Why do you need a beaver jet? Beaver stream - instructions for use

Among traditional medicine, there are many that are not recognized by all doctors, but, according to patients, these substances are effective. Beaver stream can also be included in this group of drugs. Find out more about the properties of a product of animal origin, what diseases it is used for, where it can be bought and at what price.

What is a beaver jet

Those who first heard about the many beneficial properties of this medicine, I'm interested in how this is made healing agent. The answer to the question of what a beaver stream is is very simple. Both females and males of this species of animal have a special gland, which is located in the anal area and looks like two sacs connected to each other. This organ contains the stream - a dense aromatic substance of brown color with a sharp characteristic odor, which is also called castoreum, or beaver musk. Animals develop this secretion to mark their territory.

What is the use of beaver stream by humans? Many healing properties are attributed to this substance, but official medicine notes only the ability of castoreum to increase resistance human body influence of many harmful factors. Judging by the reviews of people who have used this secretion product, the properties of the beaver stream
much wider. Next, read the features of using castoreum in more detail.

Beaver stream - healing properties

This remedy is now widely used as an effective addition in the treatment of the most various diseases. If you look at people’s reviews about being treated with beaver stream, the list of such diseases is very long. These include heart disease and circulatory system, hepatitis, ailments on nervous soil and even some stages of oncology. Knowing the benefits of beaver jet, some people take it for general toning of the body. There are many positive comments about the use of castoreum for the treatment of ailments in the female and male genital area.

Beaver stream - indications for use

According to reviews of people who took this remedy, the list of things that beaver stream helps with is very extensive. Thus, treatment with castoreum (after consultation with a specialist!) is indicated for:

  • diseases nervous system– depression, convulsions;
  • heart diseases - ischemia;
  • vascular lesions - atherosclerosis, varicose veins, as well as for blood thinning;
  • ailments respiratory system– ARVI, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis and others;
  • diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, internal organs– hepatitis A, B and C, candidiasis, constipation;
  • skin lesions.

Beaver stream - instructions for use

After the bags of castoreum are extracted, they are dried. Then the resulting extract in powder form is taken into pure form or added to medicinal drugs intended for internal or external use– water or alcohol tinctures, rectal suppositories, ointments. The method in which beaver stream treatment will be carried out depends on the specific disease that the person wants to cure.

The instructions for castoreum-based drugs, which are sold in pharmacies, indicate a specific regimen for taking this drug for various ailments. Standard dose– drink the medicine 1.5 tsp. three times a day, but it would be correct to check the required amount with a specialist before starting to use the medicine. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the manual, because this is fraught with side effects: insomnia, nervousness, headaches.

How to take beaver stream for prevention

To strengthen the body and prevent many diseases, castoreum will also be useful. How to take beaver stream for prevention? When used for this purpose, the dosage should be small - 1 tsp. morning and evening (but no later than three hours before going to bed). The duration of prophylactic administration should not be more than a month.

Beaver jet for women

Many representatives of the fair sex are willing to pay not the lowest price for this product, because the benefits of using musk in gynecology are very significant. By using beaver stream for women, inflammation of the appendages, disorders menstrual cycle, tumor diseases. Castoreum is often used to get rid of candidiasis. To do this, moisten a tampon in a musk solution (1 teaspoon of tincture per 100 ml of water) and insert it into the vagina overnight.

Beaver stream for oncology

Is this medicine effective for cancer diseases? It is important to know that beaver stream in oncology is used only as additional remedy to the main therapy. You should definitely consult with your doctor about the possibility of using it, because the cost in this case is human life! The most noticeable results the use of musk gives initial stages diseases, significantly activating the body's protective resources.

Beaver stream benefits for men

Castoreum has long been used as a remedy that can increase male sexual power. How to drink beaver stream for potency - frequently asked question and now. For this purpose, use a musk-based tincture, 1 tbsp. l. twice a day or castoreum powder 1 g three times a day. This treatment regimen helps even with. It is recommended to wash down the beaver stream with strong coffee in order to interrupt it very bad taste. This is useful folk medicine and with such a male ailment as prostatitis. In this case, rectal suppositories with musk based on pork fat are used for treatment.

