more than 2-3 weeks after an acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection.

Mucus thinners for children

The answer to the question of how to help a child cough up sputum is simple: you need to give him plenty of warm drinks and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. The most popular means For the treatment of cough in children, syrups based on herbs are used - licorice, sage, marshmallow, calendula, coltsfoot, oregano. There are also a number of effective mucolytic agents approved for use in children: acetylcysteine, ambroxol hydrochloride, fluimucil, etc.

In cases where a child’s sputum is difficult to clear, it is possible to combine several medications to enhance their effectiveness. At this time, it is very important for a sick child to observe correct mode– drink plenty of warm liquids, rest often, and spend enough time in the fresh air. The latter is especially important, because mucus already impedes the functioning of the lungs and blocks the airways, and constant exposure to a room with dry and too hot air can aggravate the situation, provoking coughing attacks.

Very often, vitamin therapy has a positive effect in the treatment of cough with sputum in children. Therefore, the following formulations can be used for treatment:

Chest massage is also an effective remedy for cough. It is made using badger fat or thick ointments with the addition of essential oils tea tree, menthol, eucalyptus. The composition is heated in your hands and gently rubbed into the skin of the chest in a circular motion (clockwise).

With the onset of autumn, when children begin to go to kindergarten and school, the season of colds and infections opens. Cold air, damp weather, a large number of children in a group are the main causes of illness.

Almost every acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infection is accompanied by a symptom such as cough. A dry cough occurs when initial stage disease and gradually turns into a wet form with sputum.

In many cases, a wet cough does not require therapy, but there are situations when the use of medications is necessary. Taking medications without prescription leads to a deterioration in the child’s well-being. How to treat a child’s wet cough will be decided by a specialist after examining and determining the causes of the disease.

Features of a wet cough

The airways are even healthy person contain some mucous secretions, most of them are produced in the bronchi. During illness, the amount of sputum increases and viscosity increases, which leads to the formation of a wet cough. At respiratory diseases upper respiratory tract, a wet cough occurs due to the descending back wall nasopharynx, mucus, which accumulates in the bronchial tract and provokes cough reflexes.

Unlike a wet cough, a dry cough is formed due to inflammation of the nasopharynx and larynx. This type is called “barking”, it is unproductive and causes painful sensations: the throat dries out, pain is felt, and it becomes difficult for the child to swallow. To treat it, drugs are used that suppress cough reflexes and relieve inflammation. With a dry cough, mucus does not form, but without appropriate therapy, the inflammation descends lower, to the bronchial tree, and it becomes moist.

Signs of a wet cough:

  1. The attack is short-lived and does not cause pain.
  2. When breathing, wheezing is heard.
  3. Accompanied by shortness of breath.
  4. The attack is triggered by the accumulation of sputum.
  5. When you cough, mucus comes out.

The attending physician will tell you how and how to treat a cough with sputum in a child, after identifying the provoking factors. A wet cough occurs due to respiratory diseases and allergic reactions, but the most common causes are:

  1. ARZ, ARVI.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Obstructive bronchitis.
  4. Pneumonia.
  5. Tracheitis.
  6. Lung abscess.
  7. Tuberculosis.

Experienced specialists based on the nature of the discharge are able to make a preliminary diagnosis:

  1. Transparent, liquid discharge indicates acute respiratory infections, rhinitis.
  2. Green color is a sign bacterial disease or purulent process is often accompanied by wheezing and high fever.
  3. Brown discharge indicates the presence of old blood in the mucus.
  4. Thick white sputum is produced during fungal pneumonia.
  5. Yellow color - for pneumonia and initial stage bronchitis
  6. Discharge with foam is a sign of pulmonary edema, chronic bronchitis, cardiac asthma.
  7. The rusty color speaks of lobar inflammation lungs, vascular trauma, pulmonary embolism.
  8. Mucus with blood is released during bronchiectasis, tumors in the respiratory tract, and tuberculosis.

If there is no certainty about the diagnosis, the sputum is sent for testing to identify the source of the disease.

During the treatment period it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition. If a child's cough with sputum is accompanied by the following signs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible:

  1. Prolonged coughing attacks, especially at night.
  2. Chest pain appears.
  3. The temperature is above 38°, does not go down, lasts more than a day.
  4. The attacks are accompanied by severe wheezing.
  5. Loss of appetite.
  6. Pale skin, blue under the eyes.

Before the pediatrician arrives, you should not give your child medications; you should limit yourself to warm drinks and airing the room.