Castoreum, or beaver jet, is unique healing substance, which is located inside the special pyriform glands of the river beaver. These glands are present only in this representative of the animal world, and both females and males have them.

Castoreum has the widest spectrum therapeutic effects on the human body. It very effectively fights various diseases and increases the body's immune defense. Let's take a closer look at the beaver stream, its use for women, what diseases can the fair sex get rid of thanks to this remedy?

Beaver musk, as it is popularly called, is a brown dense mass with a pronounced musky aroma, which is produced by special glands of river beavers. Healing power of this substance is to contain more than 50 types of biological active ingredients. This is due to the fact that beavers’ diet contains whole list medicinal plants, their total consists of more than 150 species that contribute to recovery from various types of pathological processes in the human body.

Castoreum has a number of advantages over other types medicines:

  • has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • helps get rid of inflammatory processes;
  • has a beneficial effect on nerve cells And endocrine system body;
  • helps increase blood circulation;
  • prevents processes leading to the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • has a beneficial effect on the genital system of both men and women.

Beaver stream at gynecological diseases enjoys great amount women who have already appreciated healing properties of this natural product.

Reviews from patients who used beaver stream to treat a particular disease say that after using the miracle remedy, they got rid of both the underlying disease and other pathological processes that existed in their body.

An additional effect of beaver musk, which women especially notice when using it, is rejuvenation. skin.

Applicable female half humanity beaver stream with the development of the following gynecological diseases:

  • formed thrush;
  • from inflammatory process, localized in the bladder;
  • from candidiasis;
  • from such a serious illness as infertility;
  • as well as from painful symptoms in the chest area;
  • in order to completely get rid of cervical erosion and other diseases associated with the female reproductive system.

Also, with the help of this natural remedy, the symptoms that appear during menopause (menopause) are reduced.

  • for strokes;
  • at coronary disease hearts;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • with respiratory and pulmonary pathological changes;
  • with hepatitis A and hepatitis B;
  • at various diseases blood;
  • for tuberculosis and furunculosis;
  • as well as for various gynecological and urological problems, such as mastopathy or prostatitis.

Beaver musk is capable of restoring short time general state patient in postoperative period. And when using drops in the eyes, visual acuity increases. When using a drip jet in ears, condition improves auditory nerve and the perception of sounds (hearing) increases. In most cases, beaver stream replaces the use of antibiotic drugs.

In order to simply raise the level of the body's immune defense, you need to take 20 drops of castoreum tincture once a day. Wash down remedy You can have sweet tea or coffee. Patient using tincture beaver jets for preventive purposes, will be distinguished by extraordinary endurance, a positive attitude towards life and an unusually youthful appearance.

Treatment of thrush with beaver jet

Beaver musk, or castoreum, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, therefore it is very often used in gynecology for the treatment of vaginal and urogenital infectious diseases, for example thrush, or candidiasis. How to take beaver musk for thrush?

To treat thrush, you need to dilute 2 teaspoons of beaver musk tincture in a clean glass boiled water. Then moisten a gauze swab in the resulting solution. A moistened tampon must be inserted into the vagina before evening sleep. Thrush, in its normal course, should go away after the first use of beaver musk. If the symptoms do not go away, the procedure must be repeated.

In addition, urogenital infections can be treated with ointments. In order to prepare the ointment, you need to take Vaseline (1 tablespoon) and mix it with a small amount of powdered musk. The resulting ointment is applied in a thick layer to the affected area of ​​the external genitalia, covered with a sterile bandage, and underwear made of dense material is put on to secure the compress as tightly as possible. This method is also very effective in combating urogenital infections.

Choice certain type The use of beaver musk depends on the location of the infection and its causative agent.

Important! The use of alcohol tincture will promote rapid recovery, thanks to the drying and restorative effect of castoreum alcohol tincture. Ointments are best used for diseases, the appearance of which is not associated with bacteriological microorganisms.

If a disease such as endometriosis occurs, then it is recommended to use beaver musk tincture. You need to drink one teaspoon of the tincture 3-4 times a day before meals, for 30 days. After 30 days, the dosage should be reduced to 5 drops of tincture. It is necessary to continue taking the natural elixir until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

How to prepare beaver stream tincture

The glands of the river beaver must first be dried in a protected place. sunlight location, usually within 30 days. Then the hardened glands need to be grated to form a powder. One hundred grams of this powder must be mixed with 700 ml. pure 70% alcohol and leave in a dark, cool place for one month. Every second and third day, the infusion must be shaken well. After 30 days, you should get a strong cognac-colored infusion, which can already be used to restore health.

Attention! Pregnant women are not recommended to take beaver stream tincture. Taking this substance during pregnancy may cause premature birth, or cause a miscarriage. It is better to wait for natural delivery, after which it will be possible to begin treating existing pathological processes with beaver musk, but breastfeeding is not recommended.

How to use beaver stream for women to overcome infertility

If spouses living together have regular sex life with each other, but cannot conceive a child for 12-15 months, then such a couple is considered to be infertile. Undoubtedly, women in this case very often have a question: “Is it possible to get rid of this disease and give birth to a healthy child after this?”

To be treated for infertility, infertility, it is necessary to follow a set of measures aimed at restoring reproduction. best effect can be achieved if this complex includes the use of suppositories, the main active substance which is beaver musk.

Restoration of reproduction can be achieved only with six-monthly use of drugs developed on the basis of beaver stream.

It is important to remember that after two or three weeks of taking beaver musk, it will not be possible to see the desired effect of infertility treatment. Only after taking castoreum for six months will the chances of conceiving a baby be increased.

In addition, during infertility treatment, thanks to the healing properties of beaver stream, the body's immune defense system will be increased in both partners. And also the general state of health will improve, and this wonderful feeling of lightness will not leave patients, even after beaver musk is no longer taken.

Beaver stream use for infertility

In order to cure infertility, you need to take 15 grams of powdered beaver musk twice a day daily. The duration of use is 6 months, after which you need to give the body a rest for one month. Only after rest can you try to conceive a child. It is possible that pregnancy will occur immediately. In this case, you will need to immediately stop using beaver musk, as it can have a negative impact on your health. expectant mother and the long-awaited baby.

But, if this does not happen and pregnancy does not occur, then the course of treatment must be repeated.

Most people suffering from infertility take additional measures to increase your chances of conceiving:

  • quit smoking;
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • comply correct mode nutrition, sleep and street walks.

In addition, to increase the possibility of getting pregnant, it is recommended for both spouses to take beaver stream. Especially in cases where the diagnosis of infertility cannot be determined. The problem itself may lie in the state of reproduction of both women and men. Using a beaver jet, you can overcome infertility, conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Additional benefits of using beaver jets for older women

Women who have reached the “Balzac age”, after taking a tincture of beaver jet, will be able to regain all the delights of life, including intimate life. Taking the drug will also help:

  • get rid of the feeling of fatigue;
  • strengthen the nervous system, which will reduce the level of nervous irritability, thanks to which the woman will become calmer, maintaining emotional and mental balance;
  • improve mental activity;
  • increase physical capabilities;
  • strengthen immune system body protection.

It is worth noting that the use of a beaver jet provokes the active production of testosterone in women, which by its nature is male hormone. But, thanks to the production of this hormone, the woman becomes energized vital energy, younger, more active and happier.

Contraindications for the use of beaver stream include only pregnancy and breastfeeding baby. As well as individual intolerance to musky substances. Side effects include only rare headaches.

Beaver stream, or, as it is also called, beaver musk, is an orange, jelly-like liquid with a pungent, rather persistent odor. This unique natural substance is produced by the beaver's body, namely, the gland internal secretion. It contains approximately 50 different useful to the body human connections. Therefore, beaver stream has been used for many years to treat various diseases. What does beaver stream treat? How to drink beaver stream? Let's talk about it:

What does beaver stream cause - indications for use

Beaver musk - natural universal medicine. When consumed orally in the form of tincture or powder, it has a general strengthening, tonic effect, and rejuvenates the body. Helps improve heart function, activates hematopoietic processes, improves the functioning of the nervous system, improves immunity, and normalizes hormonal levels.

Beaver stream - excellent remedy prevention against tumor neoplasms. Effective, quickly eliminates cramps, neutralizes Negative consequences radiation exposure.

This product has pronounced antibacterial properties, so it is often used for complex treatment acute respiratory diseases, sinusitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pulmonary silicosis and purulent pneumonia. In the process of taking this remedy, pathogenic bacteria and viruses located in the body are destroyed.