Treatment of wet cough with medications

If you have a wet cough with good mucus production and no symptoms that require medication, there is no reason to take medication. Increased viscosity sputum and underdeveloped muscles of the respiratory tract in a child cause mucus retention in the larynx. In this case, it is necessary to use mucolytic and expectorant drugs.

When a cough is accompanied by sputum production, antitussive medications should not be used. They lead to the sedimentation of mucus in the lower respiratory tract. Even a simple acute respiratory infection, accompanied by a wet cough, can develop into serious complications, for example, pneumonia.

The action of mucolytics is aimed only at thinning thick sputum, which promotes the removal of mucus naturally. The most popular mucolytic agents are: Bromhexine, ACC-100, Fluimucil, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Libexin.

Expectorant medications are divided into two subtypes:

  1. Reflex action, aimed at thinning and increasing the amount of mucus, stimulates the gag reflex, thereby increasing the production of sputum. These medicines are of plant origin: from plantain, licorice, thermopsis, thyme, anise, nine-sil. Such drugs are prescribed with caution to children under three years of age, as there is a risk of developing airway obstruction.
  2. Resorptive drugs reduce the viscosity of secretions, increase its amount and remove it from the respiratory tract.

Most often, the following expectorant medications are used for children for wet cough: Gedelix, Prospan, Gerbion, Doctor Mom, Mukaltin, Althea Syrup, Pertussin.

The hardest thing to get rid of is a wet cough. infant. At this age, it is allowed to use a small amount of medications, so preference is given to inhalations with Lazolvan, Ambrobene, and Fluimucil.

The following can be taken orally for infants:

  1. Gedelix is ​​allowed to be taken from the first days of life.
  2. Dry cough syrup - prescribed to children from six months of age.
  3. "Prospan" is taken from three months.
  4. "Bronchicum" is contraindicated for up to 6 months.

For severe pathologies in the lungs and bronchi, the following is prescribed:

  1. "Ascoril" has a thinning, expectorant and bronchodilator effect. Prescribed to children from one year of age.
  2. "Erespal" relieves inflammation and dilates the bronchi in children from two years of age. In rare cases, with severe infections, the doctor may prescribe Erespal in infancy. The dosage will be calculated based on the age and weight of the child.

For wet coughs, only a doctor should prescribe medicine for children of any age. No parent without medical education will be able to listen to breathing and make a correct diagnosis.

Non-traditional methods of treating wet cough

To treat a wet cough, not only medications help, but also homemade recipes that have been tested for more than one generation. Usage alternative treatment must be agreed with a doctor. The best effect will be from drug therapy, supplemented with folk remedies.

Products for internal use

Everyone knows about the benefits of milk with honey and butter or soda. Not everyone knows other methods of treatment:

  1. Take five for two glasses of milk dried fruits figs, and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Drink warm three times a day after meals. You can use fresh figs, but there is a chance that the milk will curdle.
  2. For a wet cough from the age of three, you can add 5 grams of natural badger fat to warm milk along with honey. Drink half a glass three times.
  3. If the child does not have digestive or cardiac problems, vascular system, you can make sweet syrup from radish with honey. Take a large black radish, cut off the top and remove the core with a spoon, so as not to damage the bottom and walls of the fruit. Fill the resulting “pot” two-thirds with honey. After 3 hours you will get a useful product. Give children a teaspoon every 2 hours. Honey should not be consumed at elevated temperatures.
  4. An infusion of plantain leaves helps a lot for coughs in children, but it can only be used after three years. Add 50 grams of fresh or dry plantain leaves to a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and remove from heat. The infusion will be ready in 4 hours, take three tablespoons orally 3-4 times a day.
  5. Treatment with raspberry and viburnum syrup: to prepare, take 50 grams of each berry, mash well and mix with a tablespoon of sugar. After a few hours, squeeze through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Dilute the syrup with two glasses of milk. Take half a glass four times a day, warm before use.
  6. The smallest and pickiest children will love a drink made from cocoa and banana. To prepare it, you need to chop one banana, mix with a teaspoon of cocoa and pour a glass of hot milk. This remedy is useful not only for wet coughs, but also for boosting immunity.

Before treating a child's wet cough with unconventional methods, you should consult a pediatrician.

External use

Will help treat cough with phlegm folk remedies external use: lozenges, rubbing, compresses. Most good effect from recipes that contain animal fats:

  1. Rub the child's back, chest and feet with badger or bear fat. Dress warmly and cover with a blanket. When he sweats, change into dry, clean clothes.
  2. Take equal amounts of honey and goose fat, mix and smear the chest, back and feet, wrap the top with gauze or a towel, and wrap the child.

Compresses and rubbing with animal fats are best done before bed and kept overnight.