This natural remedy It is recommended to take it in the treatment of blood and liver diseases (in particular, hepatitis A, B). Beaver jet is effective in treating diseases of the stomach and pancreas. It is used for normalization blood pressure, for the treatment of atherosclerosis. The drug is useful for people recovering from a stroke.

This remedy is very effective in the treatment of radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Pain is significantly reduced after the first use.

The jet stimulates and activates recovery processes in organism. Therefore, taking it speeds up healing various damages: wounds, ulcerations. Shortens and facilitates the rehabilitation process after treatment of fractures and injuries, facilitates the course of the postoperative process.

What else does beaver stream treat? And a lot more. For example, it is considered indispensable, extremely effective means, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Therefore, it is recommended to take it for prevention and treatment varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.

Its healing properties also extend to the skin. Beaver jet is used to treat skin diseases: eczema, furunculosis, acne, psoriasis. The product will help get rid of barley, help cope with allergic rashes.

There is a lot of evidence that the use of this remedy has a very positive effect on male sexuality, increases libido, enhances sexual desire.

Application of beaver jet

This natural remedy can be used as a powder, tincture and rectal suppositories. They can already be purchased at finished form, or you can cook it yourself. Let's find out how to do this:

Preparing the tincture

The beaver stream needs to be finely chopped with a knife. Place in a jar and fill with very good vodka. Maintain the proportion: 100 g per 500 ml. Place in a cool, but not cold, place. Let it steep for 7-10 days. Shake the product every evening. The finished tincture has a beautiful cognac color.

For prevention, take 1 tsp. the day before meals. For treatment - 2 tsp. once a day. Can be added to tea. Treatment for 10 days with a break of 10 days. Then you can repeat.

Preparation of the powder

Dry the stream until it becomes hard. Now grind it to a powder (grate it on a fine grater). The powder is used for treatment skin diseases, used for wound healing, purulent tumors. To do this, the powder is dissolved in water and compresses are made. You can also take the powder internally: on the tip of a knife three times a day.

Preparation of rectal suppositories

With this remedy, hemorrhoids and prostatitis are effectively treated. To prepare it, purchase candles at the pharmacy with any plant extract. At home, melt them in a water bath. When the suppositories have melted, cool, add a little powder from the beaver stream (for 1 candle - powder on the tip of a knife).

Mix everything well, make candles or fill special molds. Place in the refrigerator to set. To treat hemorrhoids and prostatitis, use suppositories once a day at night.

Before we start self-treatment When using this remedy, be sure to consult a doctor. Be healthy!

Problems in the sexual sphere mercilessly hit a man’s self-esteem, sometimes forcing him to resort to unconventional ways solutions. The stream of a beaver - if you believe history, will just be a tradition in folk healing.

Or are these all the tales of hunters and home-grown doctors? I think not. This remedy, at one time, was actively used by Avicenna, and his name is known to everyone. Folk wisdom accumulated over centuries, has wiped its nose more than once modern medicine. So: what's good about a beaver's stream?

Beaver stream: healing properties

The name itself suggests that this is animal urine. This is far from true. These are endocrine glands, like the pituitary gland or thymus in humans. In these organs, beavers (both males and females) accumulate and condense active substances. They come in handy for animals when they are sick or hungry.

These glands are located on the stomach, near the genitals, under the skin. They are paired and look like two brown bags, reaching a length of up to 20 cm. Inside there is an aromatic substance called castoreum, with a sharp musky odor. Special skill is required so as not to damage the jet during extirpation, otherwise it will be unusable.

Beaver musk contains about fifty biologically active substances, including acetophenone, cinnamon and salicylic acid, benzyl alcohol, steroids, guaiacol. They provide the following properties:

  1. Immunomodulatory and stimulating effect.
  2. Antibacterial and antiviral.
  3. Toning and restorative.
  4. Diuretic and vasodilator.

How is beaver jet beneficial for men?

Most often it is used for diseases of the pelvic organs., such as inflammation of the urethra and prostate gland, prostate adenoma. In addition, the stream is taken for strokes, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, and atherosclerotic vascular lesions.

What else treats men? It is used for:

  • Nonspecific inflammation lung tissue, bronchi, tuberculosis,
  • furunculosis,
  • for fractures,
  • herpes infection, hepatitis.
  • Enhances performance
  • improves vision,
  • used for varicose veins and phlebitis
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Beaver jet has found application in the treatment of impotence and premature ejaculation. It harmonizes hormonal levels, stimulates testosterone production, and enhances libido. For skin (eczema, psoriasis) and neurological diseases(cramps, headaches). In small dosages it calms and relaxes, with increasing amounts of the drug taken it tones and invigorates.

Attention! As an immunostimulating agent, beaver jet is contraindicated in case of existing oncological pathology!

How to prepare and how to take?

Medicinal forms, if I may say so about the beaver stream, are vodka or alcohol tinctures, candles pork fat, ointments, powder.

To prepare the beaver stream tincture, Take 100 grams of dried and crushed gland, add 500 ml of alcohol. Leave for three days, shaking occasionally. Then add vodka until the liquid is the color of cognac and leave for another three weeks.

Beaver stream for potency and treatment of prostatitis can be used in the form of suppositories. To do this, take pharmaceutical herbal candles, carefully remove them from the packaging, and melt them in a water bath. Then mix the melted candles with the jet powder and pour them back into the plastic molds from under the candles. Place in the refrigerator and store there. You can use internal pork fat instead of a candle.

Ointments are also made by adding jet powder to a fat base.

How to take a beaver stream with alcohol? For a preventive and general tonic effect, it is enough to take a teaspoon twice a day. WITH therapeutic purpose the amount increases to one and a half teaspoons, three times a day, for up to 4 months, with breaks.

How to drink beaver stream if alcohol is undesirable? In this case, it is recommended to take 1g of powder three times a day. While eating. It is recommended to drink it with strong coffee, as this remedy has a sharp, unpleasant odor.

For external use Aqueous extract of Ankhara is sold. Get it yourself water solution difficult because musk does not dissolve in water. The solution can be dripped into the nose, ears, eyes, 2 drops, 2 times a day, for 1-3 weeks.

For skin diseases The recommendations are as follows: either use ointments, applying to the affected areas for 10 minutes, 2-3 times a day, or apply an aqueous extract. During treatment musculoskeletal system you can rub ointment or alcohol tincture jets on the joint area (if the skin is not changed).

Contraindications and side effects

Data about side effects when treated with beaver stream, no. Perhaps because such information is not officially collected and systematized. Likewise, there is no information on interactions with other drugs.

Like any stimulant, the jet is contraindicated when hypertension, oncological diseases, in acute phases of diseases, in the stage of decompensation of diseases.

Important! Before using beaver jet, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination!

For example, you know that there is sand in your kidneys - you were examined six months ago. We decided to drink the stream, and some grains of sand grew into pebbles. If they go (and this can happen when treating with a beaver stream), you will howl. And a hospital.

Chocolate with pepper can only be beat by honey from the Christmas tree!

There are also very wonderful ways to use beaver stream: inhale the powder, inject the solution with a syringe under the skin. Be reasonable, no matter how trivial it may sound. Looking for better life You can get into a bed at a psychoneurological dispensary.

The beaver stream may be good for maintaining protective forces body, but this is not a panacea. Adequate physical exercise, refusal bad habits, balanced diet and the regime will help the body more than killed beavers and bears.

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IN folk medicine Not only medicinal herbs are used - even ancient healers began to take material for treatment from animals. Beaver stream, little known to modern man, is one such remedy that can treat a lot of serious diseases various organs and systems, up to hormonal imbalance in women, and the use of which can be local and internal. How to use this medicine correctly and can it cause harm?

What is a beaver stream

The anal preputial glands of beavers produce an odorous liquid, which is sprayed out to mark the territory, and it was also used by ancient healers as a medicine and was valued higher than beaver skins. The scientific name of this stream is castoreum, and in some sources it is called beaver musk for its characteristic smell. This liquid is produced in the gonads of both males and females; it has the loose consistency of wet sand and is brown in color.

It is used:

  • In pharmaceuticals - presented in the form of a solution or a component of complex medications (used for the preparation of suppositories, ointments).
  • In perfumery - to create perfumes with a pronounced musky odor.
  • In cosmetology – when added to creams, it increases skin tone and promotes rejuvenation.