Other recipes:

  1. Compress with apple cider vinegar and honey: take a tablespoon of honey and vinegar, add three tablespoons of warm water. Moisten gauze in this solution and apply it to the child’s chest and throat. Cover with a warm blanket for half an hour.
  2. Take flour, honey, dry mustard, vodka and sunflower oil in equal quantities, mix everything and make flat cakes. Apply to the chest and back, after wrapping it in gauze, overnight.
  3. Rub before bed camphor alcohol. After rubbing the child, dress and wrap him warmly.

Treatment with external remedies for wet cough relieves spasms, dilates the bronchi and promotes the discharge of sputum.

If rubbing and compresses are used for the first time, you should reduce the time of use to check the child’s reaction.


Treatment of a wet cough with poorly cleared mucus is carried out using an inhaler. If the child does not have a fever, you can do hot inhalations using a special device or a regular saucepan.

Steam inhalations are prescribed only by the attending physician. The temperature of the solution should be within 40-50 degrees, the duration of the procedure is no more than five minutes.

Recipes for inhalations:

  1. Inhalations with decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, eucalyptus leaves, sage, plantain, thyme, peppermint. You can prepare an infusion from one herb or make combined mixtures. To prepare the decoction, you need to take a liter of boiling water, add a tablespoon of herbs, when it cools to 50 degrees, you can begin the procedure.
  2. Dilute two teaspoons of soda in one liter of boiling water. If there is no allergy, you can add two drops essential oil mint, tea tree, eucalyptus.
  3. It is useful to breathe in the vapors of potatoes boiled in their skins. Mash the cooked fruits and cool slightly.

The child needs to be explained that when inhaling, he must hold his breath for 2-3 seconds. You cannot eat or drink for half an hour after the procedure. Do not inhale late in the evening, preferably 3-4 hours before bedtime.

During treatment of a child, caution is required in the selection of medications. Herbal preparations can cause allergic reactions, including Quincke's edema. Therefore, in childhood, preference is given to synthetic drugs, they are safer.

To cure a wet cough quickly and without health consequences, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations. During illness, it is necessary to see a pediatrician twice a week so that he can listen to the child’s breathing and assess his condition.

Before we talk about the most important advice To learn how to cure a wet cough in an infant, you need to learn about the symptoms and causes of its occurrence.

For those who don’t know, coughs are divided into “coughs” and “wet” (or “moist”) coughs. Now we will talk about wet cough.

Wet cough in a child

As a rule, a cough with sputum in both children and adults indicates colds:

  • ARVI,
  • bronchitis (which can become chronic if not treated well),
  • angina,
  • inflammation of the tonsils (pharyngeal),
  • sinusitis, etc.

However, there is no need to sound the alarm if you notice a one-time wet cough in an infant. After all, a normal healthy baby can cough up to 8-10 times a day. Why? Because in pulmonary tract dust particles or something similar may enter the larynx. In this case, coughing serves in a natural way cleansing.

But, in another case, cough is an important symptom by which parents determine the need to start treatment. If you experience a wet cough in an infant:

  1. Increased temperature (above 37.5), which does not subside for several days.
  2. Sudden and sharp onset of cough that does not disappear within a certain period.
  3. The appearance of shortness of breath and breathing problems.
  4. Suffocation.
  5. The appearance of strong sputum and mucus when coughing.
  6. The appearance of a rash or other allergic reaction.

Then you need to start active actions. Immediately pay attention to the fact that you cannot self-medicate, because in most cases self-medication will lead to severe consequences and complications. Therefore, immediately arrange a call to the pediatrician’s home or visit him at the clinic yourself.

(!) If a child has a high temperature with a cough, you need to call an ambulance.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Before her arrival, you can rub the baby with a vinegar solution and make cool compresses. When there is a suspicion of an allergic cough, it is necessary to ventilate the room and remove foreign objects, for example, toys. It would seem, how can they be dangerous? They, like bedding, can contain mites and dust.

In addition, pay attention to the appearance of the soft toy and its composition. Manufacturers may use cheap material and excessive amounts of low-quality paint; these factors can become unpleasant allergens for your baby.

During the process of illness and a wet cough in a child, help his body get rid of mucus and normalize breathing. To do this, when the child is lying down, place a pillow under his head. A slightly elevated position will provide a more intense cough with phlegm coming out. Don't forget to check oral cavity child to clear it of mucus.

And finally: why is it strictly forbidden to self-medicate? Only a doctor can accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe a certain type of treatment and necessary medications. The pediatrician will also take into account the characteristics of the baby’s body, which will ultimately help avoid complications, allergies, etc. Be healthy you and your children, regardless of age!

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