According to experts, beaver preputial glands accumulate a large number of useful substances received from consumption medicinal herbs. Rodents consume them when urgent need: in case of hunger, serious wounds and other life-threatening situations. Due to this, the stream emerging from the musk glands contains more than 40 unique components that are valuable for a living organism. Among them:

Medicinal properties

Ancient healers prepared medicines of animal origin based on beaver musk for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the reproductive system, genitals, and nervous system. Egyptian pharaohs They used beaver stream as a medicine for potency, and in Asian countries it was used for joint diseases and to treat wounds. Modern research This substance was found to be only an immunomodulator. However, if you believe the experts alternative medicine, the beaver stream has the following properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiviral;
  • diuretic;
  • wound healing;
  • tonic (relating to the nervous system);
  • painkillers;
  • stress-protective;
  • hypotensive.

How to get beaver stream

A number of manufacturers who offer on the pharmaceutical market preparations with an aqueous extract or other forms of beaver stream as a supplement claim that they keep animals on special beaver farms and remove small amounts of musk from the glands. However, due to the high energy consumption and small amount of material obtained, this technique for industrial preparation no medications are used. Classic way get a stream - kill the animal, often during the rut, and immediately remove glands the size of a small pear.

What are the benefits of beaver stream?

Already on the list medicinal properties castoreum can be seen in the number of medical fields in which it is used, since the benefits of beaver stream have been appreciated by endocrinologists, gynecologists, neurologists, immunologists, gastroenterologists and even surgeons. Preparations based on it increase the body’s performance, are used to heal wounds and suppress the inflammatory process, and kill infectious agents, help resolve blood clots.

For men

Adherents of alternative medicine express the opinion that taking a stream of beaver inside helps increase potency - supposedly the ancient Egyptian pharaohs were treated this way. Pushkin spoke about the same thing in his ode to beaver musk, and then information appeared about beneficial effects of this substance on the male reproductive system– up to a possible cure for infertility, if you take several long courses. In addition to the impact on genital area beaver musk was also used to treat prostatitis, but mainly for infectious nature diseases.

For women

Stabilization hormonal levels- one of the reasons why the jet is prescribed for the treatment of menstrual irregularities and severe pain during menstruation. Experts tend to recommend beaver musk to alleviate a woman’s condition during menopause(the severity of hot flashes decreases, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized), treatment of infectious diseases of the genital organs - thrush, candidiasis, colpitis. It is even assumed positive influence beaver jets on neoplasms (often cysts) in the mammary glands.

For children

In pediatrics, there is almost no talk about what beaver jet is and why it is used, since for children it is of value only as a general tonic or adaptogen. Therapy is often carried out using dry powder, which is drunk in courses (no longer than a month) during flu and cold epidemics. The use of beaver jet and natural preparations based on it in children under 12 years of age can only be done under medical supervision.

Indications for use of beaver stream

Official medicine expresses doubts about beneficial properties castoreum, therefore recommends it only as an adaptogen that can increase the body’s immunity and stress resistance. Alternative medicine specialists consider beaver musk excellent medicine at:

Castoreum is also used to treat tuberculosis, pneumonia, epilepsy, leukemia, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and angina pectoris. The use of a beaver jet also makes sense (with less effectiveness) in the following cases:

  • hepatitis (types A and B);
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • thrush;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • problems with potency;
  • headaches;
  • liver stones.

Instructions for using beaver jet

There are several forms of castoreum - dried glands (they are shaped like sacs, connected to each other), dry powder for dilution and a ready-made alcohol extract. However, you can even buy a lot of medicines at the pharmacy, which supposedly contain a stream of beaver. Experts do not recommend taking these medications - there is no guarantee of their effectiveness. The most reliable option would be to purchase dried stream from hunters and self-cooking healing infusion.


A universal form, which is used externally and internally, is considered to be beaver stream tincture, which is prepared on the basis of vodka or alcohol. If a person is intolerant to alcohol, the dosage of the finished drug is simply reduced by 2-3 times - they do not drink a tablespoon of alcohol tincture, but 1/2 or a whole teaspoon, be sure to dilute it with hot (!) water to evaporate the alcohol. It can be used:

  • For prophylactic purposes against viral diseases– 3 drops before meals up to 3 times a day. After a course lasting a month, take a break for the same period or longer.
  • To eliminate vaginal infections, mix with water (1:2), moisten a tampon with the solution, and insert into the vagina overnight. Treatment is carried out until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
  • When treating any disease, use no more than a teaspoon of tincture during meals. If the condition is severe, the treatment course lasts 3 months.
  • Compresses (gauze soaked in tincture) are applied externally for joint diseases.
  • Microinjections (no more than 1 ml) are made subcutaneously to relieve joint pain.


If the question of how to drink beaver stream in tincture format is easy to solve, then the dry powder still needs to be brought to a state in which it can be used. It is mainly used to prepare ointments used to treat bruises, joint pain, swelling and other injuries. They are made from badger/bear fat. However, the powder can also be used in alcohol tinctures, or for solo use (the indications are the same) - the dosage is 0.2-0.5 grams of dry product (the size of a match head), washed down with coffee or warm water.


A type of castoreum tincture is an alcoholic and aqueous extract with a strong musky aroma, which is highly concentrated active substance and therefore diluted with water. It is mainly recommended for:

  • Treatment of ENT diseases - otitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis. For this purpose, the product is mixed with warm water (1 teaspoon per 100 ml for children and 50 ml for adults), 4 drops are instilled at intervals of 6 hours.
  • Treatment of joints, injuries - externally, connecting with sea ​​buckthorn oil 1:1 to lubricate the skin, or 1:3 if you plan to apply it to mucous membranes.

Beaver jet treatment

Castoreum is used externally and internally, treatment methods are selected according to the disease. You can drink tinctures or powder in any situation, but local therapy is practiced:

  • for diseases of the ENT organs - tinctures are instilled into the ears or nasal passages and used to gargle;
  • for problems of the bronchopulmonary system, inhalations with tincture are carried out;
  • for injuries - apply compresses;
  • at urological diseases– suppositories are administered rectally;
  • for vaginal infections, use tampons.

From impotence

Medicinal components beaver musk, even alone, show excellent performance when normalized sexual desire in men, for which you can use an alcohol tincture or a ready-made drug called Kasolin - this is an extract from a beaver stream. The medicine is in the form of a gelatin capsule, so it is convenient to use and can easily be combined with other medications.

Principles of use different forms beaver jets:

  • 1 tsp. extract, washed down with water, consumed 3 times a day. Treatment lasts a month. First you need to get tested for testosterone.
  • Take 2 capsules with beaver stream. up to 3 times a day, the course, depending on the tests, lasts from 10 to 30 days.

For herniated spine

Osteochondrosis, which has developed into a protrusion or hernia, can be treated by applying compresses with an infusion of beaver musk for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, cover the back with a blanket and save horizontal position one more hour. At severe pain You can rub undiluted extract mixed with bear bile (1:1) into the hernia area. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

For oncology

When asked how to take beaver stream in case of cancerous tumors, the doctor must answer, since the therapeutic course here needs to be written individually for the patient. General recommendation– 1 tbsp. l. tincture placed under the tongue, or 1 tsp. extract diluted with water in half 3 times a day. Treatment lasts 3 months, after which they take a break. However, some patients may overdose on beaver musk using this regimen.

For joint diseases

Using an extract or less concentrated tincture of beaver musk, prepare compresses by soaking folded gauze in the solution and apply them to the joint in the evening. You can secure the compress with a bandage so that it does not move off overnight. They act similarly for fractures and bruises. Strengthens healing effect rubbing the tincture (serving volume – 1-2 tsp) into the same area 1-2 times during the day. The therapy is aimed at relieving inflammation and pain, the course can last up to 20 days.

For gynecological diseases

In urology and gynecology, beaver jet therapy is only local, 2 forms are used for different genders:

  • Suppositories prepared on its basis are used anally in men (prostatitis, hemorrhoids, increased sperm activity). The course is 3 weeks, administration once a day, 1 suppository.
  • A water tincture (can be diluted oil or alcohol extracts of beaver musk) is applied to a gauze swab, which is inserted into the vagina 2 times a day for the treatment of thrush and candidiasis. The course is a week